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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


v.照料, 照管

v.趋向, 易于, 朝向


动词过去式: tended | 动词现在分词: tending | 动词过去分词: tended | 动词第三人称单数: tends |


1 、Low-lying areas tend to be formed of granite or sedimentary rocks.───低洼地区大致上由花岗岩及沉积岩组成。

2 、They have tended more and more to make a show of force.───他们越来越喜欢炫耀武力。

3 、Then they tended the geese until evening.───他们和前一天一样,一起看守着鹅群,一直到天黑。

4 、She tended her husband lovingly during his illness.───丈夫生病期间,她悉心照顾他。

5 、His mind now tended continually to dwell on that.───他这时心里就总是在这方面打转。

6 、Hyperglycemia and glycosuria tend to occur.───可能发生血糖过高或糖尿。

7 、They have tended to fudge on matters of economic policy.───他们打算在经济政策事务上动手脚。

8 、The views of the left wing have tended to predominate within the party.───左翼的观点趋向于在该党党内占支配地位。

9 、Populations tend to grow at an exponential rate.───人口趋向于以指数比率增长。

10 、People tend to gain weight on holidays.───人们常常在假期长胖。

11 、They should tend to the matter here and now.───他们应该马上处理这件事。

12 、The majority of rural residents have enough food and clothing and their consumption patterns have tended to optimize.───中国农村的绝大多数居民解决了温饱问题,而且生活消费结构趋于优化。

13 、His views tend towards the extreme.───他的观点趋于偏激。

14 、She might tend and comfort him in our cottage.───她可以在我们小屋里照料他,安慰他。

15 、Newspapers like this tend to reinforce people's prejudices.───像这样的报纸往往加深人们的偏见。

16 、Her novels tend to deal with affairs of the heart.───她的**往往是有关爱情故事的。

17 、We need to tend to your flesh as best we can as it can't tend to itself anymore.─── 我们需要尽量为你维护肉体 因为它已经无法自我维持了

18 、Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.───官吏出於狭隘的责任观念往往倾向於保密。

19 、In other areas in the world, it may be considered foolish to make appointment too far in advance, because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.───在世界上有些其他地区,事先订太早的约会可能被认为很愚蠢。因为所定的约会日期超过一星期容易被忘掉。

20 、Her mother was ill and she had to tend to her.───她妈妈病了,她得照顾她。

21 、I tend to their needs, as I can tend to yours.─── 我迎合他们的需求 我也可以帮你

22 、His novels tend to be very samey.───他的**有非常枯燥乏味的倾向。

23 、I'm good at tending. I tends all day.─── 我很擅长打扫 我整天都在干这个

24 、His blood pressure tended to stabilize.───他的血压趋向稳定。

25 、All governments tend to buy at home.───各国政府都倾向于在国内购买。

26 、Commanders tend to exaggerate their success with a higher body count.───作战指挥官常常虚报敌方死亡人数来夸大战果。

27 、You will tend to be a little fickle this week.───射手:这周你浮澡易变,情绪不稳。

28 、Tend to your own honor and I will tend to mine.─── 你顾好自己 我也会自行珍重的

29 、She tended to sleep lightly nowadays(= it was easy to disturb her).───她如今睡觉容易惊醒。

30 、Edo tended her grave every day.───埃都每天都去照看她的坟墓。

31 、Yeah, but suicides tend to open the window, and they tend to take off their shoes.─── 对 但自杀者大多都打开窗户 大多也都脱鞋

32 、People tend to eat more in winter.───人们冬天吃东西多。

33 、They will tend to further reduce the supply of lendable funds.───他们将更进一步减少提供可贷放之款。

34 、Nora tended to be impulsive and sometimes reckless.───劳拉做事冲动,有时还很莽撞。

35 、Scholars tend to lack a sense of proportion.───学者往往缺乏冷静地辨别轻重缓急的能力。

36 、It's probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on.───大概不像她说的那么糟--她确实有意夸大事实。

37 、She tended to monopolize the conversation.───她说个没完,使别人**不上嘴。

38 、They did not, as we tend to assume, teach by rote.───它们并非像我们往往认为的那样要求学生死记硬背。

39 、His teeth tend to jut out a little.───他的牙齿长得有点儿凸出。

40 、He's a good salesman, but his offhand manner does tend to put people off.───他是个很好的推销员,可是他那随便的态度容易使人产生反感。

41 、His talks tended to a disaster.───他的谈话引起了一场灾祸。

42 、They have tended to assume increasing opportunity costs.───他们往往假定机会成本是递增的。

43 、Fare tend to go down in the autumn and rise again at christmas.───交通票价秋季时趋于下降,而圣诞节期间又开始回升。

44 、People tended to accept her invitations.───人们都乐于接受她的邀请。

45 、No matter how big your farm is, you tend it.───不管你的农场有多大,你都要照料它。

46 、The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers.───当地人对陌生人往往有戒心。

47 、Such feelings tend to remain submerge beneath a mask of social politeness.───在社交礼貌的掩盖下,这样的情感往往不会显露出来。

