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pleura 发音

英:[?pl?r?]  美:[?pl??r?]

英:  美:

pleura 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 胸膜


pleura 网络释义

n. [解剖] 胸膜;[解剖] 肋膜

pleura 词性/词形变化,pleura变形


pleura 短语词组

1、discission of pleura ─── [医] 脓胸十字形切开

2、crervical pleura ─── [医] 胸膜顶

3、costal pleura ─── [医] 肋胸膜, 肋椎部(胸膜)

4、cervical pleura ─── 胸膜顶

5、medistinal pleura ─── [医] 纵隔胸膜, 纵隔部(胸膜)

6、phrenica pleura ─── [医] 膈胸膜, 膈部(胸膜)

7、pleura cavity ─── 胸膜腔

8、pericardial pleura ─── [医] 心包胸膜, 心包部(胸膜)

9、mediastinal pleura ─── [解剖]纵隔胸膜

10、parietal pleura ─── [医] 胸膜壁层

11、pulmonary pleura ─── [医]肺胸膜:包绕肺并衬于肺裂,完全把肺分隔成不同叶的胸膜

12、diaphragmatic pleura ─── [医] 膈胸膜, 膈部(胸膜)

13、visceralis pleura ─── [医] 胸膜脏层, 肺胸膜

14、visceral pleura ─── 脏层胸膜, ─── 脏胸膜,胸膜 ─── 脏层

15、stripping of the pleura ─── [医] 胸膜剥脱

16、costae pleura ─── 肋胸膜

17、endothoracic fascia costal parietal pleura ─── 胸内筋膜肋壁 ─── 胸膜

18、pulmonalis pleura ─── [医] 肺胸膜

pleura 相似词语短语

1、pleurae ─── n.胸膜;肋膜(pleura的复数)

2、plexure ─── 编织

3、laura ─── n.劳拉(女子名)

4、pleural ─── adj.胸膜的;肋膜的

5、plectra ─── 弦拨(plectrum的复数)

6、pleuron ─── n.[昆]侧板

7、Fleury ─── adj.有鸢尾(或百合)花纹饰的;n.(Fleury)(美、英)弗勒里(人名)

8、pleuro- ─── 胸膜

9、pleur- ─── 胸膜

pleura 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While a pleural malignancy can invade the lung, the tumor's origin site is still the pleura, so pleural mesothelioma should never be treated as lung cancer. ─── 当胸膜的恶性病变侵及肺,肿瘤的原发灶仍是胸膜,因此胸膜间皮瘤是不能被当成肺癌治疗。

2、Pleura is the most invaded site by extrapulmonary tuberculosis, among which cutaneous tuberculosis is only less than one percent. ─── 台湾肺外结核侵犯的位置以肋膜最为常见,而皮肤结核约佔肺外结核不到百分之一。

3、Bullae are large dilated airspaces that bulge out from beneath the pleura. ─── 大泡是扩张的肺泡在胸膜下突出。

4、While they certainly serve an important purpose, each pleura can be removed if it becomes damaged or diseased. ─── 尽管它们有重要的作用,如果它们受损或发生疾病时可以被移除。

5、Left pleura ─── 左胸膜

6、Sequestrations are classified anatomically as intralobar sequestration, located within the normal lobe, and extralobar sequestration, located outside the normal lobe and with its own visceral pleura. ─── 在解剖分类上,有位于肺叶内肺隔离与拥有独立脏层胸膜的肺叶外肺隔离。

7、An infectious febrile disease of cattle, caused by a mycoplasma and characterized by inflammation of the pleura and lungs. ─── 牛胸膜肺炎由支原菌引起的牛传染性发烧的炎症,症状为胸膜和肺部发炎

8、of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax ─── 属于、关于胸膜或胸腔壁的

9、The other 26 benign lesion cases include 12 tuberculosis cases, 8 empyema cases, 3 failed cases because of extensive pleura adhesions and 3 normal cases. ─── 26例良性病变中,结核12例,脓胸8例,3例因胸膜粘连广泛而失败,3例未见明显异常。

10、Xiao Zhang is now in hospital. It is said that he has caught acute pleura inflammation. ─── 小张住院了,听说是得了急性胸膜炎。

11、pleura pathological changes includes pleurisy, cancer and pneumothorax. ─── 摘要胸膜病变包括胸膜炎、肿瘤、气胸等。

12、A pneumothorax occurs with a penetrating chest injury, inflammation with rupture of a bronchus to the pleura, rupture of an emphysematous bulla, or positive pressure ventilation. ─── 气胸发生于穿透性的胸部损伤、肺气肿肺大疱破裂、正压通气。

13、The most common location of EOS is the lower extremity, followed by the upper extremity and the retroperitoneum, the trunk, hand, pleura are reported. ─── 最常见的发生部位是下肢,其次是上肢和后腹膜,其他躯干、手、胸膜等处都有报道。

