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08-18 投稿


reckoner 发音

英:[?rek?n?r]  美:[?rek?n?(r)]

英:  美:

reckoner 中文意思翻译



reckoner 网络释义

n. 计算手册;计算者;清算人

reckoner 词性/词形变化,reckoner变形

动词第三人称单数: reckons |动词过去分词: reckoned |动词过去式: reckoned |动词现在分词: reckoning |

reckoner 短语词组

1、reckoner lyrics ─── 清算者歌词

2、reckoner radiohead ─── 计算无线电头

3、reckoner backing vocals stem ─── 计算者支持的声音干

4、ready reckoner n. ─── 简便计算表

reckoner 相似词语短语

1、recliner ─── n.斜靠著的人;躺著的人;活动躺椅(等于recliningchair)

2、reckon ─── vt.测算,估计;认为;计算;vi.估计;计算;猜想,料想

3、reckoned ─── vt.测算,估计;认为;计算;vi.估计;计算;猜想,料想

4、recover ─── vt.恢复;弥补;重新获得;vi.恢复;胜诉;重新得球;n.还原至预备姿势;n.(Recover)人名;(西)雷科韦尔

5、reasoner ─── 里森纳(人名)

6、beckoned ─── vt.召唤;吸引;vi.吸引;(招手或点头)示意;n.表召唤的点头;手势

7、reckoners ─── n.计算手册;计算者;清算人

8、beckoner ─── 贝克尼

9、reckons ─── vt.测算,估计;认为;计算;vi.估计;计算;猜想,料想

reckoner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They reckon the insurance cost to be too high. ─── 他们计算保险费用太高。

2、We will have to reckon the cost of it . ─── 我们得计算它的成本。

3、He had to reckon with ten angry employees. ─── 他必须面对十名盛怒的员工。

4、You must reckon without his help in this matter . ─── 在这件事情上,你切不可指望他的帮助。

5、Do you reckon he could drive a car? ─── 你认为他能开车吗?

6、What do you reckon I can do about it? ─── 你看此事我能做些什么?

7、I didn't reckon on having to pay that bill this week. ─── 我不指望这个星期能付清那账单。

8、The Vertigo Bombers Disruption Pod Upgrade is particularly useful as it stealth s the units when they are nearby the Reckoner. ─── 眩晕轰炸机的隐形包升级尤其有效,因为它们可以让清算者四周的单位也隐形。

9、You reckon in the cost of the taxi? ─── 你把出租车费算进去了吗?

10、You can reckon me among your supporters. ─── 你可以把我算作你的支持者之一。

11、Umf! Well, you didn't get a lick amiss, I reckon. ─── “唉!我觉得你挨这下子也不屈。

12、Reckon it's all right to have Maggie do it? ─── 你看让玛吉干行吗?

13、Nope, I reckon he's out there still... ─── 不,我想他还躲在某个地方,

14、Did you reckon in the cost of the taxi? ─── 你把出租车费算进去了吗?

15、He's not the sort of man you can afford no reckon. ─── 他不是那种你可以置之不理的人。

16、What do you reckon to the tax increase? ─── 你对增税怎么看?

17、We reckon to arrive in Delhi at noon. ─── 我们估计正午抵达德里。

18、They reckon on being awarded the contract. ─── 他们期待得到这份合同。

19、It would need several pages merely to reckon up the names. ─── 单把名字列出来就需要好几页。 refer to 查阅,提到,谈到,打听

20、How much do you reckon that she earns? ─── 你猜想她收入有多少?

21、You can reckon the marks with the adding machine. ─── 你可用计算机把分数加起来。

22、How much do you reckon he earns? ─── 你估量他挣多少?

23、He forgot to reckon with the economic obstacles. ─── 他没有认真考虑经济障碍。

24、You can not reckon on seeing him. ─── 你不能指望见到他。

25、They had many difficulties to reckon with. ─── 他们有许多困难要考虑。

26、Do you reckon you will give up drinking alcohol? ─── 你看你会戒酒吗?

27、They promised to reckon with him for the damage done. ─── 他们答应向他赔偿所造成的损失。

28、Now that we've covered the basics of the Reckoner, how can we utilize it to its full potential? ─── 我们容易概括了清算者的基本信息,那么该如何使用才能发挥它的最大潜能呢?

29、It is his instinct to reckon on women as constant by their nature. ─── 他的直觉使他认为女人在本质上就是一成不变的。

30、We had to reckon up the gains as well as the losses. ─── 得失我们都得估计一下。

31、He cannot reckon her up. In some respects she seems a selfish woman, yet at times she will be most generous. She has plenty of friends, yet she is always complaining of being lonely. ─── 他无法了解她。在某些方面她似乎是一个自私的女人,但有时她又非常慷慨。她有很多朋友,然而她老是喜欢说她很寂寞。

32、Do you still reckon him among your friends ? ─── 你还认为他是你的朋友吗?

33、The Reckoner does not gain the weapon type of the garrisoned infantry though, and while moving it can only run over infantry to do damage. ─── 清算者不能获得驻扎步兵的武器支持,在移动时他们只能靠碾压来打击步兵。

34、They reckon him to be the best worker . ─── 他们认为他是最优秀的工人。

35、At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque. ─── 在遇险的甲板的脖子,计算者检查不透明的支票。

36、You are the boss here,I reckon. ─── 你是这里的老板吧,我猜想。

37、She could reckon from 1 to 100 when she was more than one year old. ─── 她一岁多时就能从一数到一百。

38、Did you reckon in the cost of a taxi across London ? ─── 你把穿过伦敦的出租汽车费计算在内了吗?

