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08-21 投稿


conjugation 发音

英:[k?nd??'ge??(?)n]  美:[,kɑnd??'ɡe??n]

英:  美:

conjugation 中文意思翻译



conjugation 短语词组

1、conjugation energy ─── [化] 共轭能

2、quasi-conjugation ─── [化] 超共轭效应; 似共轭效应

3、partial conjugation ─── [医] 局部接合

4、charge conjugation ─── 电荷共轭

5、isovalent conjugation ─── [机] 等价共轭

6、parallel conjugation ─── [医] 平行接合

7、hetero conjugation ─── [化] 复共轭

8、crossed conjugation ─── [建] 横交共轭

9、nuclear conjugation ─── [医] 胞核接合

10、hyper conjugation ─── [化] 超共轭效应; 似共轭效应

11、conjugation agent ─── 接合剂

12、competitive conjugation ─── 竞争联会

13、chromosome conjugation ─── 染色体接合

14、p-pi-conjugation ─── [化] p-π共轭作用

15、cell conjugation ─── 细胞接合

16、conjugation compound ─── 共轭化合物

17、cross conjugation ─── [化] 交叉共轭

18、total conjugation ─── [医] 全接合

19、cytoplasmic conjugation ─── [医] 胞质接合

conjugation 词性/词形变化,conjugation变形

副词: conjugationally |形容词: conjugational |

conjugation 相似词语短语

1、conjugational ─── 结合的

2、conjurations ─── n.魔法;祈祷;咒语

3、conjugations ─── n.结合,配合;动词的词形变化

4、conjugator ─── 共轭器

5、confutation ─── n.驳斥;驳倒

6、conjugating ─── v.列举(动词的)词形变化;结合;使成对;使共轭;adj.共轭的;结合的;n.结合物;共轭物;偶联物

7、conjugative ─── 共轭的,缀合的(conjugate的变体);成对的(conjugate的变体)

8、conjunction ─── n.结合;[语]连接词;同时发生

9、conjuration ─── n.魔法;祈祷;咒语

conjugation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In S. coelicolor, the rapid increase of SCP2? plasmid conjugation efficiency and that of plasmid homologous recombination efficiency associates with development of aerial mycelium. ─── 在天蓝色链霉菌中,SCP2质粒接合转移频率的快增长,SCP2质粒介导的质粒同源性重组频率的快增长与气生菌丝的形成同步。

2、Application of Conjugation Principles in the Design of Roll Forging Dies ─── 共轭原理在辊锻模具设计中的应用

3、An important parameter characterizing phase conjugation technology used in the powerful laser system is the phase conjugation fidelity. ─── 相位共轭保真度是相位共轭镜技术用于强激光系统中的一个重要指标。

4、Keywords Conjugation effect;Morokuma energy partition;Orbital interaction;Fragment molecular orbitals; ─── 共轭效应;作用能分解法;轨道作用;片断轨道基组;

5、Keywords integrons;antibiotic resistance;Escherichia coli;Healthy human;Plamid conjugation; ─── 关键词整合子;耐药性;大肠埃希菌;健康人;质粒接合;


7、Conjugation exists widely from microscopic to macroscopic world, from inorganic universe to organic universe and from biological universe to human society. ─── 从微观到宏观,从无机到有机,从生物界到人类社会,共轭关系广泛存在。

8、532 nm CW Laser Beam Self-pumped Phase Conjugation Induced by a Photorefractive Waveguide in Ce doped KNSBN Crystal ─── Cu:KNSBN晶体中光折变波导诱导532nm连续光自泵浦相位共轭

9、Synthesis and identification of the conjugation of nonylphenol and ovalbumin ─── 壬基酚与卵清蛋白的结合与鉴定

10、Based on the geometry characteristics of Bertrand surfaces, the complicated surface conjugation issue can be discussed with their directrix line. ─── 基于白川德曲面的几何特征,将复杂的曲面共轭问题归结到准线上来讨论。

11、These phenomena are attributed to the degree of molecular conjugation, which have been explained in this paper. ─── 上述极富规律的荧光现象对于希夫碱及配合物表征具有一定借鉴意义。

12、Nanoparticles and DNA conjugation have been used widely in drug delivery, gene therapy and gene transfection. ─── 奈米颗粒与DNA的结合有广泛的用途,如药物投递、基因治疗、基因转染等。

13、Suppression of pulse impairments due to cross-phase modulation by frequency domain phase conjugation ─── 基于频域相位共轭技术的交叉相位调制所致失真的复原

