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07-01 投稿




英:[ji:st]  美:[jist]

英:  美:


vi. 发酵, 起泡沫

n. 酵母, 发酵剂


动词过去式: yeasted | 动词现在分词: yeasting | 动词第三人称单数: yeasts | 动词过去分词: yeasted |


1 、It also is in soybeans, grains, fish, legumes, yeast and peanuts.───它同样存在于酱油,谷物,鱼,豆类,酵母和花生中。

2 、And the idea was that if there was a human gene that did the same job as the gene that's defective here, if the yeast took it up, then it could substitute the defective yeast gene.─── 我们的想法是 如果有人类基因 和这个有缺陷的基因做同样的工作 如果酵母吸收了它们 就可以替代有缺陷的酵母基因

3 、We present comprehensive utilization of abolish beer yeast.───叙述了啤酒废酵母的产业化综合利用。

4 、In a small bowl, dissolve yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.───在一个小碗里面,用温水融酵母和1茶匙的糖,等大概10分钟,让混合物变稠。

5 、High pressure inactivation of yeast cells in saline and strawberry jam at low temperatures.───低温下,高压失活盐、及草莓酱中酵母细胞。

6 、Pizza makers mix flour, yeast, salt and water for the crust.───做比萨饼的人先将面粉、酵母、盐和水混合在一起作为面包皮的原料,

7 、It was impossible for natural yeast to ferment xylose.───天然酵母不可能用来发酵木糖。

8 、I want to re-pitch yeast in a red fermentation.───我要再草地红色酵母发酵。

9 、Your boasting is not good. Don't you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough?───你们这自夸是不好的。岂不知一点面酵能使全团发起来吗?

10 、That's yeast and water, diesel on this side.─── ???????? ????????

11 、Artificial colors and preservatives; yeast, wheat, soy and milk.───不含人工色素,防腐剂,酵粉,小麦,大豆和牛奶

12 、Some American companies are producing SCP from yeast.───一些美国公司正在由酵母菌生产SCP。

13 、A soft, light - textured bread made from eggs, butter, flour, and yeast and formed into a roll or a bun.───奶油鸡蛋卷一种柔软,蓬松的面包,用鸡蛋、黄油、面粉、和酵母做成卷或圆形

14 、Some yeast extract such as Marmite, fortified with vitamin B12.───一些酵母提取物,如Marmite ,强化维生素B12 。

15 、And Saccharomyceswass the main yeast strain that took part in the brewing of Cameroon Bili beer.───发现这些酵母菌分属于Saccharomyces ,Candida ,Kluyveromyces和Pichia等四个属 ,其中以Saccharomyces属的酵母菌为参与喀麦隆Bili啤酒酿造的主要酵母菌种。

16 、BioMax is abundant of yeast ointment, Peptone Essence and Vitamin.───土壤微生物是草坪管理中需要考虑的重要因子。

17 、Barley, hops, yeast and water form the basic ingredients of beer.───大麦、蛇麻、酵母和水是啤酒的基本配料。

18 、Waste beer yeast has rich nutritional compositions and is widely used in food, medical and forage industries.───摘要啤酒废酵母具有多种营养成分并且易于提取,在食品工业、医药工业和饲料工业中有广泛应用。

19 、I was interested in yeast, and in my pocket I have some growing yeast.─── 我热衷于酵母 在我口袋里 有一些生长中的酵母

20 、Without these adjunct cereals, the limiting nutritional factor for yeast in fermentation would be protein.───如果没有这些谷物的补充,发酵过程中酵母菌的限制营养因子或许是蛋白质。

21 、Another yeast is the puritanism work.───另一发面是清教作品。

22 、No added suger, starch, yeast gluten, flavour or preservatives.───不添加糖,淀粉,发酵粉或者防腐剂.

