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06-29 投稿




英:['str?kt??d]  美:['str?kt??d]

英:  美:


adj. 有组织的, 有安排的


动词过去式: structured | 动词过去分词: structured | 动词第三人称单数: structures | 动词现在分词: structuring |


tight | formal | regulated | controlled | planned | fitted | systematized | designed | integrated | organized | shaped | coordinated | defined | well-defined | well-thought-out




1 、An instance of IDataReader to be used when the field points to more remote structured data.───在字段指向更多的远程结构化数据时使用的IDataReader的实例。

2 、His sentences are long and well structured, interwoven with parallel words and phrases.───他使用的句子一般较长,但结构工整,包含有许多排比,对仗。

3 、In the same way,the way a company is organized and structured will also determine the behavior of the employees.───同样,公司的组织和结构形态,也决定了它属下雇员的行为。

4 、The I2O specification provides a structured environment for developing intelligent, distributed I/ O subsystems.───I2 o技术规范为开发智能的、分布式I/o子系统提供了一种结构化的环境。

5 、Some children learn best by rote, in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline.───在非常稳定和严格的纪律构成的环境里,有的孩子是靠死记硬背学习的。

6 、In structured exception handling, blocks of code test for specific circumstances and react accordingly.───在结构化异常处理中,代码块会测试特定的环境并相应地做出响应。

7 、OASIS is an XML industry member consortium dedicated to the promotion of structured information standards.───OASIS是XML工业成员协会,专门提升结构化信息标准。

8 、Most structured P2P networks are based on distributed hash tables(DHT), for example, Chord, CAN, Pastry and Tapestry.───大部分结构化P2P网络都基于分布式哈希表(Distributed Hash Tables,DHT)技术,比如著名的Chord、CAN、Pastry、Tapestry等。

9 、Objective Structured Clinical Examination(OSCE) is a model of clinical skills examination.───客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)是一种客观的临床能力考试模式。

10 、File Text, or any collection of related records held on a computer in structured form.───一架构形式存于电脑内的文字或任何相关记录的集合。

11 、But when you had it like this, this is the same structure that you have when you're *iling.─── 但当我们叼起吸管时 我们嘴部的姿态 就与我们微笑时的姿态一样

12 、The expressions in the following table use SQL (Structured Query Language) functions that aggregate or summarize data.───下表中的表达式使用SQL(结构化查询语言)函数来聚合或汇总数据。

13 、Allows structured data to be stored, retrieved, and manipulated through a relational.───存储、检索和操作结构化数据。

14 、Principle of Fuzzy Mathematical Analysis Based on Structured Element II.───基于结构元理论的模糊数学分析原理2。

15 、Company bonus system is structured to encourage good business decisions as well as a profit.───企业激励机制旨在鼓励好的商务决定和获利。

16 、As and when the market for structured finance revives, it will be smaller and less rewarding than before.───到结构性金融市场恢复正常的时候,它将比从前变得更小并且回报缩减。

17 、Their failure will be another shock to the corporate debt and commercial paper market, and related structured products.───他们的失败对公司债务、商业票据市场和相关的结构产品将是另一冲击。

18 、A structured collection of data objects, forming a data type.───多个数据对象的结构化汇集,以形成一种数据类型。

19 、Nose: Intense bouquet of mature fruits. Palate: Well structured, harmonious, soft and very pleasing.───嗅觉:充满浓郁的水果气息。味觉:酒体适中、和谐,令人愉悦。

20 、Participated in a structured process to solve product/process quality related problems.───参与结构化的解决产品质量问题的过程。

21 、The I2O specification provides a structured environment for developing intelligent, distributed I/O subsystems.───I2O技术规范为开发智能的、分布式I/O子系统提供了一种结构化的环境。

22 、We've got the chevrons, but there's no structure to them.─── 虽然有人字波形 但毫无结构可言

23 、Once the wormhole opens, the protons and the energy generated will break down our molecular structure, so we can pass through the wormhole, so we can get to our time destination with our molecular structure fully reconstructed.─── 虫洞一打开 质子及其产生的能量 就会打破人体分子结构 我们就可以穿过虫洞 到达时间目的地 我们的分子结构会在终点重组

24 、We thought we were questioning the very structure of society and the very structure of the music you were playing, so we ended up wandering into this nether land.─── 我们认为自己在质疑社会的基本结构 和你们演奏的音乐基本结构 所以我们最后沦落到了下层境地

25 、A compiler structured on the syntactical relationships of the character string.───一种基于字符串的语法关系的编译程序。

26 、Yet the SDPC provided little guidance on how PPAs for new plants could be structured.───不过,国家计委对于如何安排新厂房的电能购买协议只提供相当有限的指引。

27 、Demand was equally insatiable, providing those infamously complex structured products with a stream of ready buyers.───信用需求同样无穷无尽,这为那些臭名昭著的复杂组合产品带来许多愿挨的买家。

28 、The TextFieldParser object provides a way to easily and efficiently parse structured text files, such as logs.───TextFieldParser对象提供了一种可以轻松而高效地分析结构化文本文件(如日志)的方法。

