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08-18 投稿


chucked 发音

英:[t??kt]  美:[t??kt]

英:  美:

chucked 中文意思翻译




chucked 短语词组

1、chucked it ─── 停下来(非正式)丢弃

2、chucked def ─── 抛出def

3、chucked drill ─── 卡盘钻

4、chucked wood ─── 卡盘

5、chucked beef ─── 生牛肉

chucked 词性/词形变化,chucked变形

动词现在分词: chucking |动词过去分词: chucked |动词过去式: chucked |动词第三人称单数: chucks |

chucked 常用词组

magnetic chuck ─── 电磁吸盘,磁性吸盘

drill chuck ─── n. 钻头夹盘;钻头卡

chuck hayes ─── n. 查克海耶斯(美国篮球明星)

chucked 相似词语短语

1、chacked ─── 焦躁不安

2、checked ─── adj.格子花纹的;v.检查;核实;控制;存放;标上符号(check的过去式和过去分词)

3、clucked ─── v.(母鸡)咯咯叫;(表示遗憾或不赞成)发咯咯声;用舌头发出咯咯声的噪音;大惊小怪;n.(母鸡的)咯咯叫声;(人表示烦恼的)咕哝声;(非正式)笨蛋;n.(Cluck)(美)克拉克(人名)

4、chocked ─── v.用楔子挡住(轮子、车辆);将(船、桶等)置于支架上;塞满(chock的过去式及过去分词)

5、upchucked ─── v.呕吐;n.呕吐物

6、chucker ─── n.投掷者(尤指棒球投手);六角车床

7、chuckled ─── v.咯咯的笑,轻声地笑;(动物)咯咯叫;n.轻笑,窃笑

8、shucked ─── n.壳;外皮;荚;毫无价值的东西;vt.剥去;vi.剥去;n.(Shuck)人名;(英)沙克

9、chiacked ─── v.戏弄;讥笑

chucked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He chucked up work last year. ─── 他去年停止了工作。

2、Don't chuck pieces of paper about; you make the room look untidy. ─── 别把纸扔得到处都是,你把房间弄得乱七八糟。

3、He didn't leave of his own will;he was chucked out. ─── 他不是自愿离开,而是被赶走的。

4、Why did you chuck up the sponge when you were so near to winning? ─── 你为什么要在即将胜利的时候承认失败呢?

5、He gave me a chuck last week; can you find me a new job? ─── 他上个星期把我解雇了,你能帮我找个新工作吗?

6、He chucked away that last line, no one could hear him. ─── 他轻轻地带过最后一句,谁也没有听到。

7、The store chucked in a small television set when he bought the furniture. ─── 他买家具时,商店附赠了一部小电视机。

8、Chuck Palumbo Michelle McCool vs. ─── 剧情看点: CM Punk vs.

9、As we took the boat back to the mainland, I thought about what life would be like if I chucked them overboard. ─── 乘船回到大陆的时候,我想到,要是把那些东西都带上船的话,日子会怎么样。

10、When did you chuck in becoming a politician? ─── 你是什么时候放弃成为一个政治家的念头的?

11、After a brave fight, he finally had to chuck in the towel. ─── 一场勇敢的打斗之后,他最终不得不承认失败。

12、He chucked away the empty tin. ─── 他把空听头扔掉了。

13、After fighting for half an hour, he chucked up the sponge. ─── 他比赛半小时后就认输了。

14、You're making too much noise - chuck it in ,will you? ─── 你太吵闹了,停下来,好不好?

15、Jon could not look at her. He was only trying to make amends and now she had chucked back his apology. ─── 他不知如何去面对这个女人,他只是设法给她赔礼道歉。

16、Chuck: Wasn't your old dog named Digby? ─── 你以前那条狗不就叫迪比么?

17、He got the chuck from Barbara. ─── 他向巴巴拉求婚被拒绝了。

18、She chucked him a shoulder when he ventured to speak to her. ─── 他想和她说话,她却转过身去不理他。

19、It is difficult for people to chuck off old habits. ─── 人们摆脱旧习惯是很困难的。

20、He chucked his money away on a worthless plan. ─── 他把钱白白花在一个毫无价值的计划上。

21、He has decided to chuck his old job in. ─── 他已经决定不干这份工作了。

22、Chuck: Domestic partnership. You mean like faggots? ─── 同居伴侣。你是说就像同性变态一样?

23、They chucked the old man out of the pub. ─── 他们把那个老人赶出了小酒店。

24、The Hollywood professional in the audience chucked at the irony. ─── 以前,我总是错过对话的另一方,现在,我希望至少听到一部分反馈信息。

25、He winked at Kamejiro, and chucked him under the chin with the whip. ─── 他朝龟次郎眨眨眼睛,用鞭子撩撩他下巴。

26、Why don't you chuck the work, Madeline? ─── 你为什么不辞职不干呢,梅德琳?

27、You should chuck out your chest to face the difficulty. ─── 你应该振作精神,去面对困难。

28、Why did you chuck away your time? ─── 你为什么把时间白白浪费掉?

29、Why did you chuck up your English study? ─── 你为什么要放弃英语学习?

30、When Chuck Norris does division, there are no remainders. ─── 做除法,余数从来不敢出现。

31、There was no need for you to chuck in that remark. ─── 你没必要插进那番话。

32、"His name is Chuck, but we call him Sprocket. ─── “他的名字叫‘卡克’,但我们叫他链轮。

33、Henry decided to chuck in his English studies. ─── 亨利决定放弃英语学习。

34、At the third round he chucked up. ─── 到了第三回合,他认输了。

35、Never chuck away a chance to improve your English! ─── 决不要让提高英语水平的机会溜掉了!