39、We reckon on receiving his remittance today. ─── 我们估计今天能收到他的汇款。

40、We reckon up to 55 pence per gallon. ─── 我们合计出来是每加仑55便士。

41、It will not take him a minute to reckon up the bill. ─── 他很快就能算出帐来。

42、What do you reckon about price increase ? ─── 你对物价上涨怎么看的?

43、You must reckon without his help in this matter. ─── 在这件事情上,你切不可指望他的帮助。

44、You should reckon in the cost of fuel. ─── 你应当把燃料费计算在内。

45、Ah, Jim, Jim, I reckon I've missed stays! ─── 啊,吉姆,吉姆,我想我是真不行了!

46、You reckon he's some kind of midget? ─── |你觉得他会是个侏儒吗?

47、Do you reckon everything 's fine? ─── 你看一切都好吗

48、They reckon the book as one of his best works. ─── 他们认为这本书是他的优秀作品之一。

49、Do you reckon old Wilson is sucking? ─── 你看威尔逊老兄会不会在灌他的迷汤?

50、Can I reckon on you to help? ─── 你能帮助我吗?

51、You can always reckon on Jim; he'll never fail you. ─── 你总是可以相信吉姆, 他绝不会辜负你。

52、I cannot reckon for that fault. ─── 我不能对那个错误负责。

53、JIM: Reckon that's how it started with Charlie. ─── 吉米:查理就是这么开始的。

54、She can reckon rapidly on the abacus . ─── 她用算盘算得很快。

55、Do you reckon you have the gift if make up story ? ─── 你看你有编造故事的本领吗?

56、What do you reckon the birth control policy? ─── 你如何看待计划生育政策?

57、If we reckon up the numbers of visitors to the exhibition for the past week, we shall see a surprising total. ─── 我们如果把过去一周的展览会参观人数加起来,我们会得出一个惊人的总数。

58、Let's reckon up the cost before we Buy it. ─── 在我们买东西之前先将成本计算清楚。

59、Reckon that it is yours, and gather spoil. ─── 你应当承认:胜利已经属于你了,起来收集战利品罢。

60、Do you reckon you have the gift if make up story? ─── 你看你有编造故事的本领吗?

61、I don't reckon he did. I don't know. ─── “我估计没有。我不清楚。”

62、How far can you reckon(up) to in an hour? ─── 你1个小时能数到多少?

63、Reckon it's all right to date Margie? ─── 你看同玛吉幽会行吗?

64、Reckon the cost before you decide. ─── 在你决定前计算一下费用。

65、"I reckon I do," he answered coldly and spat again. ─── "我看就是这样,"他顶了一句,又吐了一口。

66、What would you reckon I should do? ─── 你想我该做什么?

67、You can't reckon upon his promises. ─── 你别指望他的诺言会兑现。

68、Do you reckon you could win the game? ─── 你看你比赛能赢吗?

69、Do you reckon the site of our new house is all right? ─── 你觉得我们新房址可以吗?

70、What do you reckon the problem is, Smith? ─── 史密斯,你认为问题在哪儿?

71、I reckon it is, Mr Kelvin,' said Higgins. ─── 我也如此认为,凯尔文先生,’黑格银斯说。

72、If you hit the child again, you'll have me to reckon with. ─── 如果你再打孩子,我就要插手这事了。

73、Below are the best ways to utilize the Reckoner. ─── 下面是使用清算者的最佳方法。

74、Do you reckon he could repair the television set? ─── 你觉得他能修理这台电视机吗?

75、You can easily decimate a base with Purifying Flame Black Hands in a Reckoner, so pounce when you see an opening. ─── 你可以用清算者搭载的净化火焰黑手轻松的毁掉一个基地,所以,当你看到敌人的防守缺口时,突袭吧!!

76、However, in an original and diverse twist, the Reckoner is faster than the APC and can hold two infantry at once. ─── 不过与原作相比,清算者比APC速度快,并且一次可以搭载两队步兵。

77、We shall have to reckon without your competitors. ─── 我们只有指望没有你们的竞争对手。

78、Well, I reckon there is nothing I can do about it. ─── 哎,我想我对此无能为力。

79、You can't always reckon on (having) good weather. ─── 总依赖(有)好天气是靠不住的。

80、We hope we can reckon on your support. ─── 我们希望能得到你的支持。

81、They had to reckon with these factors. ─── 他们商讨的要旨如次。

82、Do you reckon you can win the game? ─── 你看比赛能赢吗

83、Do you reckon you'll give up drinking alcohol? ─── 你看你会戒酒吗?

84、Before deciding how much money we have for our holiday, we must reckon with the shopkeeper and anyone else we are in debt to. ─── 在决定过节花多少钱之前,我们必须先和商店老板及我们所有的债主清账。

85、They reckon the book as one of her best works. ─── 他们认为这本书是她最优秀的作品之一。

86、When you did your expenses, did you reckon in your taxi fares? ─── 你计算费用时,把计程车费算进去了吗?

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