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英:['da?r?]  美:[?da?r?]

英:  美:


n.嫁妆, 天资


名词复数: dowries |


windward | lee




1 、preparing her dowry and receiving instructions,───准备嫁妆并接受母亲的训导:

2 、In societies where the groom had to pay for his bride, the dowry served as a "return gift.───在新郎必须想新娘的佳人支付金钱以迎娶新娘的社会里,嫁妆就起着”回赠礼物”的作用。

3 、Her father give her the two book he have write as her dowry.───作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她。

4 、a historical region and former province of central France west of the Auvergne Mountains. It was included in the dowry given by Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry II of England in 1152 and was eventually reconquered by France(1370-1374)───利穆赞的,法国中部一历史地区,原为法国一省,位于奥弗涅山脉西部。1152年阿基坦的埃莉诺嫁给英王亨利二世时被作为嫁妆的一部分,但最后又被法国占领(1371-1374年)

5 、It only became Scottish, as a wedding dowry, in 1468; we still consider ourselves Orcadians first then Scots.───在1468年该岛作为陪嫁变为苏格兰的领地,至今我们都认为自己首先是奥克尼人,然后才是苏格兰人。

6 、Dowry or no dowry, I still want to marry you.─── 不管有没有嫁妆 我还是想娶你

7 、Gen 34:12 Ask me never so much dowry and gift, and I will give according as ye shall say unto me: but give me the damsel to wife.───创34:12任凭向我要多重的聘金和礼物,我必照你们所说的给你们。只要把女子给我为妻。

8 、Daughters made contributions to their parent"s home, they also got part or the whole family property by dowry, private property, and inheritance by will.───唐宋时期,女儿对娘家经济作出了一定的贡献,并通过拥有私财、奁产陪嫁、立嗣外甥外孙、遗嘱继产等方式得到了部分或全部家产。

9 、Dowry Practice of the Song Dynasty───宋代厚嫁述论

10 、""dowry payment""───“嫁妆费”

11 、The author argues that if we study the bride price carefully and notice the interaction between the bride price and the dowry, we will discover severaleconomic implications of the gifts.───作者认为,如果在研究聘礼的同时留意它与嫁妆之间的互动关系,就会发现其中包含着补偿、互惠和财产转移等多重经济意义。

12 、If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her father's house.───如果她是没有犯罪的,而在她的部分上没有错误,但是他离开和忽视她,则这女人没有任何罪则,她将拿回她的嫁妆和回到她父亲的家族。

13 、It wouldn't provide my sisters with dowries.─── 也负担不起我妹妹们的嫁妆

14 、His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry.───他的家人希望新娘能带来丰厚的嫁妆。

15 、If this woman does not wish to remain in her husband's house, then he shall compensate her for the dowry that she brought with her from her father's house, and she may go.───如果这个女人不想要留在她丈夫的房子中,则他必须补偿她从父亲的家族那里带来的嫁妆给她,而她可以回去。

16 、Cray Mans imperial law that violates the spirit of the church, particularly on his wife's dowry and access to prosperity, but also is contrary to God purpose.───克雷芒觉得法皇违背了教会的精神,尤其是靠妻子陪嫁而获取的繁荣,更是有悖于神旨。

17 、They prayed for a mere girl, thinking a large dowry would buy the daughter a husband from a poor family who would take their clan name.───他们祈祷只生一个女儿,他们想,有一大笔陪嫁,就可以招一个穷人家的孩子入赘,由他来继承他们家族的姓氏。

18 、Yes, everything's ready for the wedding, dowry and all-all you want now is for your future son-in-law to come and kowtow to you───办喜事,垫箱钱,什么都办好在那里,就等女儿女婿来磕头。

19 、I substantiate my worthiness to enter into it with a dowry.─── 我用我的陪嫁 来证明我进委员会的价值

20 、only when your mother sends the dowry.─── 前提是 你的母后送来嫁妆

21 、After 10 years of marriage Hengameh had decided to claim her dowry of 124,000 red roses to punish her very stingy husband.───伊朗女子亨格梅赫与丈夫结婚十年后,决定向其索要12万4千朵玫瑰的聘礼,以惩罚这个大吝啬鬼。

