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08-21 投稿


paternity 发音

英:[p??t??rn?ti]  美:[p??t??n?ti]

英:  美:

paternity 中文意思翻译



paternity 常用词组

paternity test ─── 亲权认定;父权检验;试验

paternity leave ─── 陪产假

paternity 短语词组

1、paternity uncertainty ─── 父子关系不确定性

2、paternity and kinship testing ─── 亲子鉴定和 ─── 亲属关系鉴定

3、paternity tests ─── [医] 亲权试验(血型)

4、disavowing paternity ─── 否认亲子关系

5、paternity court ─── 亲子法庭

6、paternity test ─── 试验; 亲子鉴定; 亲权 ─── 试验

7、paternity examination ─── [医]父子鉴别

8、paternity court benning ─── 亲子法庭benning

9、paternity testing ─── 亲子鉴定 ─── 亲系试验

10、paternity dna testing ─── 亲子鉴定

11、paternity court today 2020 ─── 今日亲子法庭2020

12、paternity court episodes 2014 2014 ─── 年亲子法庭事件

13、paternity suits ─── 生父确认诉讼程序( paternity suit的名词复数 )

14、paternity suit ─── [法] 确认生父的诉讼

15、paternity leave ( ─── 丈夫为陪伴待分娩的妻子而获取的)陪产假

16、paternity right ─── 亲子权

17、paternity reaction ─── [医] 亲权反应

18、paternity testing kit ─── 亲子鉴定试剂盒

paternity 词性/词形变化,paternity变形

名词复数: paternities |

paternity 相似词语短语

1、eternity ─── n.来世,来生;不朽;永世;永恒

2、paternally ─── adv.父亲一般地

3、quaternity ─── n.四位一体;四人一组;四个一组

4、coeternity ─── 共同性

5、eviternity ─── n.永恒

6、Latinity ─── n.拉丁语的使用;拉丁语法;拉丁语的知识

7、maternity ─── n.母性,母道;[妇产]妇产科医院;adj.产科的;产妇的,孕妇的

8、patterning ─── n.图案结构,图形;v.仿造(pattern的ing形式)

9、fraternity ─── n.友爱;兄弟会;互助会;大学生联谊会

paternity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition, some villas and luxury properties paternity purchase, the lawyer can participate in the contract negotiations, help property buyers in the contract details "bargaining. ─── 另外,对于一些别墅等高档物业的陪购,律师还可以参与合同谈判,帮助购房者在合同细节上“讨价还价”。

2、Ancestral communication, maternity, paternity, fellowship, divine oaths. ─── 与祖先沟通,母性,父权,团体关系,神的誓约(神的诅咒)。

3、To determine judicially the paternity of(a child born out of wedlock,for example). ─── 判定为私生子父亲法律上确定为(例如婚姻外出生的孩子的)父亲。

4、Paternity verification ─── 亲子鉴定

5、Deleston brought a paternity lawsuit in 2004, claiming that the 32-year-old rap star Juvenile, whose real name is Terius Gray, was Jelani's father, Gwinnett County court records show. ─── deleston带来了亲子官司,在2004年,称这是今年32岁的饶舌歌手少年,本名特流士灰色的,是jelani的父亲,电信,县法院的记录显示。

6、To prevent the error causing by uncertain allele frequencies, a conservative CPI value should be calculated in paternity testing. ─── 为了防止等位基因频率不确定性带来的误差,建议在亲权鉴定中用保守法计算CPI值。

7、It is important to work out a criterion for paternity testing ─── 从亲子鉴定的问题看标准化规范化管理的重要性

8、Neronian propaganda countered with the insinuation that the paternity of both Britannicus and Octavia was in question because of the their mother 's promiscuity. ─── 于是尼禄大肆宣扬不列颠尼库斯和屋大维娅的母亲行为放荡,其意不外乎暗指这两位的出身血统其实也值得怀疑。很快不列颠尼库斯就于公元55年被尼禄鸩杀。

9、Proposals of the Specification of Forensic Paternity Test Laboratories and Technical Criteria ─── 亲权鉴定实验室规范及技术标准建议

10、Victory comes only when every player possesses the best basic skills, attack paten and defence patern. ─── 只有当每个队员具备了最好的基技术、进攻战术和防守战术,胜利才会来临。

11、However,as the shelter of paternity,the oppugning and disintegration to the system and ethic of household cannot but lead to the entire disintegration to paternity. ─── 家族制度和家族伦理作为封建父权的安身立命之所,对它们的质疑和瓦解必然导致父权在整体上被瓦解,从此,父权走上了衰微之路。

