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06-29 投稿




英:[?ɡ?uldb?:ɡ]  美:[?ɡoldb?ɡ]

英:  美:


n. <美俚>(尤指在黑人聚居区开店或雇用黑人的)犹太老板


名词: goldbeater |


1 、Based on the best-selling diaries of a writer using the pseudonym Belle de Jour, the adult drama co-stars Cherie Lunghi and Iddo Goldberg.───Belle也有严格的原则,最重要的一条就是她从不动感情。但那是在她遇到一名年轻的单身帅哥以前...

2 、The next day when the teacher said "Goldberg, translate and explain," Goldberg replied, "Goldberg is absent today .───第二天,这位教师又说:“古德伯格,翻译并解释。”古德伯格回答说:“古德伯格今天缺席。”

3 、He did not offer any confidence that the Rockets would succeed in those negotiations as then Rockets general manager Carroll Dawson and team counsel Michael Goldberg did.───当后来火箭总经理道森和球队顾问Goldberg获得谈判成功之时,他却对谈判未表示出任何信心。

4 、I searched through all our old tapes and cut together beverly goldberg's most awesome moments as a mom.─── 我翻遍了旧录像带 剪辑出了贝弗莉·金伯格 作为妈妈最棒的时刻

5 、Morphing into human form as the quintessential Universal Soldier (Michael Jai White), SETH begins to unleash his wicked plan with the aid of his top soldier (Bill Goldberg).───岂料洛的担心成真,战士控制员薜夫希望藉此要胁美国政府,否则人类生命危矣。

6 、Goldberg G,Albert TJ,Vaccaro AR,et al.Short-term comparison of cervical fusion with static and dynamic plating using computerized motion analysis.Spine 2007; 32(13):E371 -E375───俞杭平,唐天驷,王以进.颈前路单椎间减压植骨融合与加用钛板内固定的比较研究[J].中华骨科杂志,2003,23(9):549-553

7 、In Goldberg, the Court held that welfare recipients facing termination of their benefits were entitled to nearly all of these rights.───在"戈德伯格"案里,最高法院裁决,面临终止他们的福利待遇的福利领受者有权享有几乎所有的程序权利。

8 、Then everyone else will attack the course except for goldberg, who's gonna sit on the side and eat his box of raisins.─── 其他人都要完成 除了金伯格 他将坐在旁边 吃他的葡萄干


10 、Like a Rube Goldberg invention, it builds upon existing parts, embracing all their gawkiness but gradually smoothing out operations with optimization over time.───就像小题大做的发明一样,进化是在已有物种的基础上来完成其建造,期间包容物种的所有瑕疵,但是以最优方式来完善其建造工艺。

11 、Goldberg,C.(2002).The evil we do:The psychoanalysis of destructive people.───杨淑智(译)。为什麽做坏事:了解毁灭性人格。台北:张老师文化。

12 、Ginsburg, David Goldberg, Arthur J.Greenbaum.───第一责任说明:by Jane C.

13 、Based on the Construction Grammar of Goldberg and top-down and bottom-up methodology, this thesis conducts a study on the ditransitive construction.───本文试图以Goldberg倡导的构式语法为理论框架,采用“自上而下”和“自下而上”的研究方法对双及物结构予以剖析。

14 、And with that, beverly goldberg went to war.─── 就这样 贝弗莉·金伯格走向了战场

15 、Goldberg and his wife have three children.───金先生夫妇共有三个小孩。

16 、4.Now the international system has come to depend on what looks more like a global Rube Goldberg machine running on hot money.───如今的国际(金融)体系越来越依赖于以游资运作,看起来更像个全球范围内的牛刀杀鸡机制。

17 、Goldberg told reporters the apparent decision to recall the vessel is one, early, indication the new sanctions push is being noticed by North Korean authorities.───古德伯格告诉记者说,北韩当局决定召回这艘船显示,它已经开始注意到国际间对其施加的禁运压力。

18 、Goldberg, L. R. Language and individual differences: The search for universals in personality lexicons,” In Wheeler, L. (Ed.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology, CA: Beverly Hill, 1981.───周俊豪,中生学习自我效能、对科学的态度及人格特质对学习成效影响之研究:以浮力单元为例,高雄师范大学物理学系,2007。

19 、Goldberg, who has already visited China, Malaysia and Russia in his new capacity, said he plans another trip to China soon, perhaps before the end of this month.───他还说,奥巴马政府正在执行现有的联合国制裁,没有增加新制裁,并向北韩返回六方会谈敞开大门。美国政府星期三又对一家据称支持武器**的北韩公司实施制裁。

20 、Goldbergweb: GOLDBERG The early music and baroque music portal.───早期古乐,巴洛克音乐。

21 、Goldberg DP.Manual for the General Health Questionnaire.Windsor,UK:NFER-Nelson Publishing Company,1978───张明园,主编.精神科量表评定手册.1版.长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,1993:16-23

22 、Elkhonon Goldberg, The New Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes in a Complex World, Ocford Univ Press, August 2009.───洪兰译,大脑总指挥-一位神经科学家的大脑之旅,远流,2004.