23 、The taming of acetic bacteria and alcohol yeast was discussed.───探讨了酵母菌种、醋酸菌种的驯化培养;

24 、Russian pancake of buckwheat flour and yeast; usually served with caviar and sour cream.───俄国的发面荞麦薄煎饼;常与鱼子酱、酸乳酪等同吃。

25 、Once the yeast enters the anaerobic growth phase, each budding cycle depletes the amount of lipids by half.───一旦进入酵母菌厌氧生长阶段,每个周期的萌芽脂量耗尽了一半。

26 、A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.───一点面酵能使全团都发起来。

27 、This wine has lovely slow rising bubbles, with a nose of yeast, oak, citrus &aged flavors which is very appetizing!───慢慢上升的气泡非常漂亮,这酒闻上去有酵母、木桶、柑橘和成熟的香味,十分吸引!

28 、Yeast harvests tot the RYT are destined to recycle beer from the yeast.───回收到RYT中的酵母将去啤酒回收。

29 、The pPIC9K/Ang-1 yeast expression vector was constructed successfully.───成功构建pPIC9K/Ang-1毕氏酵母表达载体。

30 、A given amount of surface-fermenting yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae, is used.───在发酵中,通常使用一种给定数量的表面发酵酵母,啤酒酵母

31 、Quick bread takes less time to prepare than yeast bread.───制作快速面包所花的时间比发酵面包要少。

32 、The best ingredients for 82 propagating was: lOg urea or 8g pea powder, 8g maltose, 5g yeast, 1000ml water.───B_2为尿素10克:白砂糖8克或蚕豆粉8克:白砂糖8克,酵母浸膏5克,水1000ml。

33 、And you don't want a yeast infection.─── 你是不会想要宫颈感染的吧

34 、In the yeast cell, a bulbous projection, the bud, appears at one portion of the cell wall.───在酵母细胞中球茎状的突出物--芽体出现在一部分细胞壁的上面。

35 、On the palate, I detected citrus, yeast, spice, medium acidity and body.───在口中感觉到柑橘、酵母和香料,合适的酸度和中等酒体。

36 、Keyword:umbilicus orange, fruit wine, umbilicus orange wine, yeast.───关键词:赣南脐橙,果酒,脐橙干酒,酵母.

37 、Hydrolysis of used brewer yeast with immobilized netral proteinase.───固定化中性蛋白酶水解啤酒废酵母的研究

38 、The asymmetric reduction of OPBE catalyzed by Baker Yeast in nonaqueous phase to synthesis HPBE was investigated.───对面包酵母非水相催化不对称还原OPBE进行研究。

39 、In such a natural fermentation, a complex succession of changes take place in the yeast population.───在这种自然发酵过程中,酵母区系发生一系列复杂的变化。

40 、A Research On Rapid Identification of AMS for Pathogenetic Yeast.───AMS快速鉴定病原酵母的研究

41 、The factor from one genus cannot cross over and kill yeast from another genus.───从一亏因素不能逾越,杀害另一酵母属。

42 、"Now we leave them for a bit while the yeast makes them grow bigger," said Eric.───“现在放一会儿,好让酵母把它们变大。”埃里克说。

43 、Mix 50ml of warm milk with dry yeast, wait for a while until frothy.───先用面包分量内50毫升暖鲜奶混和乾酵母,待发起成泡状。

44 、It slows down yeast growth in breads, cakes, cookies, and other baked goods.───它会使酵母在面包、蛋糕、饼乾和其它烘烤成的食品的成长减速。

45 、To activate(dormant dry yeast) by adding water.───发面加水使(久搁不用的干醇母)激化

46 、So that tells us an awful lot about the yeast and, no disrespect, you know an awful lot about yeast.─── 这告诉我们巨多关于酵母的问题 无意冒犯 你知道巨多关于酵母的知识

47 、In the same measure , the biomass was 10.25 mg/L, iron content of the yeast cell was 7.43 mg/g.───利用60Co辐射诱变,选育出一株正突变菌株R4-5-27,在同等发酵条件下,生物量达到10.25mg/L,铁含量7.43mg/g,总铁含量为76.16mg/L,比出发菌株提高了1.59倍。

