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07-02 投稿




英:[tra????gju?le??n]  美:[tra????ɡj??le??n]

英:  美:


n.三角测量法, 形成或分成三角(关系)


动词过去分词: triangulated | 动词第三人称单数: triangulates | 动词过去式: triangulated | 动词现在分词: triangulating |


1 、principle of optical triangulation───光学三角原理

2 、Keywords safety culture;safety climate;triangulation methods.;───安全文化;安全气氛;三角方法;

3 、The algorithms of Delaunay triangulation are the main algorithms when establishing DEM.───Delaunay三角剖分算法是构建数字高程模型(DEM)的主要算法。

4 、I need you to triangulate and get me a location.─── 我需要你进行** 把他的所在地发给我

5 、TRI AGAIN : Most colloquial descriptions of GPS say the technology uses triangulation to determine the position of a receiver on the earth.Mathematically speaking, the system uses trilateration.───又见三角形:用最口语的方式来描述GPS,我们可以说它是使用三角测量法,但若以更精确的数学用语来讲,GPS系统是采用三边测量法。

6 、It is a general designation for the previously triangulation network, trilateration network and rim angle.───它是对已往三角网、三边网和边角网的统称。

7 、Delaunay triangulation interpolation───Delaunay内**值法

8 、GPS-supptorted aerial triangulation───GPS辅助空三

9 、Parameterization of surface triangulation is essential for operations such as texture mapping, remeshing and surface fitting.It's very important for finding a better parameterization in practice.───三角网格曲面的参数化是纹理映射、重新网格化和曲面拟合过程中的重要环节,因此在实践中采用的参数化方法合适与否至关重要。

10 、The Data Processing of Tianjin Second- order Triangulation Network Rebuilding───天津市二等三角网改造数据处理

11 、Semi-Adaptive Triangulation of Parametric Surface───参数曲面的拟自适应三角化

12 、A Robust Quality Triangulation Algorithm of Arbitrary Shaped Planar Domains───一种任意复杂平面域三角化的健壮算法

13 、The former situation can be solved by Delaunay Triangulation algorithm on two-dimensional arbitrary domain, and the robust of algorithm is improved by correcting the bug in algorithm.───对于轮廓的二维投影域 可以使用 Delaunay 三 角剖分二维任意域的算法来处理,并且在应用中对于原算法存在的缺陷进行了修正,提高了算法的健壮性;

14 、Drawing isohyetal chart by irregular triangulation net method───利用不规则三角网法绘制三峡雨量等值线图

15 、Analytical three-point resection radial triangulation───三点交会分析径向三角测量

16 、We'd have to triangulate off three towers.─── 必须靠三个信号塔来三角**

17 、You can track it down, triangulate her signal.─── 我們可以追蹤那部手機 找到手機的信號

18 、Get a triangulation and phone it through.─── 去进行三角** 并拨通过去

19 、laser optical triangulation method───光三角法


21 、TIN( triangulation irregular network)───平面不规则三角网

22 、Delaunay triangulation algorithms───Delaunay三角网算法

23 、Triangulation and Thinning Algorithm for Band Image───带状图像的三角剖分与细化

24 、Establishing DTM, triangulation net is made of some rules, but some mistakes can take place in the part of the net. For resolving the problem author sums up some methods.───建立数字地模时,三角网是按一定规则组成的,但局部仍会出现错误。为此总结了几种方法,可有效地解决其不合理性。

25 、Zhou,X. Y., He, D. Z. , Zhu, X. X. , 1994. An algorithm of triangulation for scattered data in none-convex region.China J. CAD &CG, 6 (4): 256 - 259 ( in Chinese with English abstract).───周晓云,何大曾,朱心雄,1994.实现平面上散乱数据点三角剖分的算法.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,6(4):256-259.