14、"Serosal Membranes (Pleura, Pericardium, Peritoneum): Normal Structure, Development and Experimental Pathology" ("Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology Vol. 183" ─── 浆膜(胸膜、心包膜、腹膜):标准结构、发展与实验病理学,卷2

15、To study the diagnostic value of pleural effusion combined with serum ADA on testing pleura! ─── 目的探讨胸水和血清ADA(腺苷脱氨酶)联合测定对结核性胸膜炎的诊断价值。

16、The diseases included spontaneous pneumothorax, sweat - hand disease, thoracic trauma, and other diseases of lung, pleura, mediastinum. ─── 手术治疗的疾病包括自发性气胸、手汗症、肺、胸膜、纵隔疾病及胸外伤等10余种。

17、For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. ─── 为肋膜(胸膜间皮瘤)的癌症,肺在称肺切除术的操作也许被去除。

18、Malignant mesothelioma is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the sac lining the chest ( the pleura ) or abdomen ( the peritoneum ). ─── 恶性间皮瘤是一种疾病,其中癌症(癌)细胞中发现,在校舍衬砌胸部(胸膜)或腹部(腹膜).

19、To explore the factors associated with the results in reatment of tuberculous pleurisy and reduce the hyperplasia of pleura. ─── 目的探讨结核性胸膜炎治疗预后原因,提高病人治疗效果。

20、with the malignancy degree of lung cancer and pleura chest wall transfer, as well. ─── 与肺癌的恶性程度及胸膜胸壁转移有关。

21、The lumbodorsal fascia and costovertebral ligament are visualized, arising from the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae.The relation of the kidney and pleura is also shown. ─── 可以看到从腰脊柱的横突处长出的腰背筋膜和肋椎韧带,图上标明了胸膜和肾的关系。

22、It is done in the early stages of cancer.This process of mesothelioma treatment involves surgical removal of pleura. ─── 在最初阶段间皮瘤,第一阶段,恶性间皮瘤细胞开始生长和繁殖只有一个层胸膜。

23、, thoracic closed drainage, pleuroclysis, gluing through fibrobronchoscopy, fistula mending plus tissue embedding, pleura plus remaining-pulmonary resection or thoracoplasty. ─── 病人分别采取胸腔闭式引流、胸腔冲洗、经纤维支气管镜生物胶封堵、瘘口修补加组织包埋、胸膜余肺切除、胸廓成形术等方法治疗。

24、CT-guided percutaneous lung biopsy is safe and offers a high diagnostic rate, especially suitable for lesions near the pleura. ─── CT引导经皮肺活检术是一种安全、诊断率高的诊断方法,尤其适用于距离胸膜较近病灶。

25、Our Experience of Using English-Chinese Teaching Material of "Physical Diagnosis of the Lung and Pleura" ─── "肺和胸膜物理诊断"英汉对照双语教材的使用体会

26、Keywords lymphocyte;tumor infiltrating;isolation;density gradient;pleura effusion;malignat;ascites; ─── 淋巴细胞;肿瘤浸润;离心法;梯密度;胸膜积液;恶性;腹水;

27、Left visceral pleura ─── 左胸膜脏层

28、The dense white encircling tumor mass is arising from the visceral pleura and is a mesothelioma. ─── 图示间皮瘤,致密的白色环状肿块从胸膜脏层长出。

29、Objective To probe into a clinic effect and a practical value of continuous block analgesia (CBA) in intercostal nerve and pleura. ─── 目的探讨持续肋间神经、胸膜阻滞镇痛(简称“持续阻滞镇痛”)的临床效果与实用价值。

30、If pleura breaks, pleural cavity will be open to atmosphere and air will enter pleural cavity .This is called pneumothorax. ─── 如果胸膜破裂,胸膜腔与大气相通,空气将立即进入胸膜腔内,形成气胸。

31、Left pleura is still hypertrophic, dent of thorax was caused by pleurisy. ─── 病人的左侧胸膜还是有肥厚的表现,胸廓塌陷还是由胸膜炎所致。

32、Shock and the problem of maintaining respiration when the pleura was opened remained to be solved. ─── 对于休克和打开胸腔后如何保持呼吸的问题仍未得到解决。

33、Prostatic adenocarcinoma is famous for metastasizing to the lungs in a "lymphangitic" pattern in which streaks of tumor appear between lung lobules and beneath the pleura in lymphatic spaces. ─── 前列腺腺癌通过淋巴道转移到肺,肺叶之间和胸膜下的淋巴管中都可见癌细胞。

34、Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare lung cancer of the pleura, the main causes of asbestos direct and indirect contacts. ─── 恶性胸膜间皮瘤是一种少见的肺癌胸膜,主要原因石棉直接和间接接触。

