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07-02 投稿




英:[ka?nt?r?n'tju:?t?v]  美:[?ka?nt?r?n'tju:?t?v]

英:  美:


adj. 违反直觉的


名词: counterinsurgent |


1 、That's not well known even by some veteran webmasters, because it runs counterintuitive to what we've come to expect from experience.───这对于某些网管老手来说都很陌生,因为以我们的经验来判断,它不太合理。

2 、It's completely counterintuitive compared to what most cities do.─── 这与绝大部分城市的做法背道而驰

3 、That seems counterintuitive, which makes it a common mistake.───这是常见的错误,看起来是违反直觉的。

4 、It's a bit counterintuitive, considering the internet's made more articles available than ever before.───这似乎有悖常理,因为互联网的产生应该让人们能阅读到比以往更多的文献才对。

5 、While the results may seem counterintuitive, researchers conclude that extending nursing time can actually interrupt a mother’s internal system for milk production.───虽然结果很出乎意料,研究者们给出了一个结论:实际上,因为要制造乳汁,过长的哺乳时间会扰乱一位母亲身体的内部系统。

6 、This is counterintuitive to most investors.Mr.───大部分投资者的直觉看法都不是这样。

7 、is a counterintuitive illusion. When a grey rectangle is mainly surrounded by black it should look lighter. In this case, the grey rectangles are exactly the same shade of grey.───当灰色的长方形被黑色围住,它看起来会更亮。该图中两边的灰色深度其实是一样的。

8 、Critical thinking is often counterintuitive, and our brains are easily fooled.───批判性思维常常是违反直觉的,而我们的大脑是很容易被愚弄的。

9 、That’s kinda counterintuitive but Ki Baek and co say several factors explain what is going on.───这可能非常有趣如果你这几天在圣地亚哥的高速公路上试试看的话。哈哈!

10 、The gravitational interaction of a satellite and a nearby particle is somewhat counterintuitive.───卫星和邻近粒子之间的重力作用有些违反直觉。

11 、Counterintuitive Sequencing of Planning Tasks───反直觉规划

12 、But of course what makes investing so counterintuitive is that in equity markets, good times are defined as everyone thinking it's time to buy.───但是在资本市场确实让投资行为变得非常违反直觉,所谓牛市是人人都想着买进的时期。

13 、This finding may seem counterintuitive , since many smokers attest to feeling more alert and focused after smoking.───这一发现似乎和我们的直觉正好相反,因为很多人都觉得在抽完烟后反应会更敏捷,注意力更集中。

14 、I know it's counterintuitive, but trust me on that.─── 我知道这反直觉 但是相信我

15 、But other signs also could point the way, they say. They range from the innocuous (such as trading volume) to the counterintuitive (cuts in profit expectations).───但他们称,还有其他指标能够帮助他们得出结论,其中既包括交易量等普通指标,也包括盈利预期下调等违反直觉的情况。

16 、It's important to do this.It seems counterintuitive, it seems like gulping would cause a cramp.───这很重要,似乎违背直觉,似乎大口喝会引起腹部绞痛。

17 、When we do that then there are often quite counterintuitive results.───当我们做到这一点则往往是非常违反直觉的结果。

18 、It's counterintuitive, so let's go over all the details.───这与你的直觉是相反的,让我们来看一些细节。

19 、And they should never be the same, because, however counterintuitive this may seem, to make them the same would be to fundamentally weaken the opportunity for new creators to create.───因为倘若没有区分的话,这会从根本上弱化新手进行创新的机会,尽管这个理由不是很能够被直观地看出。

20 、Keywords: Counterintuitive Sequencing of planning tasks; development planning; institutional resistance; substantive and procedural planning theories; unorthodox problem formulation───关键词:反直觉规划;发展规划;制度阻力;本体论和程序规划理论;非常规问题阐述

21 、It's barely a taste of the radical and often counterintuitive "rules" that Kelly dishes out.───这只不过是品尝凯利所推出的那些激进且经常是反直觉的规则的一点味道而已。

22 、"Further research is needed to explain this counterintuitive finding and to identify more effective methods of medication review.───他们认为,需要未来进一步的试验来解释这项违反直觉的发现,以及确认出药物评估更有效的方式。

