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06-29 投稿




英:[??nfl??]  美:[??n?flo]

英:  美:


n. 流入;流入物;流入量


influx | entry | invasion | introduction | arrival | tide | incursion




1 、The inflow of new equity allowed companies to increase their capacity to borrow and raised the capability of banks to lend.───企业的借款容量和银行的贷款能力都因为这些新资产的流入得到了提升。

2 、The APU is a singe shaft gas turbine engine with a two stage centrifugal compressor, a single combustion chamber and one radial inflow turbine.───APU是一个单轴气动涡轮发动机,它有一个两级离心压气机,一个单燃烧室和一个径向内流式涡轮。

3 、The drastic inflow of foreign capital into Chinese market undeniably exerted huge impact on China"s domestic industry for the time being.───不可否认的是,外国资本的快速渗入对我国的民族产业在短期内确实带来了巨大的冲击。

4 、But the spiral waves in these systems do not appear to be large enough to produce the rate of matter inflow needed to explain the observed radiation from the disks.───但是这些系统中的螺旋波似乎还不够大,其所造成物质的向内流量,不足以解释观测到的圆盘辐射。

5 、A lake fed by a freshwater inflow.───一个流入淡水的湖

6 、Sales of additional shares of stock. The sale of capital stock results in an inflow of current assets, thereby increasing working capital.───出售股票追加股。销售股本可以导致流动资产的流入,从而增加了营运资本。

7 、Lithology is a stable factor, while the upper stream inflow and groundwater exploitation are unstable factors that directly influence the transform regularity.───地层岩性对转化关系的影响属于稳定因素,而上游来水量和地下水开采量属于非稳定因素,直接影响了转化关系的变化规律。

8 、All working toward a single goal: the outflow of weed, the inflow of cash.─── 他们有着同一个目标 流出大麻 流进现金

9 、Net private capital flows to Other Asia (excluding China and Japan) reversed by US$108 billion in the second half of 1997, compared with an inflow of roughly the same order in the previous 12 months.───在一九九七年下半年,流入亚洲国家(不包括中国和日本)的私人资金流量净额减少了1,080亿美元,而在之前十二个月,流入的资金大约也是这个数额。

10 、It turns out that the spillover effect does exist interactively with the rapid inflow of foreign direct investment thoughit is not quite obvious.───其结果显示,沈阳市装备制造业利用外资在整体上产生了溢出效应,但是溢出效应并不十分明显;

11 、Analysts say the second half of the net inflow of foreign currency a further increase to our country from the outside to bring endless liquidity.───分析人士说,下半年外汇净流入的进一步增加,将从外部给我国带来源源不断的流动性。

12 、The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maxtmum.───两极地区一年温度变化极大,太阳能入射量的年变幅也极大。

13 、Be cautious of baby's choking with water and inflow of water to ears.───严防呛水,耳朵进水。

14 、It is easier to connect PCB board with the machine by installing an automatic inflow and outflow systems in it .───为使PCB板连机更顺利,本机加装自动进料系统、自动出料系统。

15 、New Exchange Fund paper to be issued only when there is an inflow of funds.───只会在有资金流入的情况下,金管局才会发行新的外汇基金债券票据。

16 、In order to observe health regulations in force in most countries, inflow and outflow is permissible as long as no appreciable current or turbulence is created.───为了遵守大多数国家的卫生条例,只要不产生明显的流动和漩涡,允许采用循环换水。

17 、We redirect the water from that inflow to the fuel tank.─── 我们把那个管道的水引入燃料罐里

18 、Based on the analysis, the paper also made a predication of future inflow volume of tourist in the island.───在此基础上,根据各主要旅游障碍因素的影响权重,对未来的入岛游客量进行了“障碍因素消除后”的预测。

19 、The physical property of the air is steady, and the thermal leakage loss and non-uniform inflow loss of the turboexpander are not taken into account.───工质的物性不随压力和温度的变化而变化,不计透平膨胀机的漏热损失、不均匀进气损失等。

20 、Because there are no parameters that characterize air inflow in each cycle, dynamic recurrent neural network (Elman) was adopted for forecasting engine's air inflow in each cycle.───HCCI汽油机没有能直接表征发动机每循环进气量的参数,因此,采用动态递归神经网络(Elman网络)预测HCCI发动机每循环的进气量。

21 、No reverse flow of oil exports in the oil flow available within inflow Type; Otherwise required outflow type, the control of oil in order to reduce pressure.───在油流反向出口无背压的油路中可用内泄式;否则需用外泄式,以降低控制油压力。

