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07-01 投稿




英:['s?s?]  美:[?s?s?]

英:  美:


adj.无礼的, 充满活力的, 时髦的


名词复数: sassies | 形容词最高级: sassiest | 名词: sassiness | 形容词比较级: sassier | 副词: sassily |


1 、Nina, also befriended by a sassy kleptomaniac called Toni who takes her on a thieving spree, is no one's daughter.───尼娜并不是她的女儿,而是受到有盗窃癖的无赖托尼的照料帮助,并且和他进行了疯狂的盗窃活动。

2 、The ballet flat takes a sassy step up with a 1" lacquered kitten heel.Black tweed upper or leather upper in black or brown.Contrast piping and bow detail.Rounded toe.───像芭蕾舞鞋一样的轻盈美丽,鞋跟仅高1",上方采用黑白相间的花格呢面料,或是黑色或棕色皮质,圆头,细小的蝴蝶结装饰,给人的整体感觉是灵巧精致,让你脚下生辉.

3 、She’s a girl my age, except that she’s a sassy wannabe, always bossing others around.No one thought about me.───她是一个年龄和我一样的女孩,除了她是一个 美丽的完美者,永远对别人指手画脚。

4 、Go ahead and wear our set of three hat pins and show-off your sassy style sense.───戴上这款三个小帽子的胸针能够完全展现出您时尚的气息。

5 、sassy girl───野蛮女友

6 、Maybe,sassy is a little foible of Jun-Ji-Hyun,but beauty spreaded from her pureness and sassy,is the best army to hit all men's biggest foible.───野蛮或许是全智贤小小的弱点,但她清纯中略略绽放迷茫的美丽,却是足以击中全体男人最大的弱点。

7 、The outstanding Sergeant Sassi, who fought like a fierce god, received an exceptional 5 class promotion to lieutenant.───如战神般果敢作战的今宫圣志中士武勋卓著,被连升5级成为了中尉.

8 、his sassy, streetwise daughter───他那又时髦又精通都市生存之道的女儿

9 、My Sassy Girl───我的野蛮女友

10 、Sassy in their character the “Lady Page” pump is available in both Oxblood and Black.───长期以来,翻译公司翻译一直被认为是一种投入高而附加值低的事业。

11 、Besides, short and sassy for those hot summer months.─── 再说了 活泼的短发很适合炎热的夏日

12 、a real sassy dresser───衣着十分时髦的人.

13 、She says she misses her dog Sassy the most whilst she's away from home.───她说,当她不在家里时,最想念她的狗Sassy。

14 、the jaunty melody is carried by McCandless' sassy piccolo sax and Eakle's flute and penny whistle.───该曲里有几个合奏者帮忙演奏打击乐。

15 、Rovio's miniature robotic sibling, named "Tri-bot" for the three wheels it uses to get about, entertained passersby with wise cracks and sassy comments.───罗维欧的迷你机器人兄弟,因为有三个轮子而被叫做“三脚机器人”,他可以到处走动对路人说好听的华七月他们。

16 、Sassi: Yeah, Kame no Yu no longer exists, since it was broken down for the city redevelopment.───圣志:是啊。但龟乃汤已经不在了,改造旧城区时被拆除了.

17 、Some people may find your sassy attitude appealing.─── 可能有人会觉得你的无礼很迷人

18 、Or I'll take my fist and ram it down your sassy throat!───再说我就动拳头让你尝尝我的厉害!

19 、Hey, hey, Kohei-san, have you seen Sassi?───(美)嘿,嘿,幸平叔,你见过小志吗?

20 、At normal time, she is a sassy girl. Today she still wants sleep, so looks very tender - says the bookshop owner.───她平常是很恰的,因为刚睡醒,非常温柔。老闆娘讲的。

21 、Guo Rong in: their love was so die-hard faction of "Sassy Girl", because "most of the gentle heart of such kind-hearted girl, Yongqing very often have to be moved unexpectedly.───郭在容说:自己之所以钟情做派死硬的“野蛮女友”,是因为“这类女孩子内心大多温柔善良,用情很深,经常会出乎意料得让人感动。”

22 、You are on fire with that sassy new haircut.─── 剪了个酷姐发型 状态就是不一样

23 、Chi onora uno stolto fa come chi getta una gemma in un mucchio di sassi.───把荣耀给愚昧人的,就像人把石子系在投石器上。

24 、Ashley Judd brings irresistible fun to this sassy romantic comedy about a young woman looking for Mr.───时代女性珍是一个收视极高清谈节目的幕后工作人员,当潚洒主管韦布朗出现时,两人迅即打得火热。

25 、And she's kind of mean, but like, like sassy, too, so it's sexy.─── 她有点刻薄 但是 很时髦 也很性感

26 、a sassy little hat.───一顶漂亮的小帽子

27 、It can be long and flowing or short and sassy.───它可以是飘逸的长发或者干练的短发。

28 、Well.now you know how sassy my girlfriend is ?───大概你也了解到我的女朋友是如何的霸道了吧?

