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06-29 投稿




英:[k?'nekt??]  美:[k?'nekt??]

英:  美:


adj. 连接的


n. 连接(套管)


1 、Maybe she can't find a connection because there is no connection.─── 或许她没能找到联系 是因为根本就没有联系

2 、Connecting from a partnered Hotspot.───从一个合作热点处连接。

3 、IDD is more economical than connecting through the operator.───国际直拨长途**要由接线员转接的**便宜。

4 、A surface containing all the straight lines that connect any two points on it.───平面包含面上所有连接任意两点的直线的平面

5 、Will you connect this wire to the television?───你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

6 、There's a connecting flight at midday.───中午有一次联运航班.

7 、I am just trying to connect you, sir.───先生,我正设法给你接通。

8 、People connect Vienna with waltzes and coffee-houses.───人们一提到维也纳就会联想到华尔兹圆舞曲和咖啡馆。

9 、Will there be enough time for our connecting train?───到那儿后我们有时间办理换车手续吗?

10 、Can you arrange a connecting flight for me?───你能帮我安排转机吗?

11 、Market Forecast and Production Plan: Connecting and Balancing.───市场预测与生产计划的衔接与平衡。

12 、D.To prevent any user from connecting to the firewall.───为了阻止任何用户直接连接防火墙。

13 、To see how people would connect with you, if they would connect with you.─── 看看人们如何和你联系 他们是否会和你联系

14 、Proxy server is unavailable. Try connecting to proxy XX again?───proxy服务器无效。尝试重新连接到** XX 吗?

15 、You could book a connecting room presidential suitedeluxe suite.───您可以预定以门相隔的连房总统套房豪华套房。

16 、Model LCV is part of the connecting cable of the force transmitter.───LCV型放大器是力传递装置连接电缆的一部分。

17 、A main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.───公路特指连结城市、县镇的公用道路

18 、Its significance goes beyond that of connecting businesses.───它不仅仅只是商务联系,其深远意义还在更高的层次上。

19 、I had a connection there, so I did speak with that connection, and he referred me to somebody else.─── 我在这有一些关系 我联系了他 他把我介绍给别人

20 、Connect these wires to the leads of the battery.───将这些导线接到电池的引线上。

21 、I'm connected, but I ain't that connected.─── 我有人脉 但是没有那么广的人脉

22 、A connecting flight was canceled.───一架衔接的班机取消了。

23 、Because when you connect, you're gonna connect big.─── 一旦你遇到对的人 就是真命天女

24 、Don't connect up the two wires, or there will be a short circuit.───不要把这两条电线接在一起,否则会短路的。

25 、He showed them kindness by connecting them with their family.───他好心地让他们和家里取得了联系。

26 、Using interface panel for convenient connecting to ICL.───使用转接板,安装方便,无需**拔连接器/。

27 、Will is connecting murders that previously had no connections.─── 威尔把先前没有关联的谋杀案联系了起来

28 、Serve as a bridge connecting.───成为沟通。

29 、The connecting technology between CZE and ECD has been given.───介绍了该检测器的应用情况。

30 、We have a connecting flight with one stopover in Hawaii.───我们中途在夏威夷停留乘坐另一班联运飞机。

31 、See chapter5 for information on how to connect a second video source.───关于如何连接第二个视频源的信息,请参阅第五章。

32 、The part of a rampart or parapet connecting two bastions or gates.───幕墙壁垒或胸墙的一部分,它连续有两个棱堡或城门

33 、It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources.───它可以让用户不费力气就能接到因特网和网络资源上。

34 、Connecting them to national grids will be slow and expensive.───将他们的房屋接上国家的输电网将尤为缓慢与昂贵。

35 、The only real connecting link was the monarch himself.───唯一的实际联系是君主本人。

36 、There's a connecting flight at noon.───中午有一趟相衔接的航班。

37 、How long will the connection of the telephone take? ie How long will it take to install a telephone and connect it to the exchange?───安装**机与总机接通要多长时间?

38 、You will not miss your connecting flight, as we are on time.───我们会准时到达的,误不了你的衔接航班。

39 、In order to hear the vcr playback locally, you must connect a second speaker(in this case, amplify) to the vcr.───为了能在当地听到VCR播放,你必须连接另一台扬声器到VCR(被放大的)。

40 、You must connect up the cells before you can get any current.───你应该先把电池连接起来,才会有电流。

41 、Host address of the client connecting to this server.───与此服务器连接的客户端的主机地址。

42 、You can set up a scripting for connecting to the remote router.───您可为连接到远程路由器设置一个脚本。

43 、Involving, existing between, or connecting two or more states.───州际的包括、存在于,或连续两个或多个州的

44 、We are making a connecting flight to Washington.───我们将联运飞往华盛顿。

45 、He was unfortunate in connecting himself with a failing business.───兴每况愈下的企业有关系是他的不幸。

46 、Come on, come on, little decoy, connect, connect.─── 快快快 假信标 连上 连上

47 、Connect the choke and kill lines to slip joint.───将放喷和压井胶管与伸缩节连通。

48 、There is an Alleyway connecting Parking Area A and B.───地下停车场A区和B区有通道连接。

49 、Have you got two connecting double rooms for March lst, 2nd?───3月12日你们有两间相邻的双人房吗?

