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08-21 投稿


designing 发音

英:[d??za?n??]  美:[d??za?n??]

英:  美:

designing 中文意思翻译





designing 网络释义

adj. 有计划的;狡猾的n. 设计;阴谋v. 计划;企图(design的现在分词)

designing 短语词组

1、designing houses ─── 设计公司

2、designing is half the fun ─── 设计是乐趣的一半

3、re-designing (re-design ─── 的现在分词) 再设计

4、clothes designing ─── 服装设计

5、designing office ─── 设计科

6、engineering and designing expense ─── [经] 工程和设计费用

7、petrochemical designing institute ─── [化] 石油化工设计院

8、designing leadership ─── 设计领导力

9、designing dresses ─── 设计连衣裙

10、designing homes ─── 设计住宅

11、designing engineer ─── [化] 设计工程师

12、designing clothes ─── 设计服装

13、designing institute ─── 设计院

14、designing load ─── [化] 设计荷载

15、system designing ─── [经] 设计制度

16、designing a public building ─── 设计公共建筑

17、designing a curriculum ─── 设计课程

18、designing capacity ─── 设计能力; ─── 设计容量; ─── 设计功率; ─── 设计通行能力

19、designing apps ─── 设计应用程序

designing 词性/词形变化,designing变形

副词: designingly |

designing 常用词组

designing institute ─── n. 设计院

dress designing ─── 服装设计

costume designing ─── 服装设计

designing 相似词语短语

1、deigning ─── vi.屈尊;vt.赐予

2、resigning ─── 辞职;使屈从

3、deraigning ─── vt.部署军队;解决争端

4、designingly ─── 设计

5、redesigning ─── v.重新设计,重新规划(redesign的现在分词)

6、re-signing ─── 辞职;使屈从

7、designating ─── 标明

8、codesigning ─── 代码设计

9、undesigning ─── adj.直爽的

designing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、New Century Graphic Designing Co., Ltd. ─── 创新世纪图文设计印刷有限公司。

2、We are designing the packaging paper for candy. ─── 我们在设计糖果纸。

3、The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee. ─── 宏伟计划达到口头上的高潮。

4、Nokia engineers found a way around that problem by designing a flat, plate-like antenna that could hide inside the body of a cell phone. ─── 诺基亚的工程师找到了解决问题的方式(设计了可以藏在手机机身里的天线)。

5、They fastened exclusively on the dynamo of the latest design. ─── 他们的注意力完全集中在最新式的发电机上。

6、The full range of type of the same design. ─── 同一种图案的铅字的全范围

7、In system development, the realization of a system design in hardware, software, or both. ─── 在系统开发过程中,用硬件、软件或其两者对一个系统设计的具体实现。

8、She attended a school of dress design. ─── 她就读於一所服装设计学校。

9、His business skill complement her flair for design. ─── 他的生意经与她对设计的鉴赏力相得益彰。

10、The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, usually custom-made clothing for women. ─── 女式服装业设计、制作并销售非常时髦的通常是定作的女式服装的行业

11、Experience with designing and selecting fixture. ─── 合理选择或设计工装夹具。

12、He has won a prize for excellence in furniture design. ─── 他赢得了家俱设计优胜奖。

13、PLD is an effective method of ASIC designing. ─── 可编程逻辑器件PLD成为专用集成电路ASIC芯片设计的一个有效的方法。

14、We will than start designing the store layout. ─── 之后,我们将开始为您设计店面。

15、TIME: How did you get started designing games? ─── 你是如何开始自己的游戏设计生涯的呢?

16、Maybe we could start with the Designing Department. ─── 也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门。

17、On balance, dress designing appeals to me more. ─── 总的说来,服装设计对我更有吸引力。

18、We marveled at the closeness of the design. ─── 我们为设计的严密而惊叹。

19、Hair embroidery starts with motif designing. ─── 嘉宾:发绣从打样设计开始。

20、They rejigged their original design drawing. ─── 他们将原来的设计图纸进行了修改。

21、He did it whether by accident or design. ─── 不知道他是偶然还是有意做了这件事。

22、A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design. ─── 四轮马车带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧


24、He chicaned every detail of the design. ─── 他对设计的每一细节都加以挑剔。

25、Art designing alone is taking up a lot of my time. ─── 光是美工就花了我不少时间。

26、The temple has been considered an example of classic design. ─── 人们认为这座神庙是古典式设计的范例。

27、Color is an important element of website designing. ─── 在网站的设计过程中颜色是重要的元素之一。

28、Do you have any experience in newspaper designing ? ─── 您有编报纸的经验吗?

29、The brand of company is under designing. ─── 公司商标正在设计中.

30、He loves designing a computer programs. ─── 他喜欢设计计算机程序。

31、He showed us his new design with much flourish. ─── 他炫耀地向我们展示他的新设计。

32、She is good at designing eye-catching packages. ─── 她擅长设计花俏的包装。

33、The bedcover was quilted in a flower design. ─── 床罩被缝成花卉图案。

34、What Art Designing is after "Post- Modern"? ─── "后现代"之后的艺术设计是什么?

35、They refined their original design. ─── 他们改进了他们原来的设计。

36、Work hard, put some beef into the design. ─── 努力吧!在这个设计上加把劲。

37、She specialized in interior design. ─── 她专门从事室内设计。

38、The interior design is very creative and artistic. ─── 室内设计非常独特,有艺术水准。

39、We had to slightly modify the original design. ─── 我们不得不对原来的设计稍加修改。

40、Maybe we could start with the Designing deparment . ─── 也许我们可以参观一下设计部门。

41、Are you capable of designing a bridge for the city? ─── 你能为这个城市设计一座桥梁吗?

