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08-21 投稿


botching 发音

英:[?b?t???]  美:[?bɑ?t???]

英:  美:

botching 中文意思翻译




botching 词性/词形变化,botching变形

动词现在分词: botching |动词过去式: botched |动词过去分词: botched |动词第三人称单数: botches |形容词: botchy |名词: botcher |

botching 短语词组

1、botching dictionary ─── 篡改词典

2、botching it ─── 搞砸了

3、botching meaning ─── 拙劣的意义

4、botching game ─── 拙劣的游戏

5、botching definition ─── 篡改定义

6、botching define ─── 修补定义

7、botching means ─── 欺骗手段

botching 相似词语短语

1、kotching ─── koccing

2、hotching ─── n.跳汰机产物;跳汰机选矿;跳汰选;v.不停地换脚;坐立难安(hotch的现在分词)

3、bitching ─── 埋怨(bitch的现在分词);欺骗;弄糟,弄坏;对...不满

4、blotching ─── n.斑点;污点;疙瘩;vt.弄脏

5、potching ─── n.劣质蛋白石;漂洗;巴掌;vt.打巴掌

6、broaching ─── v.提出,引入;(在酒桶上)钻孔汲取;开启(酒瓶等);(鱼)跃出水面;(船)突然横转(broach的现在分词)

7、cootching ─── 鸡

8、batching ─── n.配料;定量;[计]成批;投配

9、notching ─── v.刻凹痕,用刻痕计算;用槽口等使……牢靠;获得,赢取(notch的现在分词)

botching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Lord shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head. ─── 申28:36耶和华必将你和你所立的王、到你和你列祖素不认识的国去、那里你必事奉木头石头的神。

2、The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed. ─── 申28:27耶和华必用埃及人的疮、并痔疮、牛皮癣、与疥、攻击你、使你不能医治。

3、If you can't get the answers to basic questions right on the phone, there's no point in interviewers watching you botch those questions in person. ─── 电话面试节约了时间。如果在电话里你都不能把一些基本问题讲清除,按么就没有当面看你回答它们的必要。

4、To bungle; botch. ─── 弄糟笨拙地做

5、Jakabok Botch, the child of two demons who has inherited his father's two tails, is rendered even more grotesque after he tumbles into a fire and most of his face is badly burned. ─── 同样的事,在作者的笔下总有不同的呈现,如沈昌文公的“小聪明”、海子的青春和诗,甚至夏奈尔的成功原因,作者都有独特的观察视角,文字闪烁着思辨的火花,读来意兴盎然。

6、To handle badly; botch. ─── 搞坏,贻误搞坏事情,笨拙地做

7、I tried to cook a nice dinner, but I'm afraid I've rather botch it. ─── 我想煮一顿美好的晚餐,但却恐怕把它弄坏了。

8、Her baking was a complete botch ─── 她烤的饼糟糕透了。

9、I did not doubt but if I could find out any such clay, I might botch up some such pot, as might, being dry'd in the sun, be hard enough, and strong enough to bear handling, and to hold any thing that was dry, and requir'd to be kept so; ─── 我敢肯定,只要能找到陶土,就能做一些钵子或罐子,然后放到太阳底下晒干;炎热的太阳一定能把陶土晒得既坚硬又结实,并能经久耐用,可以用来装一些需要保存的干东西。

10、I have made a miserable botch of this description"(Nathaniel Hawthorne) ─── “我这段描写简直搞得糟透了”纳撒尼尔·霍索恩

11、Of course, can be imagined, be the household environment that won't have a good quality so, it is the botch to the building. ─── 当然,可想而知,这样是不会有一个好质量的家居环境的,是对房屋的糟践。

12、In typical fashion, Hancock botch es the save. ─── 典型的流行方式,他这次笨手笨脚的做出了救援。

13、Imitate do not imitate reach the designated position, what to do column of so called Rome, it is botch simply that thing. ─── 模拟都模拟不到位,弄什么所谓的罗马柱,简直是糟践那东西。

14、make a botch of... ─── 因技术拙劣而弄坏,作坏

15、I' m afraid the unexpected accident may botch up the dinner tonight. ─── 恐怕这意想不到的事故会把今天的晚宴搞糟。

16、Accordingly, suggest you meet love with the manner of the calm, must not the sincerity of botch man. ─── 因此,建议你以坦然的态度来迎接爱情,千万不要糟践男子的真心。

17、botch up ─── 搞坏, 弄糟

18、The Hawks were in the playoffs despite Knight's consistent botching of the draft, not because of him. ─── 尽管Knight在选秀上很拙劣,老鹰仍然在季后赛队伍之列显然不是因为他。

19、I' ve made a botch of it. ─── 我把那事做坏了。

20、Italy has a record of botching recovery programmes. ─── 意大利有实施修补计划的记录。

21、to make an error,especially to forget or botch one's lines ─── 错误;尤指犯了忘记或说错台词

22、botch: To make or perform clumsily;bungle. ─── 表现拙劣:做得或表现得拙劣;

23、To botch; bungle. ─── 弄糟;搞砸

24、Don't botch it up this time. ─── 这一回可别把它搞坏了。

25、Both men are weak: Mr Olmert is accused of botching last summer's war against Hizbullah in Lebanon; ─── 两人都有弱点:Olmert被谴责去年夏天在黎巴嫩对Hizbullah发起的战争;

26、So I set to work a tailoring, or rather indeed a botching, for I made most piteous work of it. ─── 于是我做起裁缝来。其实,我根本不懂缝纫工作,只是胡乱缝合起来罢了。我的手艺可以说是再糟也没有了。

