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08-21 投稿


disrupting 发音

英:[d?s?r?pt??]  美:[d?s?r?pt??]

英:  美:

disrupting 中文意思翻译



disrupting 短语词组

1、disrupting poverty in schools ─── 打破学校贫困

2、disrupting meaning ─── 扰乱意义

3、disrupting age ─── 破坏年龄

4、disrupting traffic ─── 扰乱交通

5、disrupting innovation ─── 破坏创新

6、disrupting aging ─── 扰乱衰老

7、disrupting corruption ─── 破坏腐败

8、disrupting class ─── 扰乱课堂

9、disrupting technology ─── 干扰技术

10、disrupting thinking ─── 扰乱思维

11、disrupting craft ─── 破坏者飞船

12、disrupting explosive ─── [网络] 破坏爆炸物

13、disrupting system ─── 破坏系统

14、disrupting systems ─── 扰乱系统

disrupting 词性/词形变化,disrupting变形

动词过去分词: disrupted |动词第三人称单数: disrupts |名词: disrupter |动词现在分词: disrupting |动词过去式: disrupted |

disrupting 相似词语短语

1、disgusting ─── adj.令人厌恶的;令人极不能接受的

2、disrating ─── v.使(海员或军官)降级

3、disruptions ─── 破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解(disruption的复数)

4、disruption ─── n.扰乱,打乱,中断

5、discepting ─── 有分歧

6、disrooting ─── vt.连根拔除;根除

7、disruptive ─── adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的

8、distrusting ─── n.不信任,怀疑;v.不信任,怀疑

9、disputing ─── v.争论;争吵(dispute的ing形式)

disrupting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The 12th House is the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation with the personality. ─── 天称座:友爱的、宽容的、忧郁的、有美学鉴赏力的,寻求平衡、社交以及平静的。

2、How likely a device is to disrupt your ICD depends on how long you’re exposed to it and how close it is to your ICD. ─── ICD受上述设备影响的程度取决于患者暴露与这些电磁场内的方式以及ICD本身与这些设备的距离。

3、But the attempt to smear Mr Serra threatens to disrupt his second term before it begins. ─── 但在这开始之前,抹黑塞拉的企图可能影响到他的连任。

4、DON'T behave as though disrupting the Olympic torch relay is an unforgivable sin on the part of an entire city or nation. ─── 别把火炬受干扰当成那整个城市或国家不可饶恕的罪过。

5、To impedeor disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动。

6、To impede or disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动

7、"President Obama has articulated a clear policy to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida and its allies. ─── “奥巴马总统很明白地表达了分裂、瓦解和消灭基地组织及其党羽的清晰策略。

8、If we disrupt your ambition and your commitment, we disrupt your success. ─── 如果我们妨碍了你们的雄心和热情,我们就是在妨碍你们成功的道路。

9、The Islamic Jihad militant group says it fired rockets at the area to disrupt the Israeli election. ─── 伊斯兰圣战者激进组织声称,朝那个地区发射火箭是为了扰乱以色列的选举。

10、The Kashgar officials said ETIM had planned a series of attacks to disrupt or distract from the Olympics. ─── 喀什官方说计划在奥运会期间发起一系列袭击以转移人们对奥运会的关注。

11、Peasants and rural governments are reluctant to come clean about anything that might disrupt local economies. ─── 农民和农村政府不愿将任何有碍地方经济发展的实情和盘托出。

12、All that He had created was "very good" but sin would disrupt this glorious harmony between God and His creation. ─── 他所有创造的事物都是完美的,但罪将扰乱神与他所造之物之间的美妙和谐。

13、Indeed, they were due to play in the city of Medillin.The mayor of Medellin is thinking of suing the Argentineans for disrupting the tournament. ─── 实际上,他们本来被安排在麦德林市比赛,麦德林市市长正考虑起诉阿根廷破坏比赛。

14、ALTER ASSEMBLY does not disrupt currently running sessions that are running code in the assembly being modified. ─── ALTER ASSEMBLY不中断当前正在运行的会话,这些会话正在运行所修改的程序集中的代码。

