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07-02 投稿




英:[?we?fe?r?(r)]  美:[?we?f?r?]

英:  美:


n.旅人, 徒步旅行者


1 、Answered the wayfarer:" I have no time for waiting, since nobody knows exactly when or whether the intended car will come.But my feet are bringing me closer to my dreamland.───流浪汉:"我没有时间等候,我不知道我要等的车来不来,可是我的步伐却在向我的梦想之地靠近.

2 、She saw the wayfarer, and perceived what he was looking at.───她望着过路客人,看见了他正在细看的东西。

3 、The physicians at first laughed at the unknown wayfarer.───医生们起先嘲笑这个来历不明的旅行者。

4 、a solitary wayfarer in this deserted street.───在这冷寂大街上孤独的行人

5 、It was difficult to encounter a wayfarer of more wretched appearance.───要碰见一个比他更褴褛的过路人是很不容易的了。

6 、That wayfarer is often easily cheated.───那个旅人常一下子就上当.

7 、The sound of the careless passage of the jungle wayfarer comes to the ear of the animals───丛林里旅人漫不经心穿过的声音传到了动物的耳里

8 、The gist of it was that they felt close to the characters in my books and very much wanted to talk with me."A wayfarer in a foreign land longs for home.───从我住的这个城到慕尼黑不过五个多小时的火车行程,称不得远,只是我与他们之中的任何一人皆未见过,我们相约聚会,凭藉的是一份共同的感情;

9 、The young wayfarer had made her first really important impression upon him.───那幼年的窥探者已经把她的第一个重要印象给了他了。

10 、The mother raised her head and thanked her, and bade the wayfarer sit down on the bench at the door, she herself being seated on the threshold───母亲抬起头,道了谢,又请这位路的女客坐在门边条凳上,她自己仍蹲在门槛上。

11 、We already know the man.It was the wayfarer whom we have seen wandering about in search of shelter.───这人我们已经认识,便是我们刚才见过,往来求宿的那个过路人。

12 、The wayfarer gives all his money to her.───旅人就把身上所有的钱币给了她.

13 、The sound of the careless passage of the jungle wayfarer comes to the ear of the animals.───丛林里旅人漫不经心穿过的声音传到了动物的耳朵里。

14 、The wayfarer struck into this.───那行人向丛莽中走去。

15 、The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.───口干舌燥的旅行者很高兴地发现靠近马路的清凉的喷泉。

16 、The mother raised her head and thanked her, and bade the wayfarer sit down on the bench at the door, she herself being seated on the threshold.───母亲抬起头,道了谢,又请这位过路的女客坐在门边条凳上,她自己仍蹲在门槛上。

17 、The Derbyshire Wayfarer day rover ticket - a day's unlimited travel on most bus &train journeys throughout the county.───小记:如果是二人以上同行,可以购买以下车票,节省不少哦!!!

18 、Ego in nubibus and the Lonely Wayfarer --An Interpretation of ZHANG Cheng-zhi's Cultural Psychology───困惑的自我与寂寞的旅者--张承志文化心理解析

19 、What Allah has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from the people of the townships,- belongs to Allah,- to His Messenger and to kindred and orphans, the needy and the wayfarer;───城市的居民的逆产,凡真主收归使者的,都归真主、使者、至亲、孤儿、贫民和旅客,以免那些逆产,成为在你们中富豪之间周转的东西。

20 、Lightly floats and drifts the boat, and the wind gently flows and flaps my gown. I inquire the road of a wayfarer, and sulk ar the dimness of the dawn.───舟摇摇以轻飏,风飘飘而吹衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。

21 、It was the wayfarer whom we have seen wandering about in search of shelter───便是我们刚才见过,往来求宿的那个过路人。

22 、Pardon me, wayfarer, we're in the midst of conversation.─── 抱歉 旅人 我们还在说话呢

23 、Thou art the solitary wayfarer in this deserted street.───在这冷寂的街上,你是孤独的行人。

24 、“O wayfarer in the path of God!───“上帝之道的行者啊!

25 、The wayfarer was lean and keen-featured, and somewhat bowed at the shoulders───这位跋涉者身体瘦削而精干,双肩微微耸起。

26 、A wayfarer or traveler.───徒步旅行者或旅客

27 、The wayfarer halted for a moment, and peeped through the window into the interior of the low-studded room of the public house, illuminated by a small lamp on a table and by a large fire on the hearth.───那行人停了一会,从玻璃窗口望那酒家底层厅房的内部,看见桌上的灯正点着,壁炉里的火也正燃着。

28 、Pause for a moment, Wayfarer, on life's journey.───旅人们,在人生的旅途中,请暂停脚步吧。

29 、The devil wants to eat the wayfarer's body.───魔鬼因为想吃旅人的身体

30 、The wayfarer bent over and examined a rather large circular excavation, resembling the hollow of a sphere, in the stone on the left, at the foot of the pier of the door.───过客弯下腰去细察门左石脚上的一个圆涡,圆涡颇大,好象是个圆球体的模子。

31 、1. The sound of the careless passage of the jungle wayfarer come to the ear of the animal.───丛林里旅人漫不经心穿过的声音传到了动物的耳里。

32 、There was nothing in the field or on the hill except a deformed tree, which writhed and shivered a few paces distant from the wayfarer.───在那片田野中和矮丘上,空无所有,只见一棵不成形的树,在和这个流浪人相距几步的地方,蜷曲着它的枝干,摇曳不定。

33 、Like a wayfarer, I seem to be consistently on the move toward the next destination, or always prepared to.───如一个永在途中的旅人,我仿佛一直在向着下一个栖息地前行,或是准备前行。

34 、The traveler is full of good intentions;he intends to lay open the heart of the wayfarer, to look into the souls of other travelers, peering into their eyes as one peers over the edge of a well.───这个旅行者是充满善意的,他想打开路人的心扉,观察他们的心灵,通过他们的眼睛来解读他们灵魂深处的东西,就像要看穿一口井...

35 、And he lifted up his eyes and saw the wayfarer in the square of the city.───17老年人举目看见过路的人坐在城里的大街上,就问他说,你从那里来?

36 、Instantly Places The Wayfarer's Group Into Stealth For A Short Duration. Vanishing Act Can Be Used While In Combat.───使诗人团队于短暂时间内进入潜行状态。可在战斗中使用。

37 、78. The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.───口渴的徒步旅行者很高兴在路边找到新鲜的泉水。

38 、Lightly floats and drifts the boat, and the wind gently flows and flaps my gown. I inquire the road of a wayfarer, and sulk at the dimness of the dawn.───舟摇摇以轻殇,风飘飘而吹衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。

39 、You are, madam, the wayfarer they've been dreading.─── 夫人 他们最害怕的 就是像您这样穷追不舍的人

40 、The wayfarer gives his leather mantle to her.───旅人把皮披风给了女孩.

41 、But the rich man refused to take something from his own flock and herd to dress for the wayfarer who had come to him;but he took the poor man's ewe lamb and dressed it for the man who had come to him.───富户舍不得从自己的羊群牛群中取一只豫备给过路的客人吃,却取了那穷人的羊羔,豫备给到他那里的人吃。

grey ant墨镜是什么价位?

欧美潮牌 灰蚂蚁Grey ant 复古几何多边大框蛤蟆镜 男女太阳眼镜现在网上报价:28.00元左右。有须求的都可以网上搜索购得。

grey ant墨镜是什么价位?

grey ant墨镜是2000元以上的价位,Grey Ant: 一个来自美国纽约的设计师品牌, 其經典眼鏡款式Wayfarer现在是欧美女星出街的必备单品

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