23 、A thought experiment designed to illustrate the counterintuitive and strange notions of reality that come along with quantum mechanics.───随着量子力学而出现了违反直觉和有着奇怪概念的事实,为了阐述它们而进行了一个理想实验。

24 、We hope to present evidence that such instruction can lead to conceptual change in that the student can make intuitive sense of aspects of the scientific theory that were counterintuitive before.───我们希望提出证据,这种指示可能导致概念上的变化的学生可以直观的感觉方面的科学理论,是违反直觉面前。

25 、I know it's counterintuitive, but that's the point.─── 我知道听起来完全背道而驰 但确实如此

26 、This view may seem very counterintuitive at first.───这个观点也许第一眼看起来是非常反直觉的。

27 、That's counterintuitive, but that just might work.─── 有点不合套路 但没准还真能管用

28 、Counterintuitive rules are difficult to learn and not fun, at least at first.───怪诞的规则通常都不容易掌握,也并不有趣,至少一开始是这样。

29 、The most important findings are rather counterintuitive: Smaller firms are more successful than larger firms, and firms entering more open emerging markets have less success.───研究结果非常令人意想不到:小公司比大公司更成功,而那些进入更加开放的新兴市场的企业更少获得成功。

30 、It's an almost counterintuitive question: Can the physically disabled become artists?───有身体缺陷的人能够成为艺术家么?

31 、Brand also makes a counterintuitive case that the booming slums and squatter cities in and around Mumbai, Nairobi, and Rio de Janeiro are net positives for poor people and the environment.───布兰德也为穷人和环境提出反直觉的理由,在孟买、内罗毕和里约热内卢市内及其四周急速发展的贫民窟和寮屋城区纯属积极正面。

32 、It might seem counterintuitive to discuss the application architecture last, but doing so makes sense with this type of development.───到最后才讨论应用程序架构看起来可能不合常规,但是对于这类开发来说这么做是有意义的。

33 、Initially, it seemed quite counterintuitive to me.───最初它对我来说也是反直觉的。

34 、It is, of course, a very tricky task to devise a romanization method;some are better than others, but all involve plenty of counterintuitive spellings.───当然,要发明一种罗马式拼音方案确是一项技巧性很强的高难度工程,尽管各种方案各有千秋,但任何方案都无法凭直觉来拼读。

35 、Moreover, their leptin levels are actually higher than those of lean individuals, which sounds counterintuitive if leptin is supposed to cause appetite suppression.───再者,他们体内的瘦身素量也比体瘦者高。如果说瘦身素的作用是抑制食欲,那麽这个发现似乎有违常理。

36 、It’s counterintuitive, but it can be proven easily with elementary mathematics.───这是违反直觉的,但这却可以很容易的用初等数学来证明。

37 、“It would be counterintuitive to disengage, and potentially lose, the most important sector of your workforce and the future of your company in order to cut short-term costs.───因此,为减少短期性的费用支入,企业更不能凭直觉裁员或削减间接费用,而是该把重点放在员工稳定性及企业的未来规划上来。

38 、Metamaterials can and have been designed and made to possess certain properties, even counterintuitive ones.───超颖物质可以并已经用来设计具有某种特性,有些甚至是和人的直觉相违背的特性。

39 、Many legitimate wave functions correspond to counterintuitive situations, such as a cat being dead and alive at the same time in a so-called superposition.───许多合法的波函数,对应的却是违反直觉的状况,比如一只猫在一个所谓的叠加态中,竟同时是生又是死的。

40 、The facts are counterintuitive to everything else you see around you.───事实是对于你在你周遭所见到的其他每件事物是违反直觉的。

41 、The papers in this STF develop counterintuitive theory about the circumstances of those private firms developing different corporate strategies to influence government policy.───他们认为管理学的学者们刚开始涉足这一重要的论题并提出一些可行的研究方向。

42 、This fact may be counterintuitive - it seems reasonable to suppose that you would reach an asymptote once almost all the English words had been included.───这个事实可能与我们的直觉相反认为一旦全部包括了几乎所有的英文单词,您就可以一劳永逸,这似乎很合乎情理。

43 、A trader who expects a downswing must decide which put to buy. The best choice is counterintuitive and different from what most people get.───期待下跌的交易者要决定买什么样的看跌期权。最好是和直觉不同的,和别人不一样的。

