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08-21 投稿


bachelors 发音

英:[?b?t??l?z]  美:[?b?t?l?rz]

英:  美:

bachelors 中文意思翻译





bachelors 常用词组

bachelor degree ─── 学士学位;大学本科学位证书

bachelor of science ─── 理学学士

bachelor party ─── (美)单身汉舞会(尤指婚礼前夕为新郎举行的)

bachelors 词性/词形变化,bachelors变形


bachelors 短语词组

1、bachelors of science nursing ─── 理科护 ─── 理学士

2、bachelors of science in nursing ─── 护理学学士

3、bachelors degrees ─── 学士 ─── 学位;大 ─── 学本科 ─── 学位证书

4、bachelors of computer science ─── 计算机科学学士

5、bachelors of science degree ─── 理学学士学位

6、eligible bachelors ─── 黄金单身汉

7、bachelors degree certificate ─── 学士 ─── 学位证书

8、bachelors of science in criminal justice ─── 刑事司法学学士

9、bachelors of science in computer science ─── 计算机科学学士

10、bachelors of science ─── 理学学士

11、bachelors of arts ─── 文学士

12、bachelors grove cemetery ─── 光棍林公墓

13、bachelors rn ─── 单身汉

14、bachelors degree has it lost ─── 学士 ─── 学位失去了

15、bachelors of science in health administration ─── 卫生管理学学士

16、bachelors degree ─── 学士 ─── 学位;大 ─── 学本科 ─── 学位证书

17、bachelors degree in education ─── 教育学士学位

18、bachelors degree with ─── 学士 ─── 学位

bachelors 相似词语短语

1、bachelorism ─── n.单身男子;独身主义;独身者的怪癖

2、bachelorly ─── 单身汉

3、bachelordom ─── n.单身

4、bachelor ─── n.学士;单身汉;(尚未交配的)小雄兽;n.(Bachelor)人名;(英)巴彻勒

5、bachelor seal ─── 学士章

6、Achelous ─── n.(希腊神话中的)河神

7、bachelor pads ─── 单身汉垫子

8、bachelorettes ─── 《未婚女子》(电影名)

9、bachelorship ─── n.单身;学士资格

bachelors 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others. ─── 单身汉应该被课以重税。某些人比其他人更快乐是很不公平的。

2、Poor bachelors are often victims of violent crime. ─── 贫穷的单身汉常常是暴力犯罪的受害者。

3、Around 25 years old. Bachelor's degree. Good image. ─── 25岁左右,本科以上学历,形象气质佳;

4、Bachelor of Science in Agriculture B.V.S. ─── 哲学士农业科学学士。

5、Bachelor's degree in Metallurgy or Mechanical Engineering. ─── 冶金或机械类本科学历。

6、Still, there's no need to ban him from hanging out with the bachelors if he's able to strike the right balance between his buddies and you. ─── 当然,如果你的爱人有足够的能力平衡你和他的伙计之间的关系,禁止他与同性朋友的聚会,不是上选。

7、Do you want to be a bachelor all your life? ─── 你难道希望永远都是单身汉吗?

8、What had a sitff bachelor to do with partners and waltzing? ─── 一个顽固不化的单身汉还谈什么舞伴和华尔兹舞!

9、A bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits. ─── 一个单身汉修补一炉烤糟的饼干。

10、What had a stiff bachelor to do with partners and waltzing? ─── 一个顽固不化的单身汉还谈什么舞伴和华尔兹舞!

11、He got his bachelor's degree from Princeton University in1962. ─── 他1962年获得了普林斯顿大学的学士学位。

12、He become a bachelor of art at the age of twenty. ─── 他二十岁时便成了文学学士。

13、With fluent English, with bachelor degree. ─── 大学本科以上学历,英语口语流利。

14、Bachelors Degree in Civil or Structural Engineering required. M.S. Is a plus. ─── 土木工程学士或以上学位。

15、Burr holds a bachelors degree from San Jose State Universitys School of Journalism and Mass Communications. ─── Burr拥有圣何塞州立大学新闻和大众传播学院的学士学位。

16、Received the Bachelor of Arts degree at commencement. ─── 在毕业典礼上接受文学学士学位

17、Bachelor, major in HR or related with HR. ─── 人力资源管理及其相关专业。

18、X: My unmarried sister is married to bachelor. ─── 句子本身自相矛盾,它永远是假的。

19、Sami holds both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. ─── 他持有麻省理工学院电机工程学士学位和计算机科学硕士学位。

20、Use the Pawn Shop telescope to spy on the eligible bachelors of Strangetown. ─── 也是其中之一,他委托我使用典当行钟楼上的望远镜监视那些优秀的单身汉。

21、For years she had been as good as engaged to Jeffrey Penniman, one of the ablest young bachelors in town. ─── 几年来她差不多已经和镇上的一个最有才能的年轻单身汉杰弗里·彭尼曼订婚了。

22、A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor? ─── 主题:在骑士和侍从之间?