22 、The experiences of some developing countries indicate that too much capital inflow will push exchange rate rise.───一些发展中国家的汇率变动与资本流动的趋势表明,大量资本流入将推动汇率升值,实行固定汇率制度的国家则会出现外部不均衡,如果政策运用不当容易引发金融危机。

23 、It also imprisoned the people"s thought, hindered other culture inflow.───但也禁锢了人民思想,阻碍外界文化的流入。

24 、Hu Xiaolian, deputy head of PBOC, said China didn't see capital outflow, but inflow did slow down.───同时表示中国将继续投资美国国债,但同时将高度关注美国国债资产价值的波动。

25 、The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold, dry, air mass.───主要支配的影响是干冷气团之流入。

26 、The seller has the benefit of an immediate inflow of funds, which can be put to use elsewhere in the business, coupled with a predictable cost for the leased assets.───卖方的好处是可以立即得到资金流入,这些资金可用于其他经营活动,而且回租资产的成本是可预测的。

27 、"Qi activity" is mainly manifested by the four forms: upflow, downflow, outflow and inflow.───“气机”,主要表现为升、降、出、入四种形式。

28 、This can be useful in combination with an inflow to prevent the whole domain from filling up.───(到一个排水沟)这和流入结合使用防止领域溢出。

29 、But the hydros have reservoirs which are able to modify the natural inflow, they will make full use of their regulation ability to maximize their revenue.───不过由于水电厂的水库具有一定的调节能力,当水电厂参与电力市场竞争并对水库调度有一定的自主权时,水电厂会充分利用其调节能力谋求收益最大。

30 、The predicting results indicate that this model can preferably reflect the influences of interzone inflow to the flood and the precision of this simulation model is acceptable.───实例表明,该模型能较好地反映区间入流对洪水过程的影响,模型的模拟精度较高。

31 、This was reflected in net private capital inflow and increased international reserves, which are beneficial for the long-term growth of Hong Kong.───另一方面,私营机构资金流入则有显著顺差而国际储备则有持续增长。这情况有利香港长远经济增长。

32 、Removal of water from reservoirs is more rapidly offset by inflow than is the replenishment of lake waters, which have lesser inflow.───从水库中汲的出水量,会很快地被流入的水量所补充,而湖泊的补充就要慢得多,因为它的流入量要少一些。

33 、Previous reading showed C$10.4 bln, which was the first net foreign inflow into Canadian securities after 2 consecutive months of net outflows.───上一次公布的数据为104亿加元。这是连续2个月净流出后,首次出现外国资金净流入加拿大证券市场的情况。

34 、That reflects a strong inflow into private equity, Merrill Lynch found.───去年,配置在私人股本和对冲基金上的财富比例平均上升到了20%美林发现,这反映出财富强劲流入私人股本。

35 、Removel of water from reservoirs is more rapidly offset by inflow than is th e replenishment of lake waters, which have lesser inflow.───从水库中汲的出水量,会很快地被流入的水量所补充,而湖泊的补充就要慢得多,因为它的流入量要少一些。

36 、So there are two opposing tendencies, an aggregate-demand rise that weakens the domestic currency and a capital inflow that strengthens it for a while.───因此,就有两种相反的倾向:使本国货币疲软的总需求增大和使本国货币暂时坚挺的资本流入。

37 、Nevertheless, it is true that there has been substantial capital inflow into the Mainland, leading to a very rapid accumulation of foreign reserves.───不过,的确有大量资金流入中国内地,令中国的外汇储备迅速增加。

38 、Otherwise, there is momentum transport from asymmetric to symmetric flow with pattern of cyclonic outflow or anticyclonic inflow.───反之,当非对称流场为反气旋式流入或气旋式流出时,动量由对称流向非对称流转换.

39 、They have, in fact, made quite intense efforts to deal with the inflow through a number of strategies.───事实上,内地有关当局已采取了多项措施,认真处理资金流入的问题。

40 、In middle water discharge, when inflow of Jianli takes about 55 percent of Luoshan's discharge, water level differences of both banks reaches minimum in Chenglingji cross section.───在中水流量下,当监利来水流量占螺山流量的百分比为55%左右时,城陵矶断面左右岸水位差达到最小值。

41 、He was, in effect, operating a giant pyramid scheme, reliant on confidence to maintain a steady inflow of cash.───他事实上在运作一个巨大的金字塔计划,他依赖于人们的信心以维持一个稳定的现金流入。

