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09-14 投稿


prudently 发音

英:[?pru?dntli]  美:[?pru?dntli]

英:  美:

prudently 中文意思翻译



prudently 同义词

practically | cautiously | providentially | shrewdly | pragmatically | wisely |sensibly | carefully | judiciously | discreetly

prudently 短语词组

1、prudently mean ─── 谨慎的

2、prudently define ─── 谨慎界定

3、prudently hindi ─── 谨慎地不

4、prudently store ─── 谨慎储存

5、prudently deployed ─── 谨慎部署

6、prudently and appropriately ─── 谨慎适当

7、prudently poised ─── 谨慎地准备

8、prudently defined ─── 谨慎界定

9、prudently syn ─── 审慎syn

10、prudently definition ─── 谨慎定义

11、prudently tackle ─── 谨慎应对

12、prudently and properly ─── 谨慎且适当

prudently 反义词


prudently 相似词语短语

1、purulently ─── 化脓性

2、prudentially ─── adv.谨慎地,细心地

3、pendently ─── 悬而未决

4、presently ─── adv.(美)目前;不久

5、pruriently ─── adv.挑逗性地;好色地

6、prudent ─── adj.谨慎的;精明的;节俭的;n.(Prudent)人名;(法)普吕当

7、credently ─── 资格证书

8、imprudently ─── adv.鲁莽地;不小心地

9、ardently ─── adv.热烈地;热心地

prudently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would be prudent to save some of the money. ─── 存点钱是有远见的.

2、Governments consider it prudent to minimize the risk. ─── 各国政府均认为把这种危害降低到最小程度的做法是明智的。

3、She was generous, amiable, interesting; she was everything but prudent. ─── 她慷慨大方,和蔼可亲,逗人喜欢,除了不够谨慎之外,她什么都好。

4、He remains modest and prudent. ─── 他保持谦虚谨慎。

5、A bank must communicate an image that is both secure and prudent. ─── 一家银行必须传播给公众的形象是安全和稳妥。

6、Like this I guard my body prudently. I make an effort to live a life of tranquilness , non-action, joy, peace and composure. ─── 我个人就是谨慎地守住自己的身体,力求清静,无为,才能过着安乐,与沉稳的生活。

7、Experience in various places has shown that if we don't tackle this problem prudently,we shall suffer the consequences. ─── 各地经验证明,我们对此问题处理不郑重是要吃亏的。

8、His wife is a prudent manager of money. ─── 他妻子是一位审慎的理财人。

9、If a sale to rescind rate, consumers may be a prudent choice. ─── 如果某个楼盘退订率很高,消费者可能就会慎重选择了。

10、A prudent builder should forecast how long the stuff is like to last. ─── 一个精明的建筑师应是先考虑到工程可能持续多长时间。

11、They had prudently withdrawn as soon as the van had got fairly under way. ─── 他们在蓬车安全上路后立即谨慎地离去了。

12、He that idly loses 5 grouts' worth of time, loses 5 grouts, and might as prudently throw 5 grouts in the river. ─── 一个游手好闲而损失了价值五先令时间的人,就是失去了五个先令,他还不如把五先令扔进河里的好。

13、We should be prudent when doing business,but you will also agree with me that we should not get overcautious. ─── 做生意的时候,我们应该谨慎,但你也会同意我的看法,即我们不应该过分小心。

14、John Dashwood had then leisure to consider how much there might prudently be in his power to do for them. ─── 一时间,约翰.达什伍德先生有空算计起来:若是精打细算,他到底能为她们尽多大力量。

15、Tootles explained prudently, "You see, sir, I don't think my mother would like me to be a pirate." ─── 图图谨慎地解释道:“先生,你是知道的,我想我母亲不愿意让我当海盗。”

16、Use Limit Price prudently to control the cost and lost . ─── 利用限价来控制成本及损失。

17、Toad prudently dropped flat in the road, and BANG! ─── 托德精明地趴倒在路上,砰!

