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09-10 投稿


connivance 发音


英:  美:

connivance 中文意思翻译



connivance 短语词组

1、connivance antonym ─── 纵容反义词

2、connivance divorce ─── 纵容离婚

3、connivance def ─── 纵容

4、act of connivance ─── [法] 容忍行为

5、connivance tagalog ─── 纵容塔加洛

6、connivance define ─── 纵容定义

7、champertous connivance ─── 绝对纵容

8、connivance defense ─── 纵容辩护

connivance 相似词语短语

1、connivancies ─── n.纵容,默许

2、connivences ─── n.纵容;默许

3、connivencies ─── _其他组织者

4、connivency ─── 纵容

5、connivence ─── n.纵容;默许

6、contrivance ─── n.发明;发明物;想出的办法;计谋

7、connivancy ─── n.纵容,默许

8、connivances ─── n.纵容;默许;假装不见

9、contrivances ─── n.发明;发明物;想出的办法;计谋

connivance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With the connivance of an ideologically committed government, employees have watched their working conditions; job security, benefits and entitlements disappear in front of their eyes. ─── 在一个意识形态上执着的政府默许下,雇员们眼睁睁看着他们的工作环境在变差;工作安全保障,利益和权利在消失。

2、subtly, not to say with connivance. ─── 巧妙地,更不用说是默许。

3、"or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then in any of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited," ─── 或任何损失是由被保险人或其代表的故意行为或纵容所致,被保险人将丧失其在本保险单项下的所有权益。

4、Beijing's interference, which has successfully stalled democratisation in Hong Kong, has been made easier by the timidity of the local administration and the connivance of most business leaders. ─── 北京的干预,成功地延迟了香港的民主化进程。而特区政府的怯弱和多数商界领袖的纵容,使这种干预更容易实施。

5、Marie, with the connivance of her friends, had absented herself from the city for reasons involving a charge against her chastity. ─── 玛丽为了贞洁问题受到非难,离开城市,她的朋友明知其事,都装作不知。

6、Some people said that the pendulum of children's education has swung to the far side of the district of connivance, which resulted in many children's growing out of the social environment. ─── 有人说教育儿童的钟摆已远远地摆向纵容区一边,以致许多孩子在脱离社会的环境成长。

7、" In the "hidden rules" of the connivance of unscrupulous elements in order to reduce costs and expand sales, even infants and young children take the safety and health risks at stake. ─── 在“潜规则”的纵容下,不法分子为了节约成本,扩大销售,竟然拿婴幼儿的安全健康作赌注铤而走险。

8、Who in connivance, Jiaoguan market economic relations firms out of the way? ─── 究竟是谁在纵容、娇惯市场经济关系中的企业走出这种路径?

9、6.He tried to bribe the police into connivance. ─── 他企图收买警察放他一马。

10、All three strongly deny this, but in at least some voters' eyes, the American alliance is now tainted with connivance in kidnap and torture, followed by cover-ups. ─── 对此,三个国家都强烈否认,但是至少在某些投票人眼中,美国联盟正因对绑架和折磨的纵容而变质,紧随其后的是相关新闻报道。

11、The criminals could not have escaped without your connivance . ─── 囚犯没有你的默契配合,是逃不掉的。

12、4.With the connivance of the supreme leader, they simply used their executive power and a compliant judiciary to override the wishes of the legislature and the voters. ─── 在国家最高领袖的纵容之下,他们仅仅使用了其执行权力与顺从的司法部就完成了宣告立法机构与投票者的意愿无效。

13、act of connivance ─── 纵容行为

14、" Mr.Gravano is a little man full of evil, connivance, manipulation and vanity who has tried to clean his slate by admitting to 19 murders, " Krieger said, his booming baritone filling the jammed Brooklyn courtroom. ─── “格拉瓦诺是一个充满邪恶、奸诈、权术和虚荣的小人。他为了洗清犯罪记录而承认曾犯下19件谋杀案。”克里格说,他宏亮的男中音响彻拥护的布鲁克林法庭。

15、They connivance child which will bring bad influence for the children ─── 他们过分纵容孩子,这对孩子的性格有不良的影响