44 、But too many of the book's vaguely counterintuitive examples ... stray from the central theme, giving their argument a shapeless, meandering feel.───但是这本书举了太多含糊的悔涩的例子...偏离了中心论点,让他们的观点看起来散漫不成型。”

45 、It's just that the ethic rules for the governor can be quite counterintuitive.─── 只是关于州长的**准则 其实相当有悖常理

46 、It seems counterintuitive that doing nothing can make you fatigued, but it's true.───乍听起来有些奇怪:什么都不做竟会让你感到疲倦,但其确实是真理。

47 、PersevereInteresting and perhaps counterintuitive fact: research shows that people tend to persevere longer with problems that they've been told are difficult, as opposed to easy.───有趣却违背人们一般认为的事实是:据研究表明往往在被认为是”困难'的问题上人们坚持的时间比在“容易”的问题上更长。

48 、S. alone-diet industry.Niedenthal says that not only has he lost 12 kg in 18 months on his counterintuitive diet regime, "I have much more energy and my complexion has improved.───尼登特尔说,采用反常规饮食疗法18个月以来,他的体重下降了12公斤,而且“觉得浑身更有劲,脸色也好了许多”。

49 、The rule for machines is counterintuitive but clear: Complex machines must be made incrementally and often indirectly.───对机器来说,这个规则是违反直觉的,但是很明确:复杂的机器必定是逐步地、而且往往是间接地完善的。

50 、China's need to emulate America may seem counterintuitive at the moment, given the parlous state of the U.S. economy.───在当前的时刻,尤其是美国经济陷入困顿之际,提出中国应该效仿美国似乎有悖直觉。

51 、When you run into an obstacle you can't overcome, you try a counterintuitive approach.─── 如果你遭遇了無法克服的障礙 你就采取逆向思維的辦法

52 、N. weapons inspectors on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD).To policymakers, a lack of WMD was counterintuitive and contrary to past experience.───对决策者而言,缺乏大规模杀伤性武器是违反直觉的,而且与过去的经验相反。

53 、But much of physics is counterintuitive, as is the case in many other disciplines, and before the rise of modern science we had only our folk intuitions to guide us.───然而,物理学绝大部份是与直觉相违背的,其他学门也是如此。在现代科学兴起之前,我们只有一般直觉可供引导。

54 、This conclusion, too, is counterintuitive and at odds with the terms of present law and most proposals for reform.───这个结论有点违反直觉,并且与现行法律和大多数改革建议所使用的术语不一致。

55 、Certainly, counterintuitive moves in airline stocks and others could present opportunities.───当然,航空和其它类股的反常走势可能带来了机会。

56 、A similar result was discovered in an example so counterintuitive that it startles.───在一个非常违反直觉的例子中,也发现到相似的结果。

57 、What is it about our reflected self that it plays by such counterintuitive rules?───那我们根据这些与直觉相反的规则而变化的镜中影像又怎麽了?

58 、At the same time, type-E dualism is frequently rejected as deeply counterintuitive.───同时,E类二元论常常意味其反直观而被拒绝。

59 、Tengzhong's interest in the gas-guzzling Hummer brand seems somewhat counterintuitive, as the company just entered the business of making wind-turbine gearboxes last year.───四川腾中重工看上油耗子品牌悍马似乎有点不合常理,因为该公司去年才刚刚进入制造风电齿轮箱的业务。

60 、A better idea, though counterintuitive, might be to raise tuition to all students but couple the raise with a program of rebates for graduates who work full time.───一个违背直觉的好主意:可以提高所有学生的学费,而不仅仅包括结了婚的,配套的计划是将提高的部分返还给全职工作的毕业生。

61 、It's completely counterintuitive and simply doesn't make sense.─── 这完全违反我们的直觉 而且也说不通

62 、At first, all this seems counterintuitive - cutting trees to save a forest.───砍树来拯救森林,最初以直觉想,似乎是说不通的。

63 、No matter how counterintuitive to traditional political thinking.─── 无论这些决策是否 与传统*思维相左

64 、This sounds counterintuitive but within the logic of accounting it makes some sense.───这听起来似乎违背常理,但从会计逻辑来说有一定道理。

65 、China's need to emulate America may seem counterintuitive at the moment, given the parlous state of the U.───鉴于美国经济危机,现在说中国需要效仿美国好像是违反直觉的。

