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07-01 投稿




英:['blend?(r)]  美:[?bl?nd?]

英:  美:


n. 混合的人, 混合器, 搅拌器


1 、Messed with the blender until he broke it.───他摆弄着那台搅拌器直至将它弄坏

2 、one that dashes,especially the blender of ice-cream───冲撞机,尤指冰淇淋搅拌器

3 、Hey! Watch out for the blender!───嘿,小心那台果汁机!

4 、Coarse particles that will not disperse can be shredded by placing them with some water in a blender.───将不分散的粗颗粒与水置于搅拌器中,扯碎粗颗粒。

5 、In 1999 NaN attended its first Siggraph conference in an effort to more widely promote Blender.───为了更广泛地**Blender,NaN在1999年首次出席了Siggraph会议。

6 、Place all ingredients in a glass mixing bowl and mix with an electric hand blender until white and creamy, adding water as desired for consistency.───将所有成分放倒一个玻璃混合碗中用电动搅拌器混合,直到呈现出白色乳状为止,根据所需浓度加入适当的水。

7 、FANN 35 viscosity was determined by hydrating 2.4 grams of powder in 500 ml of DI water in a Waring blender at 2800 rpm for 1 minutes and measuring on FANN 35 viscometer at 300 rpm.───FANN 35黏度是使用韦林氏搀合器在2800转/分速度下将2.4克瓜尔胶粉溶解于500毫升去离子水中,分散1分钟后使用方氏同心圆筒粘度计在转速为300转/分时测得的。

8 、The DVD assumes you already know the basics of Blender, like object transform, simple modeling, adding materials, or working with files.───在DVD假设你已经知道的基本知识搅拌机,物体变换,简单的造型,增加材料,或与文件。

9 、The taste of ice-cream would be like a blender mixing whip-cream evenly.───吃冰淇淋的滋味就好像打果机把冰淇淋打得很均匀。

10 、Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and whisk together with an electrical hand blender.───将所有成分放入一个玻璃碗中,用一个电动搅拌器搅拌在一起。

11 、We do not look like a frog in a blender when dancing.───在人群中跳舞的时候,不会看起来像只青蛙。

12 、Combine garlic, jalapeno pepper, ginger, lime juice, and cilantro in the jar of a blender.───将大蒜、胡椒、切碎的姜、橙汁以及芫荽叶放在搅拌容器里,拿掉塞子,盖盖搅拌。

13 、And, uh, if I hear the blender, no judgments.─── 如果我聽到榨汁機響了 也不會說什么

14 、Mix well in blender until smooth. Serve in a wine glass. Garnish with cherry.───在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入葡萄酒杯,用红樱桃装饰。

15 、The label on an electric hand blender promoted for use in “blending ,whipping, chopping and dicing,” warns :”Never remove food or other items from the blades while the product is operating.───一款宣称可用来“混合、搅拌、剁碎以及切丁”的电动手持型搅拌器上的警告标语写到:“切勿在产品运时候从刀片下取走食物或其他物品。”

16 、In a blender, mix all ingredients together on a low speed for 30 seconds.───将所有原料倒入掺和器中,慢速搅拌30秒。

17 、Download the file blender-2.3#-solaris-2.8-sparc.tar.gz from the 'Downloads' section of the Blender Website.───从Blender主页的下载专区下载文件blender-2.3#-solaris-2.8-sparc.tar.gz。

18 、Return the mixture to the blender and puree briefly to homogenize the liquid.───又将煮好的混合液体倒入搅拌机中充分搅打至无颗粒。

19 、...blenders found in this house can be.─── ...可以用这屋里找到的搅拌机

20 、Download the file blender-2.3#-irix-6.5-mips.tar.gz from the 'Downloads' section of the Blender Website.───从Blender主页的下载专区下载文件blender-2.3#-irix-6.5-mips.tar.gz。

21 、Combine ingredients in blender with crushed ice. Flash blend and strain into glass. Garnish with cherry.───在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯中,用红樱桃装饰。

22 、Okay. (Grabs the blender and starts to drink.───好(抓起了搅拌器喝了起来。

23 、The principle behind the function of a blender, juicer and grinder are almost the same.───在搅拌器之后的作用的原则,榨汁器和研磨机几乎是相同的。