22 、"Red dowry"───“十里红妆”

23 、The Bauchi State Agency for the Control of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria offers to pay a dowry, provide counseling and even offers employment within the agency.───包奇州政府艾滋病、结核病和疟疾防治部门为新娘出嫁妆,提供心理咨询服务,还为新人在部门里安排工作。

24 、A woman's dowry.───女人的嫁妆

25 、9.As part of her dowry, the bride would bring her personal belongings or trousseau to the home of her new husband.───因此,新婚夫妇的家人和朋友穿着与新娘新郎相似的服装,以此来扰乱想要伤害新婚夫妇的任何邪恶之魂。

26 、You're soiled, have no dowry, and no rank.─── 你被玷污了 沒有嫁妝 沒有地位

27 、In 1662, King Charles II of England married the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza who brought with her, as part of her dowry, a small chest of tea.───1662年,英格兰国王查理二世迎娶了葡萄牙布拉干萨王朝的凯瑟琳公主。公主随嫁妆带来了一小箱茶叶。

28 、"Shall you be able to pay M. Cavalcanti the five hundred thousand francs you promise for my dowry?"───“您能够答应我签订婚约后就给那五十万法郎嫁资付给卡瓦尔康蒂先生吗?”

29 、dowry | marriage portion | trousseau───妆奁| 嫁妆

30 、So, the money from the safe is a dowry.─── 所以 保险箱里的钱是嫁妆

31 、bronze dowry wares───媵器

32 、The dowry would be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.───如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。

33 、a married woman's personal property exclusive of her dowry,according to common law───妻子的财产,按照习惯法已婚妇女除嫁妆以外的个人财产

34 、However, being wed did not make him any more affectionate towards his wife - on the contrary, he left her bed on their wedding night to study the Thran book from her dowry.───但是,成婚并没有能够使他花稍微多一些的精力在他的妻子上。恰恰相反,他在新婚的洞房花烛夜当晚离开了他妻子的床来苦读她嫁妆中的那本索蓝巨著。

35 、You're soiled, have no dowry and no rank.─── 你被玷污了 沒有嫁妝 沒有地位

36 、Although the compensating value of the dowry no longer exists in modern America, the father of the bride mirrors the ancient system of marital payback by paying for the wedding.───尽管在当代美国社会,嫁妆的这种补偿价值不再存在,但是新娘的父母仍然通过支付举办婚礼的费用反映出古代夫妻间的偿还制度。

37 、Never will she measure his love by the dowry he give her───她从不会以他赠给她的新娘礼物来衡量他的爱

38 、My grandma's family was poor at the time she got married, so she had only a small dowry.───奶奶出嫁时家里太穷, 根本没什么陪奁。

39 、Third, marriage and happy marriage auspicious days, the cut red "hi" word affixed to houses at the top corners and windows, Chudo above, there are affixed to the dowry, gift items above.───三是婚姻嫁娶及喜庆吉日时,剪大红“喜”字,贴于屋舍顶部四角及窗户、中堂之上,也有贴于聘礼、贺礼物品之上的。

40 、dowry deaths───因嫁妆不足而烧死新娘的事件

41 、20 And Leah said, God hath endued me with a good dowry;───利亚说,神赐我厚赏。

42 、A historical region and former province of central France west of the Auvergne Mountains. It was included in the dowry given by Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry II of England in1152 and was eventually reconquered by France(1370-1374).───利穆赞的法国中部一历史地区,原为法国一省,位于奥弗涅山脉西部。1152年阿基坦的埃莉诺嫁给英王亨利二世时被作为嫁妆的一部分,但最后又被法国占领(1371-1374年)

43 、The custom of dowry is a little similar to that in the weddings of my hometown, Is it the same as that of your hometown?───他们嫁妆的风俗和我们家乡的有些类似,和您家乡的一样吗?