50 、Application servers manage the process of connecting users to that data.───应用服务器管理连接用户与其所需数据的过程。

51 、You could book a connecting room/ presidential suite/deluxe suite.───你可以预订以门相隔的连房/总统套房/豪华套房。

52 、Before connecting the speakers, turn the unit off.───在连接扬声器之前,请关闭本机。

53 、Have you got two connecting double rooms for March lst,2nd?───3月1、2日你们有两间相邻的双人房吗?

54 、Connecting our two systems together with some add-on features.───我们会用一个额外的功能把这两个系统连接到一起。

55 、Buses are used for connecting the components of a computer.───总线用于把计算机中不同的组件连接到一起。

56 、SOCKS is unavailable. Try connecting to SOCKS XX again?───SOCKS不可用。尝试重新连接到 SOCKS XX 吗?

57 、In L.A. you can catch a connecting flight to San Francisco.───在洛杉矶转到旧金山。

58 、I just really connected with you, and I wanted you to connect with me.─── 我只是跟你合得来 我希望你跟我也合得来

59 、And that's what life is all about--connecting.───人生不就是如此吗?--发生各种联系,相互促进改变。

60 、Remove the falling jewels by connecting 3 same colors together!───删除下降珠宝连接3相同颜色在一起!

61 、He doesn't seem to connect with anybody.───他好像和谁都不来往。

62 、Have you got two connecting double rooms for November 1st and 2nd?───11月1、2日你们有两间相连的双人房吗?

63 、I wish I could connect with him before I'm connecting him to life support.─── 真希望在把他接到呼吸机上以前 我能跟他好好相处 相互理解一下

64 、A footbridge at 3/F connecting Tuen Mun Trend Plaza.───位于3楼的行人天桥连接屯门时代广场。

65 、IRQ conflicts are common when you're connecting a lot of devices.───当你正在连接许多装置的时候,IRQ冲突是通常的。

66 、A cable connecting your TV signal to the set-top box.───将电视信号连接到机顶盒的电缆。

67 、That he's capable of making connections emotional connections.─── 他能够把自己的意识 连接到

68 、Install connecting rod bolt protectors on rod bolts.───在连杆螺栓上安装连杆螺栓保护件。

69 、Where can I get information on a connecting flight?───哪里可以询问转接班机的事情?

70 、Jiujiang is the thoroughfare connecting Yangtze River's north and south.───九江是连接长江南北的要道。

71 、Never link the audio out to the vcr and the monitor by connect them to each other as you will do at home.───千万不可象许多人在家里做的那样将音频连接到VCR和监视器上。

72 、SOCKS and proxies are unavailable. Try connecting to XX again?───SOCKS 和**不可用。尝试重新连接到XX 吗?

73 、A line is formed by connecting two points.───两点成一直线。

74 、Of, relating to, or connecting both arteries and veins.───动静脉的动脉或静脉的,与动脉或静脉有关的,或连接动脉和静脉的

75 、Gl plastic, connecting you and me, valence-ping quality.───众联塑胶,联接你我,价平质优。

76 、For this, you just keep "connecting the dots.───对于这个问题,只需保持“连接句点”即可。

77 、We're going to miss our connecting flight because of this storm.───我们将会因为这场暴风雨而错过转机。

78 、They got two connecting rooms in the hotel.───他们在旅馆租到两间相连的房间。

79 、Try connecting to the proxy again?───尝试重新连接到**吗?

80 、Provide information to help you connect to the internet if you have not do so already.───如果您还没与Internet连接,它会提供您如何与Internet连接的信息。

81 、At this point, we knew which host the attacker was connecting from.───在这一点上,我们知道攻击者从哪个主机连接。

82 、Remove piston and connecting rods from crankshaft journals.───从曲轴颈上拆下活塞和连杆。

83 、Do you have two connecting double rooms?───你有两间相连的双人房吗?

84 、In all intricate comb after connecting, again comb.───在所有的缠结梳通以后,再梳头发。

85 、A narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land.───地峡连接两大块陆地的狭长地区

86 、People from ot her countries often connect Japan with Mt. Fuji.───外国人时常将日本兴富士山联想在一起。

87 、Not connecting with the customer.───不接触客户。

88 、One of two spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell.───卵黄系带鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一

89 、The lower end of the connecting rod fits the crankshaft journal.───在连杆大头安装曲柄轴颈。

90 、To draw(a curve) connecting points on a graph.───图示用(曲线)将平面图上的点连起来


connect [k'nekt]\x0d\基本翻译\x0d\v. 连接\x0d\网络释义\x0d\Connect:连接|打开一个终端|连接,联络\x0d\connect to:接在---上,连在----上|连接,相连|联机到\x0d\Connect By:树的使用



美 [kə'nekt];英 [kə'nekt]



1.With all this background work done, it's trivial to connect things together with afew configuration files.


2.Connect the cloudy day of a few days, today finally out of the sun, just like myfeeling.


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