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07-02 投稿




英:[?kr?s??v?(r)]  美:[?kr?:so?v?(r)]

英:  美:


n.交叉, 交迭, 跨界


动词第三人称单数: crosslinks | 动词过去分词: cross-linked | 动词过去式: cross-linked | 动词现在分词: cross-linking |


1 、He could crossover the best defenders, get to the rim with the greatest of ease, and had the complete offensive game.───他可以交叉运球过掉最好的防守者,轻松地攻到篮下,而且具有全面的进攻手段。

2 、With enriched life experiences and solid training in Jazz and traditional Taiwanese operas, she infuses her works with a profound and crossover touch.───个性坚毅独立的阿轮,布袋戏音乐作品风格允文允武,宜古宜今,数百首作品多次开创听者宏观视野,改写台湾布袋戏配乐历史**。

3 、A graphical method is applied to obtain the exact gain crossover frequency at which the time domain and phase margin specifications are satisfied, simultaneously.───为了获得能同时满足时域性能指标和相角裕度性能指标的被控对象准确的转折角频率,采用了一种简单易行的图解方法。

4 、The crossover vote in California; a big crossover hit.───加利福尼亚的跨党派投票; 一记交叉重击

5 、Internal protection circuitry includes thermal shut down (TSD) and crossover (shoot-through) protection.───内部保护电路拥有过热关机(TSD)和交叉(击穿)保护功能。

6 、The Crossover Utility Vehicle or CUV as Kia calls it, is longer, wider and higher than its predecessor.───交叉型多用途车或CUV作为起亚的话来说,是长期,广泛的和较高的比其前任。

7 、If you are the preachy sort who kinda wants to crossover to the action group, then you need to check this Every Drop Counts Water Meter.───如果你是环保者中的一员并想采取行动,那么你应该试一试节水表。

8 、We were excited to see, you know, kind of the crossover traffic.─── 我们很开心地看到 沃客拍手之间信息的交流

9 、Self-adjusting crossover and mutation rate are used and the initial population and population size are determined based on space division in this algorism.───为此,本文提出一种基于空间分割的遗传算法及初始种群产生和种群数量确定方法,并根据有关文献,提出一种自适应交叉、变异率方法。

10 、Crossover dribble: A dribble in which the ball is moved from one hand to the other while the dribbler changes directions.───在球手带球的时候,球从一个手到另一个手的来回传动。

11 、Internal circuit protection includes thermal shut down with hysteresis, transient-suppression diodes and crossover current protection.───内部电路保护包括因滞后引起的过热关机、瞬态抑制二极管及交叉电流保护。

12 、In a room like this, no crossover dribble is ever as quick as a rumor.───在一个房间,这样,没有交叉运球,是有史以来最快的谣言。

13 、Crossover dribble = when a ball handler dribbles the ball across his body from one hand to the other.───传球视野。控球后卫通常都具备良好的传球视野,才能在比赛中助攻得分。

14 、The natural number coding,the random population selection,the simple crossover strategy of "two-parents-and-one-kid" and the fixed mutation probability were totally adopted.───在算法中采用了自然数编码、随机选取种群、简单的“双亲单子”交叉策略和固定的突变概率.

15 、I'm really excited about this whole "moonshiners" crossover episode.─── 这次《私酒贩子》特辑真的让我很兴奋

16 、Acclaimed Croatian pianist Maksim Mrvica has returned with his fourth album Electrik and fans of his trademark classical crossover style are sure not to be disappointed.───克罗地亚钢琴家马克西姆带着第四张专辑迎接欢呼啦!深爱他标志性的古典演奏方式的乐迷们肯定不会失望的。

17 、In order to speed up the convergence, the crossover and mutation rates are adjusted with on-line fuzzy control according to the evolution situation.───为加快收敛速度,根据种群进化情况对交叉率和变异率进行在线模糊控制。