23 、Rube Goldberg───用复杂办法做成简单事情的杀鸡用牛刀的小题大作的

24 、to notice the new film acted the leading role by Whoopi Goldberg───简评了一下由胡皮戈登堡主演的新影片

25 、In our imaginations we started moving to a place that was much more Rube Goldberg.───机器人城是有生命的机器,在那里所有的东西都是相互关连的。

26 、Goldberg Mohn friction───戈德堡-莫恩摩擦力

27 、Goldberg D E.Genetic algorithm in search,optimization and machine learning[M].Canada:Addison-Wesley Publishing,1989.1-25───尹新.禁忌搜索与提前/拖期调度算法的研究[D].沈阳:东北大学信息科学与工程学院,1996

28 、Sports psychologist Dr.Alan Goldberg suggests using a pre-race ritual to relax.───体育心理学博士阿兰戈德伯的建议是采用一个常规的热身动作来维持放松状态。

29 、D. E. Goldberg, Genetic algorithms in search, and machine learning. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989.───李士勇,模糊控制、神经控制和智能控制,哈尔滨工业大学,1996年。

30 、For as long as she could recall, Goldberg had been intoxicated by the old movies she saw on TV, "I wanted to come down staircases like the actress Carole Lombard.───就戈德堡的记忆所及,她一直陶醉于从电视上看到的那些老影片。“我想像女演员卡罗勒·隆巴德那样从楼梯上走下来。

31 、Goldberg: I like it here, there is a kind of, I don't know, ancestral squalor to it all.───歌德堡:我喜欢这里,有一种莫名的祖传悲惨性。

32 、Goldberg: How many?───歌德堡:要多少?

33 、Finally, one Sabbath, Goldberg wails to the heavens and says: "God, I have been so pious for so long, what do I have to do to win the lottery?───最后,在一个安息日,戈德堡对着天空高声呼唤:“上帝,我虔诚祈祷了那么久,到底该做什么才能中彩呢?”

34 、Ahmed M, Goldberg SN. Thermal ablation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. J Vasc Interv Radio 2002; 13(9): 231 -44───王修杰,李幼平.超声聚焦**的临床和实验研究进展[J].中国肿瘤,2001,10(2):109

35 、B.B. Goldberg,”The Beginnings of Ultrasound Contrast”, Ultrasound Contrast Agents, p1-8, 1997───周定远,”超音波对比剂简介”,中华民国超音波学会

36 、The utilitarian interest-balancing of the Goldberg and Mathews decisions, which remains the dominant approach to due process today, has the advantage of being flexible in application and functional in approach.───"戈德伯格"案和"马修"案的裁决注重功利主义的利益均衡,这种方法仍是今日处理正当程序的主流,具有在适用和功能上的灵活性。

37 、When Jonah Goldberg, a conservative pundit, praised Mr Obama over the dispatching of the Somali pirates, his e-mail inbox immediately overflowed, he said, with “snark and bile”.───一位保守派的权威人士乔纳哥登堡刚赞扬奥巴马把护航舰队派往索马里,他说他的电子邮件收件箱立即爆满,并充斥着恶声恶气。

38 、Goldberg said he was randomly selected for the study, but he also works for Smart Growth America, a nonprofit coalition that combats urban sprawl.───Goldberg说他被随机挑选参加这个研究项目,但他同时也为明智发展美国组织,一个非盈利的联盟,与城市无序发展做斗阵的组织工作。

39 、MOZART, W.A.: Violin Concertos Nos. 3 and 4 (S. Goldberg) (1952───莫扎特:第三和第四小提琴协奏曲(S.高德伯格)(1952)

40 、Goldberg, D. E. 1983, Computer-aided gas pipeline operation using Genetic Algorithm and rule learning, The University of Michigan.───张斐章、孙建平,1997,”类神经网路及其应用于降雨-迳流过程之研究”,中国农工学报,43(1):9-25。

41 、The next day when the teacher said, “Goldberg, translate and explain.───第二天,教师又说:“古德伯格,翻译并解释课文。”

42 、"My assessment is that at the moment these are issues outside of that resolution," Goldberg said.───最近韩国开始在北韩恢复其旅游投资,并且两方对共同工业区进行了扩建。

43 、Goldberg's other assignments in the State Department have included tours in India, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.───金先生在国务院期间还在印度、香港和台湾任职。