23、He is still a bachelor. ─── 他还是一个单身汉。

24、Four out of 10 bachelors did not want children compared to three out of 10 wanting to be a father. The rest were undecided. ─── 调查发现,在单身男士中,40%的人不想要孩子,30%的人想当爸爸,其他人态度不明朗。

25、She received a bachelor's degree in arts in. ─── 她于一九七四年获文科学士学位。

26、Thompson holds a bachelors degree in marketing and management from Northern Illinois University. ─── Thompson拥有Northern Illinois大学的营销管理学士学位。

27、Bachelor of Veterinary Science D.C.L. ─── 兽医学士。

28、He lived a bachelor all his life. ─── 他终身是个单身汉。

29、You are study for Bachelor or Master dee? ─── 你在本科学历还是硕士学历?

30、He is a bachelor, living in a bare apartment in the state capital. ─── 他是个未婚的独身汉,住在加州首府一套简朴的单元房子里。

31、She received a bachelor' s degree in arts in 1974. ─── 她于1974年获文科学士学位。

32、He got a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. ─── 他有工程系的理工科学士学位。

33、A bachelor is a man whose marriage vow is never to take one. ─── 单身汉就是那些从不海誓山盟要结婚的男人。

34、He became a Bachelor of Arts at the age of twenty. ─── 他二十岁时成了文学士。

35、Mr Utterson came home to his bachelor house in sombre spirits. ─── 厄塔森先生回到他那单身汉的家里,心情烦躁。

36、The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors. ─── 这部丛书按时间顺序记载了两个终生未婚男子每天的奇遇。

37、He is still living a bachelor's life. ─── 他还是单身。

38、Bachelor of Business Administration B.C. Or B.Ch. ─── 会计学士商业管理学士。

39、Kishore Channabasavaiah received a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore University, India. ─── Kishore Channabasavaiah获得了印度Bangalore大学机械工程学士学位。

40、Bachelor or over bachelor of mechanical engineer. ─── 大学或大学以上学历毕业的机械工程师.

41、From there, after high school, I went to New York University. I completed bachelors of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies and political science. ─── 从那里,高中毕业后,我去了纽约大学。我完成了中东和伊斯兰研究以及政治科学的学士学位。

42、For years she had been as good as engaged to Jeffrey Penniman, one of the ablest young bachelors in town. ─── 几年来她差不多已经和镇上的一个最有才能的年轻单身汉杰弗里·彭尼曼订婚了。

43、A bachelor is a man who's cheated some poor woman out of a divorce. ─── 单身汉就是那些哄骗可怜的女人跟她丈夫离婚的男人。

44、You bachelors are really sneaky. ─── 你们没结婚的人太不老实。

45、The bachelor's wife occupy a large place in our literature. ─── “王老五的老婆”在我们的文学里占有很大的地位。

46、Bachelors use their kitchens much less than those who are married. ─── 单身汉较少下厨房。

47、Never trust a husband too far, nor a bachelor too near. ─── 切勿信任丈夫而使之过分远离,更勿信任独身汉而使之过分亲近。

48、He graduated with a bachelor's degree. ─── 他本科毕业。

49、He'll never get married; he's a confirmed bachelor. ─── 他永远不会结婚,因为他过惯了单身生活。

50、Dear single sisters and brothers, Cheers! Happy Bachelors'Day! ─── 十一月十一日快到罗,亲爱的单身兄弟姐妹们,干杯,祝光棍节快乐!

