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07-02 投稿




英:['s?:d???]  美:['s?:d???]

英:  美:


adj. 浪涌的, 冲击的



1 、We can't focus a surge that precisely, but a brief power surge will open up the door, and we'll be able to get in.─── 我们不能做到这么精细 但是短暂电流激增 就能把门打开 然后我们就能进去了

2 、Three winters and springs make three waves, one wave surging after another, and in between there should be an interval.───三个冬春就是三个浪潮,一波未平一波又起,中间要歇一歇。

3 、Their surging charges foamed themselves away.───他们一次次地冲锋都被粉碎了。

4 、Neighboring the surging Yellow River and sitting against the lofty Helan Mountain, here is a unique geographic location.───临滔滔黄河水,依巍巍贺兰山,地理位置得天独厚。

5 、Surging prices have sparked criticism in the local press about the affordability of housing in Hong Kong.───价格飙升引起了当地媒体关于香港房屋的可购性的批评。

6 、With Blount and Foye surging, too, Wolves are 6-1 in 2007 and would have been 7-0 if not for that one-point home L to Clips.───也随着Blount和Foye的出色发挥,2007年的森林狼是7战全胜,要不是主场1分惜败给快船而得到的6胜1负!

7 、I mean, when you start out, there's this surge of magic.─── 当你爱上一个人 会产生一种魔法

8 、Late in 1984,Adams returned with the surging,mid-tempo "Run to You,"which became his second Top Ten single.───在1984年底,Adams 带着歌曲"Run to You "重新出现在歌坛,这首歌成为其第二首Top 10单曲。

9 、The revolutionary struggles of the world people are rising and surging ahead every day.───世界人民革命斗争方兴未艾,日益高涨。

10 、In the up surging wave of the emerging markets, Vietnam unceasingly be the cynosure of all eyes .───在这一波新兴国家热潮中,越南总是不断地成为大家的焦点。

11 、Motlen rock surging from the depths,solidifying,cracking,blistering or spreading in the thin crust before fabling dormant for a time.───冒着泡或者摊开形成薄的地壳,然后再休眠一段时间。

12 、The needs of personal computers were surging in the first half of the year.───今年上半年,家用电脑的需求量不断猛增。

13 、The December 2004 tsunami sent waves up to 5m high surging over the Maldives.───2004年12月的海啸带着高达5米的海浪冲击了马尔代夫。

14 、Scenery surrounding the main field to the left to see The Towering Giant-san, right-Vision Hou Kong surging water.───周边以田野风光为主,左看巍巍巨峰山,右眺滔滔濠江水。

15 、And he noticed the darkening of her skin blushing, the dark creamy skin, going darker with the blood surging to her face.───他还注意到,她的皮肤由于难为情而呈现出了深红色:她那本来又红又果的奶油般光润的皮肤,由于热血涌到了脸上面更显得又红又黑了。

16 、At the turn of the 20th century, the city was growing rapidly, and New York's police department had to grow to match the surging population.───在进入20世纪的时候,纽约市的成长速度相当的快,而纽约市警局也必须扩增编制,以应付越来越多的市民人口。

17 、He plans to use the money given to him by the woman to build a house for a family made destitute by the tsunami's surging waves.───“那位老妇人的善举使我十分感动,我打算回老家一趟,亲自为他们建好房子,让受灾的人们明白,只要互帮互助就没有克服不了的困难。”

18 、Your pet is no exception, but other than the surging damage, they are safe.───你的宠物也不例外,但除了这点以外,宠物上去打很安全。

19 、There is a surge protector, so that's very thoughtful.─── 还带浪涌保护器呢 想得真周到

20 、Blue fabric graded, blue as if the surging waves, And you are like Venus from the sea as lovely.───产品简介:蓝色渐变面料,裙摆一抹蓝色仿佛涌动的波浪,而您则如来自大海的维纳斯般楚楚动人。

21 、"Who is this that rises like the Nile, like rivers of surging waters?───像尼罗河涨发,像江河之水翻腾的是谁呢?