18、Every prudent man acts with knowledge, But a fool displays folly. ─── 凡通达人都凭知识行事.愚昧人张扬自己的愚昧。

19、But the glass-cutter was a prudent man who had provided for all emergencies. ─── 但那个划玻璃的是一个心思很周到的人,他带着各种应急的用具。

20、"Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. ─── 其中有五个是愚拙的。五个是聪明的。

21、With prudent Resolution I will so my Will and Fancy tye,that stronger to the Mast not he. ─── 以谨慎克制的决心,我将坚决缚住我的意志和想像,比他把自己缚于桅杆更紧。

22、It will be prudent to save some of the money. ─── 存点钱是有远见的。

23、Worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent. ─── 可取的值得被推荐或被建议的;审慎的

24、She was everything but prudent. ─── 她具备一切优点,只欠慎重。

25、It would be prudent not to displease your higher-ups, if you ask for my advice. ─── 如果您征求我的意见,那么明智的做法就是不要得罪您的上司。

26、He is as prudent as anything. ─── 他非常谨慎。

27、Clinician should use antimicrobial agents prudently to avoid the transmission of multiply drug antimicrobial agents. ─── 临床医师应慎用抗菌药物,避免多重耐药的鲍曼不动杆菌在医院内传播。

28、Prudent consideration of the circumstances is essential to prevent flexibility from turning into impulsive action. ─── 为使灵活不变为妄动,慎重地考虑情况是必要的。

29、Indeed he is young,but he is very prudent. ─── 他的确年轻,但是却很谨慎。

30、It reaffirms the policies of prudent financial management and low taxation. ─── 它重申审慎理财及低税率政策。

31、His conduct would be prudent and cautious; neither extreme nor ostentatious. ─── 他的举止总是小心、谨慎,既不偏激,也不拘谨。

32、It may be prudent, however, to consider using a library extension. ─── 不过,考虑使用库扩展可能是明智的。

33、He is prudent in doing his duties. ─── 他对于执行自己的任务极为小心。

34、I believe it is essential that we act prudently. ─── 我认为我们必须谨慎地行事。

35、China will maintain a "prudent" fiscal policy for the coming year. ─── 中国在来年将继续一个“谨慎”的财政政策。

36、Wild horse would not drag it from the prudent man. ─── 休想从这个谨慎的人那里探到口风。

37、He is a prudent businessman. ─── 他是个精明的商人。

38、He is fearless though prudently cautious about "the cat next door". ─── 他总显得无所畏惧,当然,对于“隔壁的那只猫”,他还是相当谨慎的。

39、He prudently pursued his plan. ─── 他谨慎地实行他那计划。

40、It's prudent to wear a thick coat when the weather is cold. ─── 天气冷时穿上件厚外套是谨慎的。

41、It will be prudent not to displease your higher ups,if you ask for my advice. ─── 如果您征求我的意见 ,那么明智的做法就是不要得罪上司。

42、Unwise or indiscreet; not prudent. ─── 不明智或不谨慎的;轻率的

43、If she was a prudent girl, she had to find some way to encourage his courtship. ─── 姑娘如果有点心计,就会用某种方式鼓励他的追求。

44、She was generous, amiable, interesting: she was everything but prudent. ─── 她大方,可爱,讨人欢喜,一切都好,就是不谨慎。

45、Investors may have thought they were acting prudently at a time when the world seemed to be racing towards monetary Armageddon. ─── 投资者或许认为,在世界似乎正在奔向货币末日战争之际,投资黄金是审慎之举。

46、Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly. ─── 凡通达人都凭知识行事;愚昧人张扬自己的愚昧。

47、Asked for comment for this story, BP and Transocean each said it had acted prudently and pointed fingers at the other company. ─── 当被问及对此事的看法时,英国石油公司和Transocean公司都说自己行事谨慎,它们都将矛头指向了对方。

48、Your mission is “to marry both prudently and for love. ─── 你的任务是“既要慎重,又要为了爱情而结婚”。

49、She deemed it prudent not to say anything. ─── 她认为什么都不说是明智的。

50、Being an extremely clearheaded, cautious, prudent young man, he is safe to come up in the world. ─── 他是一个头脑清醒、不心谨慎、考虑周密的年轻人,一定会出人头地的。

51、Having some canned goods and a can opener in the house is very prudent. ─── 在房子里有一些罐装食品和有一个开启工具是非常慎重的。

52、Imprudent. It's prudent to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out. ─── 天气这么冷,还是谨慎一点,出门带上件厚外套。

53、One should be sturdy in hard time; and prudent in happy days. ─── 在艰苦的日子里要坚强,在幸福的日子里要谨慎.

