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07-02 投稿




英:[f??r????s]  美:[f??ro??s]

英:  美:


adj.残忍的, 凶猛的, 极度的


副词: ferociously | 名词: fero-ciousness |


strong | savage | intense | wild | brutal | furious | aggressive | unstoppable | bloodthirsty | heated | unruly | violent | vicious | barbaric | ruthless | raging | fierce | panther | cruel | extreme


obedient | mild | meek | gentle


1 、His completely modern regula automatically stabilized his now ferocious motor at a constant speed of the operator's choice.───他的这个完全现代的调节阀能够自动地把他那个现在已经变得颇为暴躁的马达稳定在某个由操作者所选定的恒定速度上。

2 、It ferocious facial expression.Pettily from the back ruthlessnessly killed Yue a cluster a comrade not.───其狰狞的面目。卑鄙地从背后残酷地杀害了岳不群同志。

3 、He has a ferocious appetite.───他胃口特大。

4 、Israel’s proposals seem dutiful, an acknowledgment of a stalemate that not even so ferocious an assault on Hamas can undo.───以色列的建议似乎还有点儿责任心,以色列也已经承认了目前的僵局,如此凶猛的攻击居然都没打退哈马斯。

5 、He drew, or rather dragged off, his ferocious helpmate .───他把他那怒气冲冲的助手拉开了,实际上是使劲拖开的。

6 、Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.───你们要防备假先知,他们到你们这里来,外面披着绵羊皮,里面却是残暴的狼。

7 、See river's far breeze facial expression ferocious double eyes flush a dog slave to see my incognizance should kill!───只见江远风面目狰狞双眼发红道狗奴才看到我都不认识该杀!

8 、A ferocious tornado attacked the city not long ago, and caused serious damage.───前不久,这个城市遭受了龙卷风的狂烈袭击,损失很严重。

9 、He said that no one feels this "ferocious and inexcusable " bombing is just.───他说,没人认为这起“凶恶和不可饶恕的”轰炸是正义的。

10 、PP46-49 Cuddly cat or ferocious feline?───可爱小猫还是凶猛猫科动物?

11 、Heathcliff is bullied and humiliated by Hindley, but his passionate and ferocious nature finds its complement in Catherine.───与此同时凯瑟琳和希思克利夫由于性格和爱好上的一致而成为最好的朋友并产生了朦胧的爱情。

12 、The ferocious water that gushes through the gate starts life innocently high in the Sierra Nevada hills.───冲过金门汹涌的涛水使生命(只能)起步在内华达山脉的奇高处。

13 、Nanny ferocious paragraph are more interesting games, everybody give it a try!───凶恶的保姆是款比较有趣的游戏,大家试试看!

14 、A succulent hash arrived, and Mr. Wolfshiem, forgetting the more sentimental atmosphere of the old Metropole, began to eat with ferocious delicacy.───一盘鲜美的肉了烤菜端了上来,于是沃尔夫山姆先生就忘掉了老大都会的温情得多的气氛,开始斯斯文文地大吃起来。

15 、And whether, the fault once committed and confessed, the chastisement had not been ferocious and disproportioned.───后来,犯了过失,并且招认了,处罚又是否苛刻过分了呢?

16 、Where legend has it... he was eaten by a ferocious lion.─── 传说他被一头凶猛的狮子吃掉了

17 、Having a savage and violent nature; ferocious.───凶猛的,残忍的有野蛮的和残忍的性质的;凶猛的

18 、He is a treacherous and ferocious person who is prepared to intimidate others.───他生性奸凶,动不动就恐吓别人。

19 、Long, long ago, there was a ferocious demon called "nian". It did evil things everywhere.───传说在很古很古的时候,“年”是一只凶恶的怪兽,到处做恶。

20 、Mr Roh, a son of the soil who had taught himself well enough to get through South Korea's ferocious bar exams, was thought to be different.───卢武铉作为泥土的儿子,通过刻苦自修通过了韩国竞争极其残酷的司法考试,人们觉得他是不一样的。

21 、Ferocious animals and birds fled dry rivers and flaming forests to attack human beings.───一些怪禽猛兽,从干涸的江湖和火焰般的森林里跑出来,残害人民。

