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06-28 投稿




英:['st?k?n?s]  美:['st?k?n?s]

英:  美:


n.粘性, 粘住


形容词比较级: stickier | 名词: stickiness | 副词: stickily | 形容词最高级: stickiest |


1 、Researchers and technicians use the stickiness of a sample, which is a sensory property, as a characteristic of the material.───研究人员及技术人员把样品的粘稠度作为一项材料的基础特性,是一种感观性质。

2 、Can see, old brand is instant communication software still has an advantage in user stickiness respect.───可以看出,老牌即时通讯软件在用户黏性方面仍具优势。

3 、An easy to follow navigation of various web links plays a major role in ensuring the stickiness of your web site.───不同链接的导航应该一致,并且要方便操作,这样才能保证网站的连贯性。

4 、After crushing, the fine powder will have a bristlelike look in a radial way, with a good stickiness to other materials.───粉碎后的精细粉成放射毛刺状,和其他物料的相粘性能好。

5 、In nonwoven spunlace production, bacterium breed causes bacterium stickiness to recycling water and blocks core of filtration.These will cause quality problems to the products.───水刺非织造布生产过程中,由于细菌繁殖引起循环水产生细菌粘泥,堵塞过滤芯,导致产品出现质量问题。

6 、point stickiness───点黏着现象

7 、From low stickiness to high density, not dynamic. It can fill in any fluid that contains beads or half-solid objects with adequate amount.───从低黏度到高浓度,无流动性,含颗粒的各种流体、半固体,均可定量充填。

8 、This unique light lotion/gel hydrator, rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and E, leaves no stickiness or oily residue.───一种独特、轻盈及不含油份为所有肌肤而设。蕴含蓝甘菊及抗氧化维他命E及A。

9 、knowledge stickiness───知识粘性

10 、Was in the newly established time, company's user stickiness also not big enterprise to these, the website paralysis's loss was extremely easy to vacillate their confidence.───对这些处于初创期、公司的用户黏性还不大的企业来说,网站瘫痪的损失极易动摇他们的信心。

11 、Lucas Robert and Phelps Edmund developed this review in their successive researches.Keynesianism started their economic adjustment theory from analyzing the stickiness of nominal wages and prices.───他们认为,由于工资和价格刚性的存在,价格对总需求变动的调整是一个渐进的过程,名义冲击能够对经济产生持续的影响。

12 、Although of great macroeconomic significance, the evidence on price stickiness lies in the microeconomic detail of thousands upon thousands of prices.───虽然粘性价格具有重大的宏观经济意义,但其证据隐藏在成千上万种价格这样的微观经济细节中。

13 、The carpets are sticky and so are the people.─── 這里地毯黏糊糊的 人也一樣

14 、By stickiness, I mean how long a visitor explores various web pages on your site.───保证连贯性以后,访问者可能会在中停留更长的,浏览更多的。

15 、But look from stickiness index, network game and online video rise quickly however, make the main way that during the netizen spends the New Year, lies fallow.───但从黏性指标上看,网络游戏和在线视频却快速上升,成为网民过年期间休闲的主要方式。

16 、There seems to be some sort of stickiness in your perception of time.───因此你在对时间的看法上似乎有某种执着。

17 、The stickiness of house prices suggests the drag on consumer spending will be long and grinding, not sudden and sharp.───房价带动下的消费将是长期而稳定的,而不是突然的,剧烈的变动。

18 、The increase maltodextrin, may raise the plateau milk stickiness;───添加麦芽糊精,可提高原奶粘稠度;

19 、Steadiness of relatively rotation dynamics equation and it's solution for a kind stickiness flexibility coefficient───相对转动动力学方程的稳定性及在一类黏弹性系数下的解

20 、Determines the stickiness of the obstacle surface.───决定障碍物体表面的粘性。

21 、Systematic Break-up, Stickiness of Human Capital and Problem of Unemployment - Taking the Northeastern Region as an Example───制度性分割、人力资本粘性与失业问题--以东北地区为例

22 、If can maintain portal position, netease can balance income source already, still can turn the faction into the conduct propaganda that the net swims the window, enhance user stickiness.───若能保住门户地位,网易既可以平衡收入来源,还能将门户变成网游的宣传窗口,增强用户黏性。

