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07-01 投稿




英:['di:t?ks]  美:[di?tɑks]

英:  美:


vt. 使戒去毒瘾(或酒瘾)

n. 戒瘾诊所, 戒瘾病房


动词现在分词: detoxing | 动词过去分词: detoxed | 动词过去式: detoxed | 动词第三人称单数: detoxes |


1 、The Detox Foot Patch assists in the release of toxins through the skin, similar to the same cellular osmosis process utilized in the plant kingdom.───足贴可以通过皮肤把毒素排出体外,其根本作用原理是渗透原理,植物正是通过这个原理来吸收养分进行生长的。

2 、Genetics, SNPs &ProteomicsPanles: Nutrigenomics, Inflammation, Hypertension, Bone Health,Dementia, Detox, Male &Female Panel, Metabolic Syndrome, Cancer, Skin &Hair Health───抗衰老的遗传学,营养,炎症,高血压,骨质松症,痴呆,排毒,代谢综合症,癌症,皮肤和头发健康的联系

3 、He said the nicotine would screw with the detox.─── 他说尼古丁会妨碍身体排毒

4 、Detox your mind.───理清头绪。

5 、a detox clinic───戒瘾(诊)所;戒毒所

6 、WEISS For a change of pace from the workout room, Healthpoint in Waltham, Massachusetts offers no sweat, big gain, a relaxation class where participants can detox from the day.───如果你想改变一下口味的话,马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆的健康中心提供无需流汗却效果显著的放松锻炼课。在那里,健身者能够消除整日的疲劳。

7 、"He was never able to detox himself of the racing bug, as we have seen with his on-track motorcycle activities.───“他永远无法摆脱对赛车的热衷,因为我们已经看到他多次出现在摩托赛场上了。

8 、Potent, high-quality, all-natural ingredients in the Takara Detox Foot Patch include the powerful combination of bamboo sap, wood sap, and ionic tourmaline minerals.───高效,高质量,纯天然是足贴最大的特点,它的主要成分为木醋,竹醋,电气石。

9 、Detox begins after Christmas when people think that they have been overeating during the Christmas season and have taken in many substances that are bad for their health.───圣诞节后排毒开始时,人们就会认为,他们被过量的圣诞节期间,并已采取了许多物质,是不利于他们的健康。

10 、Detox Clinic for Video Game Addicts to Open in Netherlands Offering In-House Treatment.───荷兰解毒诊所提供室内治疗,帮助游戏成瘾者戒瘾。

11 、The final part of the detox series on how to break fast and what to do after a detox is coming up next.───戒食系列的最后一部分将是关于如何停止戒食行为和戒食之后该怎么办,敬请期待。

12 、Place The Detox Foot Patch onto its center, making sure that the writing on the sachets is facing down toward the adhesive surface.───将足贴贴在胶贴上,注意,有字的一面贴在胶贴上,无字的一面贴在足底。(贴在足底的一面上有细微小孔,从而才能使毒素透过)

13 、So what is body detox diet really all about?───那么什么是身体排毒的饮食真正的主旨?

14 、For a change of pace from the workout room, Healthpoint in Waltham, Massachusetts offers no sweat, big gain, a relaxation class where participants can detox from the day.───NeX中国英语学习网维斯NeX中国英语学习网如果你想改变一下口味的话,马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆的健康中心提供无需流汗却效果显著的放松锻炼课。在那里,健身者能够消除整日的疲劳。

15 、The detox foot patch phenomenon is growing in popularity throughout the region.───在世界范围内,足贴在很多个地区风靡流行。

16 、The 34-year-old was taken to a hospital for detox and was later arraigned.───这位34岁的男子被送到医院戒除酒瘾后,被带到警局审问。

17 、detox diets may be magic rather science, but they are the kind of magic which many people want to perform. that may have something to do with the western diet in general。───解毒饮食可能是魔术但并非科学,但却是一种让许多人想以身相试的魔术.这大概与西方的饮食(习惯)有关.