35、Objective:To evaluate the CT features of solitary fibrous tumor of pleura. ─── 目的:探讨胸膜孤立性纤维性肿瘤的CT表现。

36、Pleura is the most invaded site by extrapulmonary tuberculosis, among which cutaneous tuberculosis is only less than one percent. ─── 台湾肺外结核侵犯的位置以肋膜最为常见,而皮肤结核约占肺外结核不到百分之一。

37、Esophagogastric anastomosis of pleura cupula with single left thoracal incision used in the upper-middle segmental esophageal cancer ─── 左胸单切口胸膜顶食管胃吻合在食管中上段癌手术中的应用

38、Comparative Study of Cervical and Supper Pleura Anastomosis After Esophagectomy For Upper-Mid Esophageal Carcinoma ─── 中上段食管癌超胸项吻合与颈部吻合疗效对比分析

39、Methods The clinical data of 23 cases with esophageal carcinoma underwent esophagectomy through esophageal bed was analyzed retrospectively.The triangular pleura were excided or not. ─── 方法分析经食管床切开或不切开弓上三角胸膜治疗食管癌23例的临床资料。

40、an infectious febrile disease of cattle,caused by a mycoplasma and characterized by inflammation of the pleura and lungs ─── 牛胸膜肺炎,由支原菌引起的牛传染性发烧的炎症,症状为胸膜和肺部发炎

41、Pleural mesothelioma occurs when one of the pleura in the chest cavity becomes malignant. ─── 胸膜间质瘤胸腔的一部分胸膜恶变后。

42、Varying degree of serofibrinous inflammation are occasionally encountered involving the pleura and peritoneum. ─── 偶尔看到波及胸膜和腹膜的不同程度的浆液纤维性炎症。

43、Combined repair of large defect caused by radical surgery of advanced tongue cancer with rib-major pectoralis myocutaneous flap carrying costal parietal pleura ─── 带肋胸膜的肋骨-胸大肌复合瓣修复晚期舌癌根治术后缺损

44、Pathological changes -- often starting at the visceral pleura between the pleura or leaves. ─── 常起自脏层胸膜或叶间胸膜。

45、Wedge-shaped areas of peripheral consolidation without uniform density abutting the pleura were seen in 2 patients. ─── 2例可见基底贴附于胸膜面的楔形阴影,楔形阴影内密度不均,5例显示供养血管征。

46、Surgical treatment of 21 cases with pleura tubercle tumour. ─── 21例胸膜结核瘤的外科治疗。

47、Gas transport time to pleura ─── 到胸膜气流转运时间

48、Scanning electron microscope study on mesothelial stomata of rat parietal pleura ─── 大鼠壁胸膜间皮孔的扫描电镜观察

49、diffuse malignant mesothelioma of pleura ─── 弥漫性恶性胸膜间皮瘤

50、With the aid of a film of moisture between them, the lung pleura adheres tightly to the cavity pleura. ─── 肺胸膜与胸腔胸膜借助于它们之间的水膜紧紧贴连。

51、Rib infection is often secondary to trauma or from the direct spread of infection from the underlying lung or pleura. ─── 摘要肋骨发炎的病灶往往来自外界创伤或因肋骨下肺实质感染或肋膜腔感染而次发性发炎。

52、Different from cases with single or multiple MFH of pleura reported in the literature, this case of diffuse myxoid MFH had an abrupt onset, and progressed aggressively. ─── 与文献报道的非弥漫性胸膜MFH相比,本例为胸膜弥漫性多灶性MFH,起病急,病情进展快。

53、Muscles around spine were not cut.No injury of pleura was found. ─── 此入路不切断骶棘肌、腰方肌、腰大肌及膈肌,不会伤及胸膜等。

54、Fibrous pleural adhesions are common in persons who have had past episodes of inflammation of the lung that involve the pleura. ─── 对于曾经有感染并累及胸膜的病人来说,纤维素性胸膜粘连比较常见。

55、malignant pleura effusion ─── 恶性胸腔积液

56、The middle sections showed:lateral margins of the lesions perpendicular to pleura with a straight cut edge. ─── 多数分病灶呈类圆形,内密度均匀,边缘光整;

57、315 Cases report of a new procedure preventing stoma site fistula by using parietal pleura to replace esophageal adventitia Layer ─── 用胸膜壁层代替食管外膜层预防吻合口瘘315例报告

58、Keywords parietal pleura;mesothelial stomata;mesothelial cell;rat; ─── 壁胸膜;间皮孔;间皮细胞;大鼠;

59、Left parietal pleura ─── 左胸膜壁层

60、Disorders include blood (hemothorax) or air (pneumothorax, which can lead to atelectasis) in the pleural cavity, and inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy). ─── 其病变有胸膜腔中血液(血胸)或气体(气胸,可导致肺不张)方面的疾病,和胸膜的炎症(胸膜炎)。

