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07-01 投稿




英:[?spelba?nd]  美:[?sp?l?ba?nd]

英:  美:


adj.被迷住的, 茫然不知所之的


动词过去式: spellbound | 副词: spellbindingly | 动词第三人称单数: spellbinds | 动词过去分词: spellbound | 动词现在分词: spellbinding |


1 、Many people are spellbound by football.───许多人为足球而着迷。

2 、Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding.───其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。

3 、I feel spellbound: Ordinary job is fluctuant, a kind small neurasthenic, why to become he is one middleaged man so is sexual interest capricious?───我感到茫然:一次平凡的工作变动,一种小小的神经衰弱,为何把他一个中年男子汉变得这般性趣反复无常了?

4 、Women stood spellbound and watched as he escaped from handcuffs, straight jackets, steamer trunks.─── 女人们都被他的本领迷住了 看着他从手铐 拘束衣和行李箱中逃脱

5 、The D.A. Holds the jury spellbound with his closing summation───律师用他的最终结论诱导陪审团

6 、an orator who can hold his listeners spellbound.───能吸引观众的出色演讲者。

7 、The children sat spellbound as the old man told his story.───老人在讲他的事迹时,孩子们象入了迷似的坐着听。

8 、1. So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes it to his heart, no question asked.───当读者读到一部杰出的**时,他也会这样如痴如狂,欲将**字字句句刻骨铭心,绝不会提出任何问题。

9 、We often surround him and listen, spellbound, to his stories.───我们经常坐在他的身边,入迷地听他讲故事。

10 、watch sth. spellbound───看得入了神

11 、Flowers could never have kept me spellbound.───鲜花从未令我心迷神往过。

12 、Wow, you seem spellbound by your computer. Is it really all that interesting or have you fallen asleep with your eyes open?───哇,你似乎被电脑迷住了。那东西真的那么有趣还是你睁着眼睛睡着了?

13 、Flowers in the park keep/hold visitors spellbound.───公园里的鲜花令游客心醉神迷。

14 、media used "spellbound," to describe the dedicated individuals who got up to, I think is not an exaggeration, but feel bitterness, This "lost" is behind all sorts of helplessness.───媒体用“着了魔一样”来形容买房者对排队放号的执着,我觉得并不夸张,只是感到苦涩,这“着魔”的背后是种种无奈。

15 、I was spellbound by Tara's beauty as she entered the room.───塔拉进屋时,我因她的美丽而意乱情迷了。

16 、My children sat spellbound as we read this book. We loved this story for the original plot, the strange dialect (not too heavily used), and the unusual art work.───美人鱼的故事看过不少,这本算是不落俗套的作品了。整本书将幻想与现实、贪婪与忠诚以及爱情的力量融合在了一起,极富有阅读感。别致的如同木刻版画也让这本书独具魅力。

17 、His fresh vocals, easy-going demeanor, and down-to-earth swagger soon caught the attention of the young ladies - and has held them spellbound ever since!───他清纯的嗓音,潇洒的举止以及神气活现的感觉,很快吸引了许多年轻的女性,并且让她们着了魔。

18 、The musician sat spellbound at Sri Ramakrishna's ecstasy; then he said with folded hands, "Won't you please rid me of my worldliness?"───音乐家出神地看着室利罗摩克里希纳着迷的状态;接着双手合十地说:“看在我的面上,你会除去我的俗气吗?”

19 、She was held spellbound by the performance of the young pianist.───青年钢琴家的演奏使她听得出了神。

20 、The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.───当魔术师从他的帽子里变出兔子时,孩子们都看得入了迷。

21 、The storyteller held the crowd spellbound.───那个讲故事的人使观众听得入迷了。

22 、At first I thought it was exaggeration, but when I came to Moraine Lake, I was shocked to its striking beauty and could not withdraw my eyes as if I was spellbound.───湖面是翠蓝色的,细小的水波闪烁玉石一般的光亮,看上去很难想像这是真实的。

23 、she exulted softly, completely spellbound by the ancient pottery jar.───她欣喜地悄声喊着,她已经深深地被这件彩陶吸引住了。

24 、Only witches who were mad were ever spellbound.─── 只有瘋了的巫師才會被咒縛

25 、The wonderful and lively class by the chemistry teacher spellbound all the students there.───化学老师精彩生动课使所有的学生入迷。

26 、The thought of saying those words out loud, to you, telling you that I thought rebecca spellbound her daughter.─── 我無法想象對你說出 我覺得麗貝卡咒縛了她的女兒

