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07-01 投稿




英:[??nt?'w??vn]  美:[??nt?'wo?vn]

英:  美:



adj. 交织的;混合的


1 、In this century of storm and tragedy I contemplate with high satisfaction the constant factor of the interwoven and upward progress of our peoples───在这个充满着风暴和悲剧的世纪,我十分满意地看到,我们两国人民之间经常交往,不断改进关系。

2 、Your destiny is interwoven with mine───你的命运已和我的命运结合在一起了

3 、Connected or interwoven series───(相关的或交织的)一套, 一系列

4 、interwoven silk───交织绸

5 、interwoven as is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment───你们的心弦与自由丝丝相扣,因此用不着我来增强或坚定你们对自由的热爱。

6 、Developmend of A Filter Fabric That Is Interwoven with Single Yarn And Multifilament Yarn───一种单复丝交织过滤布的开发

7 、Because PvP isn't deeply interwoven into the world, the Honor system feels tacked on, distinctly separated from other currencies or means of acquiring loot, or reward.───从少女的**率便可以看出,许多少女应该知道的资讯其实并没有被讨论到。

8 、Some wool has been interwoven with the silk, to make the cloth heavier and stronger.───丝同一定量的羊毛混纺,使布料厚实一些。

9 、two-piece interwoven brocade suit───交织锦二件套

10 、They rolled up their little blackandwhite sleeves, they tightened their massive belt buckle and their shoe buckle and the hat buckle all the buckles were tightened up and they laid the foundation of unity, which was then interwoven into the very fabric of our lives.─── 他们卷起黑白两色的袖子 系紧了很大的皮带扣 还有鞋扣和帽扣 所有的扣都系紧了 他们铺就了联合的根基 之后与我们的生活紧密交织在一起

11 、The Interests of the Great Powers Are Interwoven in Central Asia───大国在中亚的利益交织

12 、art characterized by an incongruous mixture of parts of humans and animals interwoven with plants.───以动植物和人的不和谐的混合为特色的艺术。

13 、Our lives are a mixture of thousands of events and moments interwoven into one big puzzle.───我们的生命是数以千计的事件和瞬间的混合物,交织成一个巨大的谜。

14 、My life is interwoven with yours.───我的生命与你的生命联结在一起。

15 、interwoven fibrous structure───交织纤维结构

16 、The key is that it was interwoven with fiberglass cloth as the axial forces will slam the coil turns together and short them out.───关键在于,它是相互交织与玻纤布为轴向力将大满贯线圈轮流一起和短期出来。

17 、His sentences are long and well structured, interwoven with parallel words and phrases.───他使用的句子一般较长,但结构工整,包含有许多排比,对仗。

18 、The interests of the rich peasants are often interwoven with those of the small landlords.───富农往往与小地主利害联在一起。

19 、Consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts; composite.───复合的由互相关联或交织的部分构成的;复合的

20 、Their story is interwoven with that of the great empires on either side of them, Egypt to the south and the changing empires of Syria, Assyria and Babylon to the north.───他们的故事和两边的庞大帝国交织在一起,南面是埃及,北面则是不断更替的叙利亚、亚述和巴比伦三大王国。

21 、The history of the long period before recorded history began is partly based on legend, which is interwoven with mythology.───历史上,史料记载开始前的一段长时间,是部分地基于传说,与神话交织在一起。

22 、Interwoven Collaboration and Document Management───协作和文档管理

23 、Traditional western poetry and thought had been interwoven with the logic ensured by God and Reason and with facts of experience and life.───所以,西方传统意义里的“诗”与“思”总是同神和理性所保证的“逻辑”或者经验和生活所证实的“事实”密切交织一体。

24 、The decline of these ideologies was interwoven with the ideals, beliefs, theories, and practices of the ruling class and progressive Chinese people.───其三,民本思想的演变总是与统治阶级及先进中国人的理想与信念、理论与实践相联系。

25 、Further both Judo and Karate are deeply interwoven with meditation unlike other martial arts like boxing, wrestling, fencing, etc.───与拳击、摔跤、剑术等其他武术不同,柔道和空手道是与冥想深深地交织在一起。

26 、silk wool interwoven rug───丝毛交织毯

27 、interwoven fabric───交织物

28 、TCM analysis studies the interwoven relationships between the universe and time, both subjectively and objectively as a whole, and hence investigates the relationships between nature and life.───中医学分析方法是从宇宙大化的角度,从时间的运动过程,主、客体浑然一体的基础上,对自然、生命以及二者关系的深层解读。

29 、Mo Xugou" is an allegorical novel as "Don Quixote", which is characterized by reality interwoven with fiction.───在纪实与虚构之间周旋,是这部**的一大特点。

30 、A girl feels unhappy if she can't find the interwoven social alliances she needs.───女孩不快乐,则属于她无法结成她所需要的某种社会联盟。

31 、In the art of Chinese classical garden, hearing and vision are usually interwoven.───在园林中听觉与视觉往往是交织在一起的。