61、Limited thoracotomy for biopsy of pleura ─── 有限的胸廓切开术用于胸膜活组织检查

62、Abnormal communication between pericardial sac and pleura ─── 心包囊和胸膜间交通异常

63、Morphosis study on the permeability of the mesothelium of parietal pleura in rat ─── 大鼠壁胸膜通透性的电镜观察

64、Objective: In order to improve the helix CT diagnosis to the pleura skin tumor,we made analysis on its sign. ─── 目的:分析胸膜间皮瘤的螺旋CT征象,提高胸膜间皮瘤的螺旋CT诊断水平。

65、"Pleura mass hat"was characteristic appearance located the pleura mass. ─── “胸膜肿块帽征”是定位胸膜肿块的特征性表现;

66、In frequency of lung-marking extend to pleura HPS group was significantly higher than that control group(89.7%, 12.5%; u=6.89, P

67、However, bacterial infections of lung can spread to the pleura to produce a purulent pleuritis.A collection of pus in the pleural space is known as empyema. ─── 然而,细菌感染传播到胸膜,并形成脓性胸膜炎,胸膜腔内脓液聚集形成脓胸。

68、squamous cell carcinoma that extends from hilum to pleura. ─── 肺鳞状细胞癌由肺门向胸膜扩散的又一例子。

69、For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. ─── 为肋膜(胸膜间皮瘤)的癌症,肺在称肺切除术的操作也许被去除。

70、crervical pleura ─── [医] 胸膜顶

71、Conclusion Ultrasonically guided percutaneous biopsy is a mininvasive, fast, safe and easy method, and it is important for patients with concrete lesion around lung or in pleura. ─── 无明显病变2例。结论彩超引导下穿刺活检是一种微创、快速、安全、简便的方法,对于肺周围性病变或胸膜病变的确诊具有重要作用。

72、Almost all metastatic lesions from thymomas invade adjacent organs or spread along the pleura or pericardium. ─── 摘要几乎从胸腺肿瘤转移来的病灶都会侵入邻近的器官或沿著肋膜或心包膜散布。

73、16 cases was showed localized benign fib rous pleura tumors post-surgery pathology, in which 4 had found some malignan t cells in some areas (22%). ─── 术后 16例病理为局限型良性纤维型间皮瘤 ,其中有 4例局部区域上皮细胞丰富 ,有恶性变 ( 2 2% )。

74、The parietal pleura lines the inside of the chest and covers the ribs and the pericardium. ─── 壁层胸膜在胸壁内侧覆盖肋骨和心包膜。

75、primary tumors of pleura ─── 原发性胸膜肿瘤

76、The difference between conventional CT and HRCT in detecting the shap,st ructure,morphology and the adjacent pleura of SPN were compared. ─── 比较常规CT与HRCT显示结节的大小、位置、轮廓边缘、胸膜相邻关系的差异。


78、HRCT could further document the ground glass opacity in the lung,thickened interlobular septa or pleura or beaded septal thickening as well as calcifications along the bronchovascular bundles. ─── HRCT则可进一步显示肺野磨砂玻璃样改变 ,小叶间隔、叶间胸膜及支气管血管束钙化密度与串珠状增厚 ,小叶中心分布的微细结节与胸膜下蜂窝。

79、Observation of the murine pleura mesothelia by the scanning electron microscope ─── 小白鼠胸膜间皮的扫描电镜观察

80、Image diagnostic analysis of 40 cases with mesothelioma of pleura ─── 40例胸膜间皮瘤影像学诊断分析

81、And 9 examples in them belongs to the diffusive pleura incrassation,3 left are limitative one. ─── 弥漫性胸膜增厚9例,局限性胸膜增厚3例。

82、Varying degree of serofibrinous inflammation are occasionally encountered involving the pleura and peritoneum ─── 偶尔看到波及胸膜和腹膜的不同程度的浆液纤维性炎症。

83、of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax. ─── 属于、关于胸膜或胸腔壁的。

84、Keywords Pleura;Solitary fibrous tumor;Hypoglycemia;Differential diagnosis; ─── 关键词胸膜;孤立性纤维性肿瘤;低血糖;鉴别诊断;

85、pleura pericardiaca ─── 心包胸膜, 心包部胸膜

86、The parietal pleura lines the inner chest wall and the visceral pleura encases the lungs. ─── 壁层胸膜在胸壁内部,脏层胸膜包裹肺脏。

87、Keywords empyema;surgery;operative;pleura; ─── 关键词脓胸;手术;外科;胸膜;

88、Methods The morphosis of the mesothelium of the parietal pleura in rat were investigated by intrapleura injection with tracers and observed by scanning electron microscope. ─── 方法向大鼠胸膜腔内注射示踪剂,应用扫描电镜方法观察壁胸膜间皮的形态变化。

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