44 、"Probably more often than not," Goldberg said.───“也许更多的往往不是, ”戈德堡说。

45 、Her TV performances have included acting as host for a late-night talk show The Whoopi Goldberg Show, appearing in many television specials and having a role for six seasons in the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.───她在电视上的表演包括主持一午夜访谈节目“伍皮 ·戈德堡访谈节目”、在许多电视特别节目中亮相以及连续6个季节出演电视系列剧《星际旅行:新一代》的一个角色。

46 、Neither of us will go out with Missy Goldberg.───|谁都不许跟米西.戈尔伯格约会。

47 、After being called on four days in a row, a student named Goldberg asked advice from his friends.───一个叫古德伯格的学生,在被一连叫了四天之后,向他的朋友寻求建议。

48 、It certainly looks like it has some promise, with some very well-known women signed up as commentators such as Candice Bergen, Marlo Thomas, Lily Tomlin, Whoopi Goldberg and others.───当然这其中还有不少知名女性的参与,例如坎蒂斯伯根、马洛托马斯、莉莉汤姆林、乌比哥德堡等等,她们都签约为该网站的评论员。

49 、We kept saying Rube Goldberg, but I found this English guy named W.───罗宾荪的英国人(实际上)在汝比。郭德堡之前就描述过机器人了。

50 、Goldberg -learning basic genetic classification system for A Simple Classifier System bas ed on Genetic Learning developed from the Pasca l SCS code presented by David E.───详细说明: 基本遗传学习分类系统 A Simple Classifier System based on Genetic Learning developed from the Pascal SCS code presented by David E.

51 、GOLDBERG D. E, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and maching learning[M], Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989.───质量和性能是保证,通过使用先进的控制算法,系统的分析,系统建模,以核实申请安装之前。

52 、Goldberg Whoopi───乌琵·戈德堡

53 、Goldberg wedge───戈尔德贝格光楔

54 、Goldberg, D. E.,” Genetic Algorithms in Search,Optimization, and Machine Learning”,Addison-Wesley Pub. Com. Inc., USA, 1989.───人机介面设计:有效的人机互动策略”,台湾培生教育出版股份有限公司,2005。

55 、O] f course, an impartial decision maker is essential" to an adjudication that comports with due process. Goldberg v. Kelly, supra. There are several kinds of disqualifying bias.───对于与正当程序保持一致的审判,"显然一位公正无私的决策人是必不可少的"["戈德伯格诉凯利"案(处同前),有若干种不符合条件的倾向。

56 、Goldberg syndrome───Goldberg综合征

57 、Goldberg M. Septier D, Lecolle S,et al .Dental mineralization. Int J Dev Biol, 1995,39(1): 69.───郝建军,激素和生长因子与牙乳头细胞、牙髓细胞、牙胚分化和矿化关系的体外实验研究[学位论文]绵阳:第四军医大学,1997。29.

58 、Are there any potential problems with Goldberg v. Kelly's requirement of a hearing before termination of welfare benefits?───古克德伯诉凯利案中要求在终止福利前召开听证,这其中潜在的问题是什么?

59 、Goldberg S N,Gazelle G S,Solbiati L,et al.Ablation of liver tumors[J].AJR,1998,170:1023.───廖锦岐,李胜新,罗云藩,等.肝动脉化疗栓塞术后细胞凋亡与端粒酶活性的研究[J].中国基层医药,2004,11(2):133.

60 、Goldberg D E. Genetic Altorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. New York: Addison-wesley, 1989───李军,边肇祺译.用于最优化的计算智能.北京:清华大学出版社,1999

61 、Goldberg D E.Alleles,loci,and the travelling salesman problem.Second Int.Conf.on Genetic Algorithme and Applications,1985───姜大立,杨西龙.车辆路径问题的遗传算法研究.系统工程理论与实践,1999.6

62 、But this archetypal figure, whose ranks receive nearly one in five patents issued by the U.S.Patent and Trademark Office, may sometimes be more Rube Goldberg than Thomas Edison.───但是若要从这个自美国专利及商标局手中取得将近1/5专利的族群中找个人当代表,这个人恐怕比较接近狂想发明家戈德堡,而不是爱迪生。

63 、But when it came to making a film version of the popular "Charlie's Angels," producer Leonard Goldberg says that martial arts choreography was the, perfect blend of subject matter and style.───但是,在《查理的天使》一片中,制作人伦纳德 - 戈德堡说,武打动作设计体现了主题与风格的完美结合。

64 、"[O]f course, an impartial decision maker is essential" to an adjudication that comports with due process. Goldberg v. Kelly, supra. There are several kinds of disqualifying bias.───对于与正当程序保持一致的审判,"显然一位公正无私的决策人是必不可少的"[见"戈德伯格诉凯利"案(出处同前)],有若干种不符合条件的倾向。

