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earthnut 发音

英:[???rθ?n?t]  美:[???θn?t]

英:  美:

earthnut 中文意思翻译



earthnut 短语词组

1、earthnut peanut ─── 花生

2、earthnut protein ─── 花生蛋白

3、earthnut definition ─── 花生定义

4、earthnut crossword clue ─── 花生纵横字谜线索

5、earthnut crossword ─── 花生纵横字谜

6、earthnut pea ─── [网络] 豌豆豌豆

earthnut 相似词语短语

1、earths up ─── 培土,以土覆盖

2、earthfast ─── adj.牢固在土中的

3、earth art ─── 大地艺术;地景艺术

4、earthsets ─── 接地装置

5、hearthrug ─── n.炉前的地毯;adj.如炉边地毯的

6、earthset ─── 接地装置

7、earthnuts ─── n.花生;块根

8、earthiest ─── adj.土的;土质的;朴实的;粗俗的(earthy的变形)

9、earth up ─── 培土,以土覆盖

earthnut 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Right doubtful do not be able to bear or endure the food that get, wait like fish, shrimp, scorpion, turtle, milk, earthnut should avoid edible as far as possible; ─── 对可疑不耐受的食物,如鱼、虾、蝎、鳖、牛奶、花生等应尽量避免食用;

2、Th e planting agriculture in Hainan Island germinated from earthnut and tuber plants , especially from potatoes. ─── 海南岛栽培农业萌芽于挖掘地下块根块茎植物,最先驯化和栽培的是薯蓣类块根块茎植物。

3、Can eat nut of some of black sesame seed, earthnut, walnut more, for hair complement nutrition. ─── 可以多吃些黑芝麻、花生、核桃坚果,为头发补充营养。

4、Represent a plant: Hollow lotus seed is careless (Alternanthera Philoxeroides) grass of renown water earthnut, lotus seed happy drought, hollow amaranth. ─── 代表植物:空心莲子草 又名水花生.喜旱莲子草.空心苋。

5、4.Dietotherapy: Milk, oaten, bean curd, sesame paste, earthnut, kelp, laver, black agaric, dried small shrimps, river shrimp. ─── 食疗:牛奶,燕麦,豆腐,芝麻酱,花生,海带,紫菜,黑木耳,虾皮,河虾。

6、Armour: "Boss, I want a bag of earthnut. " ─── 甲:“老板,我要一袋花生。”

7、Earthnut became much housing is much also, many farmers use the feed of cultivate birds, local aquaculture gradually flourishing rise. ─── 原来混浊的花生油经过高压过滤,变得清亮透明,很快买卖就多了起来,大家又都来找他榨油。

8、But, after a year, the first group weight appeared to rebound, and edible earthnut nut did not appear the 2nd group prandial rebound. ─── 但是,一年之后,第一组的体重出现了反弹,而食用花生坚果膳食的第二组没有出现反弹。

9、Exhausted when: Chew the dried fruit such as some of earthnut, almond, cashew, walnutmeat, because they contain a lot ofB of protein, vitamin, calcic, iron and plant sex adipose. ─── 精疲力尽时:嚼些花生、杏仁、腰果、核桃仁等干果,因为它们富含蛋白质、维生素B、钙、铁以及植物性脂肪。

10、The 6 rural water earthnut of Nanjing city that combine a division, langouste overruns is a model is paradigmatic. ─── 南京市六合区的农村水花生、龙虾泛滥成灾就是一个典型的例证。

11、Preparation of toast earthnut for producing glucono-delta-lactone bean curd ─── 烘烤花生内酯豆腐的研制

12、" smooth pond village does not cultivate earthnut, but pare the thing of earthnut can be far and near famed, long-standing. ─── 平塘村并不种植花生,但剥花生的事儿可是远近闻名、由来已久。

13、Main reason is the raw material such as colza, cottonseed, earthnut case of oil price of edible of devoid; ─── 主要原因是菜籽、棉籽、花生等原料缺乏;

14、When cerebrum is fatigue: Eat nut, eat earthnut, melon seeds, walnut, pine nut, filbert namely, chinese torreya is better () of Zhejiang special local product. ─── 大脑疲劳时:吃坚果,就是吃花生、瓜子、核桃、松子、榛子,香榧更好(浙江特产)。

15、Acetochlor are used for preventing weed in crop such as corn, soja, earthnut, cotton, potato in north widely. ─── 乙草胺(Acetochlor)广泛用于北方玉米、大豆、花生、棉花、马铃薯等作物的杂草防除。

16、Earthnut contains alkaline acid of extremely rich vitamin B2 and Yan, can bring high grade protein, long flesh does not grow fat. ─── 花生含有极丰富的维生素B2和菸碱酸,可以带来优质蛋白质,长肉不长脂。

17、Dan Anyuan teems with a variety of commissariat, watermelon, tobacco leaf, earthnut, crop such as the fruit, the raise such as pig, ox, chicken, duck.. ─── 但安远盛产粮食、西瓜、烟叶、花生、水果等多种农作物,猪、牛、鸡、鸭等饲...