22 、The others, drawing a second's breath, closed in again, implacable, unconquerable, ferocious .───其他的人透一口气,又一次围拢来,毫不留情,势不可当,狰狞残忍。

23 、The ferocious attack grants a +2 to all attack and damage rolls that round.───使用凶猛攻击可以使该轮所有攻击和伤害检定+2。

24 、Ishi Tib are ferocious fighters, especially when cornered.───伊希提卜人是蛮烈的斗士,处于绝境时尤其如此。

25 、A ferocious tornado catapults a young girl down a yellow brick road and across the paths of Scarecrow, Tin Woodsman, and Cowardly Lion.───一场猛烈的飓风,将一名年轻的小女孩吹入一条用**砖块砌成的路上,途中巧遇稻草人,森林锡人,以及胆小的狮子,但小女孩只想要快点回到她原本的家。

26 、A ferocious grin lit his face.───他脸上流露出一丝狞笑。

27 、With Extreme Motorbike, even the lousiest bikers can impress and wow the crowd; the underground riders can finally shine on the ferocious street today!───凭借极限摩托车,即使是最蹩脚的骑手也能深深的打动观众;今天,地下骑手将最终照耀整条大街。

28 、He and John were drawn into a ferocious argument.───他和约翰被卷入了猛烈的争论中。

29 、They're a lot more ferocious than guys in **oint stances.─── 它们可比等待开球的橄榄球员们可怕多了

30 、Ferocious animals are chained due to safety of tourist but apart from that they looked healthy and well kept.───为了旅游者的安全凶猛的动物都会被锁起来因为他们很强壮我们必须远离他们。

31 、A ferocious sword-wielding robot lurks in the shadows, programmed to guard the pirates' treasure.───一个凶残的手舞利剑的机器人正藏身在黑暗里,奉命守卫着海盗的宝藏。

32 、The Fenrir seem ferocious and belligerent to other tribes.───其他部族眼中,他们凶暴好战。

33 、Brown to black North American bear,smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear.───产于北美洲的黑色熊,比棕熊小且不及棕熊凶恶。

34 、The heat is ferocious today.───今天特别热。

35 、Two explorers were on a jungle safari when suddenly a ferocious lion jumped in front of them.───两个探险者正在丛林里旅行。

36 、His lips devoid of their ferocious sneer, were sealed in an expression of unspeakable sadness.───他的嘴唇失去了那凶恶的讥嘲神情,却被一种难以名状的悲哀的表情封住了。

37 、They are a hardened bunch who have earned a reputation as ferocious and merciless warriors.───个个都是久经沙场的战士,被人誉为望而生畏、铁石心肠的勇士。

38 、He was the best Yapi spokesman, but now torn off the warmth of the mask to reveal the face of ferocious.───他曾是雅皮最好的代言人,但现在却撕下了温情的面具,露出凶恶的嘴脸。

39 、On their safari, the hunters stalked lions, tigers, and other ferocious denizens of the jungle.───在探险旅程中,猎人们潜随了狮子、老虎还有其他凶猛的丛林动物。

40 、Animalism had yieded to fanaticism and the bold, roving eye now gleamed with a ferocious righteousness.───他的兽欲变成狂热,转来转去的眼睛现在闪烁着十分正直的光芒。

41 、You should watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.───你们要防备假先知,他们到你们这里来,外面披着羊皮,里面却是残暴的狼。

42 、"Do you know me, hey?" said Mr. Creakle, pinching my ear with ferocious playfulness.───“你了解我不了解?嘿?”克里克先生一面说,一面带着穷凶极恶、拿别人开玩笑的样子,使劲掐我的耳朵。

43 、At last he reached the Blaru-bottom, after the lapse of forty minutes, sweating, soaked, breathless, scratched, and ferocious.───四十分钟后,他淌着汗,全身湿透,喘着气,满身是伤,恶狠狠地赶到了布拉于矿地。

44 、The state or quality of being ferocious; fierceness.───凶恶,残忍凶恶的状态或特点; 凶猛

45 、Erect, haughty, brilliant, he flaunted abroad in open day the superhuman bestiality of a ferocious archangel.───他挺身直立,气派雄豪,威风凛凛,把个勇猛天神的超人**威布满了天空。