14、The appropriate aptamer-linked nanoparticle aggregates are placed on the conjugation pad, streptavidin is applied as a thin line to the membrane pad, and the device is then dried. ─── 再次结合了水的聚集体接着会迁移到膜的边界,但是他们因为尺寸比较大而无法穿透次膜。

15、The electrostrictive force induced by beam interference can drive the acoustic wave,and enhance the stabillty of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) phase conjugation fidelity. ─── 光束相干引起的电致伸缩能驱动声子波,从而能加强受激布里渊散射(SBS),提高相位共轭保真度稳定性。

16、Competition between Stimulated Thermal and Brillouin Scattering and Its Phase Conjugation Characteristic ─── 受激热散射与布里渊散射的竞争及其共轭特性


18、Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing and Phase Conjugation in Nile Blue etc. ─── Nile Blue等染料中的简并四波混频和位相复共轭特性

19、Recently,much attention has been paid to the development of photorefractive materials for theirpotential applications in optical data storage,image processing and phase conjugation. ─── 光折变材料研究是当今非线性光学学科的一个重要领域和研究热点。

20、either of a pair of organisms,cells,or gametes undergoing conjugation ─── 一对经过结合的生物体、细胞或配子之一

21、But you guessed it;the third conjugation has to throw a monkey wrench into this pattern to make it more complicated. ─── 不过就像你已经猜到的,第三类动词变化阻挠了这个模式的运作并使其更加复杂。

22、A simpl and efficient method to test the conjugation ratio for clenbuterol to protein ─── 克伦特罗小分子半抗原偶联率的测定方法研究

23、a verb with an irregular conjugation ─── 不规则动词

24、Conjugation allows bacteria to acquire genes for antibiotic resistance, novel virulence attributes, and alternative metabolic pathways. ─── 细菌可以通过结合作用获得抗性,致病性和改变代谢途径。

25、Transformation, conjugation, and transduction are the main forms of horizontal gene transfer in prokaryotes, but no clear clue was related with the mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotes. ─── 原核生物基因水平转移的主要方式有转化、接合和转导, 真核生物中水平转移发生方式尚不清楚。基因水平转移在基因、基因组和生物进化中有着其独特的作用。

26、Keywords 1;2;4;5-tetrazine;crystal structure;conjugation;twisted conformation; ─── 四嗪;晶体结构;共轭;扭式构象;

27、The tissue slice of sheep kidney in conjugation with ammonia gas sensing probes yields a sheep kidney tissue based membrane electrode with a high selectivity for D-amino acids. ─── 将羊肾切片组织配合氨气敏电极可制成对D-氨基酸具有高选择性的羊肾组织膜电极。

28、conjugation of microcoenosium ─── 小群落共轭性

29、In optical phase conjugation principle, in-depth briefings on the phase conjugation of principle, as well as phase-conjugate wave that wavefront distortion of the physical process of argumentation. ─── 在光学相位共轭的原理方面,深入介绍了相位共轭的原理,并对相位共轭波修正波前畸变的物理过程进行了论证。

30、The optimal conjugation ratios of immunogen and coating antigen were 13 and 10. ─── 人工免疫原及包被原的最适结合比为13和10。

31、Reproduction by the fusion or conjugation of isogametes, as in certain algae and fungi. ─── 同配生殖由同形配子的混合或接合而发生的生殖,如在海藻和真菌中进行的生殖


33、In the two sides of nitrogen bridge, the degree of conjugation of one double bond with one formyl polyenic group is about equal to two aromatic cycles. ─── 在氮桥的二边,一个双键及一个烯醛基共轭程度大致与二个芳稠环相当。

34、Compensation of Waveform Distortion by Usint Optical Phase Conjugation ─── 利用相位共轭技术补偿光纤传输信号的失真

35、The phase conjugate reflectivity of four-wave mixing was measured to be higher than 900%;The temperature enhancement of phase conjugation was studied. ─── 它的四波混频相位共轭反射率高达900%以上,且具有相位共轭波温度增强效应。

36、The influence of the incident position on bird-wing phase conjugation propertie ─── 入射位置对鸟翼式互抽运相位共轭特性的影响

37、Glutathione or Mercapturic Acid Conjugation ─── 六、谷胱甘肽或巯基尿酸结合

38、The spatial correction capability of AO system can be improved by two or more combinational-DMs (CDMs) with conjugation relationship. ─── 具有光学共轭关系的两个或更多的组合的变形镜可以用来提高自适应光学系统的空间校正能力。

39、English has no tones, and gets by with conjugation as simple as I walk, you walk, he walks. ─── 英语则没有音调,仅使用简单的词形变化,如Iwalk、youwalk和hewalks。

40、six year old child ever heard of a conjugation? ─── 六岁的儿童何时听说过连词?