23 、We should let an user think of when wanting to make a picture I help a network, form the user that has tremendous stickiness group.───我们要让用户在想做图片时就想到我拉网,形成具有巨大黏性的用户群。

24 、But even in this short run of price 'stickiness,' the balance of trade of the depreciating country is unlikely to improve.───即使是在这一短暂的价格“粘性”阶段,货币贬值国的贸易差额也未必能够改善。

25 、Are you someone who squirms when confronted with slime, shudders at stickiness or gets grossed out by gore?───看到粘乎乎的烂泥一样的东西,你会坐立不安或者浑身发抖吗?血污场景会使你恶心吗?

26 、In the installation of the floor, as long as the mouth of the Kei Shimizu Department can bring more lightly smear glue stickiness, and achieve solid preliminary floor.───在安装地板时,只要向企口处轻轻涂抹些清水便可以激活胶水黏性,实现地板的稳固粘接。

27 、Natural silky quality, extremely good stickiness, easy dressing, longer holding of bright color and cleanness; special bright elements to highlight eyes and radiate resplendence of diamond.───天然丝绢质地,附着力极强易涂抹,长时间保持色彩鲜明与洁净;独特闪亮因子,有效汇聚光线,散射出钻石般璀璨效果。

28 、Reduced tackiness and stickiness during and after application.───在使用中或使用后能减少粘性。

29 、stickiness of price───价格黏性

30 、chromosome stickiness───染色体黏性

31 、It's gross and sticky, and so is the clientele.─── 那地方低俗恶心 去那里的人也一样

32 、Keywords stickiness;dough;measurement;peeling energy;PSA;probe;───表面胶粘性;面团;表征;剥离能;PSA;探头;

33 、Sticky. I can see how that's sticky.─── 他很为难 我知道他为什么很为难了

34 、Those sticky fingers of yours certainly paid off.─── 看来这次你顺手牵回来的可是一只肥羊

35 、Key Words: macroeconomic fluctuations; market continuous equilibrium; stickiness of prices and wages; government intervention───关键词:宏观经济波动;市场连续均衡;价格与工资粘性;政府干预

36 、Because driving site visitors through a prescribed conversion channel is often not applicable in B2B, your focus should be on "stickiness," getting visitors to delve deeper to other relevant, confidence-building content.───因为推进网站的访问者通过规定的转化道路在B2B业务上通常是不适用的,你的焦点将是在粘度上,是访问者来深入地钻研有关部门的信息,营造信心的内容。

37 、Community Stickiness───社区黏度

38 、And its integrated performance is very excellent, such as: good atomizer, thick paint membrane, permanent, hardness, flexibility, high impact, strong stickiness, enduring colorful.───施工简便,雾化优、漆膜丰满、耐候性、硬度、柔韧性、耐冲击、附着力强、色泽持久不变等综合性能优。

39 、After a part of seeds germinated,for the stickiness of soil increased,the needles were sticked together in the soil,and finally the seedings died.───因此在开展酸沉降对油松生长影响的系统研究中,应将土壤酸化对油松生长影响作为研究内容之一。

40 、" and the habit according to Chinese netizen, majority amuses give priority to, and like to use faceless, this also lost the substaintial meaning of SNS community net and deep-seated stickiness.───而按照中国网民的习惯,多数以娱乐为主,且喜欢用匿名,这也就失去了SNS社区网的本质意义和深层的黏性。

41 、A mixture of Rice Krispies and melted marshmallows also worked, although Mr.McManus suggests periodic doses of Pam spray to counter stickiness.───爆米香和棉花糖的混合物也取得了成功,不过,麦克马纳斯建议要不时喷上棕榈油以防止粘连。

42 、This is purple and sticky and gelatinous.─── 这是紫色的 黏糊糊的 明胶状的

43 、location graviation field is the motive force of the stickiness of regional gradient process,which indicated the stickiness would exist for a long time.───区位引力场是我国梯度推移粘性存在的动力,表明将来这个粘性还会长期存在。