12、The construction of pedigree was perfected by looking at microsatellite loci from paternity tests which are essential to the deeper analysis of gynogenetic Japanese flounder. ─── 利用微卫星标记可确定雌核发育后代的亲子关系,从而构建牙鲆雌核发育家系系谱,对牙鲆雌核发育的深入研究具有重要意义。

13、They can range from medical care to paternity leave, vacation and paid sick days, are normally taxable to some degree, and are considered part of the employee's contract. ─── 员工福利的范围很广,从医疗保障到陪产假、带薪休假、病假等等。这类福利在一定程度上都须纳税并写入劳动合同。

14、Paternity testing of a case by PCR-based typing in STR systems ─── PCR-STR分型技术用于亲权鉴定疑难案1例调查

15、Study on the Application of 16 STR Loci in Paternity Examination and Individual Identification ─── 16个基因位点在亲子鉴定和个体识别案例中的应用

16、In California court one of the men claiming to be the father of Smith's baby will attend a close hearing of DNA testing to determine paternity. ─── 在加利福尼亚州法院,一名声称是史密斯孩子生父的男子将出席一个确定父亲身份的DNA鉴定会,该会只限于特殊人参加。

17、Possible disclosure of non- paternity ─── 可能揭示非亲子关系

18、Identification of polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci and paternity testing of Amur tigers ─── 东北虎微卫星DNA遗传标记的筛选及在亲子鉴定中的应用

19、But controversy remains in the very low success rates in IVF, and in the disputes that can arise over legal paternity between a child's biological and iron-biological parents. ─── 但是,由于体外授精技术成功率极低,以及在孩子的生身父母与养父母之间会产生有关合法父亲的争执,所以对此项技术的争议仍然存在。

20、Although he lived with his mother and two sisters throughout his adult life, when he died there were 14 outstanding paternity suits against him, which might explain his Mephistophelean smile. ─── 他的成年生活是与他的母亲以及两位妹妹一起度过的,当他去世后,身后却有14个令人称奇的有关父子血缘的诉讼未解决,这也许能解释为什么他的脸上总是挂着狡黠的微笑了。

21、In order to make certain of the wife's fidelity and therefore of the paternity of the children, she is delivered over unconditionally into the power of the husband; ─── 为了保证妻子的贞操,从而保证子女出生自一定的父亲,妻子便落在丈夫的绝对权力之下了;

22、A Tentaive Study on the Yard Layout Patern of Ration Funnel Storehouse Coal Station ─── 定量漏斗仓装煤站站场布置方式初探

23、He refused to admit paternity of the child. ─── 他拒不承认是那孩子的父亲。

24、They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave. ─── 他们对男人休产假制度做出了重大改变。

25、I'm up for paternity leave in the next couple of months and that will be at full pay. ─── 公司打算让我休两个月陪产假,并且我拿的是全薪。”

26、Friday, a Florida judge handling the paternity suit surrounding her daughter doubted he had jurisdiction over the matter as the baby was born in and still lives in the Bahamas. ─── 一位佛罗里达州法官在处理她女儿生父确认诉讼案件时,质疑他本人的权限,因为孩子出生并一直生活在巴哈马。

27、“What would you have? Lavater would have said that I have not the bump of paternity,” said the prince. ─── “怎么办呢?拉法特会说我没有父爱的骨相”公爵说道。

28、And after the piece was done I went back to my paternity leave. ─── 在这篇报道完成后,我又回去休假了。

29、paternity test ─── n. 生父鉴定试验

30、Analyze difference of paternity testing between single-parent group and double-parent goup ─── 单亲与双亲亲子鉴定结果的比较分析

31、A Reliability Affirmance on The Criterion for Judging Paternity ─── 亲权鉴定判定标准可靠性的进一步确认

32、On the Technical Standard and Quality Control of Paternity Identification ─── 亲子鉴定技术标准和质量控制探讨

33、It is based on the supremacy of the man, the express purpose being to produce children of undisputed paternity; ─── 它是建立在丈夫的统治之上的,其明显的目的就是生育有确凿无疑的出自一定父亲的子女;

34、Facing a potentially embarrassing paternity suit in the court, President Lugo decided to own up to his secret past. ─── 面对这起可能难堪的生父确认诉讼,总统卢戈决定坦白自己过去的隐私。

35、The Effect of Grandmother on Paternity Testing ─── 外婆在亲子鉴定中的作用

36、identification in disputed paternity ─── 亲权鉴定亲子鉴定

37、Paternity Test Lab of Beijing Supreme Court ─── 北京市高级法院亲子鉴定顾问实验室

38、And she smiled her ecstatic smile. "What would you have? Lavater would have said that I have not the bump of paternity," said the prince. ─── 她于是兴奋地莞然一笑。“怎么办呢?拉法特会说我没有父爱的骨相,”公爵说道。