22 、But adrenaline is still surging through her bloodstream.─── 但肾上腺素依然在她血液里涌动

23 、The U.S. futures had been mixed in advance of the labor report. Stock prices in Europe were mixed by midafternoon after surging in Asia.───在就业报告公布前,美国期货市场喜忧参半。在亚洲市场股指急剧上扬后,到下午三点左右,欧洲股指有涨有跌。

24 、Carrick became the first United player to be booked when he tripped Lampard who was on another surging run.───克里克成为第一名曼联拿牌的球员,因为他粗野的**了兰帕德。

25 、Therefore, it is a surging tide that is impossible to stop.───因此这是不可阻挡的潮流。

26 、But just as China"s demand for oil is surging, the pumps on the Da Qing oil field are starting to splutter.───但是就在中国石油需要增长的时候,大庆的油泵工作出现了杂乱声。

27 、He observed the grouds for the surging price of houses.───他评述了房价飞涨的原因。

28 、But the city also provides an example of how (and how not) to cope with the boomers surging past 60.───但是这个城市业提供了应对老人们涌入的榜样。

29 、You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them.───你管辖海的狂傲;波浪翻腾,你就使他平静了。

30 、Hohl M. Tibial condylar fractures. J. B.Joint Surg, 1967, 49: 1445.───侯筱魁,戴克戎,孙月华等急性膝关节损伤的早期关节镜诊断和处理.中华外科杂志,1992,30:7.

31 、Overlooking the Great Barrier Reef, like the surging sea of green blooming gem general.───俯瞰大堡礁,犹如在汹涌澎湃的大海上绽放的碧绿的宝石一般。

32 、Vincent Weijl's surging run almost created a goal for Nemeth before the Hungarian tested Ryan Brookfield with a low 25 yarder.───两队比赛打得大开大合,两方只有在为数不多的射门机会,上半场一度保持胶着状态。

33 、Published in the media industry also listed undercurrent is surging wave.───出版传媒业又一波上市暗流正在涌动。

34 、What is pretty?The sea says surging wave is pretty.───什么是美丽的?大海说澎湃的波涛是美丽的.

35 、The trend of home working is surging in the field of finance where trading can be done via the Internet.───在金融界可以通过互联网进行交易,在家上班的潮流正在金融界兴起。

36 、My veneration for your honor will go on and on just like the surging river.───在下对前辈的景仰有如滔滔江水,绵绵不绝。

37 、Outside, the guards stood watch and held the surging crowd back.───保镖们则站在外面留意并控制着不断向前冲的人群。

38 、Asia and other emerging market are experiencing rapid slowdown in exports and surging inflationary pressure due to high oil, food and commodity prices.───亚洲和其他新兴市场正经历出口迅速下跌,和通胀上升压力由于高原油、食品和商品价格。

39 、The syncopation is not in the actual hum, but in the surging of sound.───切分的节奏并不在我们实际的鸣叫节奏中,而是在鸣叫的声浪中出现。

40 、So you must have noticed the surge, then.─── 那你一定注意到了暗流涌动

41 、Surging CPI in October was mainly due to a 17.6 percent hike in food prices. Nonfood items rose only 1.1 percent.───十月份对整体CPI的冲击主要是因为粮食价格高达17.6%的增长引起的。非粮食项目的增长仅仅为1.1%.

42 、With prices surging and resources in the Pilbara region abundant, by late last year 95 had announced production plans.───但由于矿石价格的飙升,加之皮尔巴拉地区丰富的资源储量,到去年底已经有95家企业宣布了生产计划。

43 、Nonetheless, it helped with China Shanghai stock market rally up 5.5% MTD with YTD surging +37.4% (best performing market).───但是,它帮助了与中国上海证券市场回涨5.5%由月初至今及由年初至今上升了37.4% (最佳表现的市场)。

44 、Even if countless mountains collapse, they will not care; though there are surging waves and billows roaring under their feet, they remain composed.───即便有无数的大山坍塌,他们不会胆怯;纵有巨浪在脚下咆哮,他们依然镇定自若。

45 、his soul surged through me, and it was good.─── 他的灵魂涌过了我 那感觉很棒

46 、Today, I am like the vast open ocean, free to flow expansively, surging with powerful energy.───今天,我就像那辽阔宽广的海洋,自由舒展地流动,力量强大的汹涌。