32 、After stewing in this alphabet soup for years, I'm keen on exposing the common and complementary threads that are interwoven among various design practices.───在这个字母汤里煮了多年之后,我热衷于揭示交织在各种各样的设计实践中的共通之处和补充内部。

33 、At this point we note the three interwoven into triangular-shaped, mildly tuneful and the spectrum of the same song: love.───你痴痴的笑容凝结在脸庞,让爸爸不禁将你拥入怀里。

34 、However, in the face of a crisis, efforts of a single country are far from enough.In a world featuring globalization, economies are inextricably interwoven with each other.───但在危机面前,仅仅依靠单个国家的努力远远不够,因为在经济全球化趋势下,当今的世界经济舞台已经形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的局面。

35 、the counterpoint of two interwoven dramatic plots───两个交织剧情间的对应

36 、Although individually well crafted and functionally clear as processional and presentation experiences, they lacked the visual and physical interwoven brilliance of the general scheme.───尽管个别来说过程和外观的体验都有经过精巧地设计,功能也很清楚;它们所缺乏的却是整体方案中视觉与实质相互交错时产生所应该具备的丰富与宏伟。

37 、Various forms of creatie thinking which are complementary and interwoven with each other can be found in product design.───在产品设计中,创造性思维具有多种表现形式,彼此相互交叉、相互补充。

38 、Illuministic conspirators were bringing forth a one-world religion with a cleverly concealed element of occultism interwoven in its teachings.───光明会的阴谋家正在带来单一世界宗教,将神秘主义巧妙地隐藏在它的教导中。

39 、Our experience of the world is both the accumulation of the moments of life long growing experience, and the unique experience of time and space interwoven with all the points and their own elements.───我们对世界的体验既是对在时间过程中成长起来的漫长生命经验时刻的积累,又是对联系各个点并与其自身的线索交叉在一起的时间、空间的独特体验。

40 、I see the making of architecture and traveling as one interwoven experience.───在我看来,建筑设计和旅行体验是交织在一起,密不可分的。

41 、Your destiny is interwoven with mine.───你的命运已和我的命运结合在一起了。

42 、We can Produce hand knotted silk/wool interwoven carpet, Persia carpet, handmade Woolen Latex-back carpet and acrylic latex-back carpet,needlepoint rugs/cushion and machine made carpet.───我公司主要生产手编毛加丝地毯、波斯地毯、羊毛胶背地毯,晴纶地毯,手绣皇宫靠垫,以及工程地毯。

43 、Our lives are interwoven. ───(喻)我们的生活是息息相关的。

44 、There are three features of their decay: They were interwoven with the escalation of the principal social problem of modern China.───其演变的特点有三:其一,民本思想演变始终与近代中国社会主要矛盾的发展变化相联系;

45 、Our lives are interwoven───我们的命运已经结合在一起了

46 、interwoven culture───互文性

47 、stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence.───带有分枝的树桩相互交织形成的篱笆。

48 、silk/wool/polyster interwoven───丝毛涤交织

49 、Our lives are interwoven.───我们的命运已经结合在一起了。

50 、"Yun brocade, rich and grand, is jacquard weave and usually interwoven with gold or silver threads."───云锦华贵瑰丽,常用金线或银线在提花机上织出。

51 、Optimizing Each Component in Silk Interwoven Fabric───丝交织物中各元素的最优化设计

52 、Wookiees inhabit the upper levels of the forest, having built their massive cities within the interwoven canopy.───伍基人占据了树林的上层,并在交织的树冠上建造了巨大的城市。

53 、Work closely with other functions such as engineering, manufacturing and finance to ensure that the company's marketing strategy is smoothly interwoven into the overall direction of the company───与诸如设计部、工程部、财务部各功能部门紧密配合,确保公司的市场策略流畅地执行,全面促进公司发展方向

54 、Always interwoven into the festive air.───始终交织成的空中节日.

55 、interwoven fencing───交织围篱

56 、Interwoven Enterprise Application Connector Suite───企业应用程序连接器套件

57 、In the United States, baseball and the English language are interwoven.───在美国,棒球和英语是结合在一起的。

58 、interwoven logic───交织逻辑

59 、China's Diplomacy: Interwoven of Brilliance and Difficulties───中国外交:光明与困难的辩证法

60 、At present, traditional and non-traditional security factors are interwoven, with the latter being steadily on the rise.───当前,传统与非传统安全因素交织,非传统安全因素不断上升。

61 、This paper introduces the current status of the development of polyester-polyamide interwoven elastic face fabric and polyester-polyamide composite filament elastic face fabric.───叙述了涤纶弹力面料和锦纶弹力面料开发的历史沿革,介绍了当前涤锦交织弹力面料和涤锦复合丝弹力面料的开发现状。

62 、Hence the connotation of uplifted layers of soil, interwoven with one another, which was the inspiration for the form of the house.───住宅造型的灵感来源于上升的土壤层错层交织在一起所形成的形态。