18 、Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): Was found to be more effective than methylphenidate (Ritalin) in treating a group of hyperactive children in a double-blind, crossover study.───吡哚素(维生素B6):在一个双盲交互研究中,被发现比哌醋甲酯(利他能)对过动组的小孩更为有效。

19 、The crossover is designed to allow adjustments of the tweeter level as well as the bass level to obtain a perfect adaptation to the room.───分音器设计允许对高音和低音音量进行调节,从而完美适应空间特性。

20 、PA-2150a Full Range Loudspeaker System The CAH PA-2150a is a compact 2-way system with a passive LF/HF crossover in vented enclosure.───PA-2150a 是一个采用气孔式结构全频两分频高/低无源分音的扬声器。

21 、Internal and external crossover functions are shown in Fig 14-22.───内部交叉和外部交叉的功能见图14-22。

22 、To prove the seriousness of his crossover bid, he brought several American stars on stage.───为了证明他的文化交流的严肃主题,他也邀请了几位美国明星.

23 、NO14>Hardaway's got that killer crossover to break up any team's D for two, or an assist.───哈达威的招牌胯下传球,常破坏对方的包夹防守或是助攻机会。

24 、Instead, mourners sought to uplift and celebrate, revering his hits and his crossover appeal, which they said had influenced and paved the way for other entertainers.───取而代之的是悲伤地人们寻求对他的赞美和纪念,崇敬他的冲击力和感染力,人们说他影响了其他的娱乐界明星,并且为他们树立了榜样。

25 、System design adopted chiefly crossover operator and mutation operator of genetic algorithm,and it producedsequence encryption using shift,negate,xor.───在系统设计中主要采用遗传算法中的杂交和变异算子,并结合移位、取反、异或等操作生成密钥序列。

26 、Internal circuit protection includes short-to-ground, shorted load, thermal shutdown with hysteresis, and crossover current protection.───内部电流保护包括接地短路、短路负载、因滞后而引起的过热关机与交叉电流保护。

27 、The development of special wax is the crossover path that the paraffin wax is changed to the high added value product from the primary product in Fushun Petrochemical Company.───发展特种蜡是抚顺公司石油蜡由初级产品向高附加值产品跨越的必由之路。

28 、I had two of those bodies exhumed looking for crossover forensic details.─── 我发掘了两具尸体 想通过这找一些法医的细节

29 、Crossover functions may be implemented internally to a MAU or elsewhere in the twisted-pair link.───交叉功能大多在MAU内或双绞线链路中其他处实现。

30 、A forced mutation operation is introduced to deal with the constraint violations caused by crossover and basic mutation operation.───为了避免因遗传算法中交叉和基本变异操作产生违反约束条件的个体,本文提出了一种强制变异方法。

31 、After proper operation has been verified, tighten all bolts using the crossover method. Recommended tightening torques pattern is listed below.───在检验操作能够正常进行后,在采用交叉法紧固所有螺栓。推荐的紧固扭矩模式如下所示。

32 、From these and other spy pictures it appears the Cross will strongly resemble the MINI Crossover Concept in terms of exterior design.───从这些图片和其他**似乎将在十字架强烈类似于迷你交叉概念方面的外观设计。

33 、In many instances,Once the mode of coding was selected,crossover operation was determined too.───在很多情况下,编码方式的确定也就决定了交叉操作。

34 、As a part of their next joint project, crossover pianist MAKSIM MRVICA made a brilliant career and now enjoys enormous popularity on the Asian continent.───作为他们的下一个部分的联合项目,交叉钢琴家马克西姆MRVICA作出了光辉历程和现在享有巨大的知名度在亚洲大陆。

35 、Watch the low-key public figure of old crossover and so on instead, meet with respect to not likely somebody so vigorously ground wants to be him model is statuary.───反观陈天桥之类的低调人士,就不见得有人会那么起劲地想要为他塑雕像。

36 、Later, Bryant delighted the hundreds of Lakers fans in attendance with a left-right crossover dribble that juked rookie and defensive ace Corey Brewer on the perimeter.───后来一次,科比点燃在场数百名湖人球迷的热情。他左右交叉运球,戏耍并晃过了防守球员布鲁尔。

37 、The crossover filter is made from quality capacitors and coils with low resistance.───交迭滤波器采用高品质电容和低阻抗电感。

38 、What Is A Straight Through / Crossover Cable?───什么是直通线和交叉线?

