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09-10 投稿


personage 发音

英:['p??s(?)n?d?]  美:['p?s?n?d?]

英:  美:

personage 中文意思翻译



personage 词性/词形变化,personage变形

副词: personably |名词: personableness |

personage 短语词组

1、democratic personage system ─── [法] 民主的人事制度

2、personage who ─── 名人谁

3、personage defined ─── 人物定义

4、personage logo ─── 人物标识

5、personage define ─── 人物定义

6、democratic personage ─── [法] 民主人士

7、personage means ─── 人物意味着

8、personage definition ─── 人物定义

9、personage syn ─── 人物syn

10、personage meaning ─── 人物意义

personage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The mayor and another personage visited my company. ─── 市长以及另一位重要人物来我们公司参观。

2、She is stately in personage. ─── 她仪容端庄。

3、The writer is no less a personage than a princre. ─── 这位作家简直和王子一样出名。

4、He is fast becoming a personage. ─── 他很快成为名人。

5、A notable or well-known person; a personage. ─── 杰出人物,知名人物; 显要

6、He was a great and historical personage. ─── 他是一位伟大的历史人物。

7、A new personage, the Brazilian multinational, has appeared. ─── 一个新的明星,巴西的跨国企业已经出现了。

8、to see him as a grimacing personage, laughing at her poverty, and her shrouded knightly ancestry. ─── 看见他像是一个怪笑着的怪人,在嘲笑她的贫穷,嘲笑她的已成枯骨的骑士祖先。

9、The official residence of a royal personage. ─── 宫,宫殿王室的要人所住的正式的宫邸

10、A retinue,as of a noble or royal personage. ─── 随员(贵族或皇室成员的)随从

11、A retinue, as of a noble or royal personage. ─── 随员(贵族或皇室成员的)随从

12、Personally, the personable personage with a strong personality in the personnel will personify the television personality in person. ─── 据我所知,那位在人事部门任职的英俊要人将要亲自扮演那位电视剧人物。

13、You can seek advice from professional personage. ─── 你可以咨询一下专业人士。

14、Galileo is the only contemporary personage, the only seventeenth-century figure, even so much as mentioned in Paradise Lost. ─── 伽利略是唯一的当代人物,唯一的17世纪人物,甚至在《失乐园》里也有提及。

15、Every personage has its profile, this is mine. ─── 每一个角色都有一份档案,这份是我的。

16、In fact, a new personage had entered on the scene. ─── 确实,一个新脚色登上了舞台。

17、How that personage haunted my dreams, I need scarcely tell you. ─── 大家不用我说也能想象到,这个“独腿水手”是如何在梦里折磨我的。

18、There is no evidence for such a historical personage. ─── 没有证据表明存在这样一位历史人物。

19、He was the noblest personage of his time. ─── 他是他同时代最优秀的人物。

20、And the personage inside course of study thinks, such speed that burn money, cash of shake hands handle net flows to prop up a year hard. ─── 而业内人士认为,这样的烧钱速度,拉手网现金流难以支撑一年。

21、No higher service, thinks this radiant and masterful personage, remains to be performed than to free the champion of mankind. ─── 这个奋焕英伟的人物认为他需要作的最大贡献莫过于解救这个人类的卫士。

22、That great personage was no absolute Jew, and did not cheat her in making the bargain more than was tolerable. ─── 那家伙还算不上一个彻头彻尾的犹太人,在交易中还没有欺骗她到无可容忍的地步。

23、A personage in the field of philosophy. ─── 哲学界的知名人士

24、Do not know from when campus of the quarter, up very popular worshipping foreign powers personage of welcome. ─── 不知从什么时候校园里兴起了过洋节,极受崇洋媚外人士的欢迎。

25、Say about the personage please, thank! ─── 请有关人士说说吧,谢谢!

26、This personage was a grey-bearded old man, wearing a woman's gown and a high, peaked cap. It was the buffoon, Nastasya Ivanovna. ─── 此人是个髯须斑白的老头,他身穿女人的外衣,头戴高顶帽,这就是名叫纳斯塔西娅·伊万诺夫娜的侍从丑角。

27、He played the personage of Hamlet in the play. ─── 他在这个剧中扮演哈姆雷特。

28、Gradually he was becoming quite a personage. ─── 他逐渐变成了一个相当重要的人物。

29、The writer is no less a personage than a prince. ─── 那作家的名望正如一个王子。

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