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08-21 投稿


stowed 发音

英:[st??d]  美:[sto?d]

英:  美:

stowed 中文意思翻译



stowed 词性/词形变化,stowed变形

动词现在分词: stowing |动词过去分词: stowed |动词第三人称单数: stows |动词过去式: stowed |

stowed 短语词组

1、stowed home ─── 存放在家里

2、securely stowed ─── 安全存放

3、stowed away ─── 偷乘;无票 ─── 偷乘;收藏

4、stowed location ─── 存放位置

5、stowed away definition ─── 偷渡定义

6、stowed stuff ─── 积存的东西

7、free on board stowed ─── [化] 船上交货包括理仓费 ─── [经] 清理费在内的离岸价格

8、stowed value ─── [计] 复合值

9、stowed stuff daily vlogs ─── 每日装载货物

10、stowed store ─── 积存仓库

11、stowed name ─── [计] 复合名

12、stowed boom ─── 收起吊杆

13、free in and out stowed ─── [经] 船方不负担装卸理仓费用

14、stowed wind ─── 狂风

stowed 相似词语短语

1、strowed ─── vt.散播

2、stoned ─── adj.(因吸毒或醉酒)飘飘然,精神恍惚,极度兴奋;烂醉的;v.向……扔石头;去除果核;用石头铺(建)(stone的过去式和过去分词);n.(Stone)(美)斯托内(人名)

3、stoped ─── v.(采矿中)用梯段法采矿(stope的过去式及过去分词)

4、stoled ─── v.偷窃;剽窃;偷吻;意外赢得;偷垒;偷偷地向……移动;偷偷地看;断球(steal的过去式);n.女用披肩;丝绸圣带;长袍

5、slowed ─── adj.慢的;减速的;迟钝的;vi.变慢;变萧条;vt.放慢;阻碍;adv.慢慢地;迟缓地;n.(Slow)人名;(英)斯洛

6、snowed ─── [气象]雪

7、showed ─── v.显示;表现;展示(show的过去式)

8、stoked ─── adj.振奋的;v.烧火(stoke的过去式和过去分词)

9、sowed ─── v.播撒(sow的ed形式)

stowed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But with the stow of Abraham begins something more special to the Jewish race. ─── 但从亚伯拉罕的故事起,对于犹太民族而言更为特殊的东西开始了。

2、Jonas stowed his bicycle beside Mother's and made his way through the throng to find his group. ─── 乔纳斯把他的脚踏车停在妈妈的脚踏车旁然后走向群众去找他所属的团体。

3、Chief, we found a through container stowed on this port's one. So it is necessary to re-stow it, what do you think? ─── 大副,我们发现过境箱装在本港口箱的上面,所以需要捣一下,你认为怎样?

4、Michael Golding of Huntington Antiques in Stow accepts his role as an impromptu guide with good grace. ─── 在斯托地方的亨廷顿古玩店的迈克尔 - 戈尔丁欣然担任了临时导游的任务。

5、The results showed that CPUE of stow net fishing was increased average of 9.3% and maximum of 23.5% in Tanhu Island of Hangzhou Bay. ─── 分析表明,在杭州湾滩浒岛附近海域,因风暴潮增水导致张网作业CPUE平均增幅为93%,最大增幅达23.5%。

6、He saw the priest stow the communion cup away, well in, and kneel an instant before it, showing a large grey bootsole from under the lace affair he had on. ─── 他望到神父把圣体杯收好,放回尽里边,对着它跪了片刻,身上那镶有花边的衣裙下边,露出老大的灰色靴底。

7、A new roof-rack system features cross bars that stow in the roof rails when not in use, helping to reduce drag and give fuel economy an extra boost. ─── 一种新的屋顶机架系统功能交叉的酒吧存放在屋顶栏杆在不使用时,有助于减少阻力,使燃油经济性的一个额外的动力。

8、Don't stow the hairy crab up to the deckhead. You have to keep some space for cooling. ─── 不要把河蟹堆到舱顶,你们必须留一些空间用于冷却。

9、To be clear, items should not be stowed behind your calves, under your feet like a footstool, in the open seat next to you, or in your lap. ─── 明白的说,物品不应该放置在你的小腿后面,或像一个脚凳一样放在你的脚下,或旁边空的座位上,或在你的大腿上。

10、Not a true convertible, the Civic Del Sol featured a removable hardtop that stowed in the trunk and a retractable rear window for that "convertible" feel. ─── 不是真正的可兑换,文娱晴特色的一个可移动的硬顶存放在一个可伸缩的主干和该“可兑换”的感觉后窗。

11、He stowed away on a ship to Britain. ─── 他偷乘轮船到英国。

12、He stowed clothes into a suitcase. ─── 他把衣服装入手提箱。

13、Stow your jaw! ─── 住口!别多嘴!别废话!

