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09-06 投稿


bombus 中文意思翻译




bombus 短语词组

1、bombus flavidus ─── 燃烧的炸弹

2、bombus id ─── 炸弹id

3、apidae bombus ─── 家蚕科

4、bombus dahlbomii ─── 炸弹达尔博米

5、genus Bombus ─── [网络] 熊属属

6、bombus llc bombus ─── 有限责任公司

7、bombus affinis ─── 仿射家蚕

8、bombus impatiens ─── 凤仙花

bombus 相似词语短语

1、babus ─── n.先生(等于Mr或者Sir);n.(Babu)人名;(坦桑、尼、肯)巴布;(法)巴比

2、bombes ─── n.一种冰冻甜点;n.(Bombe)人名;(莫)邦贝

3、ombus ─── 影子

4、bombs ─── n.[军]炸弹(bomb的复数);v.轰炸;投弹(bomb的三单形式)

5、bombast ─── n.夸大的言辞;adj.夸大的

6、bombers ─── n.[航][军]轰炸机;喷射机;扔炸弹的人(bomber的复数形式)

7、combust ─── vt.燃烧;消耗;n.燃料

8、rhombus ─── n.[数]菱形;[数]斜方形

9、bombous ─── adj.凸出的;圆筒形的

bombus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Investigation on the Resources of Bombus in Jilin Province ─── 吉林省熊蜂野生蜂种资源调查

2、A study of Nosema bombi infections in bumble bees,Bombus spp. ─── 熊蜂微孢子虫感染熊蜂(Bombus spp.)试验

3、Influence of Various Temperatures and Induce Methods to Bombus Terrestris Queen Creating Colony ─── 不同温度及诱导方法对熊蜂王Bombus terrestris组建蜂群的影响

4、A Study on Bombus terrestris Pollination to Greenhouse Eggplant ─── 熊蜂为温室茄子授粉试验

5、Diploneis bombus var. bombiformis ─── n. 蜂腰双壁藻蜂腰形变种

6、A Study on Effect of Environmental Temperature on Bombus lucorum Colony Development ─── 环境温度对明亮熊蜂发育影响的研究

7、bumblebee(Bombus terrestris) ─── 熊蜂

8、The behaviour and activity patterns of Bombus lucorum and Apis mellifera for pollinating strawberry in greenhouse were comparatively studied. ─── 作者对明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂为日光温室草莓授粉时的行为和活动方式进行了比较研究。

9、Two strains of Crithidia bombi from natural multiple infection was used to infect to their host bumble bees( Bombus terrestris ). ─── 利用自然界多重感染来源的两株熊蜂短膜虫(Crithidiabombi)对熊蜂宿主(Bombusterestris)进行了感染实验。

10、The character of Bumble bees( Bombus spp.) for pollination and its breeding in capitivity ─── 熊蜂(Bombus spp.)的授粉特性及其人工饲养

11、Bombus lucorum ─── 明亮熊蜂

12、A Study on mating and influential factors of Bombus lucorum under artificial conditions ─── 交配及影响因素的研究

13、Study on Bumble Bombus terrestris pollination to Tomato ─── 保护地番茄熊蜂授粉试验

14、Diploneis bombus ─── n. 蜂腰双壁藻

15、Investigation on the Resources of Bombus in Jilin Province ─── 吉林省熊蜂野生蜂种资源调查

16、A preliminary analysis of regional components was conducted for the Bombus fauna of this Province. ─── 另外,作者对该地区的熊蜂区系成分进行了初步的分析。

17、Its principal pollinators are queens of the early-emerging bumble bee species Bombus bifarius and Bombus occidentalis. ─── 百合的主要授粉者是早醒的大黄蜂物种的Bombus bifarius和Bombus occidentalis。

18、research methods in phylogeny of Bombus genus both at home and abroad was reviewed in the paper. The major research method included chromosome counts, protein analyzes, DNA sequencing. ─── 就目前国内外熊蜂属系统进化领域的分子生物学研究方法进行了综述,主要包括染色体计数法、蛋白质分析法、DNA测序法。

19、Foraging behavior and pollination ecology of Bombus lucorum L. And Apis mellifera L. In greenhouse peach garden ─── 明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂在温室桃园的访花行为和传粉生态学比较

20、Keywords Pedicularis;Bombus;pollination ecology;floral display;autogamy;floral colour change;pollination efficiency;pollen competition; ─── 马先篙属;熊蜂;传粉生态学;开放式样;自动自花授粉;花色变化;传粉效率;花粉竞争;

21、Pyrobombus ( B . impatiens ) and Bombus are sister subgenera; ─── Pyrobombus(B.impatiens)和Bombua形成姊妹群;

22、Peach trees growing in controlled field environments: trials on pollination results with Bombus spp. ─── 设施桃熊蜂授粉效果试验。

23、honeybee Apis mellifera, bumblebee Bombus lucorum have different pollination behavior on greenhouse tomato. ─── 在番茄温室内,熊蜂和蜜蜂的授粉习性不同。

24、13 Bombu knows nothing, Cannot do anything except end in hell Such a person Amida saves. ─── 阿弥陀要救的人,是除必堕地狱外,一无所知,一无所能的笨伯。

25、Studies on Pollinating Soybean Male Sterile Plant in Caged Plots Using Bumble Bee (Bombus ignites) and Alfalfa Leaf-cutting Bee (Megachile rotundata) ─── 熊蜂和苜蓿切叶蜂在网室内对大豆不育系授粉效果的研究

26、After observation analysis, Apis mellifera Linnaeus and Bombus ussurensis Radoszkowski were determined to be the most effective and stable pollinators, with an extremely high pollination frequency and obvious date rhythm. ─── 经观察,在整个花期拜访的访花昆虫中,意大利蜜蜂和乌苏熊蜂是最有效而稳定的访花者,而且拜访频率非常高。

27、Studies on Breeding Technology of Bumble Bee (Bombus Lucorum) in Captivity ─── 熊蜂(Bombus Lucorum)的人工繁育技术研究

28、Bombus patagiatus Nylander ─── 密林熊蜂

29、Bombus hypocrita ─── 小峰熊蜂

30、A Study on Bombus terrestris Pollination to Greenhouse Eggplant ─── 熊蜂为温室茄子授粉试验

31、Effect of Shuxuening injection to treat patients with sudden deafness and bombus ─── 舒血宁治疗突发性耳聋与耳鸣的效果观察

32、Study on Bumble Bombus terrestris pollination to Tomato ─── 保护地番茄熊蜂授粉试验

33、A Study on Effect of Environmental Temperature on Bombus lucorum Colony Development ─── 环境温度对明亮熊蜂发育影响的研究

34、Any of various large, hairy, social bees of the genus Bombus that nest underground. ─── 熊蜂,大黄蜂一种体型大的,多毛的,群居的蜜蜂,属于熊蜂属,在地下筑巢

35、A Study on the Effect of Bombus terrestris Pollination to Greenhouse Cucumber ─── 为温室黄瓜授粉的效果研究

36、Totally,they are 31 species belonging to 8 subgenera of the genus Bombus. ─── 在河北境内,熊蜂主要分布在西部太行山区、北部坝上高原和燕山山区;

37、Any of various large,hairy,social bees of the genus Bombus that nest underground. ─── 熊蜂,大黄蜂一种体型大的,多毛的,群居的蜜蜂,属于熊蜂属,在地下筑巢。

38、A Study on the Effect of Bombus terrestris Pollination to Greenhouse Cucumber ─── 为温室黄瓜授粉的效果研究

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