48 、Artificial colors and preservatives, yeast, wheat, corn, soy and milk.───不含人造色素和防腐剂,酵母,小麦,玉米,大豆和牛奶

49 、That cools down the milk, but more importantly, it does not destroy the yeast.─── 这样可以给牛奶降温 更重要的是 不会破坏酵母

50 、Pour in the yeast mixture, the rest of the milk, the butter and the salt.───倒入酵母混合物,剩余的牛奶,黄油和盐。

51 、Because I really think she might have a yeast infection.─── 因為我覺得她可能是宮頸感染了

52 、Contains no alcohol, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk or egg.───不含酒精,酵母,大麦,麸质,玉米,大豆,牛奶或鸡蛋。

53 、The dish contains a variant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, known in culinary circles as baker's or brewer's yeast.───托盘中的酵母不同于厨师和酿酒人使用的那种。

54 、Aerobic An organism, such as top fermenting ale yeast, that needs oxygen to metabolize.───一种生物体,像上部发酵用做淡色啤酒的酵母一样,需要氧气来进行新陈代谢。

55 、You mix flour, yeast and water to make bread.───你把面粉、发酵粉和水和在一起就能做面包。

56 、We also found that DBP associated with VDR in yeast and in vitro.───我们还发现DBP和VDR能在酵母中相互作用。

57 、The asymmetric reduction of OPBE catalyzed by Baker Yeast in water medium to synthesis HPBE was investigated.───对面包酵母水相催化不对称还原OPBE进行研究。

58 、Antifoam plays a special role in baker's yeast production.───摘要消泡剂在面包酵母生产中有着特殊作用。

59 、The juice is inoculated with a neutral yeast strain.───填加野生酵母发酵。

60 、So for the bread, I use my own vaginal yeast.─── 关于面包 我用我自己的*酵母菌

61 、Nice, got me when I yeast expected it.─── 很好 我一猜你就会这么说

62 、The RNA was extracted from beer yeast by ammonolysis.───以啤酒酵母为原料,通过氨解法进行RNA提取的研究。

63 、This is necessary because yeast cannot utilize the starch in the cereal grains for conversion to ethanol and CO2.───发芽阶段是必须的,因为酵母不可能直接作用于谷物中的淀粉产生乙醇和二氧化碳。

64 、Made light and high by yeast or other leaven.───发酵的用酵母或其它发酵剂使 ... 轻而高

65 、Rehydration in distilled or deionized water is lethal to the yeast.───在蒸馏或去离子水复致命的是酵母。

66 、But beer yeast itself does not have ALDC gene.───但啤酒酵母本身没有ALDC基因。

67 、Method: using red cell agglutinating test of complement sensitized yeast.───方法:采用补体致敏酵母菌血凝法进行检测。

68 、What role does yeast play in the production of beer?───啤酒的生产过程中酵母菌的作用是什么?

69 、Wheat flour, Rye ,Raisin,Cinnamon,Yeast, ,Salt, Without to bleach sugar.───主要成分:小麦面粉,裸麦,肉桂粉,葡萄乾天然酵母,天然海盐,未漂白二砂糖.

70 、Yeast must be used in producing wine.───制酒时必须使用酵母菌。

71 、Nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.───已查明制霉菌素在肠道内可抑制菌丛类酵母菌的生长。

72 、The excess yeast is saved for future use.───剩余的酵母粉被保留下来以备以后使用。

73 、The organi* that I'm particularly excited about are yeast cells.─── 令我特别兴奋的组织就是酵母细胞

74 、The waste beer separated from the yeast mud had about 4.───从啤酒酵母泥中压滤得到的废啤酒约含有4。

75 、In exceptional cases the yeast comes from the yeast propagator (YPT).───在例外情况下,添加的酵母来自酵母扩培罐。

76 、He scooped out the yeast sediments.───他把发酵的沉淀物舀了出来。

77 、In a large mixing bowl, combine the yeast mixture, milk mixture and eggs.───另取一大盆,放入酵母水,牛奶混合物,和鸡蛋混合拌匀。