14、What happens to the rings next is up to the individual.Dungy, like Manning, said he would probably stow his away soon. ─── 冠军戒指的未来取决于它们的主人,和曼宁一样,邓吉说他会将戒指好好收藏。

15、In the Mahabharata, Indra is pursued by a terrible female goddess(called only Brahminicide) who rose up out of the dead Vritra, who was a Brahman in that version of the stow. ─── 在《摩呵婆罗多》里,因陀罗为一位可怕的由维他的尸体上生出的女神(只叫做“婆罗门杀手”)所追逐,因为在这个版本的故事里,维他是个婆罗门。

16、When not in use, the hood is folded and stowed inside the zippered, full size compartment that runs the length of the collar. ─── 头帽不用时可以折起来,装在衣领处有充足空间的拉链里面。

17、During movement on wheels the tracks were stowed on shelves above the wheels and secured to these shelves with leather straps. ─── 在使用负重轮行驶时,履带被放置在翼子板上并用皮带进行固定。

18、"Stow( keep) in a cool place";"Keep cool";"Keep from heat";"Stow cool". ─── 保持冷冻,不可近热。

19、They climbed into the open cockpit, stowed their sandwiches and coffee, and waved to the people seeing them off. ─── 他们爬进”了敞式座舱,把三明治和咖啡收藏好,向送行的人挥手致意。

20、Some of the cargo had been loosely stowed and fetched away a little when the storm hit. ─── 一些船货装得不牢,在风暴袭击的时候有点儿移动了位置。

21、As it is growing warm, I have already cleaned my down coat and stow it away in the closet. ─── 天气暖和了,我已经将羽绒衣洗干净收到壁橱里了。

22、Use the Crowbar to enter the Drivers Quarters, sneak through Into the Vehicle Compound, and then stow away In the back of a truck. ─── 利用铁撬进入驾驶休息区,再溜进车辆区,然后偷偷躲紧卡车后面。

23、It's said the men kidnapped around 50 migrants who'd stowed away on the train. ─── 据说这伙歹徒绑架了大约50名偷乘这列火车的移民。

24、As the space may not be enough, you have to stow the reefer cargo as close as possible. ─── 因舱容可能不够,你们须尽可能把冷藏货装得紧一些。

25、You'll have to stow this in the crew luggage compartment in the front. ─── 你的把这个装到的前面的行李装载箱

26、She found a seat, stowed her backpack and sat down. ─── 她找到一个座位,把背包放好,坐了下来。

27、Inside the waiting room, adjoining the gate, I stow my purse and cell phone in a locker, present my documents, and wait to be called. ─── 在紧邻大门的等候室,我把钱包和手机放进带锁的保险箱,然后出示证件,等候传唤。

28、He stowed his passport away safely in a drawer. ─── 他把护照妥善保存在抽届里。

29、Reduce planning time, improve vessel stow plans, and adapt quickly to any vessel scheduling or berthing changes with SPARCS Auto Stow. ─── 使用SPARCS AutoStow可缩短规划时间、改善船舶配载计划,并快速适应任何船期或船舶泊位的变更。

30、Not to be packed under heavy cargo; Not to be stowed below another cargo. ─── 不可重叠。

31、At the age of sixteen, he stowed away on a freighter bound for America. ─── 16岁时他偷偷地乘上了一条开往美洲的货船。

32、But our interest here lies not with the stow of its political disintegration but with its effect upon the human mind and upon the general destinies of our race. ─── 不过本书的兴趣不在于其政治分裂的情况,而在于它对人类思想和我们人类整体命运的影响。

33、Keep flat ; stow level . ─── 不可横置。

34、Have you seen the amount of foods those lads can stow away at one meal? ─── 你可曾见过那些小伙子一餐的食量有多大?

35、Get your bags stowed away, Captain. I heard that POW barrack 2 Is your new home. ─── 上校,把你的袋子收起来。我得知集中营兵营2是你的新家。

36、He stowed away on a ship bound for Vigo. ─── 他偷偷地上了一艘开往维哥的船。

37、How completely he disappointed them and how weak and futile was the League of Nations he made is too long and too distressful a stow to tell here. ─── 他让他们多么彻底地失望,他所创造的国际联盟是多么软弱、无效,这个故事说来太长、太令人痛苦。

38、To secure or stow safely. ─── 使安全,安全装载

39、Well,John Pass and John Stow cast the bell. ─── 嗯,是约翰.帕斯和约翰.斯多铸造的那口钟.