29 、Content is structured in a way that facilitates the achievement of user goals.───内容框架设计便于用户达成期望目标。

30 、Because of the way the package is structured, Congress can deny Mr Obama the funds, but Mr Obama can veto their denial.───因为款项是以如此的方式发放,国会可以拒绝向奥巴马发放款项,但奥巴马有权否决他们的否认。

31 、If you were using SQL( Structured Query Language) the command would look like this.───如果你一直使用SQL(结构化查询语言),则命令会是:

32 、DSML is a standard established by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).───DSML是结构化信息标准促进组织(OASIS)建立的标准。

33 、She hoped that more activities like this could be structured.───她希望能组织更多这类活动。

34 、SQL (structured query language) is the world's most prevailing and standardized database language.───SQL(结构化查询语言)是世界上最流行的和标准化的数据库语言。

35 、Enable testers to write well-designed and highly structured test specifications in the shortest possible time.───使测试人员能够在尽可能短的时间内编写出出色的且高度结构化的测试规范。

36 、The BPWS editor provides some support for this, allowing you to wrap a primitive activity with a structured one.───BPWS编辑器为此提供了某种支持,使您能够用结构化活动包装基本活动。

37 、XML data files (. Xml), which contain the custom tags and structured data.───XML数据文件(.xml),此类型文件包含自定义标记和结构化数据。

38 、Anything or Automating: Should Learning Objects be Strictly Structured?───其他或是自动化:学习物件应该被严谨的组织吗?

39 、Sush methods as structured system analysis/design and structured program are applied to all designs.───在设计中采用了结构化分析、结构化设计和结构程序设计。

40 、Large, structured and efficient Production team.───大型和能高效制作的队伍。

41 、To achieve this aim, the topics are by necessity not structured linearly.───为了实现这一目标,标题的排列不一定是线性的。

42 、Structured issuance ballooned to $2 trillion last year and grew in complexity.───去年结构化证券发行飙升至2万亿美元,复杂程度也不断增加。

43 、This structure is interfering with my sensor.─── 这幢建筑干扰了我的传感器

44 、How should the UI code be structured to meet design requirements?───如何让ui代码与设计的需求相融合?

45 、And I find that the structure helps me.─── 而且我觉得这个架构对我有好处

46 、A program without a loop and a structured variable isn't worth writing.───一个不需要循环和结构变量的程序,不值得去写。

47 、XML Encryption provides end-to-end security for applications that require secure exchange of structured data.───XML加密为Web服务的数据传输提供了一种端到端的安全保障。

48 、If a package is located in a structured storage file, you select the file to migrate.───如果包位于结构化存储文件中,请选择要迁移的文件。

49 、But ARGUMENT is partially structured, understood, performed, and talked about in terms of WAR.───但是“辩论”被部分地用战争术语进行组织、理解、实现和谈论。

50 、DCT is based on FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), so integers FFT transform must be structured firstly.───DCT变换采取基于FFT(fast Fourier transform)的快速算法,所以,首先寻找整数FFT变换。

51 、A command or group of commands whose execution is conditional, based on the evaluation of a preceding or associated command. Nesting is a structured form of branching.───一种或一组命令,根据前面的命令或者相关联命令的求值结果,有条件地执行。嵌套是分支的一种结构形式。

52 、Two peaks of hope bluffs overlooking greenbelt structured the United States such as the picture.───两峰对望,断崖绿带,层次分明,美如画卷。

53 、Entire stainless steel structured, acid and alkali resistant, elegant and durable.───全不锈钢结构,耐酸耐碱,美观耐用。

54 、Haiku is a structured short Japanese poem with 17 syllables.───俳句是以十七个音为一首的一种日本短诗。

55 、For example, data can be passed using global memory, a disk file, or structured storage objects.───例如,可以使用共用内存、磁盘文件或结构存储对象传递数据。

56 、There are unique and intricately structured towers on each of the four corners of the outer wall.───在外城墙的四个拐角各有一个独特的复杂的建筑。

57 、How should the UI code be structured to meet design requirements? What controls or widgets are needed?───如何让UI代码与设计的需求相融合?需要什么样的控件或窗体部件?

58 、In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations.───在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。

59 、Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needs.───商业有不同的结构以满足不同的要求。

60 、No matter what species you make me, good bone structure is good bone structure.─── 不管你把我说成什么东西 天生丽质就是天生丽质啊

61 、In open source, much of the collaboration is structured around a very tangible thing: a piece of code.───在开放源码领域,许多协作都是围绕非常具体的东西建立起来的,譬如一段代码。

62 、XML is a structured, text-based data format that provides a standard framework for representing data.───XML是一种结构化的、基于文本的数据格式,为表示数据提供了标准框架。

63 、In the same way, the way a company is organized and structured will also determine the behavior of the employees.───同样的,公司的组织和结构形态,也决定了它属下雇员的行为。

64 、The venture capital fund was structured as a Bermuda limited partnership for tax reasons.───出于税收方面的考虑,该风险资本基金在百幕大以有限合伙的机制建立。