39、After entering the private system,female images under the rule of traditional paternity culture get ebbed and smeared. ─── 人类进入私有制后,在传统的父权文化的统治下,女性的形象受到丑化和弱化。

40、Keywords paternity testing;blood group;short tandem repeats;STRs;polymerase chain reaction;PCR; ─── 亲权鉴定;血型;短串联重复序列;聚合酶链反应;

41、paternity index(PI) ─── 亲权指数


43、He refused to admit paternity of the child. ─── 他拒不承认是那孩子的父亲。

44、The influence of medical treatments on individual identification and paternity test ─── 医疗对个人识别和亲子鉴定的影响

45、Earlier this month a DNA test confirmed Murphy as the father of Brown's newborn baby girl after he declined to publicly acknowledge paternity. ─── 在墨菲在公众面前不认孩子之后,本月一份DNA鉴定证明了墨菲和布朗的新生女婴的父女关系。

46、Detecting short tandem repeats loci on eutochromosome on diad paternity testing ─── 二联体亲子鉴定中常染色体STR基因座检测

47、paternity suit ─── n. 〈法〉生父确认诉讼程序

48、Men even have to resort to buying a "paternity" wardrobe to accommodate their growing bellies as they feast on larger portions of food and treats. ─── 他们天天吃的又多又好,以至于也许该穿件孕妇装去装他们日益增大的肚子。

49、The company offers a liberal maternity and paternity leave and has provided funding for two day-care centers nearby so that P & G mothers and fathers can be near their children. ─── 公司给予产妇及其丈夫充足的假期,并出资在附近建成了两所托儿所,使作父母的宝洁员工能离他们的孩子近一些。

50、They seem to have subverted a male trick that is intended to ensure paternity rights, and turned it into a trap. ─── 它们似乎颠覆了雄蜘蛛想要维护父权的诡计,将之转变成一个陷阱。

51、Paternò-Büchi (P-B) reaction ─── Paternò-Büchi(P-B)反应

52、Conventional strategies include baby bonuses, family benefits, extended maternity and paternity leave and more flexible working schedules for mothers. ─── 传统的策略包括婴儿奖金津贴、家庭补贴、孩子父母的延长休假以及孩子母亲更有弹性的工作时间表。

53、Yeah, that phone call threw me for a loop. My ex-girlfriend is pregnant and she wants me to take a paternity test. ─── 是的,那通电话把我吓了一跳。我的前女友怀孕了,她想让我去做亲子鉴定。

54、If the landlord return the contents of lead, or a third party, thefourth side, the first N-th power of pregnancy, I would like to tie inwith the paternity test done, thank you. ─── 如回复内容导致楼下或第三方、第四方、第N次方怀孕,本人愿配合做亲子鉴定,谢谢。

55、paternity leave pay ─── 侍产假薪酬

56、The "Prenatal paternity testing" is a fly against the wind, has deviated from the paternity of the scientific and progressive. ─── 而“产前亲子鉴定”是逆风飞扬,已经背离亲子鉴定的科学性和进步性。

57、paternity reaction ─── [医] 亲权反应

58、Genetic polymorphisms of 6 Y-chromosome specific STR loci in southern Han population of China and its application in paternity testing ─── 6个Y染色体STR基因座遗传多态性及其在亲子鉴定中的应用

59、To determine judicially the paternity of(a child born out of wedlock,for example. ─── 判定为私生子父亲法律上确定为(例如婚姻外出生的孩子的)父亲

60、paternity identification ─── 亲权鉴定

61、Keywords salivary esterase(Set);gene frequency;paternity identification;personal identification; ─── 唾液酯酶;基因频率;亲权鉴定;个体识别;

62、To determine judicially the paternity of(a child born out of wedlock, for example). ─── 判定为私生子父亲法律上确定为(例如婚姻外出生的孩子的)父亲

63、We're glad this is all cleared up and that Justin won't have to be bothered taking a paternity test. ─── 大家都为贾斯汀的沉冤昭雪感到开心,贾斯汀可以不用麻烦去做什么亲自鉴定了。

64、" He later acknowledged paternity of Lisa, married Laurene Powell, a Stanford MBA, and fathered three more children. ─── 丽莎后来嫁给了斯坦福大学的工商管理硕士劳伦.鲍威尔,一位不止有3个孩子的父亲。

65、It will also help to reestablish or invalidate some legal nexus.The irrational exaggeration in demand for identification in disputed paternity has given birth to some specialized organizations. ─── 亲子鉴定存在着适用不当和被滥用的情形,这对利害关系人各方的合法权益构成了极大的挑战。

66、US Patern No. 5834806, 1998, “Raised-Bitline, Contactless, Trenched, Flash Memory Cell”, by R.L. Lin, C.H.-H Hsu, M.S. Liang. ─── “极快速拟动态非挥发性快闪记忆体之阵列结构与其执行编码时临界电压自我校正方法”,林瑞霖,徐清祥.