18 、Great for use in detox herbal baths.───可用作制造排毒沐浴包。

19 、He's unable to endure detox any longer.───他狠不下去心戒毒。

20 、Lab analysis has shown the Takara Detox Foot Patch has been beneficial in assisting the body in drawing heavy metals through the skin, and binding them in the patch to prevent re-absorption.───实验表明,足贴可以通过渗透作用吸出体内的重金属元素,并使它们附着在足贴上,从而避免了吸出的重金属元素再被人体吸收进去。

21 、In the days of detox,you'd better not to drink the kind of motile beverage in the market.───市场上的运动型饮料,在排毒的几天里最好不要饮用。

22 、If you're detoxing, you'll have chills, nausea.─── 而若是戒毒的话 你会寒颤 恶心

23 、Basically, it's a footbath detox system (with dubious claims) like many others on the internet these days.We spotted this ad out on a sidewalk near Ebisu Station.───当然,你制造出来的酒水看起来的确很可疑,因为它的主要成为是你体内排出来的毒素。

24 、With those new into the task, that is bit out of the question.cocaine detox drug kitIt is beneficent praxis to experiment. dick lives in a conceit.───可以说,“六方会谈”平台的搭建也是相关各国一个外交形象上的工程,大家自然都不愿意看到它如此毁掉。

25 、You promised not to do this if I went through the detox.─── 你答应过 如果我接受戒断 你就不会这么做

26 、You've been in here detoxing for 17 months.─── 你已经在这戒瘾17个月了

27 、We should get her into detox as soon as possible.─── 我们会尽快送她去戒瘾诊所的

28 、Compulsory Drug Detox & Prohibition───强制戒毒

29 、It's yours if you'll check into detox.─── 只要你参加解毒 就给你

30 、Vicodin detox.───摘要: Vicodin.

31 、Try to drink lots of fresh, filtered water.It will detox the system and can reduce fluid retention problems.───多喝新鲜干净的水,水可以净化机体,减少体液残留(简单说,喝水可以促进新陈代谢)。

32 、Xenical hgh phentermine quit smoking detox.───摘要: Xenical hgh phentermine quit smoking.

33 、It includes a way to chemically detox.─── 里面提及了一种化学解毒的方法

34 、Since your body doesn’t use sweat glands to rid itself of toxins, this really isn’t an issue. (This discussion reminds me of our post on Kinoki Detox foot pads.───你的身体不利用汗腺排除自身产出的有毒物质,这真是没什么大不了的。

35 、He's gone into detox.───他进了戒毒所。

36 、BIOTHERM Hydra Detox Deep Moisture Detoxifying Lotion───保温排毒美容液

37 、Keywords cascade of damage of cerebral ischemia,ischemia stroke,Concha Margatitifera Usta,Cholic Acid,Gardenoside,Baicalin,QingkaiI ing,Du hurt cerebral Shen,detox ifcat ion and protect cerebral Shen;───桅子苷;黄荃苷;珍珠母;胆酸;合方;清开灵;毒伤脑神;解毒护神;缺血性中风;脑缺血损伤级联反应;

38 、Nothing likemaking people in detox read stories cooked upby a bunch of drunks.───这世上没有比让戒酒瘾的人读那些。酒鬼编造出来的故事更可笑的事了。

39 、It is all too easy to overindulge, but now a multitude of detox treatments claim to offer a way of reversing the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle - if one is willing to shell out the money.───三个人分别使用淋巴引流按摩、海藻冲凉、灌肠等最新排毒技术的十天疗程,进行一项实验,结果出人意表。

40 、Health and Wellness in Food and Drinks: Growth opportunities in beauty, purity, detox, vitality and relaxation───食品·饮料产业的健康趋势

41 、Wasn't for her, I'd still be in detox.─── 要不是她 我肯定还在戒毒瘾

42 、To give you the same advantage, here's a cheat sheet to the most toxic zones around your home and how to detox them.───为了给你相同的便利,这里有一张关于你家里最有毒的区域和如何解除它们的小抄。如果你觉得不堪重负,就从细节做起。

43 、But this is just one small part of the ongoing, almighty detox of everything.───但这只是对所有事情的大规模排毒运动的一小部分。

44 、Skin brush with detox body oil before you get in the bath for an extra powerful effect.───十个沐浴包有迷迭香、由加利、薄荷油及茴香等草本,以香熏治疗的力量帮助你排出身体的毒素。

45 、Dre - Detox Sneak Preview.───下载歌词:Dr.