24 、While creating a drink in a blender and finding a bottler is relatively easy and inexpensive, making it a successful brand is difficult.───在搅拌机中创造一种饮料容易,找一个便宜的瓶子灌瓶也很容易,但是将它做成一个出名的品牌却不那么容易。

25 、The main products are LGLD series of cold-rolled machine, QM-ball mill, CM rough-mill, blender, and other biaxial.───主要产品有LGLD系列冷轧管机、QM型球磨机、CM型粗磨机、双轴搅拌机等。

26 、Yes, we want to watch you use a blender.─── 没错 我们想看你怎么用搅拌机的

27 、But we think that its father is a microwave blender.───但我认为它的老爸是个微波搅拌机.

28 、Glob: Uses Blender Global 3D coordinates.───全局:使用Blender的全局三维坐标。

29 、By means of a micro-twin-screw blender,the blending of lignin with poly(butylene terephathalate)(PBT) was studied.───利用微型双螺杆共混仪研究了木质素与聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯的共混过程。

30 、Kids in a blender Helping kids survive divorce and remarriage───帮助孩子度过父母离婚或再婚期请听辅导再生家庭专家怎么说

31 、Pour the above ingredients into a blender, then try adding combinations of different vinegars, add a piece of raw onion, garlic, ginger, tomato, fruit, nuts, seeds, herbs like rosemary, basil, etc.───将上述的各种材料倒进果汁机里,然后试著加点不同组合的东西,包括醋、生的洋葱、大蒜、姜、番茄、水果、坚果、五谷杂粮、香草类如迷迭香、罗勒等等。

32 、The Networked Control System of the Blender Based on FCS and Intranet───基于FCS和Intranet的混砂车网络控制系统

33 、Blender's first 1999 Siggraph convention was a huge success and gathered a tremendous amount of interest from both the press and attendees.───Blender的1999年首次参加Siggraph会议带来巨大成功,大量的出版商和会议出席者都对它很感兴趣。

34 、Her music reconnects the Iranian-born vocalist with her native culture, putting romantic and sacred texts through her personal blender.───她的音乐将伊朗出生的她和传统民族文化重新联系在一起,那些传奇而又神圣的文字也被她融合进来。

35 、Design and power-calculating of inclined-paddle blender for dispose oil-refined residue───处理炼油废渣的斜桨式搅拌机设计及功率计算

36 、Dorothy : We need a blender, a toaster, some bowls and plates, two pressure cookers, a couple of frying pans, and two or three saucepans.───多萝西:我们需要一个搅拌机,一个烤面包机,一些碗和盘子,两个高压锅,一对夫妇的煎锅,以及两个或三个锅。

37 、It's ont only used in milling materials but also used as a mixer blender availably.───它不仅能用于粉磨物料,而且还能有效地做混合机使用。

38 、Clear off everything possible, except maybe one or two essential things.Have a blender you haven’t used since jazzercise was all the rage?───地板上(注:只能有家具和抹布)和其他平面上都放着什么东西?

39 、In a glass bowl with hand blender or blender, mix all ingredients until white and creamy.───在一个玻璃碗里,用手一再搅拌,混合所有成份,直到它变成白色和乳脂状。

40 、If you want, we can fight about the blender.─── 如果你想的话 我们可以为了搅拌机吵一架

41 、In a blender put a banana, a small low fat fruit yoghurt, a big handful of frozen berries, and any other fruit you have on hand, especially an orange.Add one teaspoon vanilla.───在电动搅拌器中放入一根香蕉、一小杯低脂果味酸奶(可用原味酸奶加蜂蜜代)、一大捧冻莓果,以及你现有的其它水果,最好有个橙。

42 、The main products are vacuum cleaner, wireless kettle, blender, juicer, coffee pots, etc. beat eggs, up to more than 100 varieties.───主要产品有吸尘器、无线水壶、搅拌机、榨汁机、咖啡壶、打蛋机等,品种多达100多个。