39 、The Taiwan singer gave a crossover performance of traditional folk music and Western pop.───台湾歌手王力宏创作了民族和流行跨界的音乐。

40 、In order to improve the variety and universality of the new population in the parameter space, the method of anisomerous crossover is designed.───为提高新生个体的多样性及其在参数空间中的遍布性,提出并设计了不对称交叉的具体方法。

41 、The optimum threshold determined by the theory of image segmentation is to be the crossover point of the fuzzy enhancement, in order to enhance the contrast of image.───利用图像分割原理确定的最佳阈值作为模糊增强的分界点,完成对图像的对比度增强。

42 、Crossover also: X-over Fanfic using characters or scenarios from two or more different shows.───同人**中所写的角色或情节内容是从两个或以上不同的**、影集而来的。

43 、Another problem using crossover cables is that if they are not properly labeled, they may accidently be used in situations where they will not work.───使用叉接线缆的另一个问题是,如果这些线缆没有正确标 记,则可能会在不能使用的情况下,无意中使用这些线缆。

44 、Nearly all serious loudspeaker designs have incorporated a crossover network.───几乎所有严肃的扬声器设计都会涉及分频网络。

45 、Like a combination of Loop Back and Knotted Lacing , the laces are twisted together with a vertical overhand knot at each crossover before continuing to the other side.───如结合环回和打结花边的花边是缠绕在一起垂直上手在每个交叉结继续之前的另一边。

46 、The next logical step is crossover to the English market, a goal that is now closer than ever.───下一步,夏奇拉的目标必然是转向英文市场,这将是一个符合时机的发展方向。

47 、The crossover of False Reject and False Accept rates for RSI's hand geometry readers is 0.1%.───RSI的掌形机拒识率和误识率交叉率是0.1%。

48 、The original selection operator and crossover operator were respectively reconstructed to dynamic selection operator and gene transfer operator.───原始的选择算子和交叉算子分别被改造为动态选择算子和基因传递算子;

49 、Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective Neff, Lisa A.; Karney, Benjamin R.───压力对新婚夫妇婚姻生活评价的交叉影响力:从双向作用角度出发的历时研究。

50 、Rarely is one design style able to enjoy crossover appeal to a wide variety of tastes.───一种设计风格能够迎合各种不同品位人的认可时非常罕见的。

51 、A crossover artist who also speaks to your core constituency.─── 能向你的核心选民拉票的 拉票的跨界艺人

52 、Unsuitable crossover and mutation rate can cause the same problem.For these reasons,an improved genetic algorism is presented in this paper.───初始种群或交叉、变异率选择不当,将增加迭代次数,甚至直接导致算法陷入局部最优解。

53 、The reason inductors are used in crossover design is because the impedance of an inductor increases as the frequency of the signal applied to it goes up.───原因电感器中使用的交叉设计是因为阻抗电感增加的频率信号,适用于这是不言而喻了。

54 、The evolution idea of genetic algorithm including the crossover and mutation operation can improve the speed of searching for the global optimization.───在种群随机搜索过程中嵌入确定性的模式搜索,使得算法同时具有随机性和确定性。

55 、The crossover also features a new, uniquely designed double-wishbone rear suspension that helps provide exceptional agility and control.───交叉还增添了一个新的,设计独特的双横臂后悬架,帮助提供了卓越的灵活性和控制。

56 、System design adopted chiefly crossover operator and mutation operator of genetic algorithm, and it produced sequence encryption using shift, negate, xor.───在系统设计中主要采用遗传算法中的杂交和变异算子,并结合移位、取反、异或等操作生成密钥序列。

57 、If both MAUs of a twisted-pair link contain internal crossover functions, an additional external crossover is necessary.───如果双绞线链路的双MAU包含内部转换线路的功能,额外的外部转换线路是必须的。

58 、Do you think we'll ever see more crossover titles like Marvel vs Capcom?───你认为,我们将会曾经见到较多的转线路相对太空通讯员命名相似的奇异事物?

