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09-15 投稿


confrere 发音

英:['k?nfre?]  美:['kɑnfr?r]

英:  美:

confrere 中文意思翻译



confrere 词性/词形变化,confrere变形

名词复数: confraternities |

confrere 同义词

comply | match up | orient | adapt | fit in | measure up | parallel | kowtow | obey | adjust | fit | play the game | suit | assent | follow | follow the crowd | accord |agree | toe the line | correspond | match | imitate | accede | coincide | submit | accommodate

confrere 短语词组

1、confrere define ─── 确认定义

2、confrere consoeur ─── 同事

3、confrere def ─── 确认定义

4、confrere means confrere ─── 指

5、confrere sentence ─── 确认句

6、confrere plural ─── 复数形式

7、confrere meaning confrere ─── 意思

confrere 反义词


confrere 相似词语短语

1、confrère ─── n.同事,会友

2、confreres ─── n.同事;同行;社员

3、confrères ─── 同事

4、conferee ─── n.参加会议者

5、confrerie ─── 确认

6、confreries ─── 会议

7、confers ─── 授予;商议

8、conference ─── n.会议;讨论;协商;联盟;(正式)讨论会;[工会、工党用语](每年的)大会;vi.举行或参加(系列)会议

9、confer ─── vt.授予;给予;vi.协商;n.(Confer)人名;(英)康弗

confrere 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、Basically can give you possibility to be very low...Yesterday the confrere joined...Today wants the others to give you a OB-package...Pray... ─── 基本上能送你的可能性很低...昨天才加入...今天就要别人送你一包开卡包...祈祷吧...

4、Be able to solidarity my confrere exertion group power, rationalization plan produce technics , cooperating with supplier, communicate with CHICAGO SUMMIT, improve rationalization produce technics , get a good achievement together. ─── 能团结自己的同事发挥集体力量,合理安排工艺工序,控制和供应商之间的合作,同美国总公司之间的沟通,改善更合理的生产工艺,一起取得优异的业绩。

5、Confrere Knights are knights who have joined the Templars for a short term and were permitted to marry in exchange for bequeathing half their estate upon their death. ─── 素质:精英类型:宗教部队荣誉骑士为骑士团短期成员,可以结婚成家,但死后必须将半数财产遗赠骑士团。

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