46 、A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating, but will wince[8] when a woman tries to clean his wounds.───一个男人即使是遭到了毒打,你也看不出他疼,但当一个女人试着给他清理伤口的时候,他却会因为疼痛而面部不时抽搐。

47 、A ferocious predator, the Ichthyosaur can ravage even the most hardy prey in seconds.───作为一种凶残的食肉动物,鱼龙可以在几秒内蹂躏最强悍的猎物。

48 、Are you going to mak the tea? demanded he of the shabby coat, shifting his ferocious gaze from me to the young lady.───“你是要泡茶吗?”他问那个衣衫褴褛者,随即又将他那凶狠的目光从我身上移到那位年轻女子身上。

49 、But when the cats arrived across Panama, they had already become the ultimate predators: large, fast, dexterous, ferocious and deadly.───但是当猫科动物穿越巴拿马地峡抵达南美洲时,已经练就成为终极掠食者:体型大、速度快、行动敏捷、残忍凶猛、出手致命。

50 、With his cry, he delivered a really ferocious kick with the point of his boot.───他一面叫,一面又脚尖着实地狠踢了一下。

51 、His disheveled beard and hair, with his ferocious expression and bloodshot eyes, he looked like one of those demons in the masked dance rituals.───他被带到阿孟旺面前,须发凌乱,神情狰狞,两眼血丝密布,看去有如跳神大典上的恶鬼。

52 、Twelve people were killed and thousands of homes flooded in two days of ferocious gales.───在肆虐两天的狂风中,十二人死亡,数千个家庭被淹。

53 、The state or quality of being ferocious;fierceness.───凶恶,残忍凶恶的状态或特点;凶猛

54 、No enemy is so ferocious but [but that, but what] we can defeat it.───不管敌人多么强大,我们都能打败他。

55 、After ferocious rows,he kicked the man to death.───剧烈的争吵之后,他把那个人踢死了。

56 、Their dag is too ferocious, so nobody dares to anear it.───他们的狗太凶猛了,所以没有敢靠近它。

57 、To assume success in the contemporary ferocious business environment, you need a free and comfortable office environment.───为了在当今严峻的商业环境下获取成功,您需要一个没有阻碍、更加轻松的办公环境。

58 、The conquerors of Ascalon, the charr are ferocious, warmongering creatures-the intractable foes of humanity.───人们不禁要问:西方心理学究竟会往何处去?

59 、Once we go beyond the three worlds, there will be no problem. There will be no ferocious atmosphere. No one will have vicious thoughts.───假如我们出三界以后,就没问题,那里没有凶恶的气氛,没有人想任何凶恶的事情,只有那些已经乾净的人才能够上去。

60 、Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious.───在我们最初的人生道路上,我们的父母给予了我们无条件的关爱,他们教会我们判断正确与错误、好与坏。

61 、But there were piranhas in the river, I had to fight with the ferocious fish.───但是河里有食人鱼,我必须和这些可怕的鱼打斗一翻。

62 、It was not merely that they were weazened and shrivelled-though they were certainly that too-but they looked absolutely ferocious with discontent.───他们不仅面黄肌瘦--他们确实是这样-而且还由于不满而露出凶恶的样子。

63 、Outsiders walking the streets of the old section at night get a scare running up against bas-reliefs of ferocious lions with swords in their mouths.───外地人走在夜晚的安平旧街,目光所及尽是照屏。兽牌上一个比一个狰狞的剑狮,令人望而生畏。

64 、The cities make ferocious men because they make corrupt men.───城市会使人变得凶残,因为它使人腐化堕落。

65 、Now, feast your eyes on the most ferocious freeforall yet.─── 现在 请你们欣赏 至今最残忍的开放式打斗

66 、Now let's make this hair as ferocious as you are.─── 现在我们就来让你的头发美丽如初吧

67 、The "thousand pointing fingers" are our enemies,and we will never yield to them,no matter how ferocious.───“千夫”在这里就是说敌人,对于无论什么凶恶的敌人我们决不屈服。