36、He chucked a drunken man out of the pub. ─── 他把一个醉汉从酒店中推了出去。

37、You can't just chuck him out. ─── 你不能只把他解雇了事。

38、John just chucked up his job at the factory and said he intended never to work again. ─── 约翰刚放弃了他在那个工厂的职位并且说他打算永远也不再。

39、They chucked the stranger out of the room. ─── 他们把这个陌生人从房间里撵了出去。

40、You haven't chucked your job! ─── 你还没有辞掉你的工作!

41、Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits. ─── 从来不睡觉。他等待着。

42、"No, no need. . . " The old accountant shouted in Shang Hai accent, chucked back, as if the half of brown cake was a hot coalball. ─── “咦,咦!弗,弗……”老会计操着上海口音叫起来,惊慌地又扔了回去,仿佛那半块黑面饼子是个烧得火烫的煤球。

43、Don't chuck me under the chin like that, I'm not a child any more! ─── 别这样用手抚摸我的下巴,我已不再是孩子了!

44、Jim has chucked up his studies. ─── 吉姆已经放弃学习了。

45、Henchman Chuck Walters (as Chas. ─── King) (亨夹头沃尔特斯( chas 。

46、He was chucked all of a heap at first sight of her. ─── 他一看到她就被迷住了。

47、They were so glad as to chuck their own hats up in the air. ─── 他们这么高兴以致把自己的帽子抛到空中。

48、They got chucked off the bus. ─── 他们被赶下了公共汽车。

49、Jim chucked his time away on such a worthless plan. ─── 吉姆把时间浪费在这样一个没有价值的计划上了。

50、He fail his exam and is chuck out of university. ─── 他考试不及格,被大学开除。

51、He chucked himself down on the floor as if he died. ─── 他一下子直挺挺地躺在地板上,好像死了一样。

52、He chucked his money away on a high risk. ─── 他把钱花在一个大的冒险上。

53、They got chucked off the bus. ─── 他们被赶下了公共汽车。

54、Looks as though Sen. Chuck Hagel is on a roll. ─── 仿佛参议员黑格是强强滚卡盘。

55、Chuck me the newspaper if you've finished reading it. ─── 你看完了报就扔给我.

56、Never chuck your money up on trash. ─── 决不要浪费钱去买无用的东西。

57、Don't be so noisy, or the driver will chuck us off the coach. ─── (喻)不要这样喧哗,要不驾驶员会把我们扔下车去的。

58、How much wood would a woodchuck chuck. ─── 一只美洲旱獭能扔掉多少木头呢?

59、He was employed to chuck out any troublemakers. ─── 他受雇把捣乱者赶走。

60、He didn't leave of his own will; he was chucked out. ─── 他不是自己要走的,他是被撵走的。

61、The counterrevolution has triumphed before in France, just as reforming governments have been chucked out in Britain. ─── 反革命以前在法国取得过胜利,就像改革政府曾在英国被赶下台。

62、They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot. ─── 他们把一块石头朝警察扔去,然后带着钱溜掉了。

63、He had so much to drink that he chuck up in the car on the way home. ─── 他喝得太多了,在回家途中的车上呕吐了。

64、Why did you chuck in your college course? ─── 你为什么放弃了大学课程呢?

65、He chucked me a shoulder, I know he must be displeased by my words. ─── 他背过身去不理我,我知道他肯定是被我的话惹恼了。

66、He chucked the paper in a drawer. ─── 他把那篇文章顺手丢进了抽屉。

67、He chucked the empty tins about. ─── 他把这些空罐头盒到处乱扔。

68、Chuck: How did you feel at that moment? ─── 你当时的感觉如何?

69、EMILY: You're welcome. Have you met Chuck Kessler? ─── 不客气。你认识查科·克斯勒吗?

70、Captain chucked the cigarette on the floor and heeled it out. Then he took the photo and put it on his chest. ─── 上校把香烟扔在了地板上,用后脚跟碾灭,随后抓起照片放在自己的胸前。

71、He get feed up with his job and chuck it in. ─── 他对那份工作感到厌倦,辞掉不干了。

72、He chucked up his breakfast. ─── 他把吃下去的早饭全吐出来了。

73、Don't chuck away your time on the triviality. ─── 不要把你的时间浪费在这些琐事上。

74、He didn't leave of his own will,he was chucked out. ─── 他并不是自愿离开的,而是被赶走的。

75、Is he going to chuck up his job? ─── 他是不是要辞职不干了?

76、He chucked the child under the chin. ─── 他轻轻拍打那个小孩的下颚。

77、He climbed up the apple tree and chucked some apples down to me. ─── 他爬上苹果树,把苹果扔下给我。

78、They were chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy . ─── 他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆.

79、He had so much to drink that he chuck upin the car on the way home. ─── 他喝得太多了,在回家途中的车上呕吐了。

80、He failed his exams and was chucked out of university. ─── 他考试不及格,被大学开除。

81、Chuck likes to brag his conquests, not his victims. ─── Chuck喜欢吹嘘他的胜利,而不是失败.brag, 吹牛,吹嘘.

82、You haven't chucked your job! ─── 你还没有辞掉你的工作!

83、Don't chuck pieces of paper about. ─── 别把纸扔得到处都是。

84、If you leave the room, I'll chuck you out of the theatre. ─── 只要你离开这房间,我就把你赶出剧院。

85、The book does not mean I'm interested in war, rather someone has sent me a trashy management book and I haven't chucked it out yet. ─── 那本书并不代表我对战争感兴趣,不过是某个人寄给了我一本毫无价值的管理书籍,而我还没有把它扔掉。

86、The universal chuck has only three jaws. ─── 万能卡盘只有三个爪。

87、They chucked out this suggestion. ─── 他们拒绝采纳这项建议。

88、They are chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy. ─── 他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆。













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