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07-01 投稿




英:[?pre??(r)]  美:[?pr???]

英:  美:


n.压强, 压力, 压迫



动词过去分词: pressured | 动词第三人称单数: pressures | 动词过去式: pressured | 动词现在分词: pressuring |


under the pressure of

1. 在……压力下

Under the pressure of the urgent circumstances, he had to resign.

在严峻形势的逼迫下, 他只好辞职。

at high pressure

1. 紧张地; 使劲地

Sometimes he had to work at high pressure.




2 、The Opposition is putting on pressure for a change of policy.───反对党在施加压力以达到改变政策的目的。

3 、And her blood flow study indicates that the pressure in her brain is greater than her blood pressure.─── 血流也表明 她的脑压 比血压更大

4 、She resolved to abide the pressure her superiors put on her.───她决心顶住上司们向她施加的压力。

5 、Under the pressure of the urgent circumstances, he had to resign.───在严峻形势的逼迫下,他只好辞职。

6 、An ego that crumbles under pressure.───一个在重压下衰败的时代

7 、Pressure is force per unit area.───压力就是电单位面积上的力。

8 、The pressure on dams and levees are very strong.───大坝与河堤的压力非常大。

9 、It's hard to stay sane under such awful pressure.───处于这种可怕的压力之下,不疯才怪呢。

10 、In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pressure.───在最近的这次危机中,没有一家银行能帮助那些处于困境的公司渡过难关。

11 、Having the lower osmotic pressure of two fluids.───低渗透的两种液体低渗压的

12 、Constant pressure atrophies the mind.───不断的压力将使心志衰退。

13 、He's good at dealing with pressure.───他善于应付压力。

14 、The pressure of the presser foot is too low.───压脚压力弱。

15 、He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.───他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。

16 、A device for equalizing pressure or strain.───均衡器用来使电压或电流保持平稳的设备

17 、Pressure here, pressure there, I can't bear it.─── 到处都是压力 我受不了了

18 、Pressure can bring out the worst in people.───压力可以使人现出原形。

19 、Your blood pressure is only a little high.───你的血压只是稍稍高一点。

20 、Couldn't you surrender under such pressure?───在施加这种压力下,你能不屈服吗?

21 、The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.───从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。

22 、Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed.───她丈夫殷切地希望她能成功,给了她很大的压力。

23 、The doctor is taking my blood pressure.───医生正给我量血压。

24 、Okay, so an emotional pressure caused a physical pressure, but then it stopped.─── 感情压力引起身体的压力 可是之后却停了下来

25 、You only need to apply light pressure.───你只要轻轻地一压就行了。


27 、The wound opened under pressure.───伤口因受力裂开了

28 、The dial records very slight variations in pressure.───刻度盘显示出压力有微小变化。

29 、You have to bring some pressure to bear on him.───你得对他施加一点压力。

30 、Containing air or other gas at a reduced pressure.───低压气体的在减弱的压强之下含有空气和其他气体的

31 、Having a cup of coffee can ease off your pressure.───喝杯咖啡可以减轻你的压力。

32 、Procedural pressures, the long hours, the emotional pressures of the crimes themselves.─── 程序上的压力 长时间工作 还有罪行本身带来的情感压力

33 、His will is wearing down under the pressure.───在压力下他的意志削弱了。

34 、Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials.───刻度盘未记录压力下降。

35 、Uplift is the upward pressure under a dam.───上浮压力指的是在坝体下面向上作用的压力。

36 、His health collapsed under the pressure of work.───他的身体被工作压垮了。

37 、Insufficient pressure in pressure roller.───加压罗拉压力不足。

38 、The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure.───啤酒受到压力从桶中流出。

39 、He was under strong pressure to resign.───他承受着要辞职的巨大压力。

40 、I'm feeling pressure to believe something I don't trust, and that pressure is making me paranoid.─── 必须去相信我本不信的事让我倍感压力 这压力 让我开始觉得草木皆兵了

41 、The pressure indication is then obtained.───压力指示是可以得到的。

42 、They refused to knuckle under to any pressure.───他们拒不屈从任何压力。

43 、A team that never folded under pressure.───一个从不屈服于压力的球队

44 、He works well under pressure.───他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。

45 、The number of thermodynamic variables, such as temperature and pressure, required to specify a state of equilibrium of a system, given by the phase rule.───变化,变异相律提供的,要求详述某一系统的平衡状态的热力学变量数目,如温度和压力

46 、Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface.───地下岩浆的向上推力使地面成圆顶形。

47 、An instrument for recording variations in pressure, as of the blood, or in tension, as of a muscle, by means of a pen or stylus that marks a rotating drum.───压力记录器,记波器一种记录压力(如血压)或张力(如肌肉张力)变化的仪器,它通过一支笔或记录针的方式描出旋转的轨迹

48 、The process or an instance of applying pressure by means of a press.───压制用压、挤等方式施加压力的过程或例子

49 、The pressure is P, the velocity is V.───压力为p,流速为V。

50 、He was wilting under the pressure of work.───他被工作压得喘不过气来。

51 、He apologized for not coming to the party, pleading pressure of work.───他为不能到会而道歉,推说是工作太忙。

52 、What's the atmospheric pressure today?───今天的气压怎么样?