44 、Also, keep the book well away from the food and drink.Check the table (or other surfaces) for moisture, crumbs, and stickiness before you put your book down.───另外,将书籍远离食物也使得他们对老鼠和其他牲畜没有那么大的吸引力(尽管有时老鼠啃书是为了筑巢),书籍附近勿有粉尘颗粒。

45 、In both cases, somebody taught the child a rule, but the rule against pushing has a stickiness about it, one that resists coming unstuck even if someone in authority countenances it.───在上面两个例子中都有人教给孩子一条规则。但是禁止推搡的规则表现出一种“持久性”,即使某个权威人士准许“推搡他人”的行为,禁止推搡的信念也不会被孩子轻易放弃。

46 、nominal price stickiness───名义价格粘性

47 、The diatomite-modified-asphalt possesses strong stickiness after being mixed with stone stock of neutrality, acidity and alkalinity, and can be applied in the constructions of highway.───硅改沥青与中性、酸性和碱性石料混合后具有很好的黏附性,可用于公路路面铺设建设中。

48 、The author attributes the phenomena to the stickiness in the economic gradient process and sets up simple stickiness model and grey clustering model to explain it.───本文认为其原因是我国区域在梯度推移过程中存在着粘性,并分别建立简单的粘性模型和灰色聚类粘性模型进行分析。

49 、The fish gets a quick wipe to get rid of the stickiness on the sides of the fillets, then the fillets are poached in a cup of milk in a pan.───不过这次用的鱼,油脂含量比较高,烧起来熟的很快。首先要把鱼给擦一下,因为鱼片上头的粘液有一些腥味。

50 、Adding sugar and other flavourings together can prevent stickiness of dried rabbit meat.───复煮时将糖与其他辅料一次加入能有效克服成品表面发粘现象;

51 、stickiness factor───粘着性系数

52 、Pan Xiangli"s stickiness to novels is not only the contribute to the development of belles-lettres, but also the anabasis to the literary market.───潘向黎的**创作不仅对纯文学的发展做出具有积极意义的贡献,也是代表纯文学对文学市场的占领。

53 、When " 3G portal " provided an user group with discharge later, deng Yujiang begins to think how to increase client stickiness, his method is client of him research and development carries software.───当“3G门户”提供了用户群和流量之后,邓裕强开始思考如何增加客户黏性,他的方法是自己研发客户端软件。

54 、In fact, compete the more the service with lower stickiness of intense, user, do not have commercial foreground more.───事实上,越是竞争激烈、用户黏性越低的服务,就越没有商业前景。

55 、Through strategic IT, firms strive to deliver a better customer experience, increase customer stickiness, lower operating cost and better manage compliance and risk.───而企业亦擅用策略资讯科技,去提高顾客服务素质,进而与顾客建立长久的合作关系;同时藉此减少营运成本,更有效地施行管理及应付风险。

56 、When the wages are stickiness, the labor demands are immovability while the labor supplies are increase, then employments are not increase.───当工资是刚性时,劳动力供给增加不能使工资下降,厂商还只能按照原有的工资水平雇佣劳动力,厂商没有增加对劳动力的需求,从而产生总量性失业。

57 、The Stickiness of Compersation───薪酬粘性

58 、employment stickiness───就业粘性


60 、There you have it true sticky toffee pudding.─── 大功告成 真正的太妃布丁

61 、Altdorfer is actually in a sticky position.─── 阿尔特多费的日子并不好过

62 、One is from before everybody the times of angle discharge, may transfer the times of an angle stickiness.───一个是从以前大家追逐流量的时代,可能会过渡到一个追逐黏性的时代。

63 、Sorry, my... my hands are really sticky.─── 抱歉 我的手 我的手太黏了

64 、Stickiness is a feature of retail prices, because retailers will absorb a certain amount of inflation before spending money on repainting signs and reprinting catalogues.───执着是零售价格的一种特性,因为零售商在花钱重新喷涂招牌并重印价目表之前,将承受一定的通胀。

65 、"..I don't need your sticky pennies any more.─── 我再不需要你挤出来的小钱了

66 、I don't know about you, but I believe the sticky insect.─── 我不知道你怎么样 但是我相信这个黏糊糊的大虫子