51、He has a Bachelor's Degree in French Poetry. ─── 他取得了法国诗歌专业的学士学位。

52、Scientists at Harvard University have discovered that married men who spend time with their family have lower testosterone levels than bachelors. ─── 哈佛大学的科学家们发现,那些花时间与家人相处的已婚男子比单身汉的睾酮水平低。

53、Bachelors know more about women than married men; if they didn't, they'd be married too. ─── 单身汉比已婚男人更了解女人。如果不是这样的话,他们早就结婚了。

54、Bachelor degree in mechanical or manufacturing. ─── 具备机械或设计制造专业背景。

55、What is the Bachelor's degree rate of Beijing? ─── 北京市人口的大学文凭比率是多少?

56、Requirements: Bachelor degree majored in Mechanical Engineering. ─── 具有机械专业大学学历。

57、Michael Russell has a Bachelors Degree in Physics and a Masters Degree in Computer Science. ─── Michael Russell拥有物理学学士和计算机科学硕士学位。

58、Bachelor degree or above, major in law. ─── 大学本科以上学历,法律专业毕业。

59、He's a bachelor, who lives alone and spends fairly freely. ─── 他是个单身汉,一个人生活,花钱很随便。

60、Three years later,he got his bachelors degree and moved to the English Department of Northeast Normal University. ─── 三年后,他又以优异成绩于79年考入东北师范大学英语系。

61、You have the alternative of marry or remain a bachelor. ─── 你可以结婚也可以仍做单身汉,任你选择。

62、Mr. Utterson came home to his bachelor house in somber spirits. ─── 厄塔森先生回到他那单身汉的家里,心情烦躁。

63、He moved back into his old bachelor pad. ─── 他搬回了原先的单身公寓。

64、"Home, Sweet Home" must surely have been written by a bachelor. ─── 《Home, Sweet Home》这首歌一定是由一位独身汉作的。

65、He lived and died a bachelor. ─── 他终生未娶.

66、Bachelor degree majored in printing technology. ─── 印刷专业大学本科毕业。

67、He's a forty-two-year-old confirmed bachelor. ─── 他是个42岁坚定的单身主义者。

68、But people with a bachelor have a jobless rate under 2%. ─── 但拥有学士学位的人的失业率只有2%。

69、He was one of the city's most notoriously ungettable bachelors. ─── 他是这个城市里一个声名狼藉而又很难到手的钻石王老五。

70、LESLIE and TONY, two lower middle-class bachelors, are bosom friends. ─── 世上到底有没有不败的爱情招数?

71、"Good work, good work," said the bachelor. ─── “好工作,好工作,”光棍学士说。

72、Bachelor girls pursue easy lives. ─── 单身女子追求简单的生活。

73、He remained a bachelor all his life. ─── 他终生未娶。

74、Is immense media interest in her every move. That's the downside of going out with one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. ─── 她从未做任何事情来讨好公众,但是众多的媒体在密切关注她的一言一行。

75、He is a bachelor, living in a bare appartment in the state capital. ─── 他是个未婚的独身汉,住在加州首府一套简朴的单元房子里。

76、Bachelor of General Studies B.G. ─── S 通识学士 ,晕死,这是什么。。。。。

77、I suppose you're still a happy bachelor, Donald? ─── 唐纳德,我猜想你仍然是一个快活的单身汉吧?

78、Are you a Bachelor of Arts? ─── 你是文学学士吗?

79、Shanghai Hen Busch gathers talented doctors and bachelors. ─── 上海瀚博汇聚了数十名专业的博士、硕士;

80、but if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever. ─── 但是罗杰认为,我们永远都是单身汉,

81、Bachelor degree, major in Mechanical Engineering or close. ─── 大专以上学历,机械或相关专业。

82、Major in mechanics or electrical engineering with bachelor degree. ─── 在机械和电气类专业获学士学位。

83、A bachelor is a man who profits by the mistake he doesn't make. ─── 单身汉就是那些得益于他们没犯过的错误的男人。

84、They three get along well with one another; one is married, another is still a bachelor, and the other has a girl friend. ─── 他们三人彼此相处愉快; 一个已婚,一个仍是光棍,而另一个则已有了女友。

85、You are study for Bachelor or Master degree? ─── 你在学习本科学历还是硕士学历?

86、Minimum Bachelor degree at engine or turbine. ─── 内燃机专业,本科以上学历。

87、He also looked very hungover from his bachelor party the night before. ─── 他看上去好像酒喝多了正难受,因为昨晚他参加了单身舞会。

88、A bachelor is a man who never chases a woman he can't outrun. ─── 单身汉就是那些决不追赶那些他们无法追上的女人的男人。

89、Bachelor of Library Science B.M. ─── 图书馆学士。

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