53 、That means the pressure inside is greater than the pressure outside.─── 也就是说内部压力 比外部压力大

54 、He cracked under the pressure of work.───他的身体在工作的压力下垮了下来。

55 、Difference of pressure makes a liquid flow through a siphon.───压力差使得液体通过虹吸管。

56 、She complain to him about the pressure of her job.───她向他抱怨工作压力沉重。

57 、You must bring more pressure to bear on him.───你们应对他施加更大的压力。

58 、The bank will bring pressure to bear on you if you don't pay.───你要是不付款,银行就对你施加压力。

59 、Any of various devices that apply pressure to a product in manufacturing or canning.───压具,压机在制造或罐装中一种用于对产品加压的设备

60 、He withstood all kinds of outside pressure.───他顶住了外界的种种压力。

61 、Pressure was put on them to delay the games indefinitely.───他们受到压力,让他们把运动会无限期推迟下去。

62 、In case of peer pressure, just say NO!───哪怕处于同龄人的压力下,也只能说不!

63 、He works best under pressure.───他在压力下工作最出色。

64 、Behind our vacuum tube, of course, is our pressure chamber, and pressured to 500 pounds per square inch of pressure.─── 在真空筒后面是我们的高压气舱 里面的气压高达345万帕

65 、The dial records showed a very slight variation in pressure.───刻度盘显示出压力有极微小的变化。

66 、The mast snapped off under the pressure of the wind.───在风的压力下,桅杆喀嚓一声断了。

67 、He then took me by the wrist with a sharp pressure.───他紧紧地握了一把我的手腕。

68 、Your blood pressure (ie force of the blood in the veins and arteries) is too high.───你的血压过高。

69 、The birth of twins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat.───他们生了双胞胎,不得不寻找一套较大的住房。

70 、For a long time special observations were made of these gases under different pressure and temperature.───人们对这些气体在不同压力和温度下的变化做了长期的专门观察。

71 、They surely writhe under this pressure.───他们肯定对这种压力感到苦恼。

72 、Abnormally low blood pressure.───低血压不正常地低的血压

73 、He never gets ruffled, even under pressure.───即使在压力之下,他也从不感到沮丧。

74 、You have to learn how to play under pressure.───你要学会在有压力的情况下打球。

75 、They are putting great pressure on him to resign.───他们对他大施压力迫他辞职。

76 、They measure gas pressure five times per hour.───他们每小时测量五次气压。

77 、Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure.───在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。

78 、You need to be able to handle pressure in this job.───你要能应付这一工作的压力。

79 、Not giving way to pressure or persuasion; obdurate.───固执的不屈服于压力的或不听从劝告的; 固执的

80 、The FCC is responding to the pressure.───FCC对于这种压力已有所回应。

81 、A high-velocity fluid stream forced under pressure out of a small-diameter opening or nozzle.───喷射流体在压力迫使下从小喷嘴或小孔中喷出的高速流体

82 、The dam can withhold the pressure of the water.───大坝可以阻挡水的压力。

83 、Their pressure on the enemy is building up .───他们对敌人的压力正逐渐加强。

84 、A region of atmospheric pressure that is below normal.───低气压区大气压低于正常值的地区

85 、Pressure was put on him to vote with the government on this issue.───他受到强大压力而投票赞成政府的这一主张。

86 、Yeah, well. It's a lot pressure. I'm not good with pressure.─── 好吧 这压力好大啊 我不擅长应对压力

87 、Either she's volume depleted and her pressure's dropping or her pressure's up and her pulse ox is dropping.─── 要么就是脱水 血压下降 要么就是血压上升 血氧下降

88 、Motivate and withstand higher working pressure.───个性积极,愿意承受压力.敢于克服困难.

89 、The local council listened to objections by a pressure group who want the new by-pass to be built on the other side of the town, not along the route proposed by the planners.───地方议会接受了压力集团提出的反对意见,他们想把那条新的旁路开在镇的那一头,而不是开在根据规划者提出的那条路线上。


pressure 既是可数名词又是不可数名词,但一般情况下是不可数的,做物理上的压力压强时可以用复数,如果是指心理上的压力用不可数

1. 压;按;挤;榨 不可数

The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.


2. 压力;压迫;紧迫;催促 一般不可数,不过复数形式也较为常见,不是错误。

He works well under pressure.


3. 困扰;艰难 不可数

These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.


4. 物压力;压强 不可数

The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable.




2.像血压等blood pressure,这种则不可数



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