43 、Blender provides a powerful implementation of Subdivision Surfaces, a tool aimed at enabling economical, low-vertex count modelling of complex smooth surfaces.───Blender提供一个强大的细分曲面功能,该功能允许你使用较少点进行非常光滑曲面建模。

44 、Put tofu, cream cheese and honey into blender then mix with slow speed.───嫩豆腐、奶油起司、蜂蜜,倒入果汁机用慢速打匀,备用。

45 、Experimental study on mixing of two-component powders in rotating drum blender───二组元粉体的混合实验研究

46 、Blend without ice Combine rum, BOLS Creme de Cacao White, half&half creme, a banana and 2 scoopes of Vanilla Ice Cream in a blender at high speed.───不加冰混合,在高速度搅拌机里混合朗姆酒,白可可利口酒,香草冰激凌,一份香蕉浓汁和两铲香草冰激凌

47 、Bring the pot back to high heat; boil for 5 minutes to make it thicker. Use the blender or a whisk to mix in more cream, boil for 1 minute.───再放回大火上煮沸5分钟,使之增稠。用电动搅拌机或手持搅拌器打入淡奶油,煮沸1分钟。

48 、In a blender, put your ice, tea base, sugar, milk and flavour powder. Blend until smoothie texture.───在搅拌机里放上冰,茶,糖,牛奶和调味粉(他用的是好力克和可可粉)。把这些材料搅拌至柔滑。

49 、Put the bananas into the blender.───将香蕉倒人果汁机。

50 、Look at pictures of ninjas.Then sit down and start drawing sketches.You should even go as far as drawing out the image that you want to make in Blender.───事实上,先在纸上打好草稿再用它来建模更能事半功倍。

51 、Cappuccino Frappe - Made in a blender, this icy cold version of a Cappaccino is perfect for the summer.───冰沙卡布奇诺-把咖啡和冰块打成有点像绵绵冰的咖啡,特别适合于夏天(不知道翻成冰沙合适不合适)

52 、To fake an area light with Blender we can use several Spots, as if we were sampling the area casting light with a discrete number of point lights.───为了使用Blender模拟一个区域照明,我们使用多个聚光灯,就好像我们使用一个离散序列的点光源投射光线。

53 、Combine ingredients in blender with ice. Blend until smooth and pour into a highball glass. Garnish with a red cherry.───在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入高球杯,用红樱桃装饰。

54 、Combine ingredients in blender filled with ice. Flash blend and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a red cherry.───在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,用红樱桃装饰。

55 、The Vehicular Automatic Van Blender System Based on PC104 Computer───基于PC104计算机的车载自动连续配液系统

56 、Most objects in Blender are represented by polygons and truly curved objects are often approximated by polygon meshes.───大多数物体是通过多边形与曲线物体(非常近似于多边形网格)构成的。

57 、But it'd be better if I had two blenders.─── 不过要是有多一台搅拌机就更好了

58 、And I've seen your blender and I know what's in your *oothies.─── 而且我看见了你的搅拌机 我知道你的奶昔里是什么

59 、main products:blender,juice extractor,food processor,cordless kettles.───主要产品:搅拌机,榨汁机,食物料理机,电热水壶等等

60 、FH Series Square Cone-shaped Blender Main Application The machine, as a new blender, is...───发布者:周婷所在地:江苏无锡市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

61 、You homogenize the beef heart tissue in a high-speed blender in a medium containing 0.2 M sucrose, buffered to a pH of 7.2.───你用高速匀浆器在含0.2M蔗糖,pH7.2的缓冲液中使牛心组织匀浆。

62 、Paris Hilton posed for Blender's cover and inside pages wearing lingerie; in one photo, she wears a pink bra, black fishnet stockings and gold platform heels.───前两天刚刚说过“人字拖”,碰巧又在新闻中看到了“厚底鞋”。看来,今天还得与大家再谈鞋的表达。请看一段有关豪门艳女帕丽斯。希尔顿的相关新闻报道:

63 、Research on granular mixing in rotating drum blender───圆筒型混合器中颗粒混合运动的研究

64 、Put the yogurt in the blender───将酸奶放入搅拌器

65 、Blend diced peaches and sugar in a blender until smooth;mix into tea.───将水蜜桃块和糖放入搅拌机绞碎,加入茶水。