29 、A sweet, sassy sauce: Savor the flavor.───一种香甜,诱人的酱:尽情享受吧!

30 、They're like the regular potato's sassy aunt.─── 它们就像是普通土豆的酷炫表亲

31 、Arumi, who has wanted to return to the original world no matter what, and Sassi, who knew about Masa-Jiis death, and did not want to go back.───(旁白)无论如何也想回去现实世界的朝比奈有美,和知道了雅之爷爷的死而不想回去的今宫圣志.

32 、Sassy, can you pull those things out.───你能帮他拔出来吗?

33 、Writer Patrick Regan's smart and sassy text enhances the book's hilarious animal photos.───禅,是智慧,是幽默,是真心,是吾人的本来面目!

34 、Sassy Girl : read more on the game, some ladies occasionally try modeling, the taste is very special! "───游戏介绍:看多了野蛮女友,偶尔尝试一些淑女造型,味道很特别哦!

35 、So we crept closer, and squirrel, who's sassy, squeaked, What's the time, Grandma Wolf?───于是我们蹑手蹑脚地向她靠近一点点,松鼠,是冒失的,吱吱地叫着,现在是什么时间呀,狼外婆?

36 、Dark reds and purples are bold colors that make me feel strong and sassy.───深红与紫色是大胆的色彩,使我感到有力量并活力充沛。

37 、Around this time, a sassy modelquin named Eva was getting a lot of attention for her curves and her love life.───大约在这时,一名叫**娃的时髦模特人体模型因曲线和爱情生活受到很多注意。

38 、sassy bark───[化] 帚状合欢树皮[医] 非洲围涎树皮

39 、However, if you get to know her, she's in no way gentle or shy. This Arwen is the most outgoing Chinchilla around, and she is my sassy chin.───表面看起来云云是全世界最可爱的小宠儿,所以艾云这名字好像很适合她,因为艾云就是故事中优雅的精灵公主。

40 、Rachel shouts. You got quite a load there too. She is very sassy.───瑞秋大声嚷嚷,看看你,出足风头了吧。她很棒的。

41 、Sassi: It's that Kanji that looks similar to "green", right?───是那个和“绿”看起来差不多的字,对吧?

42 、Facing this shocking truth, how would an adolescent like Sassi react?───(旁白)像小志这样的小鬼,面对这个震撼性的事实,会有怎样的反应呢?

43 、Just think of me as your new sassy assistant.─── 就把我当做你的时髦新助理

44 、Those sassy cows are living high off our inheritance.─── 那些娇蛮老母牛用我们的遗产活得那么滋润

45 、"Sassy girl" (Jae-hyun Jun) just broke up with her old boyfriend and was very drunk.She almost fell onto the track of the underground train.Kyun-woo (Tae-hyun Cha) saved her from falling.───野蛮女友(全知贤饰)刚刚与旧男友分手而喝醉,险些在地铁月台跌下路轨。

46 、But I'm not a doctor, I'm a sassy cop.─── 但我不是个医生 我是个时髦女警

47 、Introduction: Drag the mouse clothing and accessories to Sassy Girl body, it renewed hair-Click body changing clothes, Click on the upper left corner Face Powders for color.───鼠标拖动衣服和饰物到野蛮女友身上,点击头发换发型,点击身体换衣服,点击左上角粉饼换肤色。

48 、And if you're eager to whoop it up in the same sassy fashion as our government, Washington hotels have come up with tons of ways for you to spend your money.───如果你急切地想像政府那样方式庆祝,华盛顿旅馆有上万种方法帮你花钱。

49 、I could've been the... the sassy local librarian.─── 我本可以成為 時髦的地方圖書館員

50 、a sassy black linen dress───一件时髦的黑色亚麻连衣裙

51 、If you question the instructions -- which you absolutely need to do -- they think you're being sassy.───如果你去质疑指令--那些你必须服从的指令--他们认为你在放肆。

52 、Oh, its Private 2nd Class Sassi, of 1st squad, under 2nd division, under 3rd regiment, of 4th battalion, under the entire 5th headquarters, of 6th district squad, of 7th squad.───满代噢,你是二等兵今宫圣志,隶属第三联队第二中队第一小队,兼属第五战区司令部本部所属第四大队第六区分队第七小队.