66 、So I know this sounds counterintuitive, but I would advise him to stick to the guilty plea.─── 所以 我知道這聽起來不可思議 但我會建議他堅持原來的認罪答辯

67 、Elements which are unrealistic are often counterintuitive.───那些不现实的游戏元素通常都很怪诞。

68 、While it may seem counterintuitive to drink hot liquids in the heat, many Asian cultures believe that doing so will increase sweating and help cool you off.───大热天饮热茶听起来似乎有悖常理,但许多亚洲文化认为这有助发汗解暑,可以清凉降火。

69 、This is exactly right, even though it’s often counterintuitive for people who program in other languages (especially C) and are used to accessing everything without restriction.───完全正确,这对于一些使用其它编程语言(特别指C语言),以及习惯于访问任何部分而无任何限制的编程人员来说尤为如此。

70 、Forgas and his team weren't surprised by the result, although at first glance it might seem counterintuitive.───结果不出福加斯和他的小组所料,尽管乍看上去似乎有违直觉。

71 、A key to this counterintuitive approach to traffic design lies in manipulating the inherent self-interest of all drivers.───这种违反直觉的交通规划,关键在于运用每个驾驶人的私心。

72 、This sighting is counterintuitive to everything we know about its behavior.─── 这种现象与我们 对其所有行为的了解背道而驰

73 、Buying a very cheap, far-out-of-the-money put is counterintuitive.───买一个便宜的,不值钱的看跌期权是违反只觉的。

74 、“While it may be counterintuitive , it's more appropriate and in some ways more spiritually uplifting to be grateful in a time of need than in a time of plenty,” Mirel said.───在极其痛苦的经济困难时刻,很难想象在感恩方面有所作为。

75 、Nature, the master manager of complexity, offers priceless guidance in handling messy, counterintuitive webs.───自然,这掌控复杂性的大师,给我们提供无价的引导来挣脱杂乱、反直观的网。

76 、Although the result appears counterintuitive and even surprising, it's a reasonable choice of the principal under the assumption of self-interested and rational behavior.───此一结论虽然不是那麽符合直觉,甚至有些令人意外,惟在**人自利与理性的行为假设下,其实并不难理解其隐含的经济意涵。

77 、Finally, although it might seem counterintuitive, one effective means of controlling our emotions about an investment is to avoid learning too much about it.───最后,尽管这可能看起来不合常理,一个控制投资情绪的有效方法是避免对投资知道的太多。

78 、Object variables that contain intrinsic variable types, such as integer, are displayed and edited in a manner that may appear counterintuitive.───包含内部变量类型(如整型)的对象变量的显示和编辑方式可能看起来不够直观。

79 、Counterintuitive as it may sound, Ehrlich told me in an e-mail that “lacking any other information, one would put (conservation) effort into the (species) with a small range.───在一封电子邮件里,欧利希跟我说了个听起来有点违反直觉的观点。他说:“如果缺乏其他相关信息,人们就只能在一个狭窄的范围内开展对物种的保护。”

80 、This may sound a little counterintuitive, but before a merger is completed, the company that is being acquired will pay, possibly prepay, as many expenses as possible.───这也许听起来一少许反直观,但在合并被完成之前,被获取的公司将支付,可能预付,许多费用尽可能。

81 、The middle class's newfound disdain for democracy is counterintuitive.───中产阶级对民主新滋生出的轻视是有违常性的。


1 TX Yu and W Johnson. The Plastica:the large elastic-plastic deflection of a strut. Int J Non-Linear Mech,1982,17,195~209

2 TX Yu and W Johnson. The large elastic-plastic deflectionwith springback of a circular plate subjected to circum-ferential moments. ASME J Appl Mech,1982,49,507~515

3 TX Yu and W Johnson. Cylindrical bending of metal strips.Metals Technology,1983,10,439~448

4 PS Symonds and TX Yu. Counterintuitive behaviour in aproblem of elastic-plastic beam dynamics. ASME J Appl Mech,1985,52,517~522

5 XQ Wu,C Liu and TX Yu. A bifurcation phenomenon in an elastic-plastic symmetrical shallow truss subjected to symmetricalload. Int J Solids Struct,1987,23,1225~1233