66 、Remove the bouquet garni. Mix the soup in blender, sieve and then reheat with cream, season with salt and pepper.───取出香草束,将汤倒入搅拌机内搅匀,滤出汤汁,回火,加入忌廉,以盐和胡椒调味即成。

67 、The two liquids homogenised in the blender.───两种液体在掺和器里均匀了一下。

68 、Due to disappointing sales and the ongoing difficult economic climate, the new investors decided to shut down all NaN operations.The shutdown also included discontinuing the development of Blender.───但是后来由于该产品令人失望的销售业绩以及持续艰难的经济形势,新的投资者决定停止一切对NaN的操作,这一停止也包括了中断Blender的开发。

69 、Python: Here you can enter an additional path where the Python interpreter of Blender should search for modules.───如果你在游戏中调用了外部的Python模块,请在这里制定模块的路径。

70 、In blender, combine lime juice, soy sauce, garlic, and jalapeno;puree until smooth.───将柠檬汁、酱油、大蒜和辣椒放入搅拌器,搅匀。

71 、Download the file blender-2.3#-darwin-6.6-powerpc.dmg from the downloads section of the Blender Website.Extract it by double-clicking the file.This will open a directory with several files.───从Blender主页的下载专区下载文件blender-2.3#-darwin-6.6-powerpc.dmg,双击安装文件解压,你会看到目录下有一些文件。

72 、Combine ingredients in blender with crushed ice. Flash blend and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.───在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入鸡尾酒杯。

73 、In this beginner/ intermediate level tutorial, we are going to take a look at creating a simple toon shaded render for our characters in blender.───在这个初级/中级教程,我们将采取旨在建立一个简单的香椿阴影呈现在我们的人物搅拌器看看。

74 、He put the cooked vegetables in a blender to make soup.───他把煮熟了的蔬菜放进了果汁机用来做汤。

75 、Mix it all in a blender and garnish with a cherry───入果汁机混合后饰以樱桃

76 、Study on validation of steeliness blender for preparation───不锈钢搅拌桶制剂验证研究

77 、I'll bring a blender and some pineapple.─── 我会记得带上搅拌机和菠萝

78 、domestic-type food blender with self-contained electric motor───家用型仪器拌和机,配有自备电动机

79 、One underutilized appliance is a conventional countertop blender.───一个没有被充分使用的器具是一般厨房工作台面的搅拌机。

80 、They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder.But get seeds -- there are no lignans in the oil.───他们在搅拌机或咖啡豆的磨具很容易被磨碎,但种子如果榨成油木酚素就被破坏了。

81 、You have to drink it out of the blender while the blender's still going.─── 搅拌器还开着的时候 你就得直接从里面喝

82 、She has an electric blender, electric toaster, and electric bread maker.───她有电动搅拌机、烤箱、面包机。

83 、He chopped vegetables, put them in a blender and drank the juice.───他把蔬菜切碎,放进搅拌机里,把菜汁喝了下去。

84 、Pour the milk in the blender───将牛奶倒入搅拌器

85 、However none of this changes the fact that we still don't have any icing sugar. Now where is that blender?───可是这些都没有能够改变的事实是,我们仍然没有糖粉。我们的搅拌器在哪儿?

86 、No, it jumbles it all up, like a blender.─── 对 它把时间都搅乱了 像个搅拌器

87 、And there's one in a blender upside down, turning.─── 还有一个在搅拌机里颠倒翻滚

88 、Combine black vodka, BOLS coffe and coffe ice cream in a blender with ice.Strain into a chilled coupette.Top with a splash of hot chocolate.───加冰块用搅拌机搅拌黑色伏特加,波士咖啡和咖啡奶油冰淇淋.滤入冰过的玛格丽特杯,注入适量热的巧克力.

89 、Measurement using Blender Method to Pulverized Coal Concentration───利用煤粉混合器测量煤粉浓度的方法

90 、The product is generally made to order within a specialty juice and smoothie bar and is blended in a high-speed blender.───产品通常被专业的果汁及思慕雪吧用高速的搅拌机来搅拌出品。












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