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08-20 投稿


decumbence 发音


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decumbence 中文意思翻译



decumbence 相似词语短语

1、decumen ─── adj.巨大的;与古罗马军团步兵第十队有关的

2、decumbently ─── 俯卧

3、decumbency ─── n.塌地;横卧

4、decadence ─── n.堕落,颓废;衰落

5、accumbency ─── 横卧

6、decumbent ─── adj.平躺的;(植物或其枝条)外倾的

7、decurrency ─── n.向下流动

8、recumbency ─── n.斜靠着;躺着;休息

9、recumbence ─── 记忆

decumbence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Developed excogitates of two decumbence and one hovizoutal molding die, realized increasing height of branch pipe of heat pressure tee and reducing radius of synodical arc of tee. ─── 研制出两套立式模具和一套卧式模具,实现了用工艺方法增加热挤压三通支管高度,缩小三通相贯区内拐角处圆弧半径的目的。

2、Developed excogitates of two decumbence and one hovizoutal molding die realized increasing height of branch pipe of heat pressure tee and reducing radius of synodical arc of tee. ─── 研制出两套立式模具和一套卧式模具,实现了用工艺方法增加热挤压三通支管高度,缩小三通相贯区内拐角处圆弧半径的目的。

3、Developed excogitates of two decumbence and one horizontal molding die realized the increasing height of branch pipe of heat pressure tee. ─── 研发出了两个横梁和一个水平成型模具,实现了热压三通支管高度的增加。

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