48 、She tended to wear frightful hats with feathers.───她常常戴着吓人的带羽毛的帽子。

49 、After 15 years, they tended to be close to equilibrium.───15年后,两个过程接近平衡。

50 、Gavin was tended by a friend as his attacker calmly walked off.───一个朋友照看着盖文,而那个袭击者镇定地走开了。

51 、The press have tended to understate the extent of the problem.───平面媒体想轻描淡写地说明问题的波及面。

52 、She tended the sick and wounded.───她看护病人和伤者。

53 、She tended to take her frustrations out on.───她往往把气发泄在家里人身上。

54 、She tended the ill child just as his own.───她象照顾自己的孩子一样照顾这个生病的小孩。

55 、She tended her husband carefully during his illness.───她丈夫生病期间, 她无微不至地照顾他。

56 、One person is the gardener, who tends, and the other person is the flower, who gets tended to.─── 一个人要当园丁 辛勤耕耘 另一个人则是园中娇花 安心享受

57 、National feelings on the subject have tended to run high and some have even voiced their opinions in the newspapers.───在这个问题上,国民的情绪已有日益激昂之趋势,有些人甚至在报纸上发表了自己的看法。

58 、In the past we have tended to see Mr Smith, not perhaps as a shrinking violet, still less as the gentlest and meekest of spirits, but rather as an electric politician.───在过去我们大概没有把史密斯先生看做是一个胆小害羞的人,更没有把他看做是一个最温柔和顺的人,而是把他看做是一个惊人的政治家。

59 、You'd better tend to your own affairs.───你还是管好自己的事情吧!

60 、Children tend to react against their parents by go against their wish.───孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。

61 、Our memory tends to come back in fragments, and so time and space tend to be a little mixed up.─── 我们的记忆是一块一块恢复的 所以时间空间的观感会有点混乱

62 、You tend to your business, I'll tend to mine.─── 你管好你的事 我管好我的

63 、They found volatilization of dieldrin tended to decrease as bulk density increased.───他们发现狄氏剂的挥发常随紧实度的增加而减低。

64 、Lawsuits tend to arise in two situations.───大凡在下列两种情况下会引起诉讼。

65 、The Chinese tend to be smug about old age.───中国人向来以高龄为荣。

66 、A priest who tended the sacred fire of Vesta in ancient Rome.───在古罗马照料维斯塔圣火的神父

67 、Price tended to rise year by year, but at a modest rate.───价格逐年上扬,但涨幅不大。

68 、People tend to work hard at this stage of life.───人在这个人生阶段往往发奋努力。

69 、Tony always tended bar TONY.───呢,是个酒保。

70 、Because monopolies don't tend to evaporate.───因为垄断的势头依然不减。

71 、For two days and nights he did not close his eyes as he tended the clild.───他照顾这孩子两天两夜没合眼。

72 、She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone.───当她对着扩音器讲话时,她的声音嘟嘟响。

73 、Since then they have tended to steer clear of contentious issues.───从那时起,他们总想方设法避开有争议的问题。

74 、She sloshed off to tend her patients.───她趟着水照顾她的病人去了。

75 、I would forever be the one who tends as opposed to the one who is tended to.─── 我永远都会要 照着那个标杆活着

76 、He tended a drug store for his father.───他替父亲看着一家药店。

77 、She tended to take her frustrations out on children.───她往往把气发在孩子们身上。

78 、Short skirts tend to ride up when you sit down.───坐下来的时候,短裙就会往上收。

79 、He had been tended without delay.───他得到了及时的救护。

80 、Doctors and nurses tended the injured.───医生和护士护理受伤者。

81 、DDT molecules in water tend to migrate to the surface.───在水中滴滴涕分子趋向于向水面移动。

82 、Other estimates tend to exceed this figure.───其它数字趋于超过这个数字。

83 、The locals tend to is suspicious of strangers.───当地人对陌生人往往有戒心.

84 、In these negotiations, other traders tended to follow the trend set by the strong.───在这些谈判中,其他的商人往往都追随力量强大的一方。

85 、She tended her husband lovingly during his long illness.───在丈夫生长病期间,她充满爱心地照顾他.

86 、And the engineering managers tended to have even bigger moustaches.───并且工程部们的管理者的胡子更多。

87 、She tended to take her frustrations out on her family.───她心里不痛快总是在家里人身上发泄。

88 、Don't you fed that newspaper accounts of these disasters tend to linger nastily over the detail?───你不认为报纸对这些灾难的报导有反复赘述其细节的倾向吗?

89 、We tend to view them as two peas in a pod.───大家总把他们看成两个一模一样的人。

90 、He just tends to tell me what to do and I just tend to do it.─── 他只会告诉我该怎么做 我照做就行



词义:tends 是动词 tend 的第三人称单数形式,表示倾向、趋势、照料、关心等意思。 词性:动词的第三人称单数形式。



过去式 tended

过去分词 tended,现在分词 tending,第三人称单数 tends

Many companies still tend to recruit graduates from prestigious universities.



My uncle tends a small bar in the town.



His family tend him well in the hope that he would come to life.


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