47 、The historical tide is surging forward with great momentum.───历史洪流气势磅礴, 奔腾向前。

48 、Only a surging Kansas City Royals team, bound for their first World Series, buoyed my spirits.───只有一支人气攀升的堪萨斯**棒球队的小组因他们的第一次出征世界大赛团结起来使我精神振奋。

49 、"Mao-line business" in the recent A-share market surging, 17 in a row out Jupai three listed companies, strong cash backing played a role.───“茂业系”最近在A股市场高歌猛进,17日连续出击举牌了三家上市公司,雄厚的现金扮演了后盾角色。

50 、A year ago, sales were surging ahead with Northern Ireland consumers buoyed by cheap credit and a feel good factor generated by soaring house prices.───一年前,销售风起云涌推进北爱尔兰的消费者受到廉价信贷和感觉良好的因素所产生的飙升的房价。

51 、He looked ahead and saw the mighty Changjiang rolling and surging towards the east.───他放眼远望,只见万里长江,奔腾东去。

52 、Then I felt a power surge from my body.─── 然后我感到身体里有一股电涌

53 、Your love words, simple though, are the most sincere and touching poem. Bear them in mind I will and surging symphony for you I will play.───你娓娓的情语,虽然朴实,却是最真挚优美感人的诗句,我将把它们牢牢地谨记,我的琴弦也将为你奏出澎湃的交响乐。

54 、..the car starts moving but then, very surprisingly, the car gets hit by a second surge, and then a third surge.─── 车子开始移动 然后 没有想到的是 车子被第二波雪浪撞击 然后是第三波

55 、The last semester, there have been surging blood meal to initiate a strike movement.───上个学期,曾有人热血澎湃地发起一场罢饭运动。

56 、The stock markets of the small, exporting Asian nations have continued to attract investors, helped by surging Chinese equities.───受中国股市飙升的推助,亚洲出口型小国家的股市继续吸引着投资者。

57 、Like every young man at his age, he felt a vague and oppressive emotion surging up in his heart.───他跟所有的这样年纪的年轻人一样,已经感到一种朦胧的、折磨人的情感在他心中涌起来了。

58 、I felt all sorts of emotion surging within me after hearing his story.───听了他的故事,我感慨万千。

59 、They found it surging and tossing, in quest of Defarge himself.───他们发现人潮在起伏激荡,寻找着德伐日。

60 、In the 19th century, pipers even more competition in Scotland civil surging, which produced many well-known pipers in hand.───19世纪,风笛竞赛更是在苏格兰民间风起云涌,因而造就 出许多著名的风笛手。

61 、Establish surging brand, raise the dream that enterprise's competitiveness becomes many private entrepreneurs.───创建强势品牌,提高企业竞争力成为众民营企业家的梦想。

62 、But that does not impede the electronic payment market in China surging, after all, it represents a more convenient and efficient payment trends.───但这并不妨碍中国电子支付市场的高歌猛进,毕竟这代表了更便利、高效的支付趋势。

63 、One of the head scratchers of early 2000 was why stocks were surging when high-yield bonds were wavering.───2000年初令投资者苦思不得其解的问题之一就是,在高收益债券下挫之际,股市为何却在飙升。

64 、Last year, the IEA expected surging energy usage to reduce that supply cushion to 1.67m b/d.───国际能源机构去年预计,急剧增加的能源消耗,将使富余产能下降到每日167万桶。

65 、Testifying before a congressional committee, he said conditions had improved since the surging troop levels but remai ned fragile .───在一次国会全体会议上,他说情况已经从冲击军队的程度有所提高但仍需提高。

66 、In order to stop the surging crowd, dozens of soldiers in the astronauts out the door apartment has become a wall.───为了拦住汹涌的人群,几十名士兵在航天员公寓门口列成了一堵人墙。

67 、GZT series grid vibrating feeder digest and absorb the technology of the Sweden and Finland, join importing the surging and vibrating foundation.───GZT系列棒条振动给料机是消化吸收瑞典、芬兰技术设计制造,并采用引进日本技术生产的振动电机为激振源。

68 、Corporate profits are surging as well as trade surpluses and government budgets.───公司的利润、贸易盈余以及政府的预算都在急剧上升。

