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06-28 投稿




英:[?d??p?'ni:z]  美:[?d??p??niz, -?nis]

英:  美:


adj. 日本的;日本人的;日语的

n. 日本人;日语


1 、In 1927 he fled to Japan.───1927年他逃亡日本。

2 、Nakama Yukie is a Japanese actress born on October 30, 1979 in Urasoe City, Okinawa, Japan.───仲间由纪惠是日本女演员,1979年10月30日出生在日本冲绳浦添市。

3 、While there is no conclusive evidence of Xu Fu's landing in Japan, the local Japanese people of the two places seem to be convinced of it.───对徐福去日本一事,当地的日本人确信无疑。

4 、In Japan, waiters are used to bowing visitors in and out at the restaurants.───在日本,饭店服务员在迎送顾客时总是要给客人鞠躬。

5 、Former Prime Minister of Japan Hideki Tojo and 28 former Japanese leaders are indicted for war crimes.───1946年的今天,前日本首相东条英机(东条英机)及28名前日本**被以战争罪名起诉。

6 、In Japan, Japanese students who have studied in China are hotly sought after instantly by major corporations.───在日本,留学中国的日本学生,瞬时变成大企业机构之间的竞争抢手雇佣对象。

7 、Which kind of Japanese grade have an exam is that Japan admits that , energy Japan uses when studying abroad?───您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>出国/留学>哪种日语等级考试是日本承认的,能日本留学时用的?

8 、If you ask the japanese, they'll skirt it.─── 如果你去问日本人 他们会企图掩盖的

9 、A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer.───万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼;

10 、Our relations with Japan needed a reappraisal.───我们与日本的关系需要重新作出评价。

11 、We ended up on the patio, *oking those those little japanese cigarettes.─── 最后我们在露台上 抽那种 那种日本短烟

12 、Japanese people better run out of luck soon.─── 那你們最好快點用完你們的運氣

13 、And often the Japanese have added proprietary engineering to improve our machines. Like all the other semiconductor firms, we are in a box.───往往日本人以自创的方法改良我们的机器。就像所有其他半导体公司一样,我们也陷于困境。

14 、The Japan enterprise institution combined with the culture just created the Japanese miracles in history.───就是由文化与企业制度结合的日本企业,创造了日本的历史奇迹。

15 、They booed Japan so loudly that they drowned out the Japanese national anthem played at the start of the match.───他们发出嘘声了日本如此的大声他们淹死出在比赛的开始被玩的日本国家的圣歌。

16 、The rot set in when we lost that important customer in Japan.───我们失去了日本的那家重要客户後,情况越来越糟了。

17 、In Japan,Japanese students who have studied in China are hotly sought after instantly by major corporations.───在日本,留学中国的归国学生,瞬时变成大企业机构之间的竞争抢手雇佣对象。

18 、We should always remember that Japan is a martial nation.───我们应该始终牢记日本是一个好战的国家。

19 、Born in 1926 in Wakayama Prefecture in Japan, Hainan City, the father is Chinese, his mother is Japanese.───1926年出生在日本和歌山县海南市,父亲是中国人,母亲是日本人。

20 、Japan has taken the lead in car production.───在汽车生产方面日本占首位。

21 、September, 1988 Performed in Tokyo and other cities in Japan to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sino Japanese Friendship Treaty.───1988 年 9 月 祝 贺 中 国 和 日 本 和 平 友 好 条 约 缔 结 十 周 年 ,赴 日 本 演 出 。

22 、Jonicloud: But he also noted that the average age of a Japanese farmer is 70. He said Japan will some day have no choice but to accept more imports.───但他同时指出,日本农民的平均年龄为70岁。他说将来日本除了接受更多的进口品外别无选择。

23 、Japan was fourth among the 20 leading senders of foreign students.But the number of Japanese fell sharply 9%.───在20个美国留学生主要输送国家中日本列第四位,但其人数却比以往锐减了9%。

24 、You see, judo originated from Japan, so judo terms are for the most part Japanese words.───你知道吧,柔道源于日本,因此多数术语是日语。

25 、Do you remember taking a trip to Japan with him?───你记得曾经和他到日本旅行吗?

26 、But I think we know who to blame for the japanese part.─── 但我觉得日文这方面我们知道该怪谁

27 、But he also noted that the average age of Japanese Farmer is 70. He said Japan will someday have no choice but to acceptmore imports.───但是他同时指出日本农民的平均年龄是70岁。将来的某一天,日本别无选择,将接受更多的进口商品。

28 、I have never been to Japan.───我从来没有去过日本。

29 、The World Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan.───世界杯决赛从英国向日本作了实况转播。

30 、Maye Japan is one of the fashion places in the world, this Japanese girl is very cute.───可能日本到底是世界的流行的发源地之一吧,日本的小妹妹还都是一个跟一个的卡瓦伊呢。

31 、Have you ever been to Japan?───你去过日本吗?