44 、If it was the man who dissolved the marriage, he had to give the woman back her dowry and some other things;───如果是丈夫提出离婚的,那他必须把妻子的嫁妆和其它某些东西还给她;

45 、Dowry fund───嫁妆基金

46 、I can have my dowry in exchange for her escape.─── 我可以幫助她逃脫以換回我的嫁妝

47 、Her father give her the two book He has write as her dowry───作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她

48 、He gave the harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and dowry flake.───它轻轻地摇了一下佩铃,探询是否出了什么差错。林中毫无回响一片寂静,只有微风习习雪花飘落。

49 、An Iranian man can end up in jail over dowry debts and there has been a judicial debate whether it should be adjusted according to the man's financial status.───伊朗男人可能会因为欠聘礼而坐牢,伊朗司法界也一直在争论这项法律是否应根据男方的经济状况而做出调整。

50 、A woman's marriage portion; a dowry.───女人的陪嫁;嫁妆

51 、She had gold and pearls for her dowry,but her gold was on her head, and her pearls were in her mouth───她有黄金和珍珠做奁资,不过她的黄金在她的头上,珍珠在她的口中。

52 、Before 1926, the main way for a daughter to get property from her father was her dowry or parent's bestowal.───在1926年以前,女性一般没有财产继承权,女儿只有获得妆奁或父母赠与的权利;

53 、Mr.Zhou Chengjian was born in the village of Shikengling, Qingtian County in Zhejiang province.At the age of 12, he curiously disassembled the sewing machine his father gave his sisiter as a dowry.───他出生在浙江青田石坑岭村,12岁那年,因为好奇拆掉父亲买给姐姐做嫁妆的缝纫机,父亲虽然懊恼却感到他聪明手巧,便将他送到裁缝店做了一名学徒。

54 、“He shall take you with your dowry, and hook on Mademoiselle Bourienne into the bargain.───“他要把你连同嫁妆一起带走,顺带也把布里安**带走。

55 、If he is so different, you do not need a dowry.─── 如果他如此與眾不同 你不需要嫁妝

56 、Urza wasn't particularly interested in the daughter, but in an attempt to acquire a Thran tome that was in her dowry, Urza built a gigantic machine to move the statue.───为了试图获得那么书,克撒制造出了一部同样巨大无比的器械以搬移那尊雕像。

57 、Never will she measure his love by the dowry he give her.───她从不会以他赠给她的新娘礼物来衡量他的爱。

58 、Her virtues were a dowry above a kingdom───她的品德是比一个王国还要贵重的嫁妆。

59 、Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had gone up and captured Gezer and burned it with fire and had slain the Canaanites who lived in the city and given it as a dowry to his daughter, the wife of Solomon.───先前埃及王法老上来攻取基色,用火焚烧,杀了城内居住的迦南人,将城赐给他女儿所罗门的妻子作妆奁。

60 、And Leah said, God hath endued me with a good dowry;───20利亚说,神赐我厚赏。

61 、Analyses on the Diversity of Origin and Symbol of Dowry───嫁妆来源及象征的多样性分析

62 、In a nod to the villagers' bleak future, the local government is providing families a dowry for their daughters, to encourage them to marry out.───为解决村民们未来窘迫的生活问题,当地政府将为庙河村的女性出嫁提供嫁妆,鼓励他们嫁到外地。

63 、He answered that he would give her twenty thousand crowns for her dowry and half his estate at his death───他答应说,他准备给她两万克郎作为陪嫁,她死的时候再分给她一半田产。

64 、Although the dowry has long been a tremendous burden to the parents of daughters, the strength of social custom is such that the law cannot be fully enforced.───尽管嫁妆问题长期以来已经成为了女儿双亲的负担,这种社会习俗如此根深蒂固,以致法律不能完全强迫。

65 、Research on Evolution of Ancient Dowry in China───中国古代奁妆演变初探

66 、The obligation to return the dowry and to pay the jointure (ketubah) served as a good security against divorce on insufficient grounds.───归还陪嫁和支付给妻子应继承的遗产的义务,对理由不充足的离婚起了很好的担保作用。

67 、And Leah said, God hath endued me with a good dowry now will my husband dwell with me, because I have born him six sons: and she called his name Zebulun.───20利亚说,神赐我厚赏。我丈夫必与我同住,因我给他生了六个儿子。于是给他起名西布伦(就是同住的意思)。