65 、Secondly, under VC++ language, the part model has been structured call for OpenGL.───在VC++语言环境下,应用OpenGL图形库对航天特异零件进行建模。

66 、ODBC drivers use the standard Structured Query Language (SQL) to gain access to external data.───ODBC驱动程序使用标准结构化查询语言(SQL)获得外部数据的访问权限。

67 、XML forms that combine structured and unstructured data, such as weekly status reports or travel expense reports.───合并了结构化和非结构化数据的XML表单,如每周状态报告或差旅费报告。

68 、In HTML, it is structured by using heading tags such as H1, H2, H3, and H4 .───在HTML中,它的结构是使用标题标签例如H1,H2,H3,和H4。

69 、Traditionally, management of structured information falls under the label of data management.───传统上说,在数据管理的标签下,管理结构化的信息要落后些。

70 、Make use of the toys in structured group activities.───在精心安排的分组活动中可以使用这些玩具。

71 、The polar coordinate is used in structured grid and Cartesian coordinate in unstructured grid.───同时采用结构化网格和非结构化网格进行数值计算 ,其中结构化网格采用极坐标 ,而非结构化网格采用笛卡尔直角坐标。

72 、Most players would be fed up with the infighting that structured the Lakers off season.───大多数的湖人主力球员都经历了这样的混乱。

73 、However, XML is a good choice for representing email in a structured form.───为了给面向邮件的应用程序开发提供统一的结构化表示,可以选择XML来表示邮件,从而可以克服目前邮件语法上的随意性.

74 、Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a format used to deliver rich, structured data in a standard, consistent way.───可扩展标记语言(XML)是一种用于以标准的一致性方法传送丰富的结构化数据的格式。

75 、Palate : Dry, crisp acidity, soft yet structured tannins, full bodied and brimming with rich supple fruit.───口感干,清脆的酸度,柔顺的单宁结构,重酒体和丰富的果香。

76 、They walk into this structure that is so beautiful, and all of a sudden they are hit with this emotional impact of this structure that's based on grief.─── 他们走进这座建筑 它是如此美丽 突然间悲伤的情绪涌上心头 这正是这座寺庙带来的情感冲击

77 、A relational database comprises a set of well structured flat file.───关系数据库便由结构式平面文件组成。

78 、Items in the store are accessed by using Structured Query Language (SQL) queries.───存储中的项目通过使用Structured Query Language(SQL)查询来访问。

79 、There are also specialised structured products tied to agriculture.───同样有不少针对农产品的结构性金融产品。

80 、Central Administration tools can perform Structured Query Language (SQL) data backups for most site elements.───中心管理工具可以执行大多数网站元素的结构化查询语言(SQL)数据备份。

81 、No, as in the structure over the missouri.─── 不 就像横跨密苏里河的那种建筑

82 、In HTML, it is structured by using heading tags such as '''H1, H2, H3,''' and '''H4'''.───在HTML中,它的结构是使用标题标签例如'''H1,H2,H3,'''和'''H4'''。

83 、The information resources in WWW are mostly stored as HTML. Unlike norm al documents, the HTML documents is structured.───WWW上的资源大多以 HTML 格式的文档存储 ,同普通文档不同 ,HTML 文档的标签特性使得它具有一定的结构 .

84 、We're all fans of the structure, but the structure needs time.─── 我们都喜欢架构 但架构需要时间

85 、In contrast to other structured activities, a pick activity has a more complex lifecycle.───与其它结构化的活动相比,挑选活动要有更复杂的生命周期。

86 、A database based on Structured Query Language (SQL).───基于结构化查询语言(SQL)的一种数据库。

87 、Use structured and unstructured exception handling to prevent potential errors from interfering with your application.───使用结构化和非结构化异常处理可以防止潜在的错误干扰您的应用程序。

88 、Structured STT in poststroke ambulatory patients resulted in better walking abilities than BWST or CGT.───对于恢复脑卒中偏瘫患者的步行能力,结构性速度依赖性训练较减重步行训练和常规步行训练更为有效。

89 、How is an AdWords account structured?───AdWords帐户是如何构成的?

90 、A database is a structured collection of data.───一个数据库是一个结构收集数据。

结构化设计语言( Structured Design Language, SDL)有什么特点

结构化设计语言(Structured Design Language,SDL)是一种用于描述和设计软件系统的语言,其主要特点包括:层次结构、模块化、数据流和控制流、面向对象、可视化设计。












结构化分析方法(Structured Method,结构化方法)是一种软件开发方法,一般利用图形表达用户需求,强调开发方法的结构合理性以及所开发软件的结构合理性。




结构化程序设计方法是按照模块划分原则以提高程序可读性和易维护性、可调性和可扩充性为目标的一种程序设计方法。在结构化的程序设计中,只允许三种基本的程序结构形式,它们是顺序结构、分支结构、(包括多分支结构) 和循环结构,这三种基本结构的共同特点是只允许有一个流动入口和一个出口,仅有这三种基本结构组成的程序称为结构化程序。


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