53 、Chuan Meizi than hot, it will hit man , The majority of the so-called Sassy Girl;───川妹子较辣, 很会打男人, 所谓野蛮女友居多;

54 、When you realise that your girlfriend actually hates football, she just pretended to accept it to get you to pay for that new sassy outfit, which incidentally was the last time you saw her.───当你意识到你的女友其实讨厌足球,她仅是因为想要你买高级的服装尔假装接受足球,并且这的确是你最后一次看到她。

55 、"Sassy Girl, Chunhyang," in which Uhm appeared along with actor Jae Hee and actress Han Chae-young, will also air in Japan in May.───和演员在熙和韩彩英合作的电视剧"豪杰春香"将在五月播出。

56 、The sassy Russian star's poster was one of the hottest items at the season's first clay court tournament.───这位伶俐的俄罗斯球星的招贴画成了该赛季第一场红土地锦标赛的热点。

57 、sassy (adj.───) 冒昧的;

58 、: i'm bringing sassy back.───心情: sassy 星期二。

59 、They're sassy separates. I just can't afford them.─── 它家很时髦的 我就是买不起而已

60 、From the sassy "Shoebox" line to meditative "Between you and Me" cards, Hallmark covers the gamut in personal messages.───从时髦的“鞋盒”短笺到令人深思的“悄悄话”贺卡,霍尔马克公司的产品包罗了个人信息联系的全部形式。

61 、Her demeanour is a reassuring mixture of sassy and self-deprecating;───她的举止既活泼又不失庄重,令人心服。

62 、She seemed to emerge from a good girl image to a sassy one - isn’t that a familiar pop path?───她从一个姣好的女生形象变得时髦起来,不再走邻家女孩的路线了。

63 、When the sassy princess refuses to apologize, Feixiong advises the emperor to have her cape flogged instead;the emperor follows his advice.───凤霞刁蛮不肯认错,孟飞雄建议皇帝以责打公主的霞帔代替。

64 、When E3-goers weren't wondering where to get a sassy new mullet they savored GT's lineup of games.───当E3的参观者还没有想到去哪搞一盘很有品的新鲜鲻鱼,他们酒杯GT的大堆游戏引诱了过去。

65 、Sassi: What? Then you are the real Abeno Seimei-san?───圣志:什么?你是真的安倍清明先生?

66 、Sassi: Has big boobs, with glasses, that Munemune?───圣志:是有着丰满的胸部,戴眼镜的那个波波姐姐?

67 、"Michelle Reis SELF-boyfriend in the face of a woman was big, very strong-minded, but also to reason with her boyfriend, is by no means" Sassy Girl.───李嘉欣自爆在男友面前原来是大女人,非常有主见,但也会跟男友讲道理,绝非“野蛮女友”。

68 、A sassy pink lipstick is the highlight of this complete boxed set, manufactured in France by Pierre Balmain.───时尚的粉红唇膏是整套彩妆的重点,附赠一瓶指甲油,一盒眼影,一支眼线笔,一支黑色睫毛膏,一支唇线笔构成6件套装。

69 、SASSY Management Unit SASSY───管理装置


daddy's girl爸爸的女儿网络释义1. 爹地的女孩例句:In an interview once, michelle said that malia, her older, quieter child, took after her, whilesassy little sasha was pure daddy's girl. 在一次采访中,米歇尔说玛丽娅,她更文静的大女儿,和她很相似,而活泼的小萨莎则完全是爸爸的好女孩。


您好,中文名叫莎莎,想取个英文名 首先明确一下,中文汉字名不存在标准的对应英文翻译。中文名在英文中就变成拼音名,基本根据汉字读音进行接近拼写。而这其中有很大的方言口音影响。也就是说各地区会以各地自己的通用方言来转换成英文拼写,比如香港的英文拼写便是以粤语音为基础,所以“刘”在粤语中读作“劳”于是就拼写为“Lau”,“张”在粤语中读作“Cieong”,于是香港的“张”就拼写为“Cheung”...而台湾也有一套自己的拼音体系,不同于香港和大陆。朝鲜韩国的拼写形式也是由本国朝鲜语种读音而来。


莎莎。英文 Shasha

“莎莎”这两个字如果用英文拼写应该怎么写呢? Salsa, Sasa, Sassy,Sasha

“莎莎”这个名字的英文名叫什么? Salsa Xuan

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