42、The basic design of the Mini has held good for more than twenty-five years. ─── 微型汽车的基本设计已经适用了25年以上。

43、Application of biological principles to the study and design of engineering systems, especially electronic systems. ─── 仿生学应用有关生物学原理对工程系统的研究与设计,尤指电子学系统

44、He has secured two commissions to design buildings for a local authority. ─── 他已承包两项为当地政府设计建筑物的业务。

45、Its spaceship was engineered by Bert Rutan, renowned for designing the Voyager. ─── 它的飞船由伯特·鲁坦设计建造,此人因设计“旅行者”号飞船而闻名。

46、Not having completed the design of this device in last month, I am very sorry. ─── 上个月没有完成这台装置的设计,我很抱歉。

47、Mosaic a design on a rosewood box. ─── 将一个图案嵌入红木盒子上。

48、The overall design of an epic poem. ─── 一首史诗的总体方案

49、We are designing a system for loans in a library. ─── 我们为正在设计一个图书馆借书系统。

50、A figure or design carved into or beneath the surface of hard metal or stone. ─── 凹雕; 阴文刻在坚硬的金属或石头表面上的图形或图案

51、A fine powder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface. ─── 印花粉撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉

52、His design, for the most part, correspond with the actual needs. ─── 他的设计绝大多数情况下都符合实际需要。

53、He chalked out a design on the blackboard. ─── 他用粉笔在黑板上勾划出一个图样。

54、He chalked out a rough sketch of the design . ─── 他绘制了设计草图。

55、In Britain, the Design Council gives awards for good industrial design. ─── 在英国,设计委员会给优秀的工业产品设计颁奖。

56、By 1955, IKEA was designing all its own furniture. ─── 到了1955年,宜家家具已经自行设计所有的家具。

57、You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron. ─── 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。

58、Johnson's Design is a big partnership. ─── 强森设计是一个大型合资公司。

59、They are designing a new jet-liner. ─── 他们在设计一种新型的喷气客机。

60、He had spent much of his time designing buildings that no one had asked him to design. Many of these designs were never built. ─── 他一直把时间花在设计没人要求他去设计的建筑物上,这些设计大部分都从未兴建。

61、She has received many commissions to design public buildings. ─── 她接受多项委托,设计公共建筑。

62、Engineers try to design new nuclear power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. ─── 工程师们试图设计新的核电厂以尽量减少对环境的危害。

63、His business skill complements her flair for design. ─── 他的经营技巧和她的设计才能相辅相成。

64、In printing, a complete range of design variants of a particular typeface. ─── 在印刷技术中,一整套不同设计的特殊字样。

65、Revision is a fact of life in design. ─── 修改并再修改,这是设计生活中的现实。

66、Be careful, don't buy a schlock car with a pretty design. ─── 小心,不要买品质差造型美的车。

67、Embroider a design on a bedspread. ─── 在床单上绣出一个图案

68、He knew very little about the philosophy of aircraft designing. ─── 他对飞机设计原理知之甚少。

69、The results have implications for designing policies to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents, he said. ─── 他表示,这些结果对于制定相关政策,防止性病在青少年之间传播具有重要意义。

70、They have a design for a rich, full life. ─── 他们计划过富有意义的生活。

71、A tool for stamping a design on a surface. ─── 压印器一种在表面上打印出图案的工具

72、His design took the first prize. ─── 他的设计得头等奖。

73、In closing, I hope to have provided enough information for you to start using UML when designing your own portal applications. ─── 最后,我希望已经为您提供了足够信息,使您可以在设计自己的门户应用程序时开始使用UML。

74、NET has done a bang-up job of designing its products with service in mind. ─── NET设计产品时考虑到了服务,做得很棒。

75、He also says that the team was able to shave a off a bit of the initial startup time by designing a more efficient first run page. ─── 他还说自己所在团队通过设计一个更高效的首次运行页面,节省了一定的初始启动时间。

76、He rival the best in stage designing. ─── 在舞台设计方面他堪称第一。

77、How people design computer games is beyond me. ─── 我不明白电脑游戏是怎麽设计的。

78、They have nothing to do with the design of thermonuclear warhead. ─── 他们]与热核武器弹头的设计毫无关系。

79、He assisted in designing the new bridge. ─── 他协助设计那条新桥。

80、Mike is responsible for designing the entire project. ─── 迈克负责设计全部工程。

81、Did you take out a patent on your design? ─── 你是否取得一项设计的专利?

82、Creating and designing websites is above my bend. ─── 创建和设计网页是我力所不能及的。

83、Do you have the same design in red? ─── 同样图案的你们有红颜色的吗?

84、I don't know whether they did it by accident or by design. ─── 我不知道他们这样做是偶然的,还是故意的。

85、Don't expect him to approve of your design straight away. ─── 别指望他能立即支持/接受你的设计方案。

86、He participated in the design of the big bridge. ─── 他参与了那座大桥的设计。

87、This method can be implemented in a derived class to customize the initialization of the component that this designer is designing. ─── 此方法可以在派生类中实现,以自定义此设计器所设计的组件的初始化。

88、Any network design must satisfy the above laws. ─── 任何网路设计必须符合上述规律。

89、Do you approve of the new design? ─── 您赞成这种新设计吗?


Dear secretary general,

I am very glad to see your information about the robot competition to be held in our city. Now I am writing to you to apply for the position of volunteer participating in the competition. When I was very young, I showed great interest in playing robot toys.

As I grew older, I became more and more curious and interested in robots. I was very fascinated with robots. I spent all my spare time making and designing some model robots.

Some of them won prizes in invention competitions held by our school or other departments in our city They are proud. I am studying in a middle school in our city. During the summer vacation, I can spare some time to provide some services for the competition.

On the other hand, if I have the chance to participate in the competition, I can enrich my experience and knowledge in robot design

Yours Lihua

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