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06-28 投稿




英:[?m?s?'k?st?k]  美:[?m?s?'k?st?k]

英:  美:




名词: masochist | 副词: masochistically | 形容词: masochistic |





1 、Her sexuality is an affair of morbid voyeurism and masochistic self-mutilation.Erika and life travel separate paths.───其后她遇上年轻学生华德,更发展一段病态的关系。

2 、"What a sick, masochistic lion." He stared into the shadowy forest for a long moment, and I wondered where his thoughts had taken him.───“真是个病态,喜爱受虐的狮子。”他长时间的盯着那幽暗的森林,我想知道他的想法带领他到哪里了。

3 、I know this sounds like a terrific hobby for a masochistic moron, but hear me out.───我知道这听上去就像那些性受虐狂的白痴是一个极好习惯。但是,请你把我的话听完。

4 、masochistic behaviour/tendencies───受虐狂行为/倾向

5 、So, part of the difficulty setting allows you to be as masochistic as you want to be with yourself.───所以说难度设置的一部分就是让你自己被自己搞得倍感受虐。

6 、And like a good masochist, he'd call the shots.─── 和所有受虐狂一样 他可以选择受虐的手段

7 、She is fully as masochistic as he is sadistic, and he braced his knee against her back as he tugged at the laces.───她就像一个受虐狂,而他就像一个虐待狂,丈夫用膝盖顶着妻子的后背,用力拉扯着系带。

8 、Offshore investors in Asian corporate bonds have always had a masochistic streak.───亚洲公司债券的海外投资者总是有一点儿自虐。

9 、It is an opiate, and like all opiates, it produces its own masochistic delirium.───该剧就像鸦片一样让人上瘾,吸引了很多有“受该剧虐待倾向”的观众。

10 、Also a fanfic in which a character's emotional pain is a central plot element.Often prized by fanfic authors for the intensity which it adds to a story, or simply for the masochistic thrill of it.───以文中角色的感情伤痛为主题,通常被同人作者视为最重要的情节高潮或只是单纯享受折磨角色的快感。

11 、Edward Cullen:What a sick, masochistic lion.───(爱德华:多霸道而变态的狮子啊。)

12 、Edward: “What a sick, masochistic lion.”───爱德华:“多麽病态又有被虐狂的狮子啊!”

13 、Out of a masochistic delight I must describe Albie at the plate.───纯粹出于无可奈何的冲动,我想对阿比尔在本垒的表现作一番评述。

14 、masochistic personality───受虐狂人格

15 、masochistic character───被虐性格

16 、Only pregnant women and masochists crave ice cream in this weather.─── 这样的天气 只有孕妇和受虐狂才会想吃冰淇淋

17 、Coming home from work masochistic tendencies.───施虐倾向

18 、in a masochistic manner.───以喜欢受虐待的方式。

19 、Masochistic behavior───受虐行为

20 、That’s not a masochistic idea, which is saying: embrace your sorrows.───这句话在这些年里对我一直很有帮助。

21 、His journeys were more notable as feats of masochistic endurance than as exploration.───他的旅行所以出名,与其说是因为探险历程,莫若说是因为他那种“受虐狂”的表现。

22 、masochistic sabotage───受虐性破坏行为

23 、Hopefully they'll also give you and your friends a thrill the next time you're up for a masochistic entertainment experience.───希望下次当你和朋友想要体验一下自虐式的娱乐时,它们也能让你们觉得毛骨悚然。

24 、It's supremely masochistic, it's a colossal waste of time, and it's stupid.─── 完全是自讨苦吃 非常浪费时间 而且十分蠢

25 、"Why are you so masochistic?" I mumbled.───“你怎么这么喜欢自虐?”我咕哝。

26 、It`s no coincidence that most heart attacks occur at 9 a.m. on Monday morning.(So much for the masochistic maxim “Hard work never killed anyone .───大多数心脏病会在每个周一的早上9点发作,这绝不是巧合。(“努力工作累不死人”,那是受虐狂才信奉的格言。)