15、It may disrupt almost any part of the body: skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels or brain. ─── 光是在美国,就约有140万人为狼疮所苦,尤其是18~65岁间的非裔妇女,每250人中就有一人受此病所苦。

16、The "shareholders" phenomenon exists hollowed by disrupting the capital market order, became the capital market system construction. ─── 大股东的这种“掏空”现象的存在己经严重扰乱了资本市场的秩序,成了资本市场制度建设的阻碍。

17、So the law, if rigorously enforced, could disrupt the state's economy. ─── 如果这个法令真正严格执行的话,肯定会影响该州的经济。

18、The Internet may be disrupting much of the book industry, but for short-story writers it has been a good thing. ─── 互联网可能正在颠覆图书行业的多个领域,但是对于短篇小说作家来说却是一件好事。

19、A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. ─── 中风可导致大脑供氧中断。

20、Advances in the endocrine disrupting effects of pyrethroid pesticides were introduced. ─── 主要介绍了拟除虫菊酯类农药在内分泌功能扰乱方面的研究进展。

21、He said he did not want to do it, because he did not want disrupt the team chemistry. ─── 他说他不想做新的交易,因为他不想破坏现在球队已经产生的化学反应。

22、Footstep wanted to disrupt you much. ─── 多想打乱你的脚步。

23、Periods of apnea end with a brief partial arousal that may disrupt sleep up to hundreds of times a night. ─── 呼吸暂停周期以短暂局部觉醒结束,每晚可能干扰睡眠达数百次。

24、China may yet undergo internal upheavals that could disrupt its economy. ─── 中国可能还不会酝酿导致经济崩溃的内部剧变。

25、Joe Cole has suffered a knee-ligament injury that could disrupt Chelsea's entire season. ─── 乔科尔在比赛中的膝盖韧带受伤可能要面临无法为蓝军战斗一个完整的赛季。

26、Research in animals has shown that alcohol can disrupt the development of new brain cells in adults. ─── 在动物身上进行的试验表明,酒精会损害成年动物脑细胞的发育。

27、Would they roughhouse and punch and disrupt the class by yelling or fidgeting with their tails in the air? ─── 会不会打其他的同学?会不会把它的尾巴甩到空中,打扰同学们上课?

28、Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm. ─── 周末迟睡也会打乱人体的日夜周期。

29、Cut off the electricity, disrupt the core of its system, and you thrust a dagger in capitalism's heart! ─── 如果切断电力,破坏掉这个制度的核心,你就给资本主义的心脏插进了一把尖刀。

30、Cars in Boston and Beijing are melting ice caps in the Arctic that disrupt weather patterns everywhere. ─── 在波士顿与北京的汽车正融化着北极圈的冰帽,以此打破了各地的气候常态。

31、Hospitalization and periods of outpatient treatment disrupt normal routines and patterns of living. ─── 住院治疗和反复的就诊扰乱了正常的生活秩序和方式。

32、Connection information is modified without taking servers offline first, disrupting the timing and flow of synchronized operations. ─── 在没有首先将服务器脱机的情况下修改连接信息,打乱了同步操作的时间安排和顺利进行。

33、Urbanisation and industrialisation are both increasing demand for water, at a time when climate change is disrupting supply. ─── 在气候变化导致供应中断之际,城市化和工业化都在加大人们对水资源的需求。

34、They didn't yell or try to disrupt our events, although they still made my staff jumpy. ─── 他们并不出声大叫或是妨碍我们的集会,尽管他们确实使我的工作人员紧张不安。

35、The wet field did not disrupt the Americans' crip (crisp) passing while the North Koreans displayed energy and speed. ─── 场地的潮湿并没有影响美国球员们干脆漂亮的传球和韩国球员过人的精力的速度。

36、The Taliban are vowing to disrupt Thursday's balloting. ─── 塔利班扬言要扰乱星期四的选举。

37、The quarrels of the different political parties seemed likely to disrupt the state. ─── 各政党的争执可能导致国家分裂。

38、A blinding sandstorm swept through Kuwait and parts of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, disrupting air traffic as well as oil exports. ─── 一场遮天蔽日的沙暴周二横扫科威特和沙特阿拉伯的部分地区,扰乱了空中交通和石油出口。

39、Senna says he is not out to maim, just disrupt a game. ─── 塞纳说他并非为了使人受伤而犯规,她只是想中断比赛。

40、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动。

41、To inhibit, block, or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

42、Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? ─── 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?