59 、Like a combination of Loop Back and Knotted Lacing, the laces are twisted together with a vertical overhand knot at each crossover before continuing to the other side.───像组合回送结拉筋,鞋带扭在一起有垂直肩上结,在每个交叉,然后继续前往对岸.

60 、LifePak is supported by two double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies, a 140-subject parallel design study and a 46-subject crossover study.───如沛产品的效益获得两项双盲临床实验的证实,该实验计划总括了140项的平行研究以及46项的交叉研究。

61 、The crossover is made from quality capacitors and coils with low resistance.───分音器所用元件均为高品质电容和低阻抗电感。

62 、Based on this new code method, the individual in population was coded, and the crossover and mutation operators were adapted to it.───基于此编码方法,对种群中的个体进行编码,并设计了相应的交叉和变异操作。

63 、The body is a crossover sub in which the other parts are installed.───其本体是一个转换接头,其它零件安装在接头内孔中。

64 、Well, we have a case and there may be some crossover.─── 我们手头有件案子可能跟这边有点关系

65 、Analysts say the party pursues a narrow rural-nationalist agenda that does not have a crossover appeal outside of its base in Kwazulu/Natal.───分析家认为该党执行的是一种乡村民族主义议程,不能在根据地夸祖鲁纳塔尔省之外的地区形成交叉诉求。

66 、The crossover also features an intercom that allows occupants to remain safely in the vehicle while talking to individuals located outside.───交叉还具有对讲说,允许占用保持安全车在谈到个人以外。

67 、The first method is the new elitist method, which replaces the worst individuals with the recorded peaks between the selection and the crossover of the genetic algorithm.───一种策略是新的保存最优解策略,即在遗传算法的选择和杂交两个阶段之间,用已经找到的某些峰替代当前种群中最差的部分个体;

68 、In some cases, these crossover dreams may be justified.───在某些场合下这些沟通不同领域工作的梦想是有其道理的。

69 、He spoke on a bare podium, flanked by screens with pictures, including one of him next to a model of a crossover wagon he hopes to build.───他站在光秃秃的讲台上,身旁屏幕上展示着包括了他希望生产的商务用车的图片。

70 、It's a bold attempt at a crossover, but the result is a treacly mess.─── 这是一次大胆的尝试 演唱风格的转变 但结果却是一团甜腻的混乱

71 、Simultaneously, for preventing prematurity, crossover positions in crossover operator choose according to not equal probability.───同时为了防止早熟现象,交叉算子中的交叉位置按非等概率选取的方法进行;

72 、AI's ankle-breaking crossover dribble or LeBron's stiff-armed tomahawk jam.───AI的胯下运球足以让防守方扭断脚脖子,勒布朗挥臂扣篮就像一把战斧一样势不可挡。

73 、In addition, an unconventional crossover operator is given to meet the constraints of the DM problem.───同时,设计了用于满足决策问题的非常规交叉算子。

74 、To avoid propinquity inheritance, a kind of self-adaptive crossover pro-bability is also designed and better optimization is gained.───为了减少近亲遗传,文中还设计了一种自适应交叉概率。

75 、Independent data including pelagic tidal constants from bottom gauges, and radar altimeter and crossover measurements were used.───初步分析表明,浅海区域的海平面高度的误差仍然相当显著。

76 、The double-blind, double crossover study presented on March 26th, aimed to determine the effects of 3 doses of aspirin on platelet aggregation in diabetics and nondiabetics.───在3月26日发表的这项双盲双交叉研究目的在于确定三种剂量的阿司匹林对于糖尿病患者和非糖尿病患者的抗血小板聚集作用的效果。

77 、The Lexus RX is a mid-size entry-level luxury crossover SUV produced by Toyota Motor Corporation .───凌志RX,是一个中等规模的入门级豪华交叉型SUV生产的丰田汽车公司.