68 、Ferocious Bite: The Book of Ferocious Bite (Rank 5) now drops somewhere in the world.───凶猛嘶咬(?):5级的技能书将在世界的某一个地方掉落。

69 、He suddenly turned ferocious and shouted at me.───他突然虎起脸对我吼起来。

70 、All you bucks, give me a ferocious look.─── 你们大家 做出凶恶的表情

71 、Ferocious Bite damage slightly increased.───凶猛撕咬伤害略微提升。

72 、They are blind mice, huge ferocious wolf, three stray pigs and some homeless guy, they were all from the evil of Quaid-controlled kingdoms.───他们是瞎眼的老鼠、硕大凶恶的狼、三只流浪猪以及一些无家可归的家伙,他们都来自被邪恶的法奎德所控制的王国。

73 、Ferocious Bite: The Book of Ferocious Bite( Rank5) now drops somewhere in the world.───凶猛嘶咬(?)5级的技能书将在世界的某一个地方掉落。

74 、A person regarded as fierce or ferocious.───凶暴的人被认为暴躁或凶狠之人

75 、Ferocious Fighter: The Raider gains a +2 bonus to Initiative.───凶猛斗士:掠袭者的先攻骰可以得到+2加值。

76 、You go in, you do some time, for real, you come out, you gonna be ferocious.─── 你好好进去蹲一段时间 出来你就脱胎换骨穷凶极恶了

77 、Kashyyyk is a lush jungle planet where treetops serve as homes for the native Wookiees, a towering fur-covered species known to be ferocious warriors.───卡西克是一个青葱的丛林星球,那里生活着伍基人,一个高大,多毛,勇武豪强的种族,他们居住在树冠上。

78 、Your dog' s a ferocious creature !───你的狗真凶!

79 、Cavemonsters. I assure you, they were just here and are quite ferocious.─── 穴兽 我发誓 它们刚才还在的 而且很凶残

80 、They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.───外面披著羊皮,里面却是残暴的狼。

81 、His ferocious nature proves that we are lucky that they did not devour us all.─── 他的凶残天性证明了我们多么幸运 它们没有把我们全都毁灭

82 、...but inwardly, they are ferocious as wolves.─── 但他们的内心 却如狼一般凶残

83 、At times, Mourinho's candor and apparent gruffness have endeared him to and also alienated him from an often ferocious English news media.───“他们不是为了去一个更好的俱乐部而走的,他们走是因为他们想要从足球中得到快乐,这就意味着要参加到更多的比赛中去,让人人满足绝无可能。

84 、They danced to the popular song, keeping a ferocious time that was like a gnashing of teeth in unison.───他一面跳一面唱着流行的歌曲,依照着一种凶猛的节奏好象一致咬牙切齿似的。

85 、No enemy is so ferocious but we can defeat it.───不管敌人多么强大,我们都能打败他。

86 、The Diablo 3 Bestiary now features a new creature from the realm of Sanctuary: the ferocious scavenger.───在暗黑3 Bestiary现在增添了一个新的生物从保护领域:在凶猛的清道夫。

87 、Unicum large Indian rhinoceroses and the crocodile park is the most ferocious animal protection.───大独角犀牛和印度鳄是公园里最为凶猛的保护动物。

88 、Keane was a ferocious motivator, talismanic captain, and a player who rarely selected the wrong pass or surrendered possession.───基恩是个充满战斗力的火车头,伟大的队长和一个几乎不会失误的球员。

89 、A ferocious ghost is compelling two people to die the edge.───一具穷凶极恶的鬼魂正将二人逼上死亡边缘。

90 、One after another, with this ferocious drive and talent.─── 一个接一个 这个人有着惊人的干劲和才华



měng ㄇㄥˇ

 1. 气势大,力量大:~将。~士。~烈。勇~。

 2. 忽然,突然:~省(xǐng )(亦作“猛醒”)。~可(突然,陡然)。~不防。

 3. 严厉:宽以济~。

 4. 凶暴:苛政~于虎。~禽。~兽。~戾。~悍。

 5. 古哺乳动物,长毛的象:~犸。





3、基本解释:[violent;ferocious] [气势、力量] 凶恶强大。


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