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08-21 投稿


descensional 中文意思翻译



descensional 短语词组

1、descensional ventilation ─── 下行通风

descensional 相似词语短语

1、recessional ─── adj.后退的;(英)议会休会的;n.(礼拜仪式后牧师及唱诗班退场时所唱的)退场赞美诗

2、descension ─── n.降下(等于descent)

3、extensional ─── adj.外延的;具体的;事实的

4、decisional ─── adj.决策性;决定性

5、discussional ─── adj.提交讨论的;讨论的

6、dimensional ─── adj.空间的;尺寸的

7、ascensional ─── adj.上升的

8、declensional ─── adj.词形变化的

9、descensions ─── n.降下(等于descent)

descensional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords descensional ventilation;fire;airflow reversal;backdraft; ─── 下行通风;火灾;风流逆转;回燃;

2、"My means of ascension and descension consist only in dilating or compressing the gas inclosed in the balloon." ─── “我使气球升降的方法,是使气球里的气体膨胀和收缩。

3、Keywords descensional ventilation;methane;dust;fire; ─── 下行通风;瓦斯;矿尘;火灾;

4、descension theory ─── 下降说

6、Keywords ECDP;spinnerette unit;pressure descension;process; ─── 组件;压力降;工艺;

7、pulmonary failure of descension ─── 肺失清肃, 肺失肃降

8、The Comparison of Effect of Different Start Time on Temperature Descension of Hypertentsive Intracerebral Hemorrhage ─── 不同启始时间头部低温对高血压性脑出血高热降温效果比较

9、descensional ventilation ─── 下降通风

10、descension deposit ─── 下降水矿床

11、Cretaceous-Paleogene regional descension and ingression; ─── 白垩纪-古近纪区域拗陷作用与海侵事件;

12、And the application of the velocity of uniform descension in determinationof particle size and distribution is discussed. ─── 分析了沉降终速在测定颗粒粒径大小及其粒度分布中的应用;

13、 双语使用场景

14、powered descension phase ─── 制动减速段

15、Keywords particle size velocity of uniform descension particle distribution; ─── 颗粒粒度;沉降终速;粒度分布;

16、There was also more obvious ascension of CORT and LPO and descension of SOD in Goup A than in Group B (P

17、Although the algorithm is lossy, the ear can not feel the quality descension of the encoded audio signal, which means the algorithm is lossless in the perceptual field. ─── 所以,尽管该方法是有损的,但人耳感觉不到编码信号质量的下降,在此意义上我们认为编码保证了音质的透明性。

18、SV? EF ascension and A peak descension in Xinxuetong treatment group were better than those in control group (?P?< 0.01 ). ─── 结果两组治疗后E峰速度 ,心脏指数 ,心搏量 ,射血分数均增高 ,同时A峰速度下降 ,但治疗组效果显著 ,与对照组比较P

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