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07-01 投稿




英:[fl?d??]  美:[fl?d??]

英:  美:






rising tide | flood | climax | tide


ebb tide | ebbtide


1 、The authorities issued food to the flood victims.───当局给水灾受害者发食物。

2 、Cheap imported goods are flooding the market.───廉价进口商品充斥着市场。

3 、The further they were getting into the flooded wetlands, the more revealing the landscape was becoming, even to those who see the flood each year.─── 随着他们不断深入涨水的湿地 湿地的景色逐渐呈现在眼前 就连每年都经历洪水的人也为之惊叹

4 、Nothing availed against the flood.───什么都无助于防治这次洪水。

5 、The nile flood the field and deposit mud on them.───尼罗河泛滥,在田野上淤积一层泥。

6 、Babbitt drew his hand through the cool flood.───巴比特把手伸进冷冽的流水。

7 、If you don't recognize that, you'll both drown in the flood.─── 如果你们意识不到这一点 你们都将被滔滔洪水所淹没

8 、The farmers dammed out the flood.───农民们筑坝抗洪。

9 、A flooding flow or rush, as of water.───奔流,涌出洪水般的奔涌或冲撞,如水的奔涌

10 、Letters of complaint are still flooding into the department store.───大量投诉的信件涌入商店。

11 、They dammed the water to control flooding.───他们筑坝来防洪水。

12 、In1975, the flood in that area made233,000 people homeless.───一九七五年该地区的洪水使得二十三万三千人无家可归。

13 、The dam backs up the water to prevent flood .───大坝拦住水以防其泛滥。

14 、I saved the animals from the flood.───我把动物从洪水中救出来。

15 、In1971 people in Bangladesh were exposed to every kind of danger flood, famine, disease and war.───1971年孟加拉国人民遭受到种种危险:洪水、饥荒、瘟疫和战争。

16 、We have banked up the river to prevent flooding.───我们已沿河筑堤以防河水泛滥。

17 、Uruguay had its worst flooding since 1959 in May.───乌拉圭在五月份经历了1959年以来最严重的洪水的考验。

18 、A heavy flood caused the collapse of the bridge.───大洪水于桥倒塌了。

19 、The dam held back the flooding river.───大坝抑制了泛滥的洪水。

20 、How do I prevent comment flooding?───我怎样阻止评论泛滥?

21 、He received a flood of grateful telegrams and letters.───他收到大量表示感谢的电报和信件。

22 、He sold his shares in big quantities at the flood.───他在最有利的时机大量抛出了股票。

23 、They were fearful that the river would flood.───他们担心河流会发洪水。

24 、A flood of currency issued last year.───去年发行了大量货币。

25 、The heavy rain caused the flood.───大雨引起了洪水。

26 、They banked up the river to prevent flood.───他们筑河堤防止水灾。

27 、Scientists began looking for the source of this flood, a flood powerful enough to transport huge boulders all the way to the sea.─── 科学家们开始寻找洪水的来源 这场足以将大卵石 一路冲刷至海里的暴洪

28 、Evan Baxter: People! The flood is imminent!───埃文的妻子:也许上帝的意思是"意识上的洪水"。

29 、Existing or occurring after the Flood.───大洪水后存在的或发生的

30 、The government is determined to reclaim the piece of land from flooding.───政府决定从洪水中挽救那块土地,恢复耕作。

31 、But that'll mean flooding some of our land.───但这样就会淹掉我们一些土地。

32 、If there should be a flood, what should we do?───万一发生水灾我们怎么办?

33 、We are bound in honour to help the flood victims .───我们在道义上应该帮助水灾受害者。

34 、Our house was washed away in the flood.───我们的房屋在洪水中被冲走了。

35 、We shall have to widen out the river bed to avoid flooding.───我们将加宽河床以防洪水。

36 、Her child was washed away in the flood.───她的孩子让洪水给冲走了。

37 、They took a roundabout route to avoid the flood.───他们为避开洪水绕道而行。

38 、Parliament appropriated two million pounds for flood control.───国会拨款两百万英镑作为防治水灾之用。

39 、Memories of her childhood came flooding back.───她童年的往事涌上心头。

40 、Flood the market with cheap foreign goods.───市场上充斥着廉价的外国货

41 、He subscribed &5 to the flood relief fund.───他认捐5镑作为水灾救济基金。

42 、Several houses were carried away during the flood.───很多房子在洪水中被冲走了。

43 、We touch a switch to flood a room with light.───我们打开电灯开关使室内灯光明亮。

44 、So here we are, the street is flooded, the house is flooded and here is you, as a young man.─── 我们所站之处 整条街被淹 房子被淹 当时的你 一个年轻小伙