40、More common are those who stow aboard lorries to get across by ferry or tunnel. ─── 但通常人们会藏匿在过境的卡车上,由轮渡或隧道进入英国。

41、Big snow drifts made progress stow and difficult. ─── 大量的堆雪使前进缓慢而困难。

42、The cargo in both holds was block stowed in units without shoring throughout the upper and lower hold. ─── 两个货舱的上、下舱内堆满了一捆捆的货物,没有任何支撑物。

43、Stow in a cool place. Keep cool. Keep from heat. ─── 保持冷冻不可近热。

44、In the lower holds, the cargo was stowed 2 units (8 bales) high and they were found not tightly stowed with gaps between units. ─── 在所有下层舱中,货物堆至2捆(8包)高,它们堆放不够紧密,相互间存在间隙。

45、Hong said the scene at APL Kaohsiung was one of chaos and confusion regarding vessel and yard integrated operations before Auto Stow was implemented. ─── Hong说在使用AutoStow之前,APL Kaohsiung对船舶和场地的联合操作是一片混乱。

46、She found a seat, stowed her backpack and sat down. ─── 她找到一个座位,把背包放好,坐了下来。

47、He stowed the cargo in the ship’s hold. ─── 他把货物装在了船舱里。

48、Furthermore, each lot of the optional cargo must be stowed in one block, because in this way we can discharge any lot at any port appointed by the consignee. ─── 另外,每票选港货都必须堆在一处,因为这样我们便可在收货人指定的任何一个港口卸下任何一票。

49、The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation. ─── 行李正迅速被装好收起以便运输。

50、The doctor says the patient has to be stowed in the emergency room. ─── 大夫说病人要暂时留在急诊室里。

51、If you feel more comfortable about it, though, you can stow it beneath the seat in front of you. ─── 但如果你觉得放在你前面座位底下比较放心的话,就放在那儿好了。

52、In the evening the goldsmith hung a couple of bags over his shoulders that he might be able to stow away a great deal, and took the road to the hill. ─── 为了能装回更多财宝,当晚金匠肩上背着许多大包,乐滋滋地上了路。

53、If you feel more comfortable about it,though,you can stow it beneath the seat in front of you. ─── 但您如果觉得放在您前面座位底下比较放心的话,就放在那儿好了。

54、In my dressing-room everything breakable had been stowed away. ─── 在我的梳妆室里,一切易碎的物品都已经收藏起来了。

55、His passport was stowed away in the desk. ─── 他的护照在书桌里搁着呢。

56、There follows the most amazing stow of conquest in the whole history of our race. ─── 后来发生了我们人类整个历史上最令人惊奇的征服故事。

57、When everything was stowed on board a ship, Faithful John put on the dress of a merchant, and the King was forced to do the same in order to make himself quite unrecognizable. ─── 于是,国王下令找来了所有技艺高超的金匠,他们夜以继日地用金子赶制各种工艺品,终于把金子都做成了最漂亮的珍玩。

58、A higher stowage flexibility is achieved because a20’stack can be stowed next to a 40’stack. ─── 中部处纵舱壁不需考虑加强,装箱也较为灵活.因为40’箱旁可装载20’箱.

59、A 12-year-old girl picking up a seedless watermelon from a bin was stung by a tan, inch-long scorpion that had apparently stowed away in a shipment from Mexico. ─── 一名12岁女童从一个箱子里捡起一粒无籽西瓜,结果被一只古铜色、一英寸长的蝎子螫中,这只蝎子显然是跟著墨西哥的一批货物偷渡进来。

60、In later versions of the stow of his battle against Vritra, he is portrayed as vengeful and cowardly, and needs the help of Shiva and Vishnu to slay the dragon. ─── 在以后关于他和维他战斗的版本里,他被描述成报复心很重,胆小懦弱,杀死恶龙必须有湿婆和毗湿奴的帮助。

61、"I'll tell you another stow along that line, "said the advocate ."There was a client who was so pleased with his service in a case, that he sent him an additional fee ... ─── “在这方面我还要给你再讲一件事情,”那位律师说,“有一个当事人对于他处理的案件非常满意,额外送他一笔酬金。

62、When the wet clean blankets were stowed in the truck bed he stepped into Higgins's gift shop and busied himself with the postcard rack. ─── 在工人们将洗干净的湿毯子往车上搬的空当儿,他走进了辛吉斯礼品店,开始忙着挑选明信片。

