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07-01 投稿




英:[?ed?uke?t?(r)]  美:[??d???ket?]

英:  美:


n.教育工作者, 教育学家


异体字: educationalist |


1 、Similarly, every educator makes decisions about what to pass along to his students. Those decisions are rootin the educator's understanding of the meaning of life.───同样,每个教育家做决定传授什么给他的学生。这些决定根植于教育家对人生意义的理解。

2 、He was known as a great scholar, educator, writer, and philanthropist.───他被认为是一位伟大的学者、教育家、作者和慈善家。

3 、Educated black women are highly unlikely to get married the more education they have.─── 受过教育的黑人女性接受的教育越多 越不可能结婚

4 、Confucius: lived in the period of telophase Chunqiu,is the great thinker, educator and politician in our country.───孔子:春秋末期鲁国人,我国伟大的思想家,教育家,政治家。

5 、In fact even in education you can see that banks have helped to set up universities they've funded them, they fund think tanks, they have educational foundations, they own newspapers.─── 就算在教育界 你也能看见银行帮助建立大学 他们给学校投资 给智库投资 他们拥有教育基金会 自己的报纸

6 、LiuZiMing was a modem South Korean anti-Japanese warrior, famous gardener, agriculturist and educator.───他的大半生都生活在中国,在华北、华东、华南和西南各省都留下他的足迹和辛勤的汗水。

7 、Mozi is a famous thinker, politician, scientist, logician, military scientist and educator during pre-Qin Dynasty.───墨子是春秋战国之际极为重要的思想家、政治家、科学家、军事家与军事工程师。

8 、Therefore,every moral educator is duty bound to establish the new anthropocentric moral training concept,targets and patterns.───于是构建以人为本的德育新理念、确立以人为本的主体性德育目标和主体性德育模式就成了每一位德育工作者义不容辞的职责。

9 、Confucius, the ancient Chinese outstanding educator and thinker2550 years ago, said that" everything passed away so quickly no matter it's day or night!───两千五百五十年前诞生的中国古代杰出的教育家、想家孔子说过:“逝者如斯夫!

10 、Similarly, every educator makes decisions about what to pass along to his students. Those decisions are root in the educator' s understanding of the meaning of life.───同样,每个教育家做决定传授什么给他的学生。这些决定根植于教育家对人生意义的理解。

11 、The Confucius is the thinker, educator, founder of the Confucianism.───孔子是我国古代著名的思想家、育家、家学派创始人。

12 、He somehow got himself to Germany in the role of an educator.───他想方设法以一个教育者的角色去德国。

13 、She is an educator and wife of television comedian Bill Cosby.───她是一位教育家,而且是电视喜剧演员比尔·考斯比的妻子。

14 、Kangba Erhan was not only an artist, but also an educator.───她不仅是表演艺术家、也是教育家。

15 、Hi I'm going to tell you a joke today. There is a girl Her mother is quite strict regarding her educ...───嗨今天呀,我来给你讲一个笑话嗯,有一个女生她的妈妈管她管得非常的严有一次呢,她被一个男...

16 、He was highly regarded as a director, composer, pianist, and educator.───他是倍受敬重的音乐总监、作曲家、钢琴演奏家,和教育家。

17 、As an educator and a champion of self-help, he tried to lead black America up from slavery.───作为一个教育工作者,有冠军自助,他试图从美洲黑铅奴役。

18 、How grasps the correct idea which the new curriculum reforms, is an important question which the general educator must ponder earnestly.───如何把握新课程改革的正确理念,是广大教育工作者必须认真思考的一个重要问题。

19 、Your doctor or diabetes educator will tell you how to throw away used needles safely.───医生或糖尿病教育者将告诉您如何安全的处理已经使用过的针头。

20 、Meanwhile, activate the moral educator so as to implement the integration of educator and educatee.───发挥德育教师主体作用,以实现自身与学生的统一。

21 、An often-misunderstood inventor and educator, which has hard life path, was given a nickname called "Science Freak Frankenstein".───一个常被误解的发明家以及教育家,人生路走来,崎岖坎坷,还被误灌科学怪人的绰号!