18、Outside dividing melon seeds, the nut such as filbert, earthnut contains zinc to also be abounded quite, can improve spermatozoon quality greatly. ─── 除瓜子外,榛子、花生等坚果含锌也比较丰富,可以在很大程度上改善精子质量。

19、" Liao Xuefan of secretary of village Party branch says, smooth pond village almost every family, men and women pares earthnut, only this one whole village door all year add receive 1500 yuan. ─── 村党支部书记廖学范介绍说,平塘村几乎家家户户、男女老少都剥花生,仅此一项全村户均年增收1500元。

20、The first boy says: "I call Czech, I still just bar earthnut to elephant in. ─── 第一个男孩说:“我叫捷克,我只是把花生仍到大象拦里。”

21、It is appropriate to choose the creepy O. japonicus which has the more earthnut number, the higher overground weight to plant. ─── 生产上宜选择块根数多、地上部分重的匍匐型麦冬作为栽培植株。

22、earthnut protein ─── 花生蛋白

23、Produce the earthnut of edible oil and soya bean, belong to farming the category of by-product. ─── 生产食用油的花生和黄豆,属于农副产品的范畴。

24、Earthnut, soya bean, gram, can rice mix the gruel that boil? ─── 花生,黄豆,绿豆,大米可以混合煮稀粥吗?

25、The autumn, earthnut is ripe, you were taking bag to come; ─── 秋天,花生熟了,你带着袋子来了;

26、Can unripe earthnut skin treat leukaemia? ─── 生花生皮能治白血病吗?

27、Earthnut is a high yield crop, increase production potential is very great, earthnut carapace (if really) sowing laminating to help advance somebody's career is technology of an increase production. ─── 花生是个高产作物,增产潜力很大,花生壳(果)播覆膜栽培就是一项增产技术。

28、The 3rd boy says: "I call George, I still just also bar earthnut to elephant in. ─── 第三个男孩说:“我叫乔治,我也只是把花生仍到大象拦里。”

29、Food of strong acid sex : Beef, pork, chicken, tuna, ostracean, flatfish, cheese, rice, wheat, biscuit, wine kind, earthnut, Bao Chang, candy, biscuit, white sugar. ─── 强酸性食品:牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、金枪鱼、牡蛎、比目鱼、奶酪、米、麦、面包、酒类、花生、薄肠、糖、饼干、白糖等。

30、Any of various other plants, such as the peanut, similar to the earthnut. ─── 有块根植物任一种其它类似落花生的植物,如花生

31、Is eating melon seed still very it is good to eat earthnut why? ─── 吃瓜子好还是吃花生好为什么?

32、husk of earthnut ─── 花生壳

33、Getting Hold of Opportunity and Bringing the Advantages into Full Play to Promote Shandong's earthnut industry all-round ─── 抓住机遇发挥优势全面推进山东花生产业发展

34、In addition, the most important paddy rice on India or world, broomcorn, raw silk, earthnut, cole, sugar cane, cotton cloth, tea, iron ore, cement, marine one of manufacturing countries that wait. ─── 此外,印度还是世界上最重要的稻米、高粱、生丝、花生、油菜、甘蔗、棉布、茶、铁矿、水泥、海产等的生产国之一。

35、exogenous GA3 went against the formation of tube earthnut. 3. ─── 添加外源GA3不利于试管块根形成。

36、earthnut sheller ─── 花生剥壳机

37、Expression is: Seasonal light grows to heat up resource in cotton earthnut duration of enough, sunshine accumulates Wen Gao more, effectively, .. ─── 表现为:在棉花生长季节光热资源充足、日照时数多、有效积温高,...

38、earthnut of Curcuma wenyujin ─── 温郁金

39、Yellow aspergillus toxin is aspergillus kind the one toxoid that fungus produces, in waiting, the becomes moldy easily earthnut in nature, corn can contain the yellow aspergillus toxin of certain amount. ─── 黄曲霉毒素是曲霉类真菌产生的一类毒素,自然界中轻易发霉的花生、玉米等中会含有一定量的黄曲霉毒素。

40、The food that contains a lot ofvitamin E has almond, earthnut and hickory. ─── 富含维生素e的食物有杏仁、花生和山核桃。

41、" ask third again: " Won't you also want a bag of earthnut? ─── 又问丙:“你不会也要一袋花生吧?”

42、For example, the earthnut that has pared and not the earthnut of hull, can be you chosen which kind of? ─── 例如,已经剥好的花生和未去壳的花生,你会选哪一种呢?

