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09-05 投稿


angostura 发音

英:[[???ɡ?'stj??r?]]  美:[[???ɡ?'st?r?]]

英:  美:

angostura 中文意思翻译



angostura 相似词语短语

1、angophora ─── n.杯果木属

2、angostura bark ─── 安古斯图拉树皮

3、angophoras ─── 安哥拉

4、angostura barks ─── 安古斯图拉树皮

5、angora ─── n.安哥拉;安哥拉山羊;安哥拉猫;安哥拉呢

6、mangostans ─── 山竹

7、angiosperm ─── n.[植]被子植物

8、langostino ─── n.(挪威)海螯虾

9、Angostura ─── n.安古斯图拉树皮(一种芳香、味苦的树皮,可用作退热药和滋补剂)

angostura 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I see. Our cocktail of the week is champagne cocktail. It's made with champagne,brandy,angostura bitters and sugar. ─── 我知道了。我向您推荐本周的特色鸡尾香槟鸡尾酒,这酒是由香槟、白兰地、苦味酒和糖调制而成的。

2、angostura extract ─── 安古树浸提物

3、Like most sours, fizzes and Collinses, many add either some raw egg white (which creates a nice foamy head on the cocktail when shaken) or some bitters such as Angostura or orange bitters, to taste. ─── 像许多的酸,菲士和科林斯,大部分都会加一只生鸡蛋(摇合时会在鸡尾酒杯口产生丰富的泡沫.或是加一些奥古斯图拉苦精或橘子苦精增加口感.

4、angostura bark ─── 安果斯图拉树皮

5、angostura oil ─── 安果斯都拉树油

6、Coccygidium angostura ─── n. 窄腹褐径茧蜂

7、A cow is covered by ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano in Villa La Angostura in southern Argentina, Thursday June 16, 2011. ─── 牛是从智利的普耶韦蓝带Caulle火山在阿根廷南部的LaAngostura的别墅,6月16日(星期四),2011年灰覆盖。

8、Mix sugar with Angostura and a splash of soda. Stir. Add ice and alcohol and stir. Garnish with an orange zest. ─── 混合糖和苦精加少许苏打,加冰和白酒搅合,饰以橘子皮。

9、Pour the lime cordial into the bottom of the glass,and shake in the Angostura to taste.Add a few decorative ice cubes to the glass,if likde. ─── 莱姆汁(lime cordial:一为无酒精莱姆糖浆,二为莱姆汁加糖常用于鸡尾酒)入瓶底,入奥古斯图拉苦味酒及冰块摇匀入杯。

10、6.I see.Our cocktail of the week is champagne cocktail.It's made with champagne, brandy, angostura bitters and sugar. ─── 知道了,我向您推荐本周的特色鸡尾香槟鸡尾酒,这酒是由香槟、白兰地、苦味酒和糖调制而成的。

11、angostura tincture ─── 安古树酊

12、"Brucine is extracted from the false angostura [1] is it not?" ─── “木鳖精是从番木鳖的皮和果实中提炼出来的那种东西对吗?”

13、According to reports, these illegal immigrants aboard two trucks in Tuxtla - angostura intercepted by the police on the highway. ─── 据报道,这些非法移民所搭乘的两辆卡车是在图斯特拉-安戈斯图拉公路上被警方截获的。

14、angostura bark oil ─── 安古树皮油

15、Garnish with mint sprig, dash of Angostura® Orange Bitters, and a stalk of sugarcane (optional). ─── 饰以薄荷枝,少量奥古斯图拉苦酒,橘子苦酒和少量蔗糖(可选)

16、Rum Silver Dry, Angostura, Mint, Sugar, Soda Water ─── 配料:混血姑娘朗姆酒。苦艾酒,薄荷,糖,苏打水

17、angostura alkaloids ─── 安哥斯吐那生物碱类

18、Put one drop of Angostura Bitter on sugar cube and drop in flute. Add champagne and splash of Campari. ─── 方糖及苦精入笛形杯,加入香槟及金巴利。

19、Put one drop of Angostura Bitter on sugar cube and drop in flute. Add champagne and splash of Campari. ─── 方糖及苦精入笛形杯,加入香槟及金巴利。

20、Next place an Absinthe spoon with a sugar cube, then add ANGOSTURA BITTERS on top of the sugar. ─── 然后放入一个装有方糖的苦艾酒勺,接着在糖上面放苦精力娇酒。

21、cow is covered by ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano in Villa la Angostura in southern Argentina, Thursday June 16, 2011. ─── 牛是从智利的普耶韦蓝带Caulle火山在阿根廷南部的La Angostura的别墅,6月16日(星期四),2011年灰覆盖。

22、Pink gin ;drink of gin flavoured(and coloured slightly pink)with angostura bitters ─── 苦味杜松子酒(含安古苦味汁,略呈粉红色).

23、angostura bitters ─── 安古斯图腊树苦补药

24、angostura (bark) ─── n. 安古斯图腊(树)皮

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