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08-20 投稿


calumniate 发音


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calumniate 中文意思翻译



calumniate 词性/词形变化,calumniate变形

动词过去式: calumniated |动词第三人称单数: calumniates |动词现在分词: calumniating |动词过去分词: calumniated |名词: calumniation |

calumniate 相似词语短语

1、calumniator ─── n.诽谤者;中伤者

2、calumniates ─── vt.诽谤;中伤;诬蔑

3、columniated ─── 柱状

4、to calumniate ─── 诽谤

5、calumniating ─── vt.诽谤;中伤;诬蔑

6、calumniation ─── n.中伤;诽谤

7、calumniatory ─── adj.诽谤的;中伤的

8、calumniable ─── 可诽谤的

9、calumniated ─── vt.诽谤;中伤;诬蔑

calumniate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、BE like this right, the Cui wife and kid young main didn't say any words that calumniate you! ─── 是这样没错,崔家小少爷并没有说任何诽谤您的话!

2、Thou shalt not calumniate thy neighbour, nor oppress him by violence. The wages of him that hath been hired by thee shall not abide with thee until the morning. ─── 你不要欺压剥削你的近人,佣人的工钱不可在你处过夜,留到第二天早晨。

3、The Chinese's marriage celebrates the dress influence as macroclimate of our country reforming and opening now, appearing stealthily the change of spot calumniate. ─── 今日中国人的婚庆服饰随着我国改革开放大气候的影响,正在静静地出现斑谰的变化。

4、"Humans are basically sadistic; watch how toddlers calumniate their siblings just to watch the spectacle of the punishment." ─── 人类基本上就是个迫害狂;当他看刚学会走路的孩子诽谤他的兄弟姐妹时就像是观看一场惩罚别人的演出一样.

5、prohibire without result,prohibite calumniate competitors; ─── 不准没有结果,不准诽谤竞争对手;

6、malicious calumniation; viciously slander; calumniate ─── 恶意中伤

7、One, thing ministry develops in coordination: Warbler of calumniate of whetstone turn up soil pulls?1 of qualitative surname calumniate. ─── 一、东西部协同发展:理论依据和现实依据 1.理论分析:发达地区与欠发达地区的经济关系。

8、Calumniating me is to calumniate your friend! ─── 诽谤我也就是诽谤你的朋友!

9、Calumniating me is to calumniate your friend! ─── 诽谤我也就是诽谤你的朋友!

10、I have never seen people like you calumniate others like this! ─── 我从来没有见过像你这样中伤别人的人!

11、But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you. ─── 我却对你们说:你们当爱你们的仇人,当为迫害你们的人祈祷。

12、Do not calumniate good people, otherwise you will be punished. ─── 不要污衊好人,否则你会遭到报应的。

13、calumniate other persons ─── 诋毁他人

14、Magical marine world is fascicular multicoloured spot calumniate, configuration the coral of each different. ─── 神奇的海底世界丛生着五彩斑谰。形态各异的珊瑚。

15、But you endure not patiently, nor fulfill the commandments of the Load; but you transgress and calumniate his greatness; and malignant are the words in your polluted mouths against his Majesty. ─── 但你却没有耐心的忍受,非但没有遵守十诫,并且你违背、毁谤?的伟大,那些反对上帝的恶意话语从你污秽的口说出。

16、slander; calumniate; vilify ─── 诬蔑

17、But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you: ─── 我却对你们说:你们当爱你们的仇人,当为迫害你们的人祈祷,

18、to accuse falsely; to injure by spreading false reports about; to calumniate; to malign ─── 诬害

19、Ascend the wave son to strictly forbid in to cause disturbance wildly for the and calumniate without restraint. ─── 对于骄狂登徒浪子严禁进入捣乱和肆意诽谤。

20、Why do you have to calumniate the rights of the case! ─── 翻译1为什么你们要诽谤事情的真相!

21、"Humans are basically sadistic; watch how toddlers calumniate their siblings, just to watch the spectacle of the punishment." ─── 在经历一段时间的丑闻之后,政治家们在诽谤他们的对手时更加小心了.

22、You do more, under the pretext of unmasking yourself, you calumniate yourself. ─── 尤其是,借口说您要暴露自己,您其实是在诽谤自己,这真可怕。”

23、calumniate v. ─── 诬蔑,中伤;v.中伤;

24、In the eyes of despotic governments, who are always interested in having liberty calumniate itself, the Revolution of July committed the fault of being formidable and of remaining gentle. ─── 专制政府总喜欢看见自由发生内讧,在那些专制政府的眼里,这次七月革命不应当进行得那么威猛有力而又流于温和。

25、neither calumniate any man;and be content with your pay. ─── 对你们的粮饷应当知足!

26、Doth it seem good to thee that thou shouldst calumniate me, and oppress me, the work of thy own hands, and help the counsel of the wicked? ─── 你对亲手所造的,加以虐待和厌弃,却显扬恶人的计划,为你岂有好处?

27、Some gentle respectable middle school teacher, in that demented years, actually receives the human to calumniate, is repeatedly interrogated by the rebels.... ─── 有一位慈祥可敬的中学教师,在那个癫狂的岁月里,却受人诬害,被造反派们屡次批斗。...

28、1.Why do you have to calumniate the rights of the case! ─── 翻译1 为什么你们要诽谤事情的真相!

29、1.slander; defamation; slur; dispraise; calumniation; 2.to slander; to calumniate; to abuse; to disparage ─── 毁谤

30、slander; calumniate; libel ─── 诽谤

31、some hold extreme views and calumniate his poetry exceedingly. ─── 有人偏激褊狭,对孟诗极尽诋毁。

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