68 、I have no carriage, no parents, and no dowry.─── 我没有马车 没有双亲 也没有嫁妆

69 、She has a great dowry for art.───她有艺术天资。

70 、Dowry and Betrothal Gifts: A Review of Relevant Theories───嫁妆与聘礼:一个学术史的简单回顾

71 、Women's rights to dowry and alimony after divorce were generally protected by the court.───在离婚后的妆奁与抚养费用上,妇女的合法权益一般得到了法院的保护。

72 、Her father gave her the two books he had written as her dowry.───作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她。

73 、In that area, women's dowry is more than a symbol of wealth, it is also a symbol of power.───在那个地区,妇女的嫁妆不仅仅是财富的象征,还是权利的象征。

74 、Dowry the road from the grove was a villa so Roman it looked as if it had been dug up from the ruins of Pompeii.───在通向柑橘林的大路那头不远的地方有一座别墅,是古罗马式的建筑,看上去简直像是从庞贝城的废墟里挖掘出来的一样。

75 、The cost of the wedding can be viewed as an outgrowth of the dowry custom.───婚礼的费用可被看作是嫁妆习俗的产物。

76 、No family would approve of a daughter marrying a man too poor to afford a dowry and a decent future.───因此,一个没有什么前途,甚至送不起嫁妆的穷光蛋,是没有人愿把女儿嫁给他的。

77 、Girls are prejudiced against largely because of the dowry system and inheritance practices tilted in favour of men.───女孩遭歧视主要是因为嫁妆习惯和遗产惯例都有利于男性。

78 、1.a trousseau; a dowry 2.cosmetic articles───妆奁

79 、then the two families get together to talk about the dowry,───双方家庭就聚在一起讨论嫁妆、

80 、Ask me never so much dowry and gift, and I will give according as ye shall say unto me: but give me the damsel to wife.───任凭向我要多重的聘金和礼物,我必照你们所说的给你们。只要把女子给我为妻。

81 、Suspicion, discontent, and strife, come in for dowry with a wife---Robert Herrick,poet.───作为 嫁妆, 怀疑、不满和冲突 随老婆一起到来---罗伯特.赫利克,诗人。

82 、A married woman's personal property exclusive of her dowry, according to common law.───妻子的财产按照习惯法,已婚妇女除嫁妆以外的个人财产

83 、In reality, Thoros had paid very little of the dowry, Arda had produced no children, and an Armenian wife was less useful in Jerusalem than in Edessa.───事实上,更可能是由于托罗斯未能按照约定支付那些嫁妆,阿尔达未能生育一个孩子,或者一个亚美尼亚妻子对于王国而言不会比在埃德萨时更有用处。

84 、From the dowry his thoughts travelled back to just after his wife's death, when he had acquired this concubine despite the protests of Mei-ching's uncle.───冯云卿皱了眉头气喘喘地说着,同时就回忆到自己老婆死后便弄这老九进门来,那时候阿眉的舅父和姑父汹汹争呶的情形。

85 、"He is a department head in the Commission of Wartime Resources.It's a post his new father-in-law got for him.You can call it part of Miss Su's dowry."───“他在‘战时物资委员会’当处长,是新丈人替他谋的差使,这算得女儿嫁妆的一部分。”

86 、He would even appropriate that sacred ten-thousand-dollar deposit which was set aside as his daughter's dowry.───他决定动用元丰钱庄上那“神圣的”一万银子,眉卿的“垫箱钱”;

87 、1. The dowry will be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally .───如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。

88 、If they can be independent, they do not care about a wife's dowry or her father's influence.They'd rather have girl friends and lead a life of profligacy;for that, they do have the money───他们能够独立,不在乎太太的陪嫁、丈人的靠山,宁可交女朋友,花天酒地的胡闹,反正他们有钱。

89 、Together with the bride to the house of the husband, the dowry became the woman's“ private property” in her new home.───嫁妆跟随妇女由娘家到婆家,成为她们在新家庭中的“私产”。

90 、The dowry will be enough for her old age have she not spend It Irrationally───如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的







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