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remonstrance 发音

英:[r?'m?nstr(?)ns]  美:[r?'mɑnstr?ns]

英:  美:

remonstrance 中文意思翻译



remonstrance 词性/词形变化,remonstrance变形

动词过去式: remonetized |动词过去分词: remonetized |名词: remonetization |动词现在分词: remonetizing |动词第三人称单数: remonetizes |

remonstrance 短语词组

1、remonstrance pdf ─── 抗议pdf

2、remonstrance can help ─── 规劝会有帮助

3、say in remonstrance that... ─── 抗议说...

4、remonstrance wiki ─── 谏言维基

5、remonstrance means ─── 谏言意味着

6、remonstrance can help a man to ─── 规劝可以帮助一个人

7、remonstrance text ─── 谏言文

8、remonstrance gd ─── 规劝

9、remonstrance 1610 ─── 抗议1610

10、remonstrance can ─── 劝诫可以

remonstrance 习惯用语

1、say in remonstrance that ─── 抗议说...

2、make remonstrance with sb. against [on] his ... ─── 对某人...的抗议[劝告]

remonstrance 相似词语短语

1、remonstrances ─── n.抗议;规劝;谏书

2、Remonstrance ─── n.抗议;规劝;谏书

3、monstrance ─── n.圣体匣

4、demonstrable ─── adj.可论证的;显而易见的

5、remonstrants ─── adj.抗议的;反对的;忠告的;n.抗议者;忠告者

6、remonstrantly ─── 谏言

7、remonstrative ─── adj.抗议的;忠告的

8、remonstrate ─── vt.责备,告诫;抗议;表示异议;vi.抗议,反对;进谏;告诫

9、remonstrant ─── adj.抗议的;反对的;忠告的;n.抗议者;忠告者

remonstrance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3. Minnie remembered Hanson's remonstrance . ─── 敏妮想起了汉生的告诫。

2、22. Mercedes continually fluttered in the way of her men and kept up an unbroken chattering of remonstrance and advice. ─── 美茜子不断对男人拍手跺脚,絮絮叨叨地抱怨,提建议。

3、If we can accept others' remonstrance, we are both virtuous and tolerant. ─── 如果我们能接受规劝,那就是有德有量。

4、20. Sometimes Madame Magloire essayed a remonstrance in advance, but never at the time, nor afterwards. ─── 马格洛大娘有时试着在事先劝劝,但从不在事情进行时或事后多话。

5、ended, the Duke was obliged to ride forward, and make remonstrance. ─── 结束的时候,公爵不得不骑马上前,作出提醒。

6、remonstrance:An expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, especially a formal statement of grievances. ─── 当然是用来抗议或者冒犯权威或者这一类的东西。

7、To her amazement, he spoke not a word of remonstrance. ─── 让她吃惊的是,他没有一句抱怨。

8、Her breathing became lighter as the girl saw the success of her remonstrance. ─── 那姑娘看到自己的劝说已经成功,心也宽了些。

9、She had abandoned all attempts at remonstrance with Thomas. ─── 她已经放弃了一切劝戒托马斯的尝试。

10、The Mother tried in vain, and submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child. ─── 螃蟹妈妈试了试,可只是徒然,她对儿子的责难没话可说了。

11、He was so much too big for Tellson's, that old clerks in distant corners looked up with looks of remonstrance , as though he squeezed them against the wall. ─── 他在台尔森银行也是显得太大,连远处角落里的老行员们也都抬起了头,露出抗议的神态,仿佛被他挤到墙边去了。

12、M. Morrel felt that further resistance or remonstrance was useless ─── 莫雷尔先生觉得此事辩也是没用的。

13、This time India has shown admirable forbearance.There has been remonstrance but no sabre-rattling. ─── 那次印度已表现了令人钦佩的忍耐力,双方一直抗议,但并没有剑拔弩张。

14、There has been remonstrance but no sabre-rattling. ─── 尽管抗议之声不绝于耳,但没有发生武力威慑行为。

15、In general, the enigmatic language is classified into three types, which are respectively code, intelligence measurement and obscure remonstrance. ─── 所以隐语是隐去本事而假以他辞来暗示的语言。

16、say in remonstrance that ─── 抗议说 ...

17、5. Mr. Abel needed no more remonstrance or persuasion. ─── 阿伯尔少爷再不需要什么劝告或说服了。

18、I eschewed upbraiding, I curtailed remonstrance. ─── 我避免责备,少作规劝。

19、Sometimes Madame Magloire essayed a remonstrance in advance, ─── 马格洛大娘有时试着在事先劝劝,

20、Remonstrance is the obscure language which was used by courtiers to recommend their own thoughts and ideas in the past. ─── 还是自己的生活或是那些挥之不去的记忆碎片?