16、In fact, we need to use an attitude of humanity to cope with our friends, staff and children, not to use connivance to get along with them.We need to use a right way to show our humanity. ─── 其实,不论是对朋友、部属、子女都一样,慈悲既不是纵容,也不是溺爱,而是要讲究方法与智慧。

17、“It sounds to me like a connivance,” the Congressman replied. “I'm a very conscientious legislator and I have a serious conscience .” ─── “你看这似乎是共谋吧,”议员回覆道,“我是一名尽职尽责的立法者,我有一颗严肃良心。”

18、He had, or thought that he had, a connivance, one might almost say a complicity, of events in his favor, which was equivalent to the invulnerability of antiquity. ─── 他曾经受过,或者自以为受过多次事变的默许,甚至几乎可以说,受过多次事变的包庇,使他成为一个类似古代那种金刚不坏之身的人物。

19、Connivance of the laissez-faire attitude is irresponsible. ─── 纵容是放任自流,是不负责任的行为。

20、It is not wise to connivance a small child. ─── 纵容一个小孩是不明智的。

21、Their connivance is satisfying and often jubilant, with a multi-layered narrative that echoes Agnes Jaoui's delightful The taste of others. ─── 当面对一些不受他们控制的情况时,他们互诉心底秘密,互相聆听、互相鼓励,但也有互相争执,以及对自己和别人产生疑问。

22、Only a woman of fragile nature, they love the attention too much blending and connivanceconnivance of the ingredients. ─── 只是女人天性的柔弱,注意她们的爱情掺和了太多的纵容和被纵容的成份。

23、many people in the government not as a condemnation, connivance, fire or incompetence; ─── 许多百姓在谴责政府的不作为、纵容、推波助澜或者无能;

24、The Practice of Relatively Light Punishment: Redemption or Connivance--Reflections from the Angle of China's Criminal Law Legislation ─── 轻刑主义:拯救抑或放纵--从当前我国刑事立法视角的反思

25、They could not have escaped without the connivance of the guards. ─── 他们要是没有卫兵的纵容是无法逃走的。

26、It's bad effect to the child's character that they are so connivance to him. ─── 他们过分纵容孩子,这对孩子的性格有不良影响.

27、a crime carried out with the connivance of/in connivance with the police ─── 在警方的纵容下所犯的罪行.

28、The deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks. ─── 在银行纵容下,赤字增加。

29、It also exports terrorism to India, sometimes with the connivance of parts of the Pakistani state. ─── 巴基斯坦同样向印度输出恐怖主义——有时会在巴基斯坦国家部分地区的纵容默许之下。

30、The crime was committed with the connivance of a police officer. ─── 这项罪行是在警察的纵容下发生的。

31、“It sounds to me like a connivance,” the Congressman replied.“I'm a very conscientious legislator and I have a serious conscience. ─── “你看这似乎是共谋吧,”议员回答道,“我是一名尽职尽责的立法者,我有一颗严正良心。”

32、Further, of course, the XXXX scholars often made themselves bogged down in the dilemma when it comes to tolerance and connivance. ─── (例子)再者,当然,斯多葛学者们在谈及纵容与容忍时常令自身陷入极大的窘境。

33、No reconciliation, afraid to express the views of friends, the connivance of a friend's shortcomings, to maintain this friendship is not solid, one day will not be able to maintain. ─── 不会和解的人,害怕表达对朋友的意见,结果纵容了朋友的缺点,这样维持的友谊是不牢靠的,总有一天会维持不下去。

34、Great Lakes, connivance enjoy. ─── 大湖,纵容享受。

35、With the connivance of an ideologically committed government, employees have watched their working conditions; ─── 在一个意识形态上执着的政府默许下,雇员们眼睁睁看着他们的工作环境在变差;

36、In other words, domestic demand in the local government connivance real estate, real estate developers and commercial banks in the market and creating "non-haircutting prosperity. ─── 也就是说,国内房地产需求是在地方政府纵容下,房地产开发商与商业银行的配合而造就的市场的“非理发繁荣”。

37、It is not far-fetched to believe the groups behind them enjoy some official connivance. ─── 如果说这些人的存在得到了一定的官方默许,也不是牵强附会的想法。