26 、Cosine Tracking and Triangulation───余弦跟踪与三角测量

27 、We use the bond-orientation correlation function, FFT, and Delaunay triangulation plots of the images to analyze the data which is obtained from experiments.───同时利用方向相关函数、FFT图和二维晶格图来分析二维晶格有序性的变化。

28 、Delaunay triangulation network───Delaunay三角网

29 、Delaunay Triangulation (DT) Grid───DT网格

30 、Automatic 3D mesh generation research has made much more important progress, and some effective methods have been presented, such as AFT (Advancing Front Technique), Delaunay triangulation algorithm, and Octree algorithm.───复杂三维实体网格生成技术已取得许多重要进展,涌现出如AFT(Advancing Front Techniques)、DELAUNAY TETRAHEDRALIZATION和OCTREE等四面体网格全自动生成方法。

31 、We'll triangulate and advance on the center.─── 我们形成三角攻势 向中心进发

32 、Delaunay triangulation grid generation───Delaunay三角剖分

33 、FEM Triangulation of Arbitrary Planar Domains───平面任意区域的FEM三角剖分

34 、Algorithm of delaunay triangulation generation based on AVL tree───基于平衡二叉树的三角网快速生成算法

35 、2D constrained Delaunay triangulation───二维约束Dclaunay三角化

36 、first order triangulation station───一等三角点

37 、Triangulation structure model───三角网格模型

38 、localized Delaunay triangulation───局部Delaunay三角剖分

39 、According to some relative definations, this paper proposed a triangulation of convex hull based on a monotonic chain.───在分析应用相关定义的基础上,该文提出了一种基于单调链法的凸壳三角剖分方法。

40 、Standard Triangulation Language (STL) files───STL文件

41 、triangulation irregular network───不规则三角网

42 、Planeness measuring system of solar panel substrate by an optical triangulation method[J].───引用该论文 房建成,赵建辉,周锐,俞文伯.

43 、We have it triangulated to a oneblock radius.─── 我们把地址三角**在了一个街区半径内

44 、And if he's got a way to do it that involves triangulation, fair enough.───如果他有办法完成这一涉及三角关系的任务,那就足够公平了。

45 、Sketch map of laser triangulation method theory───三角法测量原理示意图

46 、Trilateration resembles the better-known technique of triangulation, except that it relies on distances rather than compass headings to get a fix on position.───三边测量很像大家比较熟悉的三角测量,只不过前者依靠距离而不是罗盘导引来确**置。

47 、It is a general designation for the previously triangulation, trilateration survey and triangulateration.───它是对已往三角测量、三边测量和边角网测量的统称。

48 、An Approach of Texture Mapping Based on Triangulation───一种基于三角划分的纹理映射方法

49 、IMU/DGPS assisted aerial triangulation───IMU/DGPS辅助空中三角测量

50 、triangulation supported method───三角形支持法

51 、Irregular triangulation structure───不规则三角网结构

52 、single-point laser triangulation───单点激光三角法

53 、Sweeping Algorithm for Triangulation of Plane Point-Line Set───平面点线集三角剖分的扫描算法

54 、The DGPS assisted aerial triangulation───DGPS辅助空中三角测量

55 、A Triangulation Algorithm for General Plane Polygon───一种适用任意平面多边形的三角剖分算法

56 、When using coherent illumination such as lasers,however,the laser speckle places a fundamental limit on accuracy for both traditional and space-time triangulation.───当使用互相密合着的照明,像是激光的时候,然而,激光小的斑点为传统而时空三角测量放一个基本的界限在准确性上。

57 、A New Method for Surface Finite Element Triangulation───一种新的曲面有限元三角网格划分方法

58 、The peak fitting method was compared with other methods of peak resolution, such as,"Droplineseparation", "Triangulation" and "Tangent skimming", the result indicates that among these methods the fitting method is the most accurate one.───与常用重叠峰解析方法如中垂线法,三角形法和切线法解析结果的对比证明,曲线拟合法在这些方法中具有最好的准确度。

59 、Stereovision reconstruction using Triangulation and "Mire" Calibration.───(译):立体视觉重建使用三角和“沼泽”校准。

60 、Abstract: Both structured light and phase measurement which base on optical triangulation are methods for measuring displacement.───中文摘要: 结构光法和相位移法都是基于光学三角原理的位移测量方法。

61 、You correlate with other towers and then triangulate.─── 和其它信号塔联系起来做三角**

62 、Command Triangulation System───三角指挥仪

63 、As a kind of the most excellent irregular triangulation network (ITN ), Delaunay triangulation network (D-ITN) is widely used in the fields of GIS, geography analysis and finite element analysis ect.───Delaunay三角网作为诸多不规则三角网中结构最优的三角网,被广泛应用于GIS、地学分析、有限元分析等领域。

64 、The (Euclidean) minimum weight triangulation (MWT) of a planar point set is a long-standing open problem in the fields of computational geometry and algorithm design.───平面点集的 (欧几里德 )最小权三角剖分问题是计算几何和算法领域的一个长期悬而未决的公开问题 .