46 、Clean living and regular detox programs are probably the best we can do to avoid overexposure to toxins.───纯净的生活和定期戒毒节目大概可以做最好避免过度地解毒.

47 、Exfoliate dead cells on the back,detox,anti-inflammation and bactericidal.───清除背部老化角质,排除毒素。

48 、Vicodin side effects.Vicodin.Liquid vicodin.Vicodin detox.───摘要: Where to order vicodin with no prescription.

49 、The invention of the detox foot patch has created much excitement in Japan, receiving high recommendations from many people.───足贴就是以木醋,竹醋为主要原料,混以其他需要的天然成分做制成的排毒产品。

50 、Biotherm White Detox Extra make-up Base spf 25.───也是紫色,有淡淡的珠光,用了脸上很有神彩.

51 、detox face mask.───排毒清洁面膜.

52 、Lymphatic Detox Exercise works to stretch the muscles, improves the lymphatic flow, helps in detoxification and enhances immunity function.───淋巴排毒操通过运动打开身体各部位的淋巴结,刺激淋巴系统排毒和加强免疫功能。

53 、The Detox Foot Patch can help assist the lymphatic system and the related blood network to help cleanse and revitalize the body to better health.───使用足贴进行排毒,可以减轻淋巴系统的负担,并可以帮助改善淋巴系统和相关的血液系统的循环,使身体变的更加健康。

54 、The Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.───足贴是一种纯天然的产品,它可以帮助你的身体排除重金属,新陈代谢所产生的废物,毒素,微小的寄生虫,各种有害的化学物质,多余的脂肪以及其他许多中对身体有害的东西。

55 、and as such is an integral component in the Takara Detox Foot Patch in the precise optimum ratios to maximize its detoxifying properties (unlike many other imitator foot patch brands).───足贴中所含的电气石的量是经过科学配比而来,从而最大限度的发挥电气石的各种功效。

56 、Two months before my 30-never-you-mind birthday, and after a particularly decadent weekend, I decided to detox, which included an experiment with veganism.───在30岁生日到来的前2个月,我过了一个相当颓废的周末,随后,我打算开始吃素。

57 、Tags: best body cleanse, body cleanse, body cleanse detox, body cleanse diet, body cleanse review, body cleanse reviews, body cleansing, body cleansing detox, body───标签:最好的身体清洁,身体清洁,身体净化排毒,身体洁净饮食,身体洁净审查,身体洁净审查,身体清洁,身体洁净排毒,身体

58 、Make use of the detox advice and tips.───利用排毒意见和建议。

59 、Drug Detox & Prohibition Centre───戒毒所

60 、includes : Relaxtion hot Bath, whiting pelling, 45 mins, detox foot mask.───包括:香薰舒?倪浴,香薰美白倪部?砂,香薰精攘油足部按摩45分?,香薰排毒油倪膜。

61 、10.Perspire, detox and eliminate wastes by the heat generated by far infrared. Accelerate blood circulation, remove dropsy and improve blood circulation.───利用远红外线产生的热能,使身体大量排汗,促进血液循环、帮助出汗,把毒素和废物排出体外,消除水肿。收藏指正

62 、One of recent trends are transdermal patches as a convenient delivery platform for active ingredients with anti-wrinkle, anti-cellulite, detox or slimming capabilities.───最近的趋势之一是作为有效成分具有抗皱,抗脂肪,排毒或减肥功能,方便传输平台贴剂。

63 、Beginner/All level. Intensive Asana flow movements. Helps detox, balances hormones, and reduces weight. Increase flexibility and physical/mental strength.───本课程分初级和一般级。为密集动态体姿训练。有助于排毒、平衡荷尔蒙、减重。并增加灵活柔软度,增强体力并提振精神。

64 、He was getting very sick so his doctor advised a detox period.───他感冒了,因此他的医生建议戒酒。

65 、Lymphatic detox, slimming, body toning, waist shaping.───淋巴排毒、减肥、塑身、塑腰。

66 、89. I detox twice a year for about three months.───我每两年净身一次,每次三个月左右。

67 、If I have a rough detox period, I may get some extra sleep as my body dictates, but otherwise I’m not intending to mess with my normal sleep patterns during this trial.───在试验期间我不打算吃,当然随着我更深入的研究,我也可能会改变主意。如果我食用一些芽,这肯定不可能会增加卡路里。