38、It's not difficult for them to make the children disappear . . . with the connivance, possibly, of government officers. ─── 这并不难,孩子消失了…与纵容,可能是政府官员,为他们作出。

39、Several Questions about the Law of Connivance and Hide- up against Gang Organization ─── 纵容黑社会性质组织罪若干疑难问题研究

40、the low quality of soldiers and their bad treatment, as well as the undue dependence and connivance of emperors to the army. ─── 兵源素质低下,士兵待遇较差;以及皇帝对军队的过分依赖和纵容等。

41、He tried to bribe the police into connivance [letting him GO]. ─── 他企图收买警察放他一马。

42、Wind Williams: I would also like to divisions, I will sue you, eight House title is the text will you confused and incompetent connivance posted kill innocent people! ─── 风四娘:我还要告,我就告你,八府巡按文必正,你糊涂无能纵容官差妄杀良民!

43、Marie, with the connivance of her friends, had absented herself from the city for reasons involving a charge against her chastity ─── 玛丽为了贞洁问题受到非难,离开城市,她的朋友明知其事,都装作不知。

44、Tentative Discussion on the Thoughts of Non-litigation and Lawsuit Connivance in Ancient China and their Contemporary Revelation ─── 刍论中国古代无讼贱讼思想及其当代启示

45、Appear in London and Paris interference is not China's shame, but the United Kingdom and France, and even the entire Western scandal, look at the bad-egg in their connivance. ─── 伦敦、巴黎的出现的干扰,不是中国的耻辱,是英法、乃至整个西方的丑闻,看看他们的纵容下出来的臭蛋吧。

46、Had there been unavowed connivance of the police agents? ─── 这里有没有警察方面的默契呢?

47、The goods were exported with official connivance. ─── 这些商品出口有官方的默认。

48、As to connivance arisen from excessive probation, the author suggests that it should be based on the scientific assessment. ─── 就过分轻缓可能导致纵容,提出以科学的评估制度为保障。

49、Some developers feel that the practice is certain acquiescence and connivance. ─── 至此,购房者对“公序良俗”的信任受到经济利益的挑战。

50、The supplier of sites or facilities, on discovering any user involved in illegal acts, shall report to the relevant authorities.Any connivance or shielding is forbidden. ─── 场地、设施的提供者发现使用者有违法行为的,应当向有关部门举报,不得纵容、庇护。

51、with the connivance of sb. ─── 在某人纵容下

52、-- Meanwhile, we must expedite the ladies' departure, and then persuade the Count de Crevecoeur that it has taken place without our connivance; ─── 话说回来,我们得赶快让这两位妇人逃跑,然后说服克雷维格伯爵,她们逃跑并未受到我的纵容;

53、You had told me had given connivance to me ─── 你说给过我纵容

54、But even poor supervision and control, rather than connivance with bribery, are bad enough. ─── 然而,相比于纵容贿赂,对贿赂的监控不力也已足够糟糕。

55、The first is a credible investigation into Miss Bhutto's murder and the security-service lapses (or connivance) that allowed it to happen. ─── 第一件就是,对布托的被害和安全部队的过失(也许是默许)进行深入可信的调查。

56、Beijing speculation to serious phenomenon, which is the current land management system connivance Beijing caused by a situation. ─── 北京炒地现象严重,这是目前北京市土地管理的体制纵容下造成的一种局面。

57、The company official told reporters that the amount of compensation is clearly not enough to play a deterrent role and the actual compensation, on the contrary is a connivance and encouragement. ─── 该公司负责人对记者说,这一赔偿额显然不足以起到震慑作用和实际的赔偿作用,相反是一种纵容和鼓励。

58、Some people say that tolerance will become the connivance of the bad guys bad. ─── 有人说,宽容会变成坏人坏事的纵容。

59、"It sounds to me like a connivance, " the Congressman replied. "I'm a very conscientious legislator and I have a serious conscience. " ─── “你看这似乎是共谋吧,”议员回答道,“我是一名尽职尽责的立法者,我有一颗严正良心。”

60、The connivance between the man and his instrument was immediate and they've stuck together since, through thick and thin. ─── 一下子,这件乐器也像是承认了这位主人般地配合着米尔多。

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