65 、Goldberg: No one envies me any more. I am smart.───歌德堡:再没有人妒忌我。我很聪明。

66 、Goldberg spoke at a news briefing where he announced he will lead an interagency team of senior U.───刚刚卸去美国驻玻利维亚大使职务的古德伯格是职业外交官。

67 、Goldberg, L. R. From ace to zombie: Some explorations in the language of personality. In C. D. SpielBerger &J. N. Butcher (Eds.), Advance in Personality Assessment. NJ: Lawrance Erlbaum, 1982.───洪世昌,我国空中大学学生自我导向学习倾向及其与学习成就关系之研究,国立师范大学社会教育学系,1994。

68 、Goldberg D. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning [M]. Addison-Wesley,───王凌.智能优化算法及其应用[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2001.

69 、Gary Goldberg, president and CEO, said, “This enhanced platform is proof of PROMATION’s ongoing efforts to introduce quality products into the market at highly competitive prices.───加里戈德堡,总裁兼首席执行官说: “这增强平台证明了**的持续努力,以优质的产品介绍到市场上极具竞争力的价格。

70 、Goldberg DP, Gater R, Sartorius N, et al.───李涛,周茹英,胡峻梅,等译(王志青等修订).

71 、Under Mike Goldberg's management, the insurance business should treat us well over time.───在mike Goldberg的管理之下,保险事业的报酬仍可期待。

72 、Goldberg, D. E., and Deb, K., “A comparative analysis of selection schemes used in genetic algorithms”,Foundations of Genetic Algorithms,Morgan Kaufmann,Berlin,1991,pp.69-93。───苏木春,张孝德,2000,机器学习:类神经网路、模糊系统以及基因演算法则,全华科技图书股份有限公司,台北。

73 、Bruder SP, Kraus KH, Goldberg VM, et al. The effect of implants loaded with antologous meschymal stem cells on healing of canine segmental bone defects.J Bone Joint Surg Am 1998; 80:985 - 92───李雪盛,黄金中.兔骨髓基质细胞体外立体培养及冷冻复苏[J].临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志,2001,15(增刊):86-7

74 、David Goldberg, a 44-year-old Decatur, Georgia, resident who participated in the survey, has lived in both environments.───一位参与调查的人员,DavidGoldberg,44岁的佐治亚州迪卡特市人,在两个区域都居住过。

75 、Goldberg D E. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization &Machine learning[M]. Addison-Wesley Publishing,1989.───装备费用--效能分析实施指南.国防科工委军用标准化中心.

76 、Goldberg Drama Desk and Theatre World───台剧方面,她得过

77 、i like how it goes from state to statei would have called it the cross country rube goldberg.───选择您想要观看的国家 / 地区内容 (影片及频道)。这个动作不会变更网站的语言。

78 、Barry norman goldberg, nickname not yet decided.─── 巴瑞·诺曼·金伯格 绰号还没决定

79 、The paper is organized as follows:First, guided by Goldberg(1995),we try to find the relationship between verb and construction.───本文就是在这种思想倾向下,首先在Goldberg(construction)句式理论框架下探求存在句中动词和句式意义之间的制约关系,发现动词的动作性强度等级是致使句子产生歧解的一个因素。

80 、” Goldberg replied, “Goldberg is absent today.───古德伯格回答说:“古德伯格今天缺席。”

81 、"Each person is, in fact, a Rube Goldberg sort of organism pieced together by biology and made up of good parts, bad parts and parts that are inconsequential.───我们每个人都是一个精密复杂的有机体。我们身上既有好的器官也有不好的器官,甚至还有令人匪夷所思的器官。

82 、D.E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithm in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, 1989.───邱元泰,遗传演算法在排课问题之应用,国立中正大学数学研究所硕士论文,民国91年。

83 、Pagan).With Quincy off to see his dad, Stella and her best friend Delilah (Whoopi Goldberg) vacation in Jamaica, where she meets sexy, good-looking Winston Shakespeare (Taye Diggs).───在那里她遇到了一位20岁的年轻小伙子,与他摩擦出了爱火花,但年龄上的差距,及两人在价值观上的差异,让彼此的相处出现了许多的困难。

84 、The American comedy actress Whoopi Goldberg is all voice dreadlocks and teeth───美国喜剧女演员伍皮·戈德堡是个大嗓门,披着一头长发辫,长着一嘴大牙。


Goldberg在WWE的最后一场比赛是在WrestleMania 20(摔角狂热)上和Brock Lesnar(布洛克莱斯纳)的比赛,你说的应该是之前他和Triple H(HHH)打的一场世界重量级冠军赛,规定如果Goldberg(高柏)输了的话,他将离开WWE,但他最终击败了Triple H(HHH)获胜,成为了新任世界重量级冠军,当时没有离开WWE~


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