6 余同希. 塑性力学,高等教育出版社,1989

7 TX Yu and WJ Stronge. Large deflection of a rigid-plasticbeam-on-foundation from impact. Int J Impact Engng,1990,9,115~126

8 XD Wang and TX Yu. Parkes revisited:effect of elasticdeformation at the root of a cantilever beam. Int J ImpactEngng,1991,11,197~209

9 余同希,章亮炽. 塑性弯曲理论及其应用. 科学出版社,1992

10 WJ Stronge and TX Yu. Dynamic Models for Structural Plasticity. Springer-Verlag,London,1993

11 TX Yu. Elastic effect in the dynamic plastic response of structures,Chapter 9 in Structural Crashworthiness and Failure,ed. N Jones and T Wierzbicki,341~384,Elsevier,1993

12 余同希,华云龙. 结构塑性动力学引论. 中国科技大学出版社,1994

13 XY Su,TX Yu and SR Reid. Inertia-sensitive impact energy- absorbing structures. Part I:Effects of inertia and elasticity,Int J Impact Engng,1995,16,651~672

14 TX Yu,JL Yang,SR Reid and CD Austin. Dynamic behaviour of elastic-plastic free-free beam subjected to impulsive loading. Int J Solids Struct,1996,33,2659~2680

15 TX Yu and LC Zhang. Plastic Bending:Theory and Applications. World Scientific,Singapore,1996

16 TX Yu,JL Yang and SR Reid. Interaction between reflected elastic flexural waves and a plastic hinge in the dynamic response of pulse loaded beams. Int J Impact Engng,1997, 19,457~475

17 SR Reid,TX Yu and JL Yang. An elastic-plastic hardening- sodtening cantilever beam subjected to a force pulse at its tip:a model for pipe whip. Proc R Soc Lond A 454,1998,997~1029

18 TX Yu,XM Tao and P Xue. Energy-absorbing capacity of grid- domed textile composites. Composite Science and Technology, 2000,60,785~800

19 TX Yu and FL Chen. A further study of plastic shear failure of impulsively loaded clamped beams. Int J Impact Engng, 2000,24,613~629

20 TX Yu,QP Sun and JK Kim ed. Advances in Engineering Plasticity. Trans Tech Publications,Zurich,Switzerland,2000


用》,《塑性结构的动力学模型》和《材料与结构的能量吸收》等三部专著(都有英文版在国外出版);发表了学术期刊论文330篇(大都为SCI收录)、国际会议论文200篇、专利4项。获选为剑桥大学丘吉尔学院海外院士;美国机械工程师学会会士(Fellow)、英国机械工程师学会会士(Fellow)、香港工程师学会会士(Fellow);担任国际冲击工程学报(International Journal of Impact Engineering)副主编、国际机械科学学报(International Journal of Mechanical Sciences)副主编,以及十余种国际学术刊物的编委。曾任中国力学学会副秘书长(1986-1994)、香港力学学会理事长(2000-2002)和国际理论与应用力学学会(IUTAM)理事会的香港代表(2003-2010)。2001年获中国高校科学技术奖一等奖。



什么叫做Countersteering / 推胎 / 推把呢?

如上图,countersteering,顾名思义,“反向导向”——"Push left, go left; Push right, go right"最简单直白地形容,便是左转推左把手,右转推右把手。下面图中的车手,进入右弯,他推了右把手,从而使得前轮偏左:





我们假设时间为delta t,圆周半径为r,速度表示为v,加速度表示为a,则有下面推导,得到向心力F=mv^2/r:



因此有该角beta = arccot (v^2 / (gr)):

所以我们过弯的时候,速度v越大,所需要的倾角theta = (90-beta)也就越大。从这个意义上讲,与其说是我们通过倾斜来过弯,不如说过弯如果要保持速度,我们就不得不保持相当的倾斜。


引用一个百度百科的解释:重力对高速旋转中的 陀螺 产生的对支撑点的 力矩 不会使其发生倾倒,而发生小角度的 进动 。此即陀螺效应。进动说一个自转的物体受外力作用导致其自转轴绕某一中心旋转——注意,是转轴旋转。








在实际的骑行之中运用countersteering是非常简单的——只需要记住"Push left, go left; Push right, go right"并执行就可以了。当然,我们要把一个违反直觉的操作变成直觉,这需要不断的训练和用经验说服自己。


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