22 、Robert Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad series of books, is an investor, entrepreneur, and educator whose perspectives have changed the way people think about money and investing.───富爸爸系列丛书的作者罗伯特·清崎,是一个投资家、公司家和教育家,他们的观点已经改变了人们对金钱和投资思考方式。

23 、In my dual profession as an educator and health care provider,I have worked with numerous children infected with the virus that causes AIDS.───作为一名教育和保健护理工作者,我曾经和数不清的感染上艾滋病病毒的孩子打过交道。

24 、American educator and reformer who in1833 was prosecuted for announcing her plan to open a school for Black girls in Connecticut.───克兰德,普鲁登斯1803-1890美国教育家和改革家,他在1833年因在康涅狄格州宣布为黑人女孩开办学校的计划而被起诉

25 、As I educate myself, we can educate our audience.─── 就像我了解这种疾病一样 我们可以使观众也去了解这种疾病

26 、Confucius is a famous educator during the Lu kingdom in the pre-Qing period.───孔子是先秦时期鲁国著名的教育家。

27 、The educator of 21 century faces a stern challenge to self-quality.───21世纪教育工作者迎来了对自身素质的严峻挑战。

28 、Ned Herrmann is an educator who has developed models of brain activity and integrated them into teaching and management training.───内德·赫尔曼是一位优秀的教育家,他发展了几种大脑活动模式,并已将它们综合起来应用于教学和管理学。

29 、The growth is the process of transforming a teacher from an ordinary one to an educator.───幼儿教师的专业成长就是个体从一个“普通人”转变为“教育者”的过程。

30 、Ms. Angelou is an internationally praised poet, writer and educator.───她是有着国际声誉的诗人、作家和教育家。

31 、The best way to teach- whether as an educator, employer, or parent- is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.───当然这道题还涉及到是否忽略消极、面的行为的问题。但是表扬、励的正面作用还是可见一斑的。

32 、Confucius is the greatest educator in our history.───孔子是我国历史上最伟大的教育家.

33 、The Analects of Confucius, which came from your wisdom and practice of teaching, laid down for you the throne of educator and thinker.───一部《论语》,奠定了教育家和思想家的宝座,来自教育实践的智慧。

34 、This you have to study, not in a book, but, with the help of the educator, learn to observe things around you - what is happening in the world.───你必须要学习这种关注,不是从书本上学习,而是在教育者的帮助下,学习如何观察你周围的事情,世界上正在发生着的事。

35 、My education gave me the opportunity to stand here and say it is imperative that we use our power to ensure that every student gets the education they deserve.─── 我的教育给了我站在这里的机会 我们必须使用我们的力量 确保每个学生都得到应有的教育

36 、In addition, he writes a monthly column in the popular San Antonio City Pages magazine.Inspired by another educator in the field, Suzanne Somers, Dr.───他在国际众多的医学会议中演讲的课题道出了抗衰老治疗的核心概念。

37 、Ye Shengtao is the prominent educator of the Chinese language, who is also the exploiter and founder of publishing modern Chinese language textbooks.───叶圣陶是我国著名的语文教育家,也是我国现代语文教材的开拓者和奠基人。

38 、The Chinese law system falls into the category of statute law, and legal provision entails theory. The educator's task is to annotate law.───中国法属于成文法,法条背后隐含了法学理论,法学教育仍须以制定法的注释为核心任务,并支撑法学专业教育。

39 、By learning about the issues that affect your community and actively taking part in finding solutions to community problems, you too can be a community educator!───你只需要认知影响你社区民众的问题,而积极地参与寻求解决的途径,你便可以也成为一位社区教育者!

40 、Schools are the basis for a quality education, but there is no constitutional law that requires children to receive this education.─── 学校是教育质量的保障 但宪法没有规定 儿童必须接受学校教育

41 、But I also think that people will remember my role as an educator.───但我认为人们会记得我是一名教育家。

42 、He is a card-carrying educator.───他是一位正牌的教育家。

43 、Confucius was not only a great educator but also a well-known thinker.───孔子不仅是伟大的教育家,也是著名的思想家。

44 、The people's educator Tao xing-zhi used logic light to teach in thousands word teaching test held in Jiaxing.───人民教育家陶行知在嘉兴举办的千字课教学试验中使用幻灯进行教学。

45 、Monroe was a well-known American educator of the world in the first half of the 20th century.───孟禄是20世纪上半叶世界知名的美国教育家。