21、To save herself from useless remonstrance, Mrs. Price never wrote to her family on the subject till actually married. ─── 为了免得听些无益的劝诫,普莱斯太太在结婚之前从未给家里人写信谈论此事。

22、9. Her breathing became lighter as the girl saw the success of her remonstrance . ─── 那姑娘看到自己的劝说已经成功,心也宽了些。

23、Passepartout, desirous of respecting the gentleman whom he served, ventured a mild remonstrance on such conduct;which, being ill-received, he took his leave.Hearing that Mr. ─── 路路通倒是也想尊重他的主人,所以对于主人的这种作法他采取了温和的劝说,结果惹怒了他的主人,之后他也就离开了。

24、15. Passepartout, desirous of respecting the gentleman whom he served, ventured a mild remonstrance on such conduct; ─── 路路通为了不失对主人的尊敬,曾经冒险向爵士老爷恭恭敬敬地提了些很有分寸的意见。

25、All secret and the military generals to discuss the situation in general, Fen Consequently arm said: "as a last resort, we must implement soldiers remonstrance!" ─── 将军秘密与军队诸将领商讨局势,扼腕奋臂曰:“万不得已时,我们要实行兵谏!”

26、persist against sb's remonstrance ─── 坚持不听某人的规劝

27、He was too much absorbed in his own thoughts to give any immediate answer to my remonstrance. ─── 他全神贯注地沉思,没有即刻回答我的抗议。

28、Twenty four bours' notice is the absolute most polite time frame for cancellation without remonstrance. ─── 提前24小时通知对方取消约会是绝对的最礼貌的做法,不会引起任何抗议。

29、The researchers say this is a first study to remonstrance a link between midriffs belly fat and the risk of dementia. ─── 新的研究提供了更多的证据证实腹部较大的人比其他肥胖患者面临更大的健康风险。

30、"Mandarin" as "such a language" class historical documents, records of the 35 paragraphs remonstrance speech. ─── 《国语》作为这样一部“语”类史料文献,记载了三十五段谏辞。

31、her mother's, too, with the look of heedful and anxious love which it always wore in her remembrance, and which, even since her death, had so often laid the impediment of a gentle remonstrance in her daughter's pathway. ─── 她也看到了她母亲的面容,那种无微不至和牵肠挂肚的爱的表情,时时在她脑海中索绕,即使在母亲去世之后,仍在女儿的人生道路上经常留下温馨怀念的告诫。

32、armed remonstrance ─── 兵谏

33、I made remonstrance against his rudeness ─── 我对他的粗暴提出抗议。

34、the remonstrance system ─── 言谏制度

35、Mrs. Peniston was at the moment inaccessible to remonstrance. ─── 目前彭尼斯顿太太没功夫听她告状。

36、His indifference to fire was sufficiently remarkable to elicit a word of remonstrance from Mr. Lorry; his boot was still upon the hot embers of the flaming log, when it had broken under the weight of his foot. ─── 他对那火的满不在乎的神态很奇特,罗瑞先生急忙警告他,此刻燃烧的柴块虽已被脚踩碎,靴子却还踏在炽热的炭火上。

37、23. Censors and Remonstrators of Tang Dynasty were perfect, the Censorate was the "spy" of emperor, remonstrance official was the "voice" of minister. ─── 唐朝台谏制度完善,御史台作为皇帝的“耳目”,而谏官作为百官的“喉舌”,充分发挥了监察制度的作用。

38、Pragmatic Tactics of Satire and Remonstrance in Ancient China and Rhetoric Recognition ─── 古代讽谏的语用策略和修辞认知

39、The softness of her voice added to the weight of her remonstrance, by lending to the latter an air of purity and truth. ─── 她声音婉转柔和,使她的谴责显得那么真诚单纯,从而更增加了她谴责的力量。

40、However, the representative of the Queen Mother is the right to oppose zhu chu eunuch Ho, Ho Jin called Quartet fervent Hero people in Beijing, in order to coerce soldiers remonstrance empress. ─── 但是代表是权的何太后反对诛除宦官,何进召四方猛将豪杰人京,以兵谏胁迫太后。

41、A Study of the Relation between the Armed Remonstrance and the Constirutionalists in ─── 试论辛亥滦州兵谏与立宪派之关系

42、The mother crab tried in vain, then submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child. ─── 螃蟹母亲徒劳无工,对于它孩子的反驳没有任何劝戒的投诚了。

43、He was too much absorbed in his own thoughts to give any immediate answer to my remonstrance. ─── 他全神贯注地沉思,没有即刻回答我的抗议。

44、The softness of her voice added to the weight of her remonstrance, by lending to the latter an air of purity and truth. ─── 她声音婉转柔和,使她的谴责显得那么真诚单纯,从而更增加了她谴责的力量。

45、The Relation between Empresses and Imperial Concubines Remonstrance and Clear and Bright Politics at the Beginning of the Tang Dynasty ─── 唐初后妃进谏与政治清明的关系

46、Minnie remembered Hanson's remonstrance. ─── 敏妮想起了汉生的告诫。

47、satire and remonstrance ─── 讽谏

48、The mother crab tried in vain, then submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child. ─── 螃蟹母亲徒劳无工,对于它孩子的反驳没有任何劝戒的投诚了。

49、We have mentioned her severe “remonstrance” when Isabel stays with Lord Warburton and Ralph until ten o’clock at night. ─── 我们提到了她严重的“抗议”当伊莎贝尔保持勋爵王柏桐和拉尔夫,直到晚上十点钟。

50、10. I eschewed upbraiding, I curtailed remonstrance . ─── 我避免责备,少作规劝。

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