63 、All are tightly interwoven to reflect the heterogeneous nature of literacy work.───所有这些问题都紧密地互相关联,反映了扫盲工作的复杂性。

64 、He made interwoven chains and put them on top of the pillars. He also made a hundred pomegranates and attached them to the chains.───又照圣所内链子的样式做链子,安在柱顶上;又做一百石榴,安在链子上。

65 、The change of a system aims at founding a civilized system, but the process in establishing a civilized system is interwoven with all kinds of contra...───制度变迁的理想目标为制度文明 ,而制度文明的产生更是交织着种种矛盾。

66 、Interwoven carbon nanofiber yarns were prepared from the catalytic pyrolysis of methane using ferrous sulfate and graphite as catalyst precursor and substrate respectively.───以甲烷为碳源,硫酸亚铁为催化剂前驱体,通过化学气相沉积在石墨基板上制得毛线状炭纤维。

67 、A terrific wine over recent vintages. A deep ruby/purple color and notes of currant fruit interwoven with herbs, and spice. Dense, rich with admirable fruit purity.───在过去几个年份表现杰出。色泽深紫红,浓郁的黑醋栗与草本及香料的气味温润交织。馥丽、饱满、同时有著可爱的的纯净果味。

68 、There's a lot of like different traditions that are interwoven in all of the food.─── 在每种食物之中 都融入了许多不同的传统

69 、A fabric interwoven with threads of metal.───交互编织的纤维。

70 、At the scene, the reporter saw thousands of scattered root of a steel pipe, the pipe was neat because of the collapse of the interwoven like a huge hedgehog lying next to the pier.───在现场,记者看到数千根钢管散落一地,原本整齐的钢管因为坍塌互相交错着像一只巨大的刺猬躺在桥墩旁。

71 、To become twisted, interlaced, or interwoven.───使缠绕、交织或缠结的

72 、The utilizing of pyramids, crosses, and other rigid geometric shapes added a unique sense of history and character to the feathery blends of interwoven colors.───在轻柔的色彩的交织上运用金字塔、十字架和其他刚性几何形状增加了独特的历史感和文字符号。

73 、And it will prevent them from borrowing so heavily from each other, helping to disentangle their interwoven balance sheets.───同时,也能够防止银行间相互借贷过高,分解目前相互交织联系的资产负债表。

74 、Two are an interwoven double helix called ida and pingala, often represented by double serpents (as in the caduceus).───其中两条相互交织的双股螺旋分别是左脉(IDA)和右脉(PINGALA),经常被描述为双绞的蛇(如双蛇缠绕的魔杖CADUCEUS)。

75 、Relations among big powers are complicated,with many interwoven contradictions and frictions. However,drawing on each other's strength,cooperating with and checking and constraining each other remain a basic feature of their relationship.───大国关系复杂,多种矛盾斗争交织,但相互借重、相互合作、相互制约的基本特征没有改变。

76 、Life is a tapestry interwoven by struggles between Love and Fear.───人的一生就是在爱与恐惧之间挣扎时交织出的画面。

77 、This kind of products are all Nylon and spandex interwoven elastic knitting single jersey with soft hand feeling and bright colour, which are ideal fabric for production of various knitwear.───产品说明:本系列产品均为锦纶+氨纶交织的弹力针织汗布,手感柔软(滑爽),色泽鲜艳,是制作各类针织服装的理想面料

78 、Study on a silk-dacron interwoven vascular prosthesis───丝涤交织人造血管的研究

79 、His principal method of investigation was not controlled experimentation but simple observations of patients in clinical settings, interwoven with theoretical inferences.───佛洛伊德最主要的研究方法,不是透过控制下的实验,而只是单纯对临床病患的观察,其中还交杂著理论推断。

80 、Interwoven Composite Application Provisioning Solution───复合应用程序分发解决方案

81 、The ouroboros has several meanings interwoven into it.───大毒蛇包含着几个象征意义。

82 、I felt my brain, big as it might be, was fully occupied by rage, interwoven by missing, hating and regretting.───思念、痛恨和后悔与满腔怒火交织在一起,完全的填满了我的大脑,无论它可以承载多少思维。



Papermaking is the process of making paper, a substance which is used ubiquitously today for writing and packaging.

In papermaking a dilute suspension of fibers in water is drained through a screen, so that a mat of randomly interwoven fibers is laid down. Water is removed from this mat of fibers by pressing and drying to make paper. Most paper is made from wood pulp, but other fiber sources such as cotton and textiles may be used.


英文: Papermaking

Papermaking is one of China's four great inventions of human civilization in the history of a remarkable invention. China is the world's first silkworm silk weaving countries. For more than the ancients such as cocoon snag silk fabric, the remaining evil cocoon, cocoon and other diseases is to use floating floc Preparation of silk floss. Drift Xu completed, strips gallery will be some residue left over from cotton wadding. When the number of floating floc more, bamboo gallery residual floc accumulates into a thin layer of fibers, after drying, after stripping down, can be used for writing.

中文: 造纸术


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