46 、David Arzouman is an artist, composer, writer, and educator who's developing a new art school in Tokyo.───作者是一位作曲家、艺术家、作家和教育家,最近他在东京开办了一所艺术学校。

47 、"It breaks my heart as an educator, but you know, as secretary of state, it terrifies me," she admitted.───她说:"作为一名教师,这种情况让我心碎。可是,你们知道吗,作为国务卿,这种情况让我感到可怕。

48 、You all love your kids and they're yours to raise, but I'm an educator and I know how to educate.─── 你们都爱自己的孩子 你们负责养大他们 但我是个教育工作者 我懂得如何教育

49 、Her precursor as school principal was an eminent educator.───她任**前是一位卓越的教育家。

50 、American educator who established the first free American school for the hearing-impaired(1817).───加拉德特,托马斯 霍普金斯1787-1851美国教育家,建立了美国第一所免费的聋哑学校(1817年)

51 、Due to these, when building their own parks, the Chinese people gave priority to the national styles and educ...───公园问题折射出在近代特殊的历史背景下中国现代化过程中中西文化融合、殖民主义与民族主义冲突的发展轨迹。

52 、He was chosen as "Advanced Principal in Foshan City" and "Advanced Educator in Shunde City".───多次荣获“佛山市优秀**”、“顺德市先进教育工作者”等荣誉称号。

53 、Ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius has been the most influential educator in the history of China.───中国古代哲学家孔子是中国历史上最有影响的教育家。

54 、He was a highly respected art educator and cultivated monk.───他驰名于艺术教育届,也是多才多艺的高僧。

55 、Canadian - born American sports educator who originated the game of basketball(1891.───奈史密斯,詹姆斯1861-1939加拿大裔美国体育教育家,他创造了篮球运动(1891年)

56 、Confucius was a world-renowned educator and thinker.───孔子是世界著名的教育家、思想家。

57 、It's quite simply much easier to be gay if you live in an area of a city that is full of educated people, because educated people aren't filled with hatred towards gay people.─── 对一个同志来说 生活在受教育程度高的城市更轻松 因为受过教育的人 心中没有对同志的仇恨

58 、Q: I am an educator, how does this effect me?───//我是一位教育家,新的价格政策对我有影响么?

59 、In 1916, Cai Yuan-pei, our country's well known democratic revolutionary, educator and thinker, was appointed president of Peking University.───1916年,我国著名的民主主义革命家、教育家和思想家蔡元培被任命为北京大学**。

60 、An elder educator is due to lecture at 3 tomorrow afternoon.───一位资深教育家定於明天下午三点演讲。

61 、German composer and educator who developed a well-known system of music instruction for children, using percussion instruments and motion.───奥尔夫,卡尔1895-1982德国作曲家、教育家。为儿童发展了一套使用打击乐器和动作的世界闻名的音乐指导系统

62 、While an educator directly impacts young minds, the more subtle effects of a good teacher stretch beyond the boundaries of a classroom and past the hands of time.───一名教育工作者将直接影响年轻人的头脑,一名优秀教师的微妙教学效果已超出课堂的空间并且超越了时间。

63 、He is a famous contemporary educator in our country.───他是我国当代著名的教育家。

64 、WEI, Zhongle, a famous national musician, an instrumentalist and educator, is an important figure in Chinese modern art of hilarious history.───卫仲乐是我国著名的民族音乐家,器乐演奏家和教育家,是中国近现代器乐演奏艺术史上的重要人物。

65 、Her rationale: So many people today get vital information in video format that an educator must also be a trainer in media savvy.───她的理论是,今天有非常多人从录影带中得知重要的资讯,因此教育工作者也必须对媒体略知一二。

66 、A schoolteacher; an educator.───学校教师;施教者

67 、Patrick Pearse (1879?1916), leader of Irish nationalism and Irish poet and educator.───帕特里克·皮尔斯(1879-1916),爱尔兰民族主义领袖,诗人,教育学家。

68 、Being an educator was very important to Leonard Bernstein.───对伦纳德伯恩斯坦来说,教育家是一个非常重要的身份。

69 、Before his being diagnosed as a cancer patient, he was an optimistic and health scholar, educator and practitioner in medicine.───在被诊断为癌症病患前,他是个乐观而健康的学者,教育家和医生。