42 、"A lot of people are doing so, though there are no official statistics to show how big the inflow is," said Xing Zhiqiang, a senior research at CICC Securities.───“许多人在干这个,但是没有官方数据显示这些钱涌入的数字有多少,”辛志强,中国国际金融公司的高级研究员这样说。

43 、Yet this was smaller than the concurrent decline of 4.3 per cent in GDP in value terms, due to a net factor income inflow to Hong Kong equivalent to about 1.9 per cent of GDP in that year.───不过,这个跌幅已较同期以价值计算本地生产总值的4.3%跌幅为小,因为该年本港有相当于本地生产总值约1.9%的对外要素收入流动净值。

44 、Mon larger inflow of funds into the plate are: bio-medicine, steel, low-cost plate, coal, Shanghai local shares, the banks.───周一资金流入较多的板块有:生物医药、钢铁、低价板块、煤炭、沪本地股、银行。

45 、Any fluid that enters the region of this object will be deleted (think of a drain). This can be useful in combination with an inflow to prevent the whole domain from filling up.───任何的流体进入这一个物体的区域将会被删除。(想到一个排水沟).这和流入结合使用防止领域溢出。

46 、An inflow, as of water.───如水的流入

47 、The critical ratio of inflow mainly depends on the constructional parameters and packed bed conditions of PSF.───临界流入风量比主要取决于结构参数和料层情况。

48 、The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maximum.───两极地区一年温度变化极大,太阳能入射量的年变幅也极大。

49 、In this model, the influence of the dynamic inflow is considered, and the small displacement assumption used to be adopted in modeling is retracted.───取消以往建模所采用的小位移假设,计入了动力入流的影响。

50 、Case study proves that the proposed method is contributed to properly establish the inflow performance relationship (IPR) for gas condensate wells.───实例分析证明,利用提出的方法,能正确建立流入动态方程。

51 、The Mesoscale structure, such as bow echo, strong rear inflow and weak echo region on the inflow entrance etc, with the squall line, caused the disasterous wind.───对新一代天气雷达资料分析揭示了此次飑线的典型的弓状特征、强的后侧入流槽口以及入流槽口上的弱回波区等中小尺度结构特征是造成灾害性大风的成因。

52 、Revenue is that total income before the total expenses are deducted, it give the total asset inflow during a fiscal period.───[总收入是那总的收利,在还未减去那总费用之前的收益。它给出的是在一个会计季度里所有的资产、资金纳入。

53 、If the market structure is exogenous,then a capital inflow improves welfare of the host country.───如果市场结构是外生的,那么资本流入会提高东道国的福利;

54 、But those funds are flowing into China, "fickle", and they are always excessive traffic flow of funds when funds are really needed when they stop and withdraw from the inflow.───但那些流入中国的资金都是“薄情”的,它们总是流向资金过多的地方,当真正需要资金的时候,它们就停止流入并退出了。

55 、Three of the main environmental factors that vary across deep-sea ecosystems are temperature, water depth and carbon inflow from the photic zone.───三个主要环境因素:在跨深海域变化的生态环境里,温度,水深和从头光层来的碳的流入。

56 、The aim of determining water inflow in oil shale is to provide information for casing damage evaluation in the process of oilfield development.───判断油页岩是否进水的主要目的是为油田开发过程中评价套损情况提供信息。

57 、When this occurs, it is generally due to the location of the downstream boundary;turbulent eddies may cause additional inflow.───出现进出口质量不相等的原因主要是由于数值耗散。

58 、Based on the generalized dynamic inflow theory and classic non-steady aerodynamic loading theory, a real time model is obtained by establishing wake distortion and decay.───在广义动态入流理论的基础上,基于经典非定常气动载荷理论,建立了尾迹畸变和尾迹耗散的实时分析模型。

59 、Couinaud does not specifically describe incising the caudate process to allow passage of the clamp or whether inflow occlusion was used.───另一个目的是对肝门部存在的相当复杂的肝门板及纤维鞘系统进行更容易理解的描述。

60 、All patients had degree of reduced peak early inflow velocity(E),increased peak late velocity (A):reduced E/A and increased deceleration time of E paek(Dte).───35例患者均存在不同程度的E峰流速下降 ,A峰流速增加 ,E/A下降 ,E峰减速时间缩短。

61 、Secondly, the paper analyzes the influences of statistical error, capital flight and hot money inflow on net errors and omissions and finds out their interrelations.───其次对统计误差、资本外逃、热钱内流对净误差与遗漏的影响进行了分析,找出了它们之间的联系。

