dilapidate 发音
英: 美:
dilapidate 中文意思翻译
dilapidate 网络释义
vi. 毁坏;荒废;浪费vt. 荒废;毁坏
dilapidate 短语词组
1、dilapidate in a sentence ─── 破烂的句子
dilapidate 词性/词形变化,dilapidate变形
名词: dilapidation |动词现在分词: dilapidating |动词过去式: dilapidated |动词过去分词: dilapidated |动词第三人称单数: dilapidates |
dilapidate 相似词语短语
1、dilapidated ─── adj.荒废的,破旧的,要塌似的;受破坏的;v.使荒废(dilapidate的过去式和过去分词)
2、dilapidation ─── n.破损;崩塌;荒废
3、dilapidates ─── v.毁坏;浪费;荒废
4、lapidate ─── v.以石投击;投石击毙
5、dilapidating ─── v.毁坏;浪费;荒废
6、dilucidate ─── 稀释液
7、dilapidator ─── n.损坏者
8、dilucidated ─── 阐明的
9、to dilapidate ─── 破败
dilapidate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isn't rare. ─── 其次,他们会沉迷其中以致荒废了学习,这是不罕见。
2、Second, they may indulge in it, dilapidate their study, which isn't rare. ─── 其次,他们会沉迷其中以致荒废了学习,这是不罕见。
3、Second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isn't rare. ─── 其次,他们也许沉溺于它,因而毁坏他们的研究,不是罕见的。
4、Correspondingly, more and more students who live off-campus go wrong easily and dilapidate their study. And many crimes are thus committed by them. ─── 相对应的,校外租房居住大学生中误入歧途、荒废学业等问题开始增多,并出现了不少针对他们的犯罪案件。
5、I hope we could arrange our time properly/make good use of our time, that is not only to let network games enrich our time after school but also not to dilapidate our study and waste time. ─── 我希望我们能够合理安排时间,使网络游戏既能够丰富我们的课余生活,又能够不使我们荒废学业,浪费时间.
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