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07-01 投稿




英:['h?nt?(r)]  美:[?h?nt?]

英:  美:



n.猎人, 猎犬, 猎马, 搜寻者



动词现在分词: hunting | 动词过去分词: hunted | 动词第三人称单数: hunts | 动词过去式: hunted |


pot hunter
office hunter
All are not hunters that blow the horn.
fortune hunter
bounty hunter
office seeker


incoming selector hunter
job hunter
Geneva hunter
bargain hunter
-买便宜货的人; 投机商人, 杀价购买股票的投机商
masked hunter
cut hunter
-开窗猎表, 半猎表
half hunter
plant hunter


1 、Hunter, if you're in position, he's all yours.─── 亨特 你已经就位的话 他归你了

2 、No, we don't work with those other hunters.─── 不 我们不和那些猎人合作

3 、Major Hunter jiggled his drawingboard.───享特少校轻轻地摇晃他的画板。

4 、Hunter entered in his usual manner.───亨特走了进来,还是那副老样子。

5 、The hunter was mauled by a lion.───猎人受到了狮子的伤害。

6 、Hunter rs keen eyes swept from left to right.───汉特尖锐的目光从左到右扫视了一下。

7 、Bison used to roam through the American great plains, but most of them are slaughter by hunter.───从前野牛在美国大平原上漫游,但是大多数都被猎人屠杀了。

8 、Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations.───汉特教授正忙于给考试评分。

9 、A wolf fell to the hunter's rifle.───一只狼倒在猎人的**口下。

10 、The hunter battled with the attacking wolves.───猎人和进攻的狼群搏斗。

11 、A good hunter always has game on the table.───好猎手的餐桌上总是不缺野味的。

12 、The craftiest fox can't escape the skilled hunter.───狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手。

13 、I became the hunter, and they the hunted.───我成了追捕者,而他们成了被追捕者。

14 、A shout uttered by a hunter or warrior.───呐喊猎人或战士的叫喊

15 、The clever fox escaped the hunter.───伶俐的狐狸逃过了猎人的追捕。

16 、Hunter is the chief support of the family.───汉特是他一家的主要赡养者。

17 、The hunter cut off the animal's head with one chop of an ax.───猎人一斧砍下猎物的头。

18 、The hunter poured bullets into the flying birds.───猎人向飞鸟连续发射子弹。

19 、He works at a head hunter company.───他在猎头公司工作。

20 、A hunter must have all his eyes about him.───猎人一定要眼睛非常尖。

21 、Walking in the valley, the hunter came upon a cave.───在山谷中行走时,猎人遇到了一个山洞。

22 、Nothing will persuade Elizabeth Hunter to die.───什么也不会叫伊丽沙白·亨特萌动死念。

23 、The rabbit played possum under the bushes, hoping the hunter would not see him.───兔子呆在灌木丛中一动也不动,希望猎人看不见它。

24 、Mr. Hunter kept his eyes nailed on the car in front of his.───汉特先生目不转睛地盯著他的前面一辆车子。

25 、Hunter pored over the problem until he solved it.───汉特深思熟虑这个问题,直至把它解决。

26 、The wounded lion went for the hunter.───受伤的狮子向猎人扑去。

27 、Hunter expects that she will come.───亨特预料她会来。

28 、We are not the only hunters on the planet.─── 我们不是世上唯一的猎魔人

29 、By calling, he is a hunter.───他的职业是猎人。

30 、The hunter levelled a gun at a tiger.───猎人举**瞄准了一只虎。

31 、Elizabeth Hunter looked as good as naked.───伊丽莎白·亨特看上去仿佛一丝不挂。

32 、We'll take Redruth, Joyce, and Hunter.───我们再把雷德鲁斯、乔伊斯和亨特带上。

33 、Man remained a hunter for thousands of years.───人类靠狩猎为生达数千年之久。

34 、This is Bernard Hunter speaking.───伯:我是伯纳德·亨特。

35 、There was a click as the hunter cocked his rifle .───咔嗒一声,猎人扳动了**机。

36 、Now and again the hunter can hear a long-draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.───猎人不时能听见某只看不见的小林狼发出的拖长的哀嚎。

37 、Why don't we show Mr. Hunter an Indian object?───我们给亨特先生看一件印第安人的物品吧!

38 、She'll queer Elizabeth Hunter's opera.───她一定会把伊丽莎白·亨特的歌剧搞得一塌糊涂的。

39 、I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore.─── 我不用再孤单地追捕狩猎了

40 、Professor Hunter has a library of about five thousand books.───汉特教授约有五千册藏书。

41 、Two rabbits fell to the hunter's gun.───两只野兔死在猎手的**口之下。

42 、Keesh said, "My father, Bok, was a great hunter.───李奚说,“我父亲勃克是位了不起的猎人。

43 、Sir Basil Hunter laughed, it sounded fatty.───巴兹尔·亨特爵士笑了,笑得很不爽脆。

44 、Mr. Hunter collects early English miniatures.───汉特先生收藏早期英国人物小画像。

45 、Tonight, we are the hunters, and they are they prey.─── 今晚 我们是猎人 他们是猎物

46 、David was a very brave young hunter.───大卫是个非常勇敢的年轻猎手。

47 、He became the greatest bear hunter of Tennessee.───成为田纳西州最厉害的猎熊者。

48 、Miss Hunter is more snobbishthan haughty.───亨特**与其说是高傲不如说是势利。

49 、I proposed Mr. Hunter for the job.───我提议汉特先生来干这工作。

50 、There lived an old hunter in that small village.───有一个老猎人住在那座小山村。

51 、The hunter and his dogs beset the bear.───猎人及狗围攻熊

52 、I am the hunter; I am the one who sets traps.───我是猎人,我是设埋伏的人。

53 、Hunter has an interest in prowling around a flea market.───汉特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。