27 、The mesmerizing body movements and the elaborate costume and makeup of the ATS belly dance leaves viewers spellbound.───美式部落风肚皮舞蹈的化妆、细致的表演服饰以及令人著迷的肢体动作,常常让观赏者著迷。

28 、The beautiful notes of a violin held me spellbound.───悠扬的小提琴声把我吸引住了。

29 、To hold motionless; spellbind.───使呆住使不动;被迷住

30 、I remember tearing out myhair in clumps and watching, spellbound, as the red grew backwhite.───我记得我是如何拔下一缕头发看着,出神地看着,而那火红的颜色逐渐变成了灰白。

31 、He was the only one not in bondage to the law of sameness that reigned in that spellbound sleeping castle.───不过他不愿意服从这座因着魔而陷入沉睡状态的古旧城堡里的一成不变的法则。

32 、As the clock ticks towards midnight, the spectators gathering at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui and along both sides of Victoria Harbour will be spellbound for the countdown.───当晚,尖沙咀香港文化中心外及维多利亚港两岸,将聚集大批群众,一同欢迎新年的来临。

33 、Wow, you look spellbound by your computer screen, is it really all that interesting or have you fallen asleep with your eyes open?───哇,你似乎被电脑迷住了。那东西真的那么有趣还是你睁着眼睛睡着了?

34 、All present seemed to be spellbound by the melody.───所有在场的人都似乎被这乐曲迷住了。

35 、The audience were spellbound by the magic of the performance.───观众们被表演的魅力迷住了。

36 、Spellbound, Narcissus reached down into the water and touch this person, but only felt the wet water.───纳瑟西斯著魔似地把手伸入水中,想触摸此人,却只感受到湿冷的水。

37 、Like an obsession it's keeping me spellbound───这种困扰让我着迷

38 、There was a time when a deep blue sky , the song of the birds , moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound .───有一段时间,深蓝色的天空,鸟儿的歌声,月光和花朵并不能迷住我。

39 、Robbie got spellbound on that car, even when it did spooky stuff.─── 罗比被那辆车迷住了 虽然那辆车有很多诡异行为

40 、She had grown so luminous even Dorothy, perched on her barrel, was precariously spellbound───她变得那么容光焕发,使得站在木桶上的多萝茜给危险地迷住了。

41 、She sat there motionless, as if spellbound.───她坐在那儿一动不动,似乎著了魔。

42 、Computer games have spellbound a lot of children.───电脑游戏迷住了许多孩子。

43 、Untamed Earth holds us spellbound from start to finish as we wonder at the amazing beauty and nobility that has survived in nature against the odds.───由原始的亚马逊那至北美洲,母亲爱孩子的表现每分每秒都在地球上发生,幕幕温馨感人,实叫天地也为之动容。

44 、These interrogation are spellbound the person that to great majority the contest that is a purpose in order to invest is patted.───这些问号对大多数以投资为目的的竞拍者而言都是茫然。

45 、And you couldn't find it because she was spellbound.─── 但你卻找不到力量 因為她被咒縛了

46 、The soprano held the audience; This story held our interest; She can hold an audience spellbound.───那个女高音吸引了观众的注意;这个故事吸引了我们的。

47 、Visitors from cosmopolitan cities were held spellbound by the rustic scenery.───来自大都会的游客被乡村景色迷住了。

48 、For this end, I'm spellbound at the mysterious charm of this subject.───因此,这个学科对我来说更充满着神秘的吸引力。

49 、When I reached the peak I stood spellbound by the scene below.───我爬上顶峰时,下面的景象使我都看呆了。

50 、So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes it to his heart, no question asked.───当读者读到一部杰出的**时,他也会这样如痴如狂,欲将**字字句句刻骨铭心,不提出任何问题。

51 、a storyteller who can hold audiences spellbound───讲故事能让听众如痴如醉的人

52 、I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.───我不知道这是不是因为我很久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。

53 、We believe that you may have been spellbound.─── 我們認為你之前一直被咒縛著

54 、7. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.───我记得非常清楚,曾有一段时间,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未使我心醉神迷过。

55 、Objects will appear, vanish and transpose with ease, leaving your audience spellbound!───对象容易地将出现, 将消失和将移置, 留下您的观众中了符咒!

56 、Whichever way you choose, you will leave your audiences spellbound!───方式您选择, 您将留下您的观众中了符咒!