54、There was a prudent,modest side to his nature and it gained on him in later years. ─── 他为人谦谨慎,晚年越发如此。

55、It can do all this unless the most prudent self-control keeps it in subjection. ─── 它什么都能做,除非你能通过最谨慎的克制,而成为它的主人。

56、A: I understand this is not a simple deal, and all of us have to work it out prudently. ─── 我明白这不是一宗简单的买卖,大家需要慎重考虑。

57、Do you always take such blind risks? A flier should be more prudent. ─── 你常常这样盲目冒险吗?一个飞行员应该更谨慎一些。

58、Tuse, prudent thick, a symbol of the strength of the earth. ─── 土色,稳重厚重,象征着大地的力量。

59、Teamwork spirit, initiative, prudent and earnest. ─── 具有团队合作精神,工作积极主动、严谨、认真。

60、Five of them were foolish, and five prudent. ─── 其中五个愚蠢,五个精明。

61、Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a prudent policy towards the national bourgeoisie. ─── 因此,对于民族资产阶级采取慎重的政策,是完全必要的。

62、He is very healthy, and he has a look of being experienced and prudent. ─── 他的身体长得结结实实,一副老成持重的模样。

63、And He will reign as King and act prudently And will execute justice and righteousness in the land. ─── 祂必作王掌权,行事精明,在地上施行公理和公义。

64、To wisely and prudently steward the resources to which we have been entrusted. ─── 善用资源。

65、Though he is still a young man, he is experienced and prudent. ─── 尽管他还年轻,但他老成持重。

66、He is among the most prudent statesmen . ─── 他是最有远见的政治家之一。

67、And five of them were foolish and five were prudent. ─── 其中五个是愚拙的,五个是精明的。

68、You must school yourself to be modest and prudent. ─── 你要学会谦虚谨慎。

69、They should be able to lend an ear opposing opinions,treat others as equals,act modestly and prudently,etc. ─── 他们要能容人,要能听得进反面意见,要能用平等态度待人,要能更谦虚谨慎,等等。

70、A wise man spends his money prudently; a foolish man spends his without thought and is soon penniless. He is 'parted' from his money . ─── 聪明人花钱谨慎,傻子花钱却从不考虑,很快就一文不名,和他的钱‘分了家’。

71、Now therefore, O kings, be prudent; Take the admonition, O judges of the earth. ─── 10现在你们君王应当留意;你们地上的审判官该受警戒。

72、In order to happiness, one prudent in their hearts. ─── 为了幸福,谁都在心里精打细算。

73、It's prudent to save. ─── 储蓄是有远见的。

74、Learn extensively, inquire thoroughly, ponder prudently, discriminate clearly, and practice devotedly. ─── 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辩之,笃行之.有弗学,学之弗能弗措也;

75、It' s prudent to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out. ─── 在寒冷的天气下外出时带上件厚外套是谨慎的。

76、Young as he was, he was prudent. ─── 他虽然如此年轻,却很慎重。

77、"Are you OK? " I moved prudently . I was in fear of her action resulted from the anger in her eyes. She was silent and go on staring at me. ─── “你……没事吧?”我谨慎地移动着,我哪知道她眼神里的那股杀气什么时候会转化为实际行动。她不说话依旧盯着我看。

78、"We all need to be prudent about our planning for defensive measures. ─── 一旦此政策失败,“我们需要谨慎安排,采取防御性的措施。”

79、He ought to have been more prudent in what he say in public. ─── 他应更加谨慎他在公共场所说的话。

80、Most Europeans would regard such international connections as attractive in a politician, but in America Kerry prudently keeps them under wraps. ─── 在欧洲人看来,一个政治家有这样的“国际关系”是很有魅力的,但在美国,克里却谨慎地对此三缄其口。

81、Your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull. ─── 你过于奢侈铺张,这与谨慎小心的金牛格格不入。

82、It will be prudent not to displease your higher - ups, if you ask for my advice. ─── 如果您征求我的意见,那么明智的做法就是不要得罪上司。

83、It's always prudent to plan a trip carefully. ─── 安排好出游总是无可非议的。

84、Xiaohong always boasts that she is genial and prudent. ─── 小红经常向别人夸示自己有多贤惠。

85、The rules of personal finance are timeless: save, diversify, control costs and borrow prudently. ─── 个人理财的原则是永恒的:储蓄、保持多样化、控制成本、谨慎借贷。

86、The circumspect making reflects that you are prudent woman. ─── 制作很用心,真是一个细心的女人!

87、It might be prudent not to overwork those good angels. ─── 不过还是谨慎点儿,别让这些善良的天使操劳过度。

88、The Chinese, though with more colorful language, were equally prudent. ─── 中国人尽管语言更生动些,也同样持慎重态度。

89、They may really be a prudent investment in employee health. ─── 实际上这些可能是保持雇员身体健康的精明投资。

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