54 、L: You are always a good bargain hunter.───你总是能买到物美价廉的东西。

55 、Listen to the hunter becoming hunted.───听听看,猎人怎么会变成猎物。

56 、You've never had to bother yourself, Mrs. Hunter.───你从来就不必操那份心,亨特太太。

57 、The hunter made a stab at the wolf, but missed.───猎人向狼刺去,但没有刺中。

58 、Ann is a fortune hunter looking for a rich husband.───是一个追求富贵的人,正在寻找一个有钱的丈夫。

59 、The hunter squeezed off and down went the furious tiger.───猎人一扣板机,狂怒的老虎应声倒地。

60 、It is yourdog that bited the hunter to death.───咬死猎人是你的狗。

61 、I know bounty hunters, and y'all ain't no bounty hunters.─── 我了解赏金猎人 你们才不是

62 、The hunter fired at the deer but missed it.───猎人向鹿开了**,但未打中。

63 、A whole morning of Mrs. Hunter was more than he had bargained for.───他原来没有想到亨特太太呆一整个上午会叫人如此受不了。

64 、My order comes directly from Admiral Hunter.───我的命令由卡特将军直接下达。

65 、There are hunters, and there are prey.─── 这世上有猎人 也有猎物

66 、They divided the deer's carcass, the hunter taking the hinder parts.───他们将鹿的躯体一分为二,猎手分得後面部分。

67 、"Fat, soft Gidley!" Mrs. Hunter was grinning.───“胖乎乎,娘娘腔的吉德利

68 、Mrs. Hunter is such a happy-such an original soul!───亨特太太是一个如此快乐-如此富有创见的人!

69 、A hard-hearted hunter hunted a hard-hunted hare.───一位硬心肠的猎人猎杀了一只难以猎杀的野兔。

70 、The fox led the hunter a merry chase.───狐狸因善于躲避而逃过了猎人的追逐。

71 、The hunter hit at a deer with his gun.───猎人举**向鹿射去。

72 、There was a click as the hunter cocked his rifle.───咔嗒一声,猎人扳动了**机。

73 、A whole morning of Mrs. Hunter was more than he had reckoned for.───他原没想到和亨特太太呆一整个上午会叫人如此受不了。

74 、Some of you were the hunters, and some were hunted.─── 一些人当了猎人 一些人成了猎物

75 、He told me he was a hunter, but was caught tripping when he spoke of the hounds as "dogs".───他告诉我他是一个猎人,但当他把一群猎犬说成是“一群狗”时就露了马脚。

76 、Mr. Hunter is very much interested in collecting antiques.───汉特先生对收藏古董非常感兴趣。

77 、I was the hunter, they were my victims.─── 我是猎人 他们是我的受害人

78 、Sir Basil Hunter refused his plastic dinner.───巴丝尔·享特爵士拒绝食用似是而非的晚餐。

79 、The hunter lose sight of their quarry in the forest.───猎人失去了在林中追捕的鸟兽踪影。

80 、The servant announced Mr. and Mrs. Hunter.───仆人通报亨特夫妇驾到。

81 、The hunter lodged an arrow in the tiger's head.───猎人一箭射中老虎的头。

82 、The hunter disembowelled the antelope.───猎人取出羚羊的内脏。

83 、So good to meet you, Mr. Hunter.───亨特先生,很高兴认识你。

84 、He was a handsome giant and a mighty hunter.───他是个英俊的巨人,臂力过人的猎手。

85 、Hunter' s keen eyes swept from left to right.───亨特的尖锐目光从左到右扫视了一下。

86 、The hunter spied a rabbit in the bush.───猎人发现丛林里有一只野兔。

87 、The deer on the run was shot by the hunter.───奔跑的鹿被猎手打死了。

88 、DETECTIVE STONE: Goodbye, Miss Morris. Mr. Hunter.───斯通**:再见,莫里斯**,亨特先生。

89 、I'm a hunter, there's no secret about that.─── 我是个猎人 这大家都知道

90 、The hunter baited his traps.───猎人在陷阱里下了诱饵。










猎人:荒野的呼唤的英文是The Hunter:Call of the Wild。

《猎人:荒野的呼唤(The Hunter:Call of the Wild)》是由Avalanche制作发行的一款全新开放世界捕猎游戏,本作承诺为玩家带来最具沉浸感的捕猎体验,玩家将踏入一个美丽的,充满生命的开放世界,有麋鹿也有令人惊叹的野牛,以及数不清的小鸟,小动物,各种昆虫。





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