69 、Between the shores of Me and Thee there is the loud ocean, my own surging self, which I long to cross.───一片喧嚣之海横亘于你我之岸,那是我渴盼渡越的波涛澎湃的自我。

70 、There's been a surge in complaints about towels.─── 關于毛巾的投訴量大幅增長

71 、During the housing boom we employed the same doublethink, ignoring the fact that surging home prices meant inflation.───在房地产热期间,我们有同样的矛盾,忽视了冲击房屋价格将导致通货膨胀。

72 、During the last surging days, Guizhou Moutai has already shown the disharmonious rhythm, which led to the plunge for stocks in liquor industry.───在此前两日的大涨行情中,贵州茅台就已经发出了不和谐的音符,也为酒类股昨日全线下跌奏出了序曲。

73 、You would drink love from a cup, but not from a surging river.───你可以从杯中啜饮爱情,却无法从湍急的河流中啜饮.

74 、World stock prices are surging following major gains on Wall Street Tuesday and new injections of cash in some major global financial markets.───华尔街股市星期二大涨以及全球一些重要金融市场新注入大量现金后,世界很多股市星期三大幅度上扬。

75 、A ship is knifing through the surging waves.───一条船正在汹涌的波涛中破浪前进。

76 、Egypt rises like the Nile, like rivers of surging waters. She says, 'I will rise and cover the earth; I will destroy cities and their people.───埃及象尼罗河涨发,象江河的水翻腾。他说:我要涨发遮盖遍地;我要毁灭城邑和其中的居民。

77 、Meanwhile, the market is moving against China, with spot prices surging this week above the key $100 a tonne for the first time since October.───与此同时,市场走势也对中国不利:现货价格上周突破了每吨100美元的关口,这是自去年10月份以来的首次。

78 、By the blast of your nostrils the waters piled up. The surging waters stood firm like a wall; the deep waters congealed in the heart of the sea.───你发鼻中的气,水便聚起成堆,大水直立如垒,海中的深水凝结。

79 、Currently, the price of petroleum is so high and surging that the strategic position for petroleum exploration is becoming more important.───在当前石油价格高位振荡的情况下,石油物探的战略地位更加重要。

80 、In the strait, the sea was disturbed whitecaps surging and fierce winds howling across the surface of the sea.───但是海峡里,白浪滔天,狂风怒嚎。

81 、To navigate between web pages and wed sites called surging.───在网页和网站之间进行漫游称为冲浪.

82 、He thought of the surging great river flowing towards the frontier. Huh, the language people used there was of a completely different order.───他想起了那条浩浩荡荡地向边境流去的大河,哦,在那条河上人们讲的是另一套行话。

83 、It's off-duty time again, cars are surging forward like waves all the way.───又是下班的时间,一路上车潮汹涌。

84 、China is rapidly buying up Africa's oil, metals and farm produce. That fuels China's surging economic growth, but how good is it for Africa?───为更好的推动经济迅猛发展,中国正在全力收购非洲的石油,矿产以及农产品。然而,这样对于非洲有何益处?

85 、Fulong is the concept of the left-bottle, Pentium surging river, magnificent.───伏龙观的左侧是宝瓶口,江水奔腾澎湃,气势磅礴。

86 、Surging is ordinarily associated with separation and re-attachment in the diffuser.───喘振通常与气流在**段内的分离和再附相联系。

87 、You were in the thick of it, right in the surge.─── 你那时跟他们在一起 就在前线上

88 、But its price keeps rising because of surging world demand.───但随着全球市场需求的不断增加,其价格也持续上涨。

89 、Some of the telephone poles were knocked down by the surging waters.───一些**线杆被汹涌的洪水冲倒。

90 、Its legal status becomes the subject of constant discussion among philosophers in the present with anti-metaphysics waves surging.───在当代,形而上学的合法性已经成为哲学家们经常讨论的话题,反形而上学的浪潮更是一浪高过一浪。


波澜壮阔,拼音bō lán zhuàng kuò,汉语成语,原形容水面辽阔,现比喻声势雄壮或规模宏大。





surging forwardwith great momentum; unfolding on a magnificent scale


bō lán zhuàng kuò





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