43、Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun,disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy. ─── 哥白尼,尼科劳斯1473-1543波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系

44、Pests, they come in all shapes and sizes and disrupt our lives in a variety of ways. ─── 害虫,它们形状各异,大小相同,以种种方法扰乱我们的生活。

45、Demonstrators succeeded in disrupting the meeting. ─── 示威者成功地扰乱了会议。

46、Crisis of Breath. You disrupt the subject's breathing. ─── 呼吸危机:中断受术者的呼吸。

47、HAARP also has the ability of triggering blackouts and disrupting the electricity power system of entire regions. ─── HAARP也具有中断电力,瓦解整个地区的电力系统的能力。

48、The ECB has been discussing for several months how to tighten the rules to prevent such abuses, without disrupting its cash lifeline to banks. ─── 对于如何收紧条件,防止这种滥用的情况发生,同时又不会影响到自己对各家银行的资金援助,欧洲央行进行了数月的讨论。

49、The Israel Defence Forces said the air raid was aimed at disrupting the shipment of weapons to Hizbollah guerrillas from Syria and Iran. ─── 以色列国防军称空袭是为了切断从叙利亚和伊朗境内向真主党武装海运武器。

50、If you disrupt routine operations, they try deadlier ones. ─── 如果你阻止了常规性袭击,他们会尝试更为致命的。

51、Flooding the forum with posts - or bumping old threads - with the intent of disrupting the forum is prohibited. ─── 为达到扰乱论坛的目的,用大量的帖子刷屏,或者顶大量老的帖子,是被禁止的.

52、A couple of armoured cars speeding out from your defensive line can be used to sucker units into you AT Screen or disrupt the attack. ─── 几辆在你防线内展开的装甲车可以用来吸引敌军进入你的反坦克视线内或者混乱敌方攻击。

53、They would like to disrupt us, damage morale and hurt us with the Americans. ─── 他们想扰乱我们的布署,挫伤我们的士气,损害我们与美国人的关系。

54、Interventional ultrasound may serve as an adjunct or alternative treatment for disrupting thrombi. ─── 作为一种附助或替代的血栓消融方法超声介入治疗有着良好的应用前景。

55、Claude started as he meant to go on, gliding around in front of the defence, disrupting the opposition and distributing the ball with care. ─── 克劳德依照他自己的意愿重新开始,在后防线之前奔跑,瓦解对手的进攻并小心的分球。

56、Getting a steal, disrupting the other team's timing and rhythm, those little pesky things (really help). ─── 哪怕是他一次抢断,就足以扰乱对方的进攻节奏,这些都是球队需要的。

57、Disrupting their market is possible, but being just a little better is certainly not enough. ─── 扰乱一下它们的市场是有可能的,但仅仅好一点肯定是不够的。

58、China has in fact emerged as a major power without disrupting the international order, at least so far. ─── 实际上中国在成为大国的过程中并没有破坏国际秩序,至少现在没有。

59、Obama vowed to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda there. ─── 奥巴马决心在那里分化、击溃并最终消灭基地组织。

60、Yet we have succeeded in disrupting the balance that is so essential to life on Earth. ─── 可我们已经成功的破坏了对地球上的生命来说至关重要的生态平衡。

61、Such a desperate manoeuvre might disrupt Mr Cameron's advance on Number 10. ─── 如此孤注一掷的做法也许会阻碍卡梅伦平步青云进入唐宁街10号。

62、Now fathers are often present at the birth of their children, but they are disrupting the naturalness of childbirth for the mothers, says an expert. ─── 如今父亲们常常在孩子出生时待产于一旁,但是有位专家说他们会扰乱母亲们分娩的自然性。

63、Natural disasters can wreck a community's infrastructure, disrupting systems for months or years. ─── 自然灾害可以破坏一个社区的基础设施,扰乱系统达数月或数年之久。

64、If a black hole gets powerful enough it may actually pull a star into it and disrupt the orbit of many other stars. ─── 如果黑洞引力过大,它可能连恒星都会吞掉,并破坏其它许多星体的轨道。

65、Panic disorder does not need to disrupt your life in any way! ─── 不要让恐慌症以任何方式来打乱你的生活!