62 、Other technical considerations include the use of vascular inflow occlusion (Pringle maneuver) during cryotherapy.───其他的冷冻治疗中的技术考虑包括脉管流阻塞(Pringle机动)的使用。

63 、Within a few years Congress, overturning a veto by President Woodrow Wilson, passed laws that sharply cut the inflow of migrants.───在数年间,国会推翻伍德罗威尔逊总统的否决,通过了大幅削减移民流入的法律。

64 、So, again for the time being, if there is further inflow, you will see us buying US dollars and increasing the Aggregate Balance passively.───因此,若现时再有资金流入,金管局将会继续被动地买入美元及扩大总结馀。

65 、RV, RV/LV, RA/LA, IVC, E and E/A ratio of tricuspid inflow imaging were significantly different between patients with APE and normal controls.───APE组RV、RV/LV比值和RA/LA比值、IVC、PASP、三尖瓣舒张期前向血流频谱E、E/A比值与正常对照组之间存在显著性差异。

66 、Today's paper and paper product mills rely on a steady inflow of wood logs or chips.───今日的纸张和造纸厂仰赖固定的圆木或木片供应。

67 、Portocaval hemitransposition should be used cautiously and as a last resort to establish portovenous inflow.───因此,作为建立门静脉流入的最后手段,应该慎用门腔静脉半转位术。

68 、A renewed inflow of hot money betting on a yuan revaluation pushed the Hong Kong dollar to a 16-month high.───再度有热钱流入博人民币升值,把港元汇价推高至16个月的新高。

69 、Low level inflow also becomes thicker over land.Near the Snow Mountains the tangential wind strong wind speed district becomes wider on the middle and high level.───中高层切向风场在雪山山脉附近,强风速区会有变宽的现象,由剖面得知此现象和垂直传送有关,也造成切向风的非轴对称特徵。

70 、The key problem of producing nodal analysis for gas-water well is analysis of inflow performance of the gas -water well.───基于气水井的流入动态的研究成果,将其与流出动态相结合。

71 、A multivariable control system has been developed which manipulates heat addition and inflow so as to control digestion temperature and effluent substrate concentration.───多变量控制系统的操作变量为供热量和进水量,被控变量为消化温度和消化污泥排出浓度。

72 、In 2000, Hong Kong was the top destination in Asia for FDI with inflow totalling US$61.9 billion, which represented a 152 per cent increase over the 1999 level of US$24.6 billion.───二零零零年,香港获得的外来直接投资流入额达619亿美元,是亚洲各地之冠,与一九九九年的246亿美元比较,增加了152%。

73 、This paper studies a method for determining water inflow in oil shale by taking advantage of direct and visible fluroscence microscopic image technique.───利用荧光显微图像直观、可视的技术优势,研究出判断油页岩是否进水的方法。

74 、DTI may be clinically useful in detecting LV diastolic dysfunction in patients with hypertension and LVH, especially in detecting a pseudonormalization pattern of mitral inflow.───DTI技术可以定量评价高血压左心室肥厚患者的左心室舒张功能 ,并且比常规脉冲波多普勒二尖瓣血流参数更加敏感

75 、Fortuyn, a gay, was famous for his anti-immigration policy, claiming that the inflow of Muslims into Holland would pose threats to the nation's free social traditions.───同性恋者佛杜恩向以反对移民政策着称,认为回教徒涌入荷兰,将对全国有关社会问题的传统自由立场造成威胁。

76 、Increase the inflow of population management.───加大流入人口管理力度。

77 、Spain's aggressive exporting of her culture and her faith to other parts of the world didn't render her immune to the inflow of cultural influences from abroad.─── 西班牙在对别的国家 侵略性地输出自身文化及信仰的同时 并没有让她免于卷入 受其它文化影响的大潮中

78 、We'd like to look at the arterial inflow phase, please.─── 我们想看看动脉流入期 麻烦了

79 、The BOT of dormitories attain much attention for their steady cash inflow.───但民间参与公共建设主要是注重于计划之投资报酬与专案融资能力。

80 、The city is the aggregation of desires, and has a mystical allure that seduces the inflow of more people inebriated with the dream of realizing some extraordinary ideal.───城市是一个众多欲望集合的载体,它有一种莫名的魔力吸引更多的人涌入,去寻求某种非凡的价值。

81 、The summary of Fuling Sewage Treatment Works in the Three Gorges area and its characteristics and principles of division point inflow inversion A2/O technique are introduced.───介绍了三峡库区涪陵污水处理厂的概况及采用的分点进水倒置A2/O工艺的特点和原理。