43、Main crop is wheaten, corn, earthnut to wait commonly. ─── 主要农作物一般为小麦、玉米、花生等。

44、Earthnut Industry's Potential Is Tremendous and Support Is Urgent Affairs ─── 花生产业潜力巨大投入扶持是当务之急

45、Give priority to with high quantity of heat: Outside removing corn product, still should choose the food such as soya bean, sesame seed, earthnut, walnut, with drive cold. ─── 以高热量为主:除谷类制品外,还应选用黄豆、芝麻、花生、核桃等食物,以御寒。

46、Produce the earthnut of edible oil and soya bean, belong to farming the category of by-product. ─── 生产食用油的花生和黄豆,属于农副产品的范畴。

47、Keywords husk of earthnut;polyphenol;supercritical carbon dioxide;extraction; ─── 花生壳;多酚类物质;超临界二氧化碳;萃取;

48、The nut sort that the autumn harvests is very much also, for instance earthnut, chestnut, walnut. ─── 秋天收获的坚果种类也很多,比如花生、栗子、核桃等。

49、Research on the Efficacy of 25% Bitertanol WP Against Main Diseases of Earthnut ─── 25%双苯醇可湿性粉剂对花生主要病害防治效果研究

50、any of various other plants,such as the peanut,similar to the earthnut ─── 有块根植物,任一种其它类似落花生的植物,如花生

51、4. Dietotherapy: Milk, oaten, bean curd, sesame paste, earthnut, kelp, laver, black agaric, dried small shrimps, river shrimp. ─── 食疗:牛奶,燕麦,豆腐,芝麻酱,花生,海带,紫菜,黑木耳,虾皮,河虾。收藏指正

52、Besides sesame seed, the other edibles that contains a lot ofvitamin E still has earthnut, walnut, sunflower to wait. ─── 此外,瘦肉、禽蛋、水产等也富含优质蛋白质,经常食用此类食物也有助于减少黑眼圈的形成,但由于鸡蛋的蛋白质组成和人体的最接近,所以吸收效果最好。

53、rural water earthnut of Nanjing city that combine a division, langouste overruns is a model is paradigmatic. ─── 南京市六合区的农村水花生、龙虾泛滥成灾就是一个典型的例证。

54、The economic farming products have inapparent advantage in general though the earthnut and sugar beet have some. ─── 在养殖产品方面,除海水养殖和禽蛋生产上具有一定的优势外,肉、奶、淡水养殖等其它养殖产品均不具备比较优势。

55、Can unripe earthnut skin treat leukaemia? ─── 生花生皮能治白血病吗?

56、Earthnut Industry's Potential Is Tremendous and Support Is Urgent Affairs ─── 花生产业潜力巨大投入扶持是当务之急

57、Main crop has corn, wheaten, soja, cotton, paddy, earthnut, nicotian, potato, oaten, beet, sugar cane, orange to wait. ─── 主要作物有玉米、小麦、大豆、棉花、水稻、花生、烟草、马铃薯、燕麦、甜菜、甘蔗、柑橘等。

58、Green vegetables of yangtao, orange, apple, strawberry, greenery, carrot, oaten, earthnut, green pepper is pretty good fight oxidation and beautiful white food! ─── 猕猴桃、橙子、苹果、草莓、绿叶青菜、胡萝卜、燕麦、花生、青椒等都是不错的抗氧化和美白食物呢!

59、In the meantime, she returns interplanting earthnut, vegetable in the operatic circle, melon to wait, annual the income that every mus interplanting income exceeds every mus of paddy far. ─── 同时,她还在梨园里套种花生、蔬菜、瓜等,每年每亩的套种收入远远超过每亩水稻的收入。

60、Their or pays no attention to you, once want to tell you your secret, they will be frank and so flat that resemble paring earthnut, do not take care, in Pi pared one pile. ─── 她们要么不理你,一旦要把自己的秘密告诉你,她们会爽快而干脆得像剥花生,一不小心,噼里哗啦就剥了一大堆。

61、Method Selecting the wild earthnut of Radix stephaniae tetrandra S,cutting them into bars or bits on the basis of diameter,then planting them by manual work into different plots at different time. ─── 方法选取野生粉防己的块根,根据其直径的大小切成条形或小块,在不同的时间和地块进行人工种植。

62、Watch 1 shows, our country land is concentrated model in produce, rice, corn and earthnut have stronger competition ability, wheaten, soja, cole and cotton lack competition ability. ─── 表1显示,我国土地密集型农产品中,大米、玉米和花生具有较强的竞争力,小麦、大豆、油菜和棉花缺乏竞争力。

63、Conduction earthnut seed is wholesale mail with packet outfit. ─── 办理花生种子批发和小包装邮寄。

64、The content of the pigment decreased from epidermis, cortex, earthnut to core thin wall tissure. ─── 甘薯色素含量为表皮>皮层>整薯>中心薄壁组织。

65、earthnut harvesting gatherer ─── 花生收获机

66、This year, promoted a city to begin countryside alcalde to plant " demonstrative cropland " activity, scheduling earthnut laminating mixes Na Dashan countryside to cultivate each 1 nakedly.. ─── 这一年,兴城开展了乡镇长种“示范田”活动,南大山乡计划安排花生覆膜和裸地种植各1.