27 、40. Throughout my work, the expression method is not the core, rather I prefer to focus on the elements of the masochistic and ironic humor or the comical tragedy.───在我所有的作品中,表达方式并不是重点,而是想聚焦于被害者的特性,以及讽刺性的幽默或是卡通式的悲剧。

28 、that Jonathan Demme's film ultimately becomes a documentary on the avages of AIDS-and on the masochistic machismo of Method acting.───使得邓姆导演的这部片子成了一部艾滋病况的纪录片,也记录了他方法派演技的自虐式的男性英雄主义。

29 、He pays the prostitute for playing a sadistic role that will cater to his own masochistic desires.───他付钱给扮演施虐角色的妓女,因为她们会迎合他自己受虐的欲望。

30 、What emerges from these analyses is the sense that Hemingway and his male characters are constantly negotiating between cultural codes of masculinity and their secret masochistic desires.───这些分析所暴露的是海明威和他的男性角色在男性气概的文化规范与他们秘密的受虐欲望之间不断地交涉(并达成一致)的意义。

31 、This also explains why, in prostitution, the customer usually chooses the masochistic, submissive role.───这也同样(能够)解释在**中,客户为什麽通常选择受虐和臣服的角色。

32 、This all too brief sketch must suffice here to explain why, in the S&M subculture, many more women and men want to play the masochistic than the sadistic role.───此处所有这种过于简要的概略足以解释,在S&M的亚文化里,为什麽许多男女想要扮演受虐的角色,而不想扮演施虐的角色。

33 、masochistic fantasy───被虐幻想

34 、Masochistic personality trait───受虐狂人格特性

35 、By the end of the novel Jake "has become a new man by transcending his suffering and emerging cleansed and renewed through his masochistic relationship with Brett" (58).───在**的结尾,杰克“凭借他与布莱特的受虐关系,通过超越他的痛苦、净化与更新而成为一个崭新的男人”。

36 、Edward :What a sick, masochistic lion.───爱德华:多霸道而变态的狮子啊。

37 、Taking on such a puzzle might seem masochistic, but people willingly do so all the time.───挑战这类的益智游戏看来像是自讨苦吃,但却总有人愿意这麽做。

38 、Some restaurants are famous for the surliness of their wait-ers and waitresses, using bad manners to attract masochistic munchers by the roomful.───有些餐馆以男女侍者的粗鲁而闻 名,他们的无礼吸引了一屋子受虐狂食客。



Emily Jane Brontë (pronounced /ˈbrɒnti/ or /ˈbrɒnteɪ/)(30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) was an English novelist and poet, now best remembered for her novel Wuthering Heights, a classic of English literature. Emily was the second eldest of the three surviving Brontë sisters, between Charlotte and Anne. She published under the androgynous pen name Ellis Bell.







It's a story about love and revenge . Heathcilff was adopted by Mr Earnshaw on the Livepool Street .He live with Mr Earnshaw 's son Hindly and his daughter Cathy.Hindley hated Heathcilff but his sister like Heathcilff.

After Earnshaw died ,Hindley become the host of the family ,he treated Heathcliff as a farmer and insult him .At the same time ,Cathy and Heathcliff love each other.Linton ,the son of Thrushcross Grange,pay court to Cathy ,and visit her very often .

Cathy made up her mind to get married with him,Heathcliff was very angry and went out.Heathcliff came back with a lot of money. He cheated Hindley'belongings by gambling.He did the things all for revenge.He married Linton'siston Isabella.

Cathy died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Isabella discerned Heathcliff and left him .She procreated little Linton and died .Heathcliff spoliated little Linton and badgered him to love little Catherine.

Heathcliff hijacked little Catherine and forced her to be married with his son .After this ,he annexed all Linton'belongings and finish his revenge. At the same time , Heathcliff was importuned by Cathy .He stayed at his own room all day and didn't have meal or sleep.At last,he died in dumps and delirium.

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