32 、Is the co-operation with Japan's Mitsui & want to help the Japanese capital and technology to develop production.───乃与日本三井洋行合作,欲借助日本资金与技术发展生产。

33 、Does he neven been Japan? I'm so surprised because his wife is Japanese.───他从没去过日本吗?我感到很惊讶,因为他妻子是日本人。

34 、I'm not gonna apologize that our kids identify with their japanese background.─── 我不会因为孩子们 认同自己的日本血缘而认错的

35 、To the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese army had defeated the Japanese armyxi feng kou .───到了抗日战争时,中国军队曾在喜峰口大败日军。

36 、Do you speak Japanese?───你会说日语吗?

37 、The engine was made in Japan and the body in Scotland, and the car was assembled in France.───发动机由日本制造,车身由苏兰生产,而小汽车在法国装配。

38 、He married the daughter of a samurai, spoke Japanese and spent the last 15 years of his life in Japan.───他娶了一位武士的女儿,用日语交谈,并在日本度过了生命中最后15年的时光。

39 、A Japanese macaque swims in a geothermal hot spring in the mountains of Japan.───在日本的山涧中,一只猕猴在泡温泉。

40 、Maybe he'll chat up a few more japanese tourists.─── 没准他可能再找几个日本游客聊聊

41 、We heard a most interesting talk about Japan.───我们听了一个关于日本的非常有趣的谈话。

42 、If you are going to get a job in Japan, you had better bone up on the language.───如果你打算在日本打工,你最好刻苦学习日语。

43 、They supported Japan's taking over of all the former German interests in Shandong Province.───他们支持日本接管德国以前在山东省的所有权益。

44 、Norihiro Sadato of the Japanese National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Okazaki, Japan.───人们得到一个很好的名誉时就会在心理上有所提升。

45 、Order you to roll back Japan if you are Japanese, be that China , we not welcoming Japanese , get out now!───如果你是日本人,那命令你滚回日本,这里是中国,我们不欢迎日本人,现在就滚!

46 、His novels showed the compound of the Naturalism of France, the Naturalism of Japan and the Japanese Private Fictions.───他的**体现了法国、日本的自然主义与日本私**的交融;

47 、When the dollar is down against the yen,imports from Japan are costing more in the United States,but exports to Japan are costing the Japanese less.───当美元对日元出现贬值,来自日本的进口商品在美国市场上的价格会更贵,而美国出口到日本去的商品则使日本人花更少的钱就能买到。

48 、He hopes to find the money to produce a film about Japan.───他希望筹集到资金以便拍一部关于日本的影片。

49 、The Asian countries along the coast of the Pacific all came out against the US new military base in Japan.───太平洋沿岸的亚洲各国都宣布反对美国在日本的新军事基地。

50 、Your parents brought even more japanese culture into our home.─── 你父母给咱家带来了更多日本文化

51 、This director scum has Japan sinks yet again, siyasiyada [pretending to be Japanese]!───导演这个人渣竟然又一次让日本沉没,死啦死啦地!

52 、Because one's place and status matter so much in Japan, the Japanese have evolved an elaborate system to attend to these things.───因为在日本一个人的地位和身份如此关系重大,日本人发展了一种顾及这些事情的精心筹划的体系。

53 、Now all I have is my japanese boyfriend pillow.─── 现在我只有日本男友枕头了

54 、The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan.───和服是日本民族服装的一部分。

55 、In the Tang Dynasty,tea was introduced to Japan,and after that the popular Japanese Sada emerged.───唐代,茶叶传到了日本,后来出现了举世闻名的日本茶道。

56 、AEPC was also in talks with Japanese designers so that Indian exporters could come out with Japan specific products.───印度服装出口促进会还与日本设计师交谈,促使印度的出口商能够**日本的特定产品。

57 、He has a bias against Japanese products.───他讨厌日本的产品。

58 、How much would I get for300 Japanese yen?───300日元可兑换多少钱?

59 、Ito Hirobumi Famous Japanese conservative politician and one of the architects of modern Japan.───伊藤博文著名的日本的保守主义政治家,现代日本奠基人之一

60 、The “tanto” comes from a traditional Japanese design dating back to feudal Japan.───头刀刃来自于日本的传统设计,其历史可以追溯到封建时代的日本。

61 、She can speak Japanese as well as English.───她会说日语和英语。

62 、We would still have ample strength to fight against Japan,while the Japanese would have to fight defensive battles in their rear throughout the war.───我们仍然有很大的力量同日本作战,而日本在整个战争中须得时时在其后方作防御战。

63 、In 1895, Japan ruled Taiwan, and Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism were introduced.After 1945, they vanished.───1895年日本据台后,传来日本佛教与神道教,但1945年二战后全已不存。

64 、How long does it take to fly from here to Japan?───从这里飞到日本要多久?