41、reproducing(conjugation) probability density function ─── 再生(共轭)概率密度函数

42、Keywords the ground state dipole moment;ferrocenyl derivatives/polarity of molecule;conjugation chain; ─── 基态偶极矩;二茂铁衍生物/分子极性;共轭链;

43、English has no tones, and gets by with conjugation as simple as I walk, you walk, he walks. ─── 英语则没有音调,仅使用简单的词形变化,如i walk、you walk和he walks。

44、Therefore in the third conjugation, one would not have cuperi as one would expect, since that s what we do in the other conjugation.Instead, we have cupi =to be wanted . ─── 因此在第三类动词中,cuperi并未如预期一般出现,而以cupi(被想要)的形式出现。

45、It has no formal conjugation of verbs or inflections in gender and number. ─── 但是仔细琢磨一下,就会发现其不尽妥当之处。

46、The influence of polarization on the phase conjug ate light is analyzed.The gen eration ways of wavelength-shift and wavelength-shift-free phase conjugate li ght are summarized. ─── 偏振态对共轭光的影响及解决方法及产生有频移和无频移的相位共轭光的方式;

47、For all of these fluorophores, extended conjugation systems confer absorbance maxima in the visible spectrum. ─── 对于所有这些荧光,延长共轭系统授予在可见光谱吸收最大值。

48、Learning a foreign language often involves a lot of boring memorization and verb conjugation, except in South Korea where flying punches and killer kicks are part of the curriculum. ─── 学习一门外语,往往涉及很多无聊的记忆和动词 的变化 ,但在韩国除外,在那里拳打脚踢是外语课程的一部分。

49、Dear fiend, thank you for working in conjugation with my evaluation. Please fill this form after you see this advertisement. ─── 亲爱的朋友,感谢你配合我的调查,请在看过这个影片后填写下这个调查表。

50、Conjugation of SoaML Requests is indicated in Figure 4 by applying a tilde (~) appended to the name of a Request. ─── 图4中在请求名称中附加了一个波浪线(~),表明了SoaML请求的共轭关系。

51、The last part of the article treats of a set of problems in orthography. conjugation and ... ─── 3)本文最后一部分涉及用在当代德语中的英美词汇的拼写法,变位,变格等语法现象。

52、Organic Functional Materials Based on Cross-Shaped Conjugation Structures ─── 基于交叉共轭结构的功能材料

53、The same is true of the Chinese language. It has no formal conjugation of verbs or inflections in gender and number. ─── 汉语也是这样,没有动词形式的变化,也没有词性和数的变化。

54、Graphite all of the carbon atoms are in a big conjugation system, each layer has a film. ─── 在加热下,单质碳较易被酸氧化;在高温下,碳还能与许多金属反应,生成金属碳化物。

55、Dear fiend, thank you for working in conjugation with my evaluation. Please fill this form after you see this advertisement. ─── 亲爱的朋友,感谢你配合我的调查,请在看过这个影片后填写下这个调查表。

56、The rules for forming a passive in the third and fourth conjugation are basically the same as they were for the first and second conjugations.First and foremost, memorize the endings. ─── 今天首先我们要研究第三与第四类动词变化的被动式字尾。

57、complex conjugation operator ─── 复共轭算子


59、Keywords Klebsiella pneumoniae;Plasmid;Dissemination;Conjugation;Cefoxitin; ─── 关键词肺炎克雷伯菌;质粒;播散;接合;头孢西丁;

60、Keywords caffeoyl conjugation compound;endothelial cell;lysophosphatidylcholine;lactic dehydrogenase;anti oxidation; ─── 咖啡酰化合物;内皮细胞;溶血磷脂酰胆碱;乳酸脱氢酶;抗氧化;

61、Chen J. Optical Phase Conjugation and Its Applications ─── 光学相位共轭及其应用

62、Dear fiend, thank you for working in conjugation with my evaluation.Please fill this form after you see this advertisement. ─── 亲爱的朋友,感谢你配合我的调查,请在看过这个影片后填写下这个调查表。