70 、Chosen the jet eductor of air bearing equipment,paper introduced the structure、work elements and design method of jet educator.───以气浮设备中的射流器设计为例,介绍了射流器的结构、工作原理和设计方法。

71 、"I am a peer educator in school and my role as a peer educator is I provide accurate information to my other students.───“在学校我是一名同伴教育者,作为一名同伴教育者我的职责就是向我的同学宣传一些准确的信息。

72 、Canadian-born American sports educator who originated the game of basketball(1891).───奈史密斯,詹姆斯1861-1939加拿大裔美国体育教育家,他创造了篮球运动(1891年)

73 、In the course of implementing the moral eclucation to the students of teenagers, overcome and prevent receiving the educator's antagonistic piychology.───在对青少年学生实施德育教育过程中,克服和防止受教育者的逆反心理,教育者的教育手段要多样化,运用感情、象、理形成教育魅力。

74 、He was a well-known educator.───他是一个有名的教育家。

75 、And more educated than you actually are.─── 受教育程度更高就不太可能了

76 、As an educator, not only should teachers learn in whole life, but also they should be the models of lifelong study for the society.───作为教育者的教师不仅应该自己终身学习,而且应该成为全社会终身学习的典范。

77 、Booker T. Washington, the renowned black educator, was an outstanding example of this truth.───布克·华盛顿是知名的黑人教育家,关于谦卑,他有一个突出的事例。

78 、The delicate educator located the local location and indicated it on the map.───娇嫩的教育家找到了本地的位置,并将它标示在地图上。

79 、Dr Christine Hogan is a professional facilitator and educator.───Christine Hogan博士是一位专业的引导者与教育者。

80 、Educator to educator, give him another chance.─── 教育者对教育者 再给他一个机会

81 、Tell him you don't need the distraction, because you're focused on one education plan and one education plan only your own.─── 告诉他你不需要分心了 你会专注于实施一个教育计划 你自己的那个计划 不会考虑其他

82 、The thoughts, manners and behaviors of an educator will inevitably affect those of his pupils.───一位教育者的思想、态度和言行将不可避免地影响到其学生的相关品质。

83 、Zhang Jian, an industrialist, educator and social activist in modern China, is an influential figure in the history of modern China.───张謇是中国近代知名的实业家、教育家和社会活动家 ,是中国近代化史上一位颇具影响的人物。

84 、Signing a cooperation agreement with New Zealand Educator Mrs. Linda Braun.───与新西兰教育家琳达签订培训合作协议。

85 、Recorde became the first British mathematics educator in the history.───他筚路蓝缕,传播学术,成为英国历史上第一位数学教育家。

86 、Lv SiBai was a educator and artist who did not want to be made widely known.───吕斯百是一个不事张扬的从教之人和艺术家。

87 、Evolutional logic leads to excessive competition in the realm of educ ation;3.───二是进化论逻辑导致了教育领域的过度竞争;

88 、Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in educ.───不少学生来函问我此题,打算化点时间写一篇出来。首先,欢迎集思广益。。。。

89 、Paul Rockey is a medical educator in Illinois who has worked for years with residents.───Paul Rockey是llinois的一个医学界教育者他为居民工作着。

90 、American poet and educator who wrote the sonnet sequence Two Lives(1925) and translated Beowulf and the works of Lucretius.───伦纳德,威廉·埃勒瑞1876-1944美国诗人和教育家。他作品有十四行组诗两次生命(1925年),他还翻译了贝尔武甫和卢克莱蒂尔斯的作品




读音不同。Mentor的读音是英音['ment??(r)],美音[?m?nt??r],汉语翻译 n.导师; Educator的读音是英音['ed??ke?t?(r)],美音[??d?u?ke?t?r],汉语翻译 n.教育者。


"Mentor"和"Educator"都是与教育相关的词汇,但它们的含义有所不同。Mentor:这个词源于古希腊神话,指的是奥德修斯的导师,后来这个词被用来形容一个人的导师或者指导者,特别是在职业或学术方面的指导者。所以,mentor 更多的是指那些在个人或职业发展过程中给予指导和建议的人。Educator:这个词则是指教育者,通常是指在学校或其他教育机构中从事教育工作的人,他们负责教授知识、技能,引导学生学习,帮助他们成长。总的来说,"mentor"更侧重于指导和建议,而"educator"更侧重于教育和教学。

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