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08-18 投稿


gastronome 发音


英:  美:

gastronome 中文意思翻译



gastronome 网络释义

n. 爱吃的人;美食家;讲究饮食的人

gastronome 短语词组

1、gastronome menu ─── 美食家菜单

2、gastronome define ─── 美食家定义

3、gastronome 1 ─── 美食家1

4、gastronome pan ─── 美食家锅

5、gastronome def ─── 美食家def

gastronome 词性/词形变化,gastronome变形


gastronome 相似词语短语

1、gastrotomy ─── n.[外科]胃切开术

2、astronomer ─── n.天文学家

3、gastronomers ─── n.考究饮食的人

4、astronomy ─── n.天文学

5、gastronomes ─── n.爱吃的人;美食家;讲究饮食的人

6、gastronomy ─── n.烹饪法,美食法;享乐主义

7、gastronomic ─── adj.烹任学的;美食法的

8、astrodome ─── n.穹顶体育馆;天文航行舱

9、gastronomer ─── n.考究饮食的人

gastronome 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“TELL me what you eat”, wrote Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French gastronome , in 1825, “and I will tell you who you are. ─── “只要告诉我你吃什么”,法国美食家简-安瑟米.布理勒特-萨瓦林在1825年写道,“我就能说出你的身份。”

2、"Years precipitate the mottled" taste is really quite good, carrying their stories of old objects but also of the gastronome. ─── “岁月沉淀的斑驳”滋味确实不错,承载自家故事的老物件更是上上之选。

3、But the Michelin-starred French gastronome insists you won't find any of them on his menus. ─── 不过这位米其林星级大厨坚称,在他的菜单上是找不到这些东西的。

4、Being a gastronome, my uncle is well acquainted with the best restaurants in the city. ─── 作为一个美食者,我舅舅知道这个城市最好的餐馆。

5、A gastronome looks at how fresh the food is, how it is prepared, which flavours are used, and how it is presented. ─── 美食家注重食物新鲜程度,如何烹制,使用什么调味品,以及如何呈现。

6、The first clue is by the famous Italian gastronome Giuseppe Maffioli. ─── 线索首先来自著名的意大利美食家GiuseppeMaffioli。

7、Being a gastronome, my uncle is well acquainted with the best restaurants in the city. ─── 作为一个美食者,我舅舅知道这个城市最好的餐馆。

8、The first clue is by the famous Italian gastronome Giuseppe Maffioli. ─── 线索首先来自著名的意大利美食家Giuseppe Maffioli。

9、In addition, but for like aurora borealis of visitors, the winter of the gastronome Iceland is. ─── 另外,但对于喜欢北极光的游客来说,冬季的冰岛是上上之选。

10、Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (French epicure and gastronome): The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star. ─── 让·昂泰尔姆·布里亚-萨瓦兰(法国美食家):发明一道新的菜式比发现一颗新的星星更让人幸福。

11、Being a gastronome, my uncle is well acquainted with the best restaurants in the city. ─── 我叔叔是个美食家,非常熟悉这个城市中最好的餐馆。

12、A teaspoonful of my mother-in-law's wild strawberry jam will not just provide a gastronome's ecstasy: it will entirely satisfy your jam desire. ─── 一茶匙我岳母做的野草莓酱不仅能使美食家欣喜若狂,而且能完全满足你的果酱欲。

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