78 、The dehydration of high-activity bread dry yeast could directly influence yeast activity.───摘要高活性面包干酵母复水活化的好坏直接影响酵母活性。

79 、The latter modification is not found in yeast but is more prevalent than monoubiquitylated H2B in mammals.───后一种修饰方式不存在于酵母菌中,但它在哺乳动物中却比单残基泛素H2B的存在更为普遍。

80 、In Basal Salts Medium, the yeast grows up to A600=76 inoculated 10% seed pichia pastoris with A600=8-12 in 24h.───在无机盐培养基中,按10%接种A600=8-12的种菌后,24小时酵母菌增殖至A600=76;

81 、Five pounds of sugar, some water and yeast, ferment for about ten days, then distill it.───制作方法是:五磅糖、些水以及酵母,大约发酵十天,然后蒸馏。

82 、In this heating step the hydrolytic enzymes are inactivated and the wort can be pitched inoculated with the desired yeast.───在加热过程中,水解酶丧失了活性,而且我们可以接种酵母进行麦芽汁的分批发酵。

83 、Dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, yeast, wheat, corn, alcohol, color or artificial sweeteners.───不含牛奶,麸质,大豆,鸡蛋,大麦,玉米,酒精,色素,人造甜料

84 、The VOM method was described with zinc yeast culture.───以锌酵母为例,介绍可视化方法优化全过程.

85 、Yeast extract WBS the best nitrogen source in liquid culturate, the second was (NH4)2SO4.───在液体培养中,病菌对氮源的利用以酵母膏为最好,其次为(NH4)2SO4。

86 、Remove the yeast broth culture from the tube holder.───从试管架中取出酵母的培养液。

87 、Sprinkle the yeast and sugar over the water and mix at low speed.───往水里撒上酵母和糖,用慢速搅拌。

88 、The unique San Miguel yeast is added into the wort to start fermentation.───发酵过程会将麦芽汁转变成啤酒。

89 、Extensive research shows that the yeast cell wall is very fragile during the first few minutes of rehydration.───大量研究表明酵母细胞壁十分脆弱,在首几分钟的体液。

90 、HYPOALLERGENIC: contains no yeast, dairy, egg, gluten, corn, soy or wheat.───不包含酵母、牛奶店、蛋、面筋、玉米、大豆或麦子。


干酵母一般有两年的保质期,并且只需要真空常温保存,这种型态的酵母在中国被普遍使用著。而湿酵母(液体酵母)一般只能放15天,并且需保存在4-6度的低温环境中。  酵母粉开封后,用夹子夹紧口,放在干燥阴凉的地方,只要不受潮,不结块,可以放置2~3个月。  干酵母又称食母生,Yeast,Dried Yeast,Faex Medicinalis。本品为啤酒酵母菌的干燥菌体,每克含维生素B10.1mg~0.2mg、维生素B20.4mg~0.6mg、烟酸和烟酰胺0.03mg  干酵母一般有两年的保质期,并且只需要真空常温保存,这种型态的酵母在中国被普遍使用著。而湿酵母(液体酵母)一般只能放15天,并且需保存在4-6度的低温环境中。  酵母粉开封后,用夹子夹紧口,放在干燥阴凉的地方,只要不受潮,不结块,可以放置2~3个月。  干酵母又称食母生,Yeast,Dried Yeast,Faex Medicinalis。本品为啤酒酵母菌的干燥菌体,每克含维生素B10.1mg~0.2mg、维生素B20.4mg~0.6mg、烟酸和烟酰胺0.03mg~0.06mg,此外尚含有小量维生素B6和B12、叶酸、肌醇等。适用于营养不良、消化不良、食欲不振及B族维生素缺乏症,如脚气并多发性神经炎、糙皮病等的防治。0.06mg,此外尚含有小量维生素B6和B12、叶酸、肌醇等。适用于营养不良、消化不良、食欲不振及B族维生素缺乏症,如脚气并多发性神经炎、糙皮病等的防治。




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