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09-15 投稿


expurgation 发音


英:  美:

expurgation 中文意思翻译



expurgation 网络释义

n. 消去;廓清;删去

expurgation 短语词组

1、expurgation gw2 ─── 净化gw2

2、expurgation meaning ─── 净化意义

3、expurgation wow ─── 清除哇

4、expurgation stack ─── 清除堆栈

5、expurgation define ─── 清除定义

6、expurgation tricky ─── 清除棘手

expurgation 词性/词形变化,expurgation变形

动词过去分词: expurgated |名词: expurgation |动词现在分词: expurgating |动词第三人称单数: expurgates |动词过去式: expurgated |

expurgation 相似词语短语

1、exportation ─── n.出口

2、expurgator ─── n.修订者;削除者

3、epuration ─── n.提纯;政治清洗

4、compurgation ─── n.旧指:根据他人保证宣告被告无罪;免罚宣誓

5、expurgating ─── vt.删除,删去

6、purgation ─── n.清洗;洗罪;(吃泻药)通便

7、expiration ─── n.呼气;终结;届期

8、expatriation ─── n.放弃国籍;流放国外

9、expugnation ─── 驱逐

expurgation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Using expurgation method divide combustion noise from mechanical noise, it showed combustion noise is main noise. ─── 采用消去法分离了发动机的燃烧噪声和机械噪声,确定发动机燃烧噪声占主导地位。

2、Keywords Houttuyfonate homologues;Carbon granular expurgation index K;NK cellular activity;Lysozymease activity; ─── 鱼腥草素同系物;碳廓清指数K;NK细胞活性;溶菌酶活性;

3、Result shoe is done small, want to wear a shoe, be forced the flesh on expurgation foot, go getting used to a shoe. ─── 结果鞋做小了,想要穿鞋,只好削去脚上的肉,去适应鞋。

4、Harmonic analysis in the electric machine based on windows and interpolated FFT and harmonic expurgation according to amplitude ─── 采用加窗插值FFT与逐幅谐波消去法的电机谐波算法

5、Meaning close to be begged constrainedly, a to suit a shoe foot expurgation together. ─── 意为勉强求合,为适合鞋而把脚削去一块。

6、Of or relating to expurgation or an expurgator. ─── 修订的;删改的删改的或修订者的,与其有关的

7、Of course, we are OK because of afraid pesticide expurgation apple skin, not Guo Ping peel also is the good thing that helps body endotoxin eduction! ─── 当然,我们可以因为担心农药而削去苹果皮,不过苹果皮也是帮助体内毒素排出的好东西呢!

8、The further comb and expurgation of it must be predetermined by making clear a number of basic problems related to the meaning of applied linguistics. ─── 应用语言学内涵的进一步梳理与廓清,须以与应用语言学内涵相关联的若干基本问题之厘清为前提。

9、Method: the expurgation rate of carbon particle, the building of hemolysin antibody was determined. ─── 方法:采用碳粒阔清速率的测定、溶血素抗体生成的测定以及迟发性超敏反应等试验方法。

10、Harmonic analysis of normal case in the brushless exciter based on windows and interpolated FFT and harmonic expurgation according to amplitude ─── 采用加窗插值FFT与逐幅谐波消去法的无刷励磁机正常运行谐波分析

11、Optimal workload assignment among machining tools in a FMS and the method of maximum expurgation are studied. ─── 研究柔性制造系统中加工设备负荷分配问题和极大消去法的应用。

12、Those who say is to a my dear brother bought a pair of smaller than his foot shoes, to can put on the shoe, follow the rear foot expurgation with the knife unexpectedly together. ─── 说的是有一位仁兄买了一双比自己的脚小的鞋,为了能将鞋穿上,竟用刀将后脚跟削去一块。

13、Method:The expurgation rate of carbon particle,the building of hemolysin antibody was determined.And delayed type hypersensitivity was studied. ─── 方法:采用碳粒阔清速率的测定、溶血素抗体生成的测定以及迟发性超敏反应等试验方法。

14、Keywords mononuclear phagocyte;phagocytic function;phagocyt ic index;expurgatory index;function of carbon expurgation; ─── 关键词单核巨噬细胞;吞噬功能;吞噬指数;廓清指数;碳粒廓清功能;

15、Harmonic analysis in the electric machine based on windows and interpolated FFT and harmonic expurgation according to amplitude ─── 采用加窗插值FFT与逐幅谐波消去法的电机谐波算法

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