57 、Privately though, Xiao Qi is intensely curious to the charms and attractions of Earthly life which has held many deities spellbound.───而私底下,小七也想知道人间到底有什么魔力,为何能让天上的神仙欣羡不已。

58 、Is spellbound, when a plate from the master side, but the plate is not loaded tea or coffee, but a-ok.───正在出神的时候,主人端出来一个盘子,但盘子里装的不是茶水或咖啡,而是一盘玉。

59 、Your audience will be spellbound as they watch coins vanish, only to reappear moments later.───你的观众将被迷住,他们观看硬币消失,只有过了一会儿再现。

60 、Ah. She's beautiful, I'm spellbound by her, I'm going to have to go talk to her.───啊,她真漂亮。我被她迷住了。我一定要和她说句话。

61 、You think to yourself, “I want to create something that‘s never been done before,” but you feel spellbound because you know “what works.───网页设计中的抽象拼贴包含许多元素,比如纸,纸带,破旧的布料。

62 、It's spellbound... to my blood, my heart.─── 这咒语与我的血液 我的心脏相连

63 、hold the reader spellbound───使读者入迷

64 、The same size as a US half dollar, these coins work well for manipulation, matrix routines, Charming Chinese Challenge, Spellbound and Three Fly - nearly any coin effect.───与魔术师一起精心制作同半美元硬币一样大小,适用于各种硬币魔术。

65 、During his sparkling stay at Chelsea, Gianfranco Zola, that special envoy from the court of Calcio, left a spellbound English audience with some precious memories.───佐拉,这位来自意大利的外乡人在切尔西度过了难以忘怀的时光,使众多英格兰对他了深刻的印象。

66 、I was spellbound by the concert.───这场音乐会使我痴醉不已。

67 、One day, while walking through a square, he heard Chinese music being played by a symphony orchestra and was spellbound.───一天,当他走过一个广场时听到一个交响乐团在演奏中国音乐,他为之非常着迷。

68 、I can well remember that flowers in the park have never kept/held me spellbound.───我记得非常清楚,公园里的鲜花从未令我心醉神迷过。

69 、28 During the period of self cannot get happiness, very close by the display window , be spellbound being staring at happiness .───28在自己还得不到幸福的时候,不要靠橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神。

70 、Why you look so spellbound, Han Jia?───韩佳,好好的你发什么呆呀?

71 、The toddler in the cartoon, still at the age of pacifiers and stuffed animals, is held spellbound by the figure on the screen.───漫画中刚学走步的孩子还处于叼奶嘴和玩毛绒动物玩具的年龄,可已经被电视上的人物迷住了。

72 、Be the soberest when is the mood spellbound?───心情茫然的时候是最冷静的吗?

73 、The children were spellbound by the story.───孩子们听故事都听得着了迷。

74 、4.Beardless and spellbound, general this class open a book to read, and study bequest allocation issue surely, to draw near when the exam, all problems with respect to be readily solved.───无须茫然,一般这课都开卷,而且必考遗产分配问题,到临近考试时,一切问题就迎刃而解了。

75 、The speaker held his audience spellbound .───演说者使听众听得入迷。

76 、I can well rememberthat there was a time whena deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.───我记得非常清楚,曾有一段时间,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未使我心醉神迷过。

77 、The crowd was held spellbound by her oratory.───她的口才使听众听得入迷了。

78 、And as he entered in to her charade, acting out the part of spellbound suitor for all the world to see, Imogen found herself in the thrall of true passion at last.───当他加入她的伪装,扮演痴情追求者给世人看时,伊晴发现自己沈湎在真正的激情中而无法自拔。

79 、The magician held (ie kept) the children spellbound───魔术师把孩子都迷住了.

80 、The acrobats held the audience spellbound .───杂技演员们使观众看呆了。

81 、We were spellbound by his tales.───我们都听得入迷了。

82 、The moment your sister appeared I was entranced, spellbound.─── 你妹妹一出现 我就跟中了咒语一样 被迷住了

83 、And it's not like those old stories about spellbound witches that are left with nothing.─── 而不是像舊時傳說中的那樣 被咒縛的巫師法力全無

84 、3.The children were spellbound by the circus performance.───孩子们被马戏表演迷住了。

85 、Therefore everyone just stared more or less spellbound.───所以双方或多或少的处于一种焦灼状态。

that night 这首歌的中文意思是什么


That Night 直译:那晚

that night 这首歌的中文意思是什么


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