67、Teem with material of earthnut, apple, hawkthorn, watermelon, Chinese traditional medicine, vegetable; ─── 盛产花生、苹果、山楂、西瓜、中药材、蔬菜;

68、Vitamin B can be absorbed from inside the food such as bread of lean lean, fish, liver, whole wheat, potato, earthnut. ─── 维生素b则可从瘦肉、鱼、肝、全麦面包、土豆、花生等食物中摄取。

69、Study on Essential Oil Components in Earthnut of Semiaquilegia adoxoides DC ─── 天葵块根挥发油化学成分的研究

70、Getting Hold of Opportunity and Bringing the Advantages into Full Play to Promote Shandong's earthnut industry all-round ─── 抓住机遇发挥优势全面推进山东花生产业发展

71、How is milk earthnut boiled? ? ? ? ─── 牛奶花生怎么煮????

72、When attending wedding breakfast or Chinese style eat to meet, melon seeds, earthnut can be placed normally on the desk, or it is the meeting in dish has cashew, 100 fruit, pine nut, walnut. ─── 参加喜宴或中式餐会时,桌上通常会放置瓜子、花生,或是菜肴中会有腰果、百果、松子、核桃。

73、The advantage of earthnut milk? ─── 花生牛奶的好处?

74、earthnut oil ─── 花生油

75、Is earthnut to belong to water fruit or greengrocery? ─── 花生是属于水果类还是蔬菜类?

76、Hou Bai ever saw a TV press say, paris leaves those who have a lot of people on the dish of earthnut of outfit of a bar.. ─── 侯拜曾看到一则电视新闻报道说,巴黎一间酒吧装花生的盘子上留有许多人的...

77、Regard human body as indispensible nutriment, earthnut 4 Xi acid is having very important sense to cerebrum and nerval development, have; ─── 作为人体必需营养素,花生四烯酸对于大脑和神经的发育有着极为重要的意义,对于婴幼儿的智力发育具有显著促进作用;

78、How to know to fall with earthnut blood pressure? ─── 知道怎么用花生来降血压吗?

79、The acid of the ammonia that contain seed such as holothurian, cuttlefish, eel, octopus, earthnut, sesame seed, walnut, bean curd, frozen bean curd is more. ─── 海参、墨鱼、鳝鱼、章鱼、花生、芝麻、核桃、豆腐、冻豆腐等含精氨酸较多。

80、Pare earthnut is done not have how old rise and fall, pare a jin of earthnut can make a wool money. ─── 剥花生没多大起伏,剥一斤花生可挣个毛把钱。”

81、Earthnut, soya bean, gram, can rice mix the gruel that boil? Is nutrition good? Thank! ─── 花生,黄豆,绿豆,大米可以混合煮稀粥吗?营养好吗?谢谢!

82、In liver of lean lean, animal and kidney, rice chaff, wheat bran, oaten, nut (be like helianthus child, earthnut, Hu Tao) and the content in soja is highest. ─── 在瘦肉、动物肝脏与肾脏、稻糠、麦麸、燕麦、坚果(如向日葵子、花生、胡桃等)以及大豆中含量最高。

83、Should pay attention to in advancing earthnut industrialization to manage had solved the following problem. ─── 因此,发展花生生产、推进花生产业化尤为重要。

84、Want to eat the meat more, animal blood, red jujube, earthnut, bone soup does not have some ─── 孩子三岁多了,一直都贫血,抵抗力好差吃什么最好呢?

85、Urgent, (on row) can you add (earthnut) (red jujube) (Xianggu mushroom) be stewed together? ─── 急,(上排)可以加(花生)(红枣)(香菇)一起炖吗?

86、Look from nutrient value, palmy acerbity 7-10% is contained in soybean oil, tristearin acerbity 2-5% , earthnut acerbity 1-3% , oleic acid 22-30% , linoleic acid 50-60, 5-9% of flax oleic acid. ─── 从营养价值看,大豆油中含棕榈酸7-10%,硬脂酸2-5%,花生酸1-3%,油酸22-30%,亚油酸50-60,亚麻油酸5-9%。

87、The effects of several factors on dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of Pueraria lobata earthnut were investigated by orthogonal experiment,single factor experiment and plant tissue culture. ─── 采用正交试验、单因子试验和植物组织培养方法,探讨几种因子对野葛块根组织脱分化与再分化的影响。

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