27、To avoid botching a rescue job, new CEOs need to introduce a fresh take on the company without attaching any turnaround to their egos. ─── 为了避免将拯救工作搞砸,新任首席执行官们必须带领企业开启新的航程,同时避免自我膨胀。

28、1. Don't give the job to Reed, he'll only botch it up. ─── 这事情不能交给里德办,他只会把事情弄糟的。

29、To make an error, especially to forget or botch one's lines. ─── 忘词尤指犯了忘记或说错台词的错误

30、Scores of people gathered in Athens to voice their anger over what they describe as the government botch handling of the fires. ─── 许多人聚集在雅典宣泄他们对政府处理火灾时糟糕表现的愤怒。

31、Clicking a mouse button also requires fine motor control—without it, the mouse and cursor will inadvertently move, botching the intended action. ─── 单击鼠标上的按键也需要精细运动技能——用你的手指往下压它——如果手没有牢固地靠在桌面上,你在无意地移动鼠标和光标的情况下就无法单击它。

32、3.The terrible mechanic seems to have made a botch of repairing the car. ─── 这个糟糕的机修工好象把这辆汽车越修越坏。

33、In turn he took his place in the reading class and made a botch of it; ─── 结果朗读时,他读得别别扭扭;

34、I've made a real botch of the decorating. ─── 我的装潢工作做得实在是糟糕。

35、The mechanic tried to repair my car , but he really botch It up ─── 那个技工想把我的汽车修好, 可是他一修更糟了

36、Unbelievable Botching by Adolf Hitler ─── 阿道夫·希特勒令人难以置信的瞎指挥

37、Just a second of hesitation is often enough to botch a crucial possession in a tight game. ─── 仅仅一秒的犹豫往往就足够在一场紧张的比赛中延误战机。

38、You will also be taught several variations of the original, and "outs" in case the gimmick fails or you somehow "botch up". ─── 您并且将被教原物的几变异, 并且"出口" 如果秘密装置失败或您"以某种方法拙劣地修补" 。

39、Don't give the job to him; he'll only botch it up. ─── 别派他作这事,他准会把它搞砸了。

40、They botch or mangle; ruin. ─── 他们残杀囚犯

41、But sometimes cells botch the job, leading to misfolded proteins that are useless or even dangerous. ─── 但是有时细胞搞砸了,蛋白质没折叠好,不但没用,甚至还有害。

42、"I have made a miserable botch of this description" (Nathaniel Hawthorne) ─── “我这段描写简直搞得糟透了”(纳撒尼尔·霍索恩)

43、Learn how many men botch some ways, or else so many silly ways to kill the man? ─── 多少要学会一些糟蹋男人的方法,否则这么多的无聊男子该如何打发?

44、Italy has a record of botching recovery programmes. ─── 意大利有实施修补计划的记录。

45、But eventually the folks at BOTCH will send you a letter, ordering you to desist. ─── 但最终你会收到理发师管理局的家伙寄来的一封信,信中命令你不得继续这样的做法。

46、Well cloth, such by cloth art adornment inn botch is dropped, ms.Chen is very furious. ─── 好好的布料,就这样被布艺装饰店糟践掉,陈女士非常生气。

47、Tradesmen frequently arrive late, have to be pushed to accomplish their work, make far more noise than necessary, make a terrible mess, break something else, botch their job, and overcharge ─── 商人经常迟到,不得不推迟完成他们的工作,比平常更罗嗦,做的一塌糊涂,打破东西,破坏他们自己的工作,压力很重-

48、If politicians don't botch things up, Americans could benefit for decades to come. ─── 如果哲学家不把事情弄糟,美国人可能在未来的十年内受益。

49、“ I've just never seen great powers make such a complete mess and botch of things,” he told his aides. ─── “我从未见过大国做这样混乱和拙劣的事情”他对他的幕僚们说道。

50、Norman tried to build a bookcase, but he made a botch of the job. ─── 诺曼试着做个书架, 但做得乱七八糟。诺曼试著做个书架, 但做得乱七八糟。

51、To make a stupid,usually serious error in;botch. ─── 只要有一点差错,就可能需要返工。

52、Don't give the job to him, he'll botch it up ─── 别把这工作交给他,他会搞糟的。

53、Did the bachelor botch a batch badly baked biscuits? ─── 这个单身汉修复了一炉烤坏的饼干吗?

54、Confusing substitute used to botch up system and bamboozle team-mates: Stewart Downing. ─── 让人费解的换上了斯图尔特.唐宁搞乱了整个阵形,迷惑了自己人。

55、I hope I didn't botch it, though. ─── 不过,希望我没照坏。

56、TYPICAL USE:I tried to cook a nice dinner,but I'm afraid I've rather botch it. ─── 我想煮一顿美好的晚餐,但却恐怕把它弄坏了。

57、You may be able to get away with this for a month or two. But eventually the folks at BOTCH will send you a letter, ordering you to desist. ─── 在一、两个月里,可能什么事情也不会发生。但最终你会收到理发师管理局的家伙寄来的一封信,信中命令你不得继续这样的做法。

58、To forget or botch(one's lines). ─── 忘记或说错了(台词)

59、Patrick M. Rooney, research director at the Indiana center, said the Burmese government has created "a case study in how to botch disaster relief fundraising." ─── 印第安纳中心的研究主管说缅甸政府给我们创造了一个案例让我们可以研究救灾募集资金效果不佳的原因。

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