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09-12 投稿


antiquaries 发音


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antiquaries 短语词组

1、antiquaries journal ─── 古文志

2、antiquaries meaning ─── 古文义

3、antiquaries define ─── 古董定义

4、antiquaries archaeology definition ─── 古物考 ─── 古定义

antiquaries 词性/词形变化,antiquaries变形

名词复数: antiquaries |

antiquaries 相似词语短语

1、antiquarks ─── n.[核]反夸克

2、antiquary ─── n.古文物研究者,古董商人,收集古文物者

3、anticaries ─── 防龋

4、actuaries ─── n.精算师;[保险]保险计算员(actuary的复数形式)

5、antiquarians ─── adj.古文物研究的;古文物的;n.古文物研究者;[古]古文物收藏家

6、antiquates ─── v.废弃,使……过时;使……具有古旧形式或风格

7、antiquarian ─── adj.古文物研究的;古文物的;n.古文物研究者;[古]古文物收藏家

8、antiquark ─── n.[核]反夸克

9、antiquities ─── n.古代史(书名);古文明之战(游戏名)

antiquaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、of or relating to antiquaries or to the study or collecting of antiquities ─── 古文物的古文物的、古文物研究的或古文物收藏的,或有关的

2、Indeed, by 1920, some fellows of the Society of Antiquaries of London (SAL), thought it essential. ─── 实际上,1920年之前,伦敦古文物学会的一些成员就认为必须这样做。

3、The best antiquaries have now confuted Homer. ─── 最好的考古学者已经将荷马驳倒了。

4、"People were in a state of distress, if I can put it as politely as that, when they came to the Stonehenge monument," Darvill told journalists assembled at London's Society of Antiquaries. ─── 达维尔告诉聚集在伦敦古物学会的记者们说:“人们当时处在一种痛苦的状态,如果我可以客气地这么说的话,来到巨石阵。”

5、The best antiquaries have now confuted Homer ─── 最好的考古学者已经将荷马驳倒了。

6、In 1860 John Yonge Akerman, acting as secretary to the Society of Antiquaries presented a report on the history of bayonets. ─── 1860年,在伦敦古文物协会担任秘书的约翰·扬·阿克曼提交了一份关于刺刀历史的报告。

7、After presenting his report Akerman promptly resigned his position as secretary of the Society of Antiquaries claiming ill health. ─── 在呈交了他的这份报告后,阿克曼便立即称病,辞去了自己古文物协会秘书的职位。

8、File photo dated 31/3/2008 of Professor Tim Darvill (right) and Professor Geoff Wain-wright of the Society of Antiquaries begin excavating the stone circle of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. ─── 9月22日,英国两位考古学家称,英国史前巨石阵曾是一个具有治疗作用的康复中心,吸引着史前欧洲的病人,最早的石头源自公元前2300年。

9、"We found several reasons to believe that the stones were built as part of a belief in a healing process," Wainwright told journalists assembled at London's Society of Antiquaries. ─── “我们有理由相信巨石阵的建造为了是某种让身体康复的信念,"杰夫里教授在伦敦考古协会对采访的记者说。

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