65 、Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology.───在发展现代技术方面英国落後於日本。

66 、And for her ability to brainwash our kids with japanese propaganda.─── 以及她向孩子们进行*宣传的*能力

67 、His interest in learning Japanese has petered out.───他学习日语的兴趣逐渐消失了。

68 、For one Japanese man and his wife,attending the World Cup match between Japan and Russia on Sunday is likely to be a bittersweet experience.───6月9日一对日本夫妇观看了在日本横滨进行的世界杯日俄大战,然而对他们来说其中的滋味却是苦乐参半。

69 、Japanese tea farmer picks leaves in a verdant field in central Japan's mountainous Nara Prefecture.───意译:生活的色彩:绿色。一位日本茶农采摘茶叶在一个苍翠的田野位于日本中部山脉奈良县。

70 、He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.───他稍微会一点儿日语。

71 、I can not speak Japanese. But if I can speak Japanese,I'd travel to Japan.───我不能讲日语。但果真我能讲日语,我就去日本旅行。

72 、He noted that many Japanese still remember when Japan did not produce a lot of food after world war two.───他强调许多日本人仍然记得当在第二次世界大战后日本无法生产大量的食物。

73 、Even so, younger buyers and others who have been on the leading edge of trends continue to prefer Japanese cars in disproportionate numbers.───尽管如此,年轻的顾客以及走在时代潮流前面的人,仍然宁买日本汽车,其人数之众简直不成比例。

74 、The exchange rate today be250 Japanese yen to the pound.───今天的兑换率是1英镑换250日元。

75 、Many also argue the dispatch violates the country' s pacifist postwar constitution, which limits Japanese troops to self-defense of Japan.───多数人也认为派遣军队违反了日本战后和平宪法,限制了日本的正当防卫。

76 、That unemployed Brazilians are staffing soup kitchens for homeless Japanese is deeply shocking in Japan.───失业的巴西人正忙碌于厨房中、为无家可归的日本人供汤一事,在日本造成了极大的冲击。

77 、A foreign tourist follows a geisha to play a traditional Japanese game in Tokyo, capital of Japan, March 21, 2009.───3月21日,一名外国游客在东京与艺伎进行了一项传统日本游戏。

78 、We went to the park to see Japanese cherry blossoms.───我们到公园去看日本樱花。

79 、Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.───在日本,棒球比其他任何运动都受人欢迎。

80 、But he also noted that the average age of a Japanese farmer is 70. He said Japan will someday have no choice but to accept more imports.───但他也指出日本农民的平均年龄是70岁。他说日本有朝一日将只有接受更多的进口。

81 、For instance, at the outset of the war many people were groundlessly optimistic, underestimating Japan and even believing that the Japanese could not get as far as Shansi.───例如在抗战初起时,许多人有一种毫无根据的乐观倾向,他们把日本估计过低,甚至以为日本不能打到山西。

82 、On this day in 1945, Emperor Hirohito broadcasts the news of Japan's surrender to the Japanese people.───1945年8月15日,日本裕仁天皇通过广播向日本民众宣布了日本投降的消息。

83 、He was appointed the general consul of Japan.───他被任命为驻日本的总领事。

84 、In the November2,19- issue of the Japan trade bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc.───从19—年11月2日《日本贸易公报》看到贵公司有关钢笔和铅笔等**。

85 、I can direct you to the section on japanese myth in the library.─── 我可以带你去图书馆的 日本神话区

86 、We have traced the arts of Japanese management as practiced by one of Japan's most successful enterprises.───我们已经探讨了日本最成功的企业之一所实现的日本管理艺术。

87 、A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.───围棋日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下。

88 、Japan Vintage Old Japanese B/W Picture Postcard, Disaster Disasters, Ryogoku Station, Tokyo.Fire.───东京大地震 火灾之实况 两国驿之溃灭.

89 、Osaka is the second largest city in Japan.───大阪是日本的第二大城市。

90 、Other executives think the Japanese influence will be less dramatic and dismiss the automobile analogy, saying that manufacturing cars is a far cry from the creative nature of Hollywood's endeavors.───其他高级职员认为日本的影响不会那么大,认为不能与汽车相提并论。他们说制造汽车与好莱坞的创造性企业截然不同。





Japan既可以做名词,表示日本,日本国; 漆器;日本亮漆,还可以做动词:vt. 在…上涂漆

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