68 、A good total body detox will help restore the body's balance,eliminate the waste allowing our bodies to run much more efficiently.───一个很好的全身排毒可以帮助身体恢复平衡,消除浪费会使我们的身体更加有效地运行。

69 、The Detox Foot Patch is made from this unique concoction of bamboo vinegar, wood vinegar essence, and essential complimentary ingredients to form a truly powerful detoxing product.───并且在其他一些天然成分的帮助下,具有了一种特殊的透过人体皮肤排出毒素的功效。

70 、1 Liver is an important apparatus of body which has the function of detox,so you must relieve down its overloaded movement.───1 肝脏是解毒的重要器官,所以必须减缓肝脏的超负荷运动。

71 、You can help detox your body of HCAs by choosing iced tea (brewed from bags or loose tea, not instant) to accompany your meal.───你可以帮助你的身体排毒的化合物选择冰茶(酿造从袋或松散的茶叶,而不是即时)陪你吃饭。

72 、Detox Exfoliation Salt: The sea salt and active ferment in the detox exfoliation salt help to remove dead cells, eliminate toxin &fine lines and restore skin's radiance &elasticity.───排毒磨砂粉:含海盐和活性酵素成分,可去除坏死角质,有助排除体内毒素,同时增加肌肤光泽及弹性并能消除细纹

73 、The ad claims the product can help you detox your body in one day.───那则**声称这个产品可以帮助你在一天内排清毒素。

74 、1.Our main work is to detox drug addicts.───(我们的主要工作是为染上毒瘾者戒毒。)

75 、I am doing a mental detox program and would love you to join me.───我会来个心灵解毒疗程,有兴趣的话你也一齐来参加吧.

76 、However, most of these start-ups will struggle to obtain the loans they need to grow, thanks to the shortage of credit amid the detox of the financial system.───然而,“多亏了”金融系统“排毒”过程中的信用缺失,多数创业者都必须为公司发展四处奔走寻求贷款。

77 、Will have the water because I'm on a detox.─── 我要一杯水 因为我在戒瘾

78 、Pesticide Detox: Towards A More Sustainable Agriculture───杀虫剂解毒:可持续农业

79 、Management is serious about detox: Get caught smoking and it's immediate expulsion with no refund and a $100 fine.───排毒过程很重要,被抓到吸烟的话,会被开除并处以100美元的罚金。

80 、The original Hanfang Detox Foot Patch is doctor recommended and the #1 consumer-rated most effective detox foot patch in the marketplace today!───我们生产的足贴是目前市场上最受欢迎的产品,客户给予它极高的评价。

81 、We believe what helped Evan recover was starting a gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines.───进了某部门,做了近四个月考勤员后被所谓的部门主管副总踢出,名曰:什么不懂什么不会。

82 、Perspire, detox and eliminate wastes by the heat generated by far infrared. Accelerate blood circulation, remove dropsy and improve blood circulation.───利用远红外线产生的热能,使身体大量排汗,促进血液循环、帮助出汗,把毒素和废物排出体外,消除水肿。

83 、I could have continued this detox for a few more days but decided not to do so.───我本可以继续进行更多天的戒食,但是我还是没有那么做。

84 、GAO Xiang-yu said that she was a husband, 3 arrested in alleged violation of doping ban law felt it was Liushenwuzhu between 3 to 8 missing, but later admitted that in order to "detox" was missing.───又说她因丈夫高相佑一3日涉嫌违反兴奋剂取缔法被捕,感到六神无主才于3至8日之间失踪,但后来坦承是为了“排毒”才失踪。

dopamine detox

越来越多证据表明,dopamine detox (多巴胺戒断)有助于提升专注力和幸福感。

简单的阐述一下dopamine detox背后的机理。 多巴胺是我们精神动力的源泉,但大脑的自适应调解机制,会动态调整多巴胺感受器的数量和敏感度。也就是说,如果环境中有很多促进多巴胺释放的刺激物,那么大脑就会主动减少多巴胺感受器的数量和敏感度。在这种环境待久了了人,往往会出现注意力涣散,且很难感受到幸福。


现在流行的禅修、冥想、跑步其实就是这样一个疗法。通过营造简单枯燥的行为模式,实现dopamine detox。




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