65 、triangulation generation algorithm───三角形生长法

66 、The layout of a triangulation system may either be a continuous net as in Fig. 1-1.───三角测量系的布设,可采用图1-1的连续网。

67 、Algorithm for Triangulation of Planar Scattered Point-line Set───平面散乱点线集三角剖分的算法

68 、graphic radial triangulation───图解辐射测量法

69 、A Blocking-Based Triangulation of a Surface Between Planar Contours───平面轮廓线之间的分块三角划分算法

70 、Isobar Drawing for Pipe Network by Triangulation Algorithm───三角形网格法绘制给水管网等压线

71 、We introduce the design of non-contact laser otpical probe based on the triangulation technique, give the experimental results, review the applications of triangulation techniqne.───介绍了基于三角测量原理的非接触激光光学探头的设计,给出了实验结果,展望了应用前景。

72 、APIT(Approximate Point-in triangulation test)───APIT

73 、An improved algorithm of spiraling edge triangulation───一种改进的螺旋边三角剖分算法

74 、Existing continental triangulation systems also still need to be adjusted.───大陆上的现有三角测量系统还须平差。

75 、Triangulation Based on Angle-of-Chord Cotangent Parameters Rule───基于弦内角余切参数的三角剖分算法

76 、Preliminary Infrared Triangulation System───初级红外三角测量系统

77 、They've gotta have us triangulated by now.─── 他们肯定已经对我们三角**了

78 、Study of Algorithm for Triangulation of Restrained Data Set with Islets───一种带岛屿约束数据域的三角网剖分算法研究

79 、Zhou, P. D. , 1996. The algorithm for triangulation of the point-set in the plane. China J. CAD &CG,8(4):259-264 (in Chinese with English abstract).───周培德,1996.平面点集三角剖分的算法.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,8(4):259-264.

80 、A Practical Algorithm of Triangulation Set ula at Arbitrary Terrains───一个实用原构造建任意地表区域三角网的算法

81 、To many liberals and some in the press corps, triangulation was compromise without conviction, a cynical ploy to win reelection.───对于许多自由派和新闻团体的一些人来说,“三角化”意味着没有坚定的信仰,是妥协,利用愤世嫉俗的思想去赢得连任。

82 、national triangulation network───国家三角网

83 、A New Triangulation Algorithm of the Point-Set in the Plane───一种新的平面点集三角剖分算法

84 、triangulation on surface of 2D object───二维表面三角划分

85 、Well, triangulate and send me the addresses.─── 做一个三角** 把地址发给我

86 、For the first time the bi-linear interpolation method and Triangulation method has been applied within a wide range of quasi-geoid model interpolation, to obtain good results.───并且首次将双线性内**法和三角形剖分法用于大范围内似大地水准面模型的内**,获得了较好的结果。

87 、Zhou's Triangulation is not the Minimum Weight Triangulation───周培德三角剖分不是最小权三角剖分

88 、We should be able to triangulate his position.─── 我们就能用三角测量找到他

89 、GPS -supported Aerial Triangulation───GPS辅助空中三角测量

90 、the generalized type--I triangulation───广义I型三角剖分


triangulation method [英][trai???ɡju?lei??n ?meθ?d][美][tra????ɡj??le??n ?m?θ?d] 三角形法; A new feature angle criterion and local greedy triangulation method are presented to simplify vertexes of smooth polyhedral model. 提出了顶点的特征角定义方法、特征角准则及删除顶点后对遗留空洞的局部贪婪剖分方法,解决了多面体表示的光滑曲面模型的简化问题。



带权的限定Delaunay三角剖分(Weighted CDT)的算法的输入是一个包含限定线段和限定点的平面直线图(planar straight line graph,简称PSLG),算法的输出是与限定条件(限定点和限定线段)一致的一个三角形集合。













输入:一个分段线性复合形(a piecewise linear complex)





调用算法4.4 WeightAssignment3d对规范化后的点和边赋权值;











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