67 、soil stickiness───土壤粘性

68 、The operation is very direct method, include inject from body adipose with embedded holiday body (the silica gel of stickiness or the silicon blob of viscose of solid) two kinds of methods.───手术是非常直接的方法,包括注射自体脂肪和植入假体(黏性的硅胶或者固体的硅胶块)两种方法。

69 、For those who find cream hydration just too heavy for their skin type, this is the answer, providing light hydration and also reducing the stickiness of the skin surface.───使用后清爽保湿,不会对肌肤造成任何负担,适合在湿热或污染的气候使用。

70 、FEATURES: upper and lower pressing wheel feed to increase the stickiness between the cloth and leather. Be suitable for the shaping of various shoes.───特点:上下压轮送料,可增加布和皮料间的贴合性。适用于各种鞋后跟的贴合整形。

71 、a substance resembling the viscous substance exuded by certain plants,as in stickiness───与某些树木渗出的粘性物质相似的物质,如在粘性里

72 、stickiness viscidity───再粘性

73 、The Response Analysis of Common Stickiness Damped System Based on State Space───基于状态空间的一般粘性阻尼系统响应分析

74 、single group separate polyurethane stickiness───单组分聚氨酯胶粘剂

75 、Tecent I am looked at from daystart, at the beginning also stickiness of it doesn't matter, also of person of it doesn't matter, you cannot 10 years of the following successes.───腾讯我是从第一天开始看着的,一开始也没什么黏性,也没什么人的,你不能把十年以后的成功。

76 、Will drink water too few will make the blood stickiness to increase, easy to form the thrombus, will induce the brain, the cardiovascular pathological change, will affect kidney's excretory function.───喝水太少会使血液粘稠度增加,容易形成血栓,诱发脑、心血管病变,影响肾的排泄功能。

77 、When these conditions meet, there will be stickiness in wages adjustment, equilibrium wages will be hi...───当效率工资的条件成立时,工资调整将存在粘性,均衡工资高于劳动力市场出清工资,且存在均衡失业。

78 、Keywords cool size;catalytic agent;degree of polymerization;stickiness viscidity;abrasion resistance;cohesion;───冷浆料;催化剂;聚合度;再粘性;耐磨性;抱合力;

79 、A substance resembling the viscous substance exuded by certain plants, as in stickiness.───粘性物质,粘胶与某些树木渗出的粘性物质相似的物质,如在粘性里

80 、Based on this, the thesis proposes the CI modes on the basis of knowledge stickiness barrier and knowledge embeddedness barrier overcoming in knowledge transfer of network organization.───在此基础上,提出了基于网络组织知识转移中知识嵌入障碍和知识粘滞障碍消除的竞争情报模式。

81 、An Empirical Study of Cost "Stickiness" Behavior and Difference across Industry of Chinese Companies───企业费用"粘性"行为:基于行业差异的实证研究

82 、The nominal price stickiness and the transmission mechanism of monetary policy───名义价格黏性与货币政策传导机制

83 、Wage Stickiness───工资粘性

84 、The target for the page views per visit is an indication for the required stickiness of the site.───每次访问时页面浏览的目标,指示着网站要求的粘着数?

85 、The stickiness tends to disappear on standing.───搁置时粘性易于消失。

86 、The Company offers the best products and service for chemical, painting, printing ink, paper making, pesticide, dye stuff, stickiness, food, printing and dyeing industries.───以规范管理,完善检测程序为国内外化工、涂料油漆、油墨、造纸、农药、染料、胶粘剂、食品及印染等行业提供优质的产品和诚信服务。

87 、And based on this model we raise some suggestions to reduce the knowledge stickiness.───并以此为基础,提出了若干降低共享过程知识粘滞性的对策。

88 、Like many long-standing economic relationships, “wage stickiness” is being tested by the savagery of the recession.───和许多长期存在的经济学关系一样,“保留工资理论”也正受到当前经济衰退的严峻考验。

89 、Relationship between Amylose Content and Edible Stickiness and Softness of Cooked Rice of Hybrids───杂交稻米的直链淀粉含量与米饭口感粘度硬度关系的研究

90 、"To create stickiness you must have functional value and also community value.───“要吸引用户,你必须有功能型价值以及社区型价值。



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