82 、In fact the "Simpler Super" rules introduced in July 2007 allowed for an unprecendented inflow of funds into the superannuation system.───事实上,“最简单就是最好”这个理念是在2007年7月引入的,我们首个将这个理念引入退休计画当中。

83 、Over the past 20 years, Hong Kong has been very helpful in enabling the mainland to get inflow of foreign capital. Now we worry that such a role might diminish and even disappear.───因为我们都很担心,像过去20多年引入外资的角色可能要失去了。

84 、They seem to have become more ready than before to regulate the outflow and inflow of funds, through a variety of formal or informal measures.───它们较以往更容易采取规管的做法,具体上以各种正式或非正式措施来限制资金的流入及流出。





cash flow(资金流转)是什么意思







Simultaneous Outflow of Fresh Water and Inflow of Sea Water in a Coastal Spring

The flow of sea w ater into cavities is know n to occur in,among other places,the Bahamas,Florida and Greece,w here limestone w hich is in contact w ith the sea displays considerable karst development and is very permeable. There appear to be various causes — proved or supposed — for the inflow of sea w ater; the examples described in the literature are continuous or periodic but consist of either inflow of sea w ater or outflow of fresh w ater. The tw o types of flow never occur simultaneously.

The w ork described here reveals the possibility of a more complex coastal phenomenon in w hich tw o flow s — outflow and inflow — are concomitant and superposed. The study w as carried out at a spring on the Mediterranean coast ( Source de la Roubine,France; Figure 4. 3. 1a) ,w hich is at the edge of an extremely karstic carbonate massif and Quaternary clay- marl deposits several hundred metres thick in the coastal plain. The spring and flow run along a 2. 5 km channel into a lagoon ( sea w ater) . The discharge can attain a value of 6 m3/ s,and is 0. 1 - 0. 2 m3/ s at normal low -w ater functioning of the spring,that is,w hen the spring is flow ing. Inflow of salt w ater occurs only during such times of low discharge.

In the absence of rain,rises of several tens of centimetres are observed in the w ater level near the spring and last from a few hours to 4 - 5 days. While the w ater level changes in this w ay,a current of salt w ater runs along the bottom of the channel below the fresh w ater and in the opposite direction,enters one or tw o of the springs and disappears into the aquifer. At the same time,w ater continues to run out of the other springs and flow s tow ards the lagoon on top of the salt w ater ( Figure 4. 3. 1b) .

Figure 4. 3. 1 ( a) Map show ing the location of the Source de la Roubine. The carbonate massif has an areaof 55 km2and consists of Mesozoic limestone and dolomite. It is only part of the aquifer feeding the spring;other massifs located further north also contribute to the supply. The deposits of Quaternary and Cenozoicclay,loam and sand in the plain are several hundred metres thick and cover Mesozoic limestone w hichextends beneath the sea. The level of the Mediterranean has undergone a number of fluctuations since the endof the Neogene,and during some periods w as low er than it is today. These regressions caused deeppenetration by rainfall infiltrating into the carbonate massifs w hich had emerged,accompanied by intenseinternal corrosion and the formation of cavities by dissolution ( karst topography ) . Thus,the aquiferousstructure w hich formed in the depths of the carbonate mass is mainly below sea level today,and the Source dela Roubine is a spring of very recent formation. Movement of w ater starts in the form of a rising current inthe deep palaeokarst. ( b) Cross-section of the spring show ing the double flow ( vertical exaggeration 5∶ 1) .Tracers w ere injected into the stream of salt w ater through a pipe,as show n in the draw ing. Measurements ofvelocity,conductivity and temperature w ere made along the vertical marked‘A’.

Figure 4. 3. 2 Observations of velocity,conductivity and temperature,show ing the superposition of the tw o streams. M aximum velocities of the tw o currents running in opposite directions are almost the same. The discharge of the fresh-w ater stream is 0. 18 m3/ s; that of the salt-w ater stream beneath is 0. 20 m3/ s. The superposition of fresh w ater is also show n by the observations of conductivity and temperature. The lagoon w ater is w armer than the spring w ater.

The interface betw een the tw o flow s can be clearly seen in vertical profiles of electrical conductivity and temperature ( Figure 4. 3. 2) . The conductivity of the w ater from the spring is 4. 2 - 4. 3 mS / cm ( at 25℃ ) ,w hereas that of the lagoon w ater varies from 48 mS / cm to 56 mS / cm according to the season. Although for reasons of convenience the spring w ater is referred to as ‘fresh’,the mean electrical conductivity of spring w ater in limestone soil far from the coast is 0. 6 mS / cm w ith a Cl content of 15 - 35 mg / L ( the w ater in the lagoon has a Cl content of 18000 mg / L) .