45 、We can't cross the meadow there because the river is in flood.───我们不能从那里穿过草地,因为河水泛滥了。

46 、I had a flood of letters on my birthday.───我生日那天收到一大堆信。

47 、a flood, a zombie flood, a zunami of biblical proportions.─── 涌进现象 僵尸涌进 大面积的僵尸侵袭

48 、They seem to lie upon us like a deep flood.───它象一股深深的洪流淹着我们。

49 、A second was the occasional flood of refugees.───其二是偶尔发生的难民泛滥。

50 、Memories of his childhood came flooding back.───他童年的往事涌上心头。

51 、They were boxed up in a shed on the hill during the flood.───发洪水时他们被围困在山上的一座小屋里。

52 、The government put out a warning against flood.───政府发出了预防水灾的警告。

53 、They found it hard to fill the orders flooding in.───大家纷纷订货,他们感到难于应付。

54 、A person or thing living after the Flood.───大洪水后的幸存者或事物

55 、The section you were in was flooding.─── 你所处于的那个区域进水了

56 、The old suit he is wearing at the moment looks as if it were made before the Flood.───他身穿的这套旧衣服真不知道是哪个朝代做的了。

57 、My curiosity burst from me in a flood of speech.───我的好奇心流成了如潮的言语。

58 、The flood precluded him from coming.───他因洪水不能来了。

59 、I received a flood of letters this morning.───我今天早晨收到一大批来信。

60 、The river was deviated to prevent flooding.───为了防止河水泛滥,那条河被改道了。

61 、The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.───大雨是导致洪水产生的原因。

62 、All those dreams of youth had come flooding back.───年轻时代的所有梦想都如潮水般涌入脑海。

63 、Down the sable flood they glided.───他们在黑黝黝的洪水中随波逐流。

64 、But other farms are less favourably sited, and flooding can sometimes spell disaster for their owners.───但其他农场的位置不那么有利,有时洪水会给农场主带来灾难。

65 、HDF-Tsunami - the effective flooding system.───HDF Tsunami-高产能的溢流系统。

66 、As the flood levels increase, the watertight compartments fill until because they do not reach the deck level, they flood over.─── 随着水位上升 防水舱的水越积越多 直至无法到达甲板层的海水开始泛滥

67 、A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops.───大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。

68 、One type of DoS is known as SYN flooding.───一种己知的DoS为传送大量SYN封包。

69 、Through these same tunnels, flooding them all.─── 还是从相同的隧道走 把这些都淹了

70 、There was a bad flood after the typhoon.───台风後酿成大水灾。

71 、War, famine and flood are terrible evils.───战争、饥荒和洪水都是可怕的灾祸。

72 、Five other times the area was cut off by flooding.───另外还有五次,洪水切断了这个地区与外界的联系。

73 、Heavy rainfall, and thus flooding, has increased.───强降雨进而产生的洪水一直在增加。

74 、They fortified the dam against the flood.───他们加固了堤坝以防洪水。

75 、The flood of hunters killed off most of the buffaloes in that area.───大量涌到的猎人捕杀了那个地区里的大部分野牛。

76 、Heavy rain will not only wash away the soil but will cause serious flood as well.───大雨不但会冲走土壤,而且也会引起严重的水灾。

77 、Oh, yeah, and if there's a flood, sandbags are handy in a flood.─── 是啊 万一发洪水 沙袋可用有呢

78 、A purse has been made up for the flood victim.───已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。

79 、We fortressed the city against the flood.───我们加强了那个城市的抗洪措施。

80 、Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the people made homeless by the flood?───你能帮助我们募集款项,救济因水灾而无家可归的人吗?

81 、They tried to get flood water under control.───他们努力使泛滥的洪水得到控制。

82 、The garden wall is being washed by the flood water.───大水冲刷著花园的围墙。

83 、Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta.───冲积层河床、洪水淹没的平原或三角洲中的流水淤积所产生的沉积层

84 、In case of flood, the dam can protect us.───在发洪水的时候,大堤可以保护我们。

85 、The government dispensed emergency food to the flood victims.───政府把应急食品发给水灾受害者。

86 、The river was in flood after the heavy rain.───大雨过後河水泛滥了。

87 、An unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding.───一场意外的大雨引起严重的水灾。

88 、We have our best team at reputation management flooding... flooding the search engines in the hopes this thing doesn't go mainstream.─── 我们找了最好的公关团队 不停...不停地在网上操作 希望能赶紧压下这件事

89 、The torrential flood annihilated the village.───山洪冲毁了这个村落。

90 、A lot of villages were absorbed into the flood .───很多村庄被洪水吞没。






flood是可数名词,但经常用复数形式,比如The floods stroked the city many times this year.有时用 a flood of 表示很多.总之,flood 一般情况下可数.

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