63、Ample stowage space, including space for a standard cabin bag stowed in-seat. And a vanity corner with personal mirror and drawer. ─── 充裕的置物空间,座椅内可收藏标准手提行李,以及配有镜子与抽屉的梳妆柜。

64、Before “he” arrives, I'll stow away the books and organize my messy room. ─── 在“他”到之前,先把看起来像狗窝似的房间稍微整理一下。

65、First they stowed their gear in their room, a small one tucked under the eaves of the roof. ─── 两人先将他们带的装备放在房间内,一个略小一点的就插在房顶的屋檐下。

66、Luke stowed his camera bags into the boot. ─── 卢克把他的相机袋收到旅行箱里。

67、To solve the problems, a way of the clear mining is put forward, that is, the refuse is not taken out of a coal mine and immediately stowed underground. ─── 为此,提出了一条洁净开采途径,即矸石不出井直接充填井下。这样做,既可以消除矸石山,又可以减少开采沉陷。经分析,环境效益、经济效益、社会效益显著。

68、In a seat (10), a seat cushion is pivoted to the rear side to be superposed on the front side of a seatback, and thereby the seat is stowed. ─── 在座椅(10)中,通过使座垫向后侧转动,使座垫重叠、收藏在座椅靠背的前侧。

69、The flight attendants were busy welcoming passengers, helping them stow their luggage and guiding them to their seats. ─── 乘务员们忙着欢迎乘客,帮他们安放行李和领座。

70、It was all fitted with lockers from top to bottom, so as to stow away the officer's belongings and part of the ship's store. ─── 上上下下都装置了橱柜,收藏着头儿们的财产和船上一部分粮食。

71、Using information sent via EDI, PowerStow Container Stowage Coordination instantly updates stow plans for all down-line ports with actual stowage information. ─── 使用通过EDI往来传送的信息,PowerStow可以依靠实际发生的配载信息,立即更新下行诸港口的配载安排。

72、Well,stow the talk! ─── 够了,别说了!

73、He travelled through Canaan, and the God of Abraham, says the Bible stow, promised this smiling land of prosperous cities to him and to his children. ─── 《圣经》中说,他周游迦南,亚伯拉罕之神允诺将这块到处是繁荣城市的乐土赐给他及其后裔。

74、Chief, we found a through container stowed on this port's one.So it is necessary to re-stow it, what do you think? ─── 大副,我们发现过境箱装在本港口箱的上面,所以需要捣一下,你认为怎样?

75、He seems to have stowed any anger or resentment he may have had; his devotion to the mission in Senjaray seems absolute. ─── 他似乎把他原本应有的愤懑都藏了起来;在塞尼亚雷,他的使命是至高无上的。

76、Stow it! ─── "闭嘴!"

77、Two kids from a small town accidentally stow away aboard an airplane owned by the mob. ─── 剧情简介:两个来自小镇的孩子,无意中上了一架坏蛋的飞机,就此展开了一场惊险旅程。

78、At the age of 13 he had stowed away on a ship bound for Rio. ─── 13 岁那年,他偷偷地上了一艘开往里约热内卢的船。

79、He stowed those papers away in the drawer. ─── 他把那些文件收进抽屉。

80、Stow the talk! ─── 别说了!

81、The stow he told us was at once interesting and instructive. ─── 他讲给我们听的故事,既有趣,又有益。

82、Excuse me, where can I stow my luggage? The bin is full. ─── 1对不起,我可以把行李放哪儿,行李舱满了。

83、putting back his handkerchief he took out the soap and stowed it away , buttoned into the hip pocket of his trousers. ─── 他放回手绢时取出肥皂,然后把它塞进裤后兜,扣上钮扣。

84、When not in use, it should be covered in silk or any piece of clean cloth and stowed away respectfully. ─── 在其他时刻我们则该用丝绸或乾净的布盖上以示尊敬。

85、Protecting the man she loved and the father of her unborn children, Padme secretly departed Coruscant to confront Anakin.Kenobi stowed away aboard her vessel. ─── 但为了保护她深爱的男子和未出世孩子的父亲,佩米暗中离开科罗森去找安纳金,但欧比旺却也躲到了船上。

86、Bring seat backs to the upright position and stow all tray tables. ─── 同时请旅客们把所有行李放在座位底下或行李架内。

87、Prior to Auto Stow, planners spent 100% of their time doing manual planning. ─── 在使用AutoStow之前,计划员的图纸完全手工完成,要占用他们的全部时间。

88、The other carpets can be stowed away until we move to a new house. ─── 其它的地毯可收起来,等搬进新房再用。

89、The bus has not come, and he is in a stow, for fear he will be late. ─── 公共汽车还没开来,他焦虑不安,惟恐迟到。

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