The temperature of the spring is relatively stable,at 17. 3 ± 0. 5℃. In contrast,the lagoon w ater is subject to w ide temperature variations: from 5 - 10℃ in w inter to 25 - 28℃ in summer. The monitoring of inflow w ith time revealed some remarkable features. The beginning of the double-flow phenomenon has a sudden effect on conductivity values: this is proof of the poor miscibility of fresh and salt w ater. The temperature,how ever,varies progressively even before the appearance of salt w ater. This is caused by the fact that the advance of the salt w ater in the bottom of the channel pushes the fresh spring w ater already affected by the outside temperature back tow ards the spring.

Figure 4. 3. 3 Example of the time-evolution of conductivity ( ○) and temperature ( ) in the spring into w hich the salt w ater flow s,compared w ith w ater levels in the spring ( ■) and w ith w ind direction ( arrow s) . A,No inflow of salt w ater,but start of return flow is indicated by a fall in temperature. This is fresh w ater in the channel affected by the outside temperature. B,Inflow has started suddenly and is revealed by stable conductivity; how ever,temperatures are irregular. This is the effect of the thermal heterogeneity of the w ater in the lagoon. The low est temperature of the w ater flow ing in is 14. 9℃ ; the highest is 19. 8℃ ( the temperature of the spring w ater is 17. 8℃ ) . C, Inflow ceases suddenly. The spring flow s normally once more. Inflow occurs w hen there is a rise in w ater level of 0. 35 m caused by easterly w inds.

With regard to the hydraulic mechanism,it w ould appear that the variations in the w ater level at the spring are caused by variations in the level of the lagoon on the w est bank. The measurements ( Figure 4. 3. 3) show that they are not caused by tide; how ever,it w as observed that the variations are associated w ith certain w ind directions. The spring is on the w est bank; easterly w inds cause the w ater level to rise on this side and fall on the east bank. The rapid rise in level on the w estern side thus sets up a hydraulic gradient in the salt w ater,directed tow ards the spring. Progress of salt w ater tow ards the spring is encouraged by the low hydraulic gradient of the fresh w ater in the channel ( 0‰ - 0. 01‰) and by the near-zero slope of the bottom of the channel.

The superposition of the tw o flow s and the low apparent miscibility of the tw o streams are caused by the differences in density ( spring w ater: 0. 9994 g / cm3at 25℃ ; sea w ater ( in the lagoon) : 1. 0258 g / cm3) .

Finally,it might be thought that the salt w ater w hich runs into the aquifer reappears in spring flow after dilution and could be the cause of the salinity of the spring. Tracers w ere injected into the saline inflow in order to test this hypothesis,and no trace of the dye w as observed in fresh w ater to the spring during an observation period w hich lasted several months. It w ould thus appear that the tw o flow s are probably separate in the aquifer itself.

It is likely that part of the salt w ater mixes w ith w ater from the aquifer,but the origin of most of the salinity of the spring w ater is undoubtedly contamination of deep groundw ater by the penetration of sea w ater into the karst ( salt-w ater encroachment; Figure 4. 3. 4) . When lagoon w ater has flow ed in,it probably runs by gravity to the interface of the salt-w ater encroachment. It may then be taken by groundw ater flow to springs under the lagoon or under the sea.

Figure 4. 3. 4 Diagrammatic representation of the karstic aquifer and the organization of flow s. Fine arrow s,fresh w ater; bold and shaded arrow s,salt w ater. The flow of salt w ater that runs into the spring must descend by gravity through the aquifer ( A ) to the deep salt-w ater encroachment ( B ) . This flow is then carried to submarine springs. There is thus double contamination of underground w ater by sea w ater: from below in the aquifer and from above. Note that the large-scale flow of w ater into the spring carries large quantities of organic matter into the underground zone; this could form the basis for a totally unknow n biotope. ( For reasons of simplicity,the arrow s in A do not show any dispersion that may take place in the aquifer. )

In conclusion,w e note that geological structures w hich w ould enable this phenomenon to occur are very common on the limestone coasts around the Mediterranean. Equivalent structures also exist on ocean coasts: w e have observed such features in the Miocene limestone in south- east Java ( Gunung Sow u) and in southern Portugal ( Algarve) .



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