66、"They're trying to deny us and push us farther out than we want to, so we're starting our offense from farther out and it's disrupting us a little bit. ─── 后卫威廉姆斯表示,“他们正试图遏制我们,不让我们做我们希望做的事,所以我们现在都从外面进攻,而这让我们很不舒服。”

67、He says that the Iraqi Armed Forces will act decisively against anyone trying to disrupt order in Anbar province. ─── 他说,伊拉克武装部队将对任何试图干扰安巴尔省秩序的人采取果断措施。

68、Migrating birds affect ecosystems both at home and at their winter destinations, and disrupting the traditional routes could have unexpected side effects. ─── 候鸟会影响老家和冬季目的地两者的生态系统,而扰乱传统路线就可能会产生意想不到的副作用。

69、They say illegal border crossers disrupt their work, damage their property and sometimes threaten their safety. ─── 他们表示非法越境者扰乱了他们的工作,破坏了他们的财产,有时甚至威胁到了他们的生命安全。

70、If any of them disrupt public order or violate the law, they must be dealt with unhesitatingly. ─── 如果破坏社会秩序,触犯了刑律,就必须坚决处理。

71、One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi. ─── 她被首批分派的任务中的一个是破坏绝地大师梅斯·温杜和一群政见不同的绝地的会面。

72、A survey showed that 70% of Shanghai's residents with homes along the roads say honking horns disrupt their lives. ─── 一项调查显示,上海70%的公路沿线居民表示,汽车喇叭声干扰了他们的生活。

73、But damming rivers may destroy or disrupt wildlife and other natural resources. ─── 但是,在河流上筑坝可能会破坏或扰乱野生动物生活和其它自然资源。

74、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent. ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

75、Pending settlement of the dispute, no party to the dispute may disrupt aquacultural production. ─── 在争议解决以前,任何一方不得破坏养殖生产。"

76、They didn’t yell or try to disrupt our events, although they still made my staff jumpy. ─── 他们并不大喊大叫或企图搅乱我们的大会,虽然他们仍使我的手下胆战心惊。

77、Insurgents still managed to disrupt the calm. ─── 叛乱者仍然设法打乱安静。

78、Anti-war demonstrators disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested. ─── 反战示威者中断了此次会议并有50人被捕。

79、When you ask for a private reply, you are disrupting both the process and the reward. ─── 如果你要求对方私下回答你,这既破坏了整个流程,也破坏了奖励制度。

80、Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy. ─── 哥白尼,尼科劳斯1473-1543波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系

81、Three Gorges reservoir on Sunday saw its highest flood peak this year, but without disrupting the shipping service on the Yangtze River. ─── 位于湖北宜昌的三峡水库周日经历了本年来的最高水位,但其长江航运工作并未受到影响。

82、Cut off the electricity, disrupt core of its system, and you thrust a dagger in capitalism's heart! ─── 如果切断了电力,破坏了这个制度的核心,你就给资本主义的心脏插进了一把尖刀。

83、Most of us will not want to disrupt our children's education by uprooting to another country. ─── 大多数人不会为了实现移居他国的理想,而中断孩子的学业。

84、Imposex in gastropods can be induced by tributyltin,which acts as endocrine disrupting chemicals. ─── 具有内分泌干扰效应的三丁基锡能引起腹足类产生性畸变现象。

85、Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on amphibian and relevant mechanisms are reviewed in this article. ─── 两栖类是生态系统中的重要物种,并且对环境毒理评价有着深远意义。

86、Other illegal operations that seriously disrupt market order. ─── 其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为。

87、At least 35 people have been arrested as demonstrators succeeded in disrupting the Beijing Olympic torch relay as it made its way across London today. ─── 北京奥运会火炬接力今天途经伦敦。至少35示威者因为在成功地干扰这一活动而被捕。

88、The Taliban had vowed to disrupt the election and retaliate against voters. ─── 塔利班曾扬言要扰乱选举,并报复参加投票的选民。

89、He is found guilty of disrupting the marriage of a serviceman. ─── 他犯有破坏军婚罪。

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