67、Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. ─── 其中最受欢迎的是父子和血缘关系检测,被收养的孩子可以利用它找到自己的有血缘关系的亲属,而家庭也可以用它来找到被人收养的孩子。

68、Administration of Singlie Disease Entity in New Patern of Rural Cooperative Medical System ─── 单病种管理在新型农村合作医疗制度住院补偿中的运用

69、Maternity leave, paternity leave, carers' leave and sick leave are not costs but essential to our wellbeing. ─── 产假,初为人父假期,护理者假期,病假等对心灵健康至关重要,绝不是一种额外花费。

70、They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave. ─── 他们对男人休产假制度作出了重大改变。

71、There aren't any paternity, only teachers and students in the classroom. ─── 人在庙堂只有师生没有父子。

72、And she smiled her ecstatic smile. “What would you have? Lavater would have said that I have not the bump of paternity,” said the prince. ─── 她于是兴奋地莞然一笑。“怎么办呢?拉法特会说我没有父爱的骨相,”公爵说道。

73、paternity right ─── 作品署名权

74、Rapper DMX walked out of a court appearance on drug and weapons charges in Queens yesterday only to be slapped with a paternity suit claiming he's the father of a 5-month-old Maryland boy. ─── 在昨天被不料竟会走出在药和武器上的法院外表皇后的费用敲杆 DMX 与宣称他是 5 个月大的马里兰男孩的父亲父道诉讼一起拍击。

75、He was tricked into marriage by a false accusation of paternity. ─── 他被诬赖成孩子的父亲而被骗着成了婚。

76、Application of DNA Technique to Paternity Test ─── 亲权鉴定中DNA技术的应用

77、In this form of family, as paternity is uncertain, only the female line counts. ─── 因为在这种家庭形式下父系血统不能确定,所以只承认女系。

78、He agreed to take a paternity test to prove that he wasn't the father of the little boy. ─── 他同意接受亲子监定证明他并非小男孩的父亲。

79、With the study advances on DNA polymorphism of human genome,radical changes have been taking place in forensic individual identification and paternity tests. ─── 人类基因组遗传多态现象研究的深入,导致了法科学领域个体识别和亲权鉴定发生根本性变化。

80、The truth is, the Rabbi's in over his head with gamblers, and he has also been named in a paternity case by a Mrs. Hecht. ─── 事实上,拉比当时正被几个赌徒搞得焦头烂额,并在一位海彻特太太提出的确认父子关系的官司中当了被告。

81、Re: Harry's paternity, until we get a DNA test we'll never know but I do think the notion that Harry's coloring and Hewitt's are the same is irrelevant. ─── 回复:亨利的父亲,直到我们获得了DNA测试,我们永远不会知道,但我觉得这个概念亨利的着色和休伊特的都是一样的,是题外话。

82、A woman who claims Michael Jordan fathered her child wants the former NBA star to submit to a third paternity test. ─── 一名自称迈克尔.乔丹是其孩子父亲的妇女想让前NBA球星做第三次亲子鉴定.

83、paternity tests ─── [医] 亲权试验(血型)

84、The calculation and its standard of identifying paternity in the cases of absence mother ─── 单亲案的亲权概率的计算及认定标准

85、Another important use of DNA fingerprints in the court system is to establish paternity in custody and child support litigation. ─── DNA指纹在法庭系统里的另一个重要用途是在保护和支持孩子的起诉中确定父子关系。

86、[Objective ] To affirm the reliability of the criterion for judging paternity set by our laboratory. ─── [目的]进一步确认我室确定的亲子鉴定判定标准的可靠性。

87、However, the current real estate market is a seller's market, which to a certain extent undermined the role of lawyers paternity purchase. ─── 但是,目前的房地产市场还是一个卖方市场,这就从一定程度上削弱了律师陪购的作用。

88、In the U.S. alone, four million babies are screened annually for genetic diseases, cancer predisposition, and paternity. ─── 在美国,每年就有400万名婴儿作基因检测,检查遗传疾

89、Selecting of STR Markers and calculating of PI Value for Paternity Test ─── 单亲鉴定案例STR选择探讨和PI值计算方法评价

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