63、The strengths increase and the maximal wavelengths of the absorptions decrease when the conjugation lengths are longer.This property is contrary to that of the classic molecules. ─── 在对这两分子的光吸收性质进行的理论研究中,发现增加共轭链长可使光吸收强度增大,且吸收波长变短,即与传统分子的光吸收性质不同。

64、It indicated that the coulombic repulsion in the former was lower than that in the latter, because a conjugation degree in the former was longer than in the latter. ─── 发现随着分子内共轭程度的增加,分子内的库仑斥力也随之降低。

65、The language also makes use of prefixes and suffixes, which act as subject markers, pronouns, prepositions, and the definite article.Verbs in Arabic are regular in conjugation. ─── 同其它闪米特语言一样,阿拉伯语的书写方式也是由右至左,阿拉伯语的文字还用语其它许多语言,比如波斯语,普什图语,乌尔都语和信德语。

66、mutually pumped phase conjugation ─── 互抽运相位共轭

67、Keywords Conjugation effect Reactivity GP epuation; ─── 共轭效应;反应活性;GP方程;

68、multimode functional complex conjugation even coherent state ─── 多模泛函复共轭偶相干态

69、DNA-magnetic bead conjugation ─── DNA-磁珠缀合物

70、The Controversy Over the Nature of Aromaticity and Conjugation ─── 共轭效应和芳香性本质的争论和它们的历史发展

71、Based on the conjugation theory of space curved surface,the vector relation of gear cutting is ensured. ─── 基于空间曲面共轭原理,确定齿轮切齿矢量关系,建立了螺旋锥齿轮的齿面矢量方程。

72、Keywords Nondegenerate four-wave mixing;Phase conjugation;Back reflection; ─── 关键词非简并四波混频;相位共轭;背向反射;

73、P hage induction following conjugation of a lysogenic bacterium with a nonlysogenic one. ─── 伴随着溶源菌与非溶源菌接合的噬菌体诱导。

74、of conjugation in the formation of complex was probably in the hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interaction. ─── 在复合物形成中主要的结合键可能是氢键,以及疏水性作用力。

75、Keywords Polysaccharides;Monoclonal antibody;Conjugation;Peptide mimotope; ─── 多糖;单克隆抗体;偶联物;拟糖肽;

76、Realization of double envelope and geometric properties of conjugation in singular point ─── 奇点共轭的二次包络实现及其几何性态分析

77、Shi , X. B. , Z. J . Qiu , L . Lu and Z. K. Xu 1990 The nuclear effect on morphogenesis during conjugation in Stylonychia mytil us. Acta Zool . ─── [史新柏,邱子健,卢莉,徐振康1990棘尾虫接合生殖期间核对形态发生的影响.动物学报36(1):1

78、Keywords conjugation system;delocalization energy;HMO method;alternant hydrocarbon; ─── 共轭体系;HMO法;交替烃;离域能;

79、Main interests are research on detection me-thods of trace pollutants, mechanism of environmental pollution and nonlinear optical phase conjugation. ─── 主要从事环境微量污染物检测方法及污染机理研究,非线性光学相位共轭技术研究。

80、Optical Phase Conjugation and Four-Wave Mixing ─── 光学相位共轭与四波混频

81、Investigation of the Fidelity of Phase Conjugation of Single-cell with One Focus and Single-cell with Two Focuses ─── 单池单焦点及单池双焦点相位共轭度研究

82、cell that donates F factor in bacterial conjugation ─── 在细菌接合中供给F因子的细胞(F因子供体菌), F质粒供体

83、Keywords C_(60);imino[60]fullerene,conjugation,charge-transfer; ─── 亚氨基衍生物;共轭;电荷转移;

84、Preamble of the optical phase conjugation of the background and significance of topics and papers done on the contents in detail. ─── 前言部分对光学相位共轭的选题背景和意义以及论文内容安排做了详细的阐述。

85、Solution to the Longitudinal Tooth Curve of an Internal Gear Shaver Based on Conjugation Principles ─── 内剃齿刀齿向曲线的共轭解法

86、Controlling Chaos in Semiconductor Lasers by Phase Conjugation Feedback ─── 半导体激光器混沌相位共轭反馈控制方法

87、Keywords KNSBN;self-pumped phase conjugation; ─── KNSBN晶体;自泵浦相位共轭;

88、Latin verbs of the second conjugation ─── 属于第二种词形变化的拉丁语动词

89、Nuclear Control of Cortical Development during Conjugation in Pseudourostyla cristata ─── 冠突伪尾柱虫有性生殖期间皮膜发育的核控制

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