78 、Base on the group theory, a new method to calculate affinity and two novel crossover operators was proposed.───依据群论的观点,提出一种新方法计算亲和度,并提出两种新的交叉算子。

79 、One is the all-new 2010 SRX Crossover and the other is the CTS Sport Wagon.───一是全新的2010年SRX标志和其他交叉的整体运动型旅行车。

80 、Several high quality photos of BMW's upcoming X1 crossover have surfaced from German magazine FOCUS Online.───一些高品质的照片,宝马即将推出X1交叉出现了从德国杂志焦点在线.

81 、The crossover potential of this song is huge.─── 这首歌的混合风格潜力非常大

82 、It performs reconstruction operation on a single chromosome. In PGA, some new operatorssuch as Geng Exchange have erplaced the crossover operator in traditional Genetic Algorithm.───它在同一条染色体上采用基因换位等算子进行染色体重组,取消了传统遗传算法中的交叉算子。

83 、Cadillac's North American model lineup is about to expand with the addition of two exciting new models: the 2010 model year SRX crossover and CTS Sport Wagon.───凯迪拉克的北美模式阵容即将扩大,增加了两个令人振奋的新型号:2010年款SRX标志交叉和整体运动型旅行车。

84 、The open circuit voltage of the cell under dynamic operating is higher than that under steady state owe to the reduction of mixed potential caused by methanol crossover.───动态负载时电池的开路电压要比稳态运行时的高,主要原因是因甲醇窜流造成的过电势的减少。

85 、The simplified method, combination and crossover principle of the point symbol on a 2D braided composites yarn segment were proposed.───叙述了二维编织复合材料纱线段的点符号简化方法及其组合、交叉原则,以及由点符号组成的无对称单元、基本对称单元构建的方法。

86 、Yeah. I kind of promised our crew they'd never have to do another crossover.─── 但我答应了我的船员 不用他们再做两面派了

87 、You obviously lose the crossover votes he provides.─── 你肯定会失去他手上的转向投票

88 、So look for crossover with reports of domestic abuse.─── 所以再交叉搜索一下相关家暴报导

89 、A crossover design contains a capacitor in series with the tweeter.This is an effective way of ensuring low frequency currents don't reach the tweeter.───交叉线路的设计包含了一系列的带有高音扩音器的电容器,这是一个确保阻止低频电流进入高音扩音器的有效方法。

90 、Crossover:a place at which or the means by which a crossing is made.───"横跨结构,桥,渡口:横跨或横渡的地方或使用的工具."







顺步是指突破的时候,先迈靠前的脚(以你突破的方向为准),交叉步则是先迈靠后的脚。顺步的优势在于快,启动之前把重心放在靠前的脚上,靠后的脚象弹簧样的被压缩,这是快速启动的关键所在! 然后前脚朝前跨,相当于放开了被压缩的的弹簧,想不冲出去也不行了。 缺点是保护不够,有时候对手移动快,判断好的,往你前进路线上卡,可以对进攻队员形成很大干扰。

交叉步跟顺步不一样,它是先迈靠后的脚,启动方法是一样的,压缩+放开。 既然是先迈靠后的脚,那显然启动速度要慢些,不过它的好处在于一旦这只脚迈出去,你整条腿(加上你的身体)可以完全挡住企图占据你进攻路线的对手。




当然如果你玩街球的,另当别论,